Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 33 The first step to take root in the county

Since Xiang Zixi's family moved to the county, Xiang's private house has immediately become the object of discussion among all the population of Wu County.

The alternative architecture and pattern have completely attracted all the attention of the county. Some acquaintances who are familiar with Xiang Zixi can't help visiting.

For other people's visits, Xiang Zixi is also extremely generous, smiling, and inviting visitors to visit their own house layout. Of course, these people can't invite them to visit their boudoir.

Shen Zhuangmeng was the first to appear in Xiang's private house. When she saw that one of the four young talents in the Xiang family was Ji Yan, who once admired him, she seemed to have guessed something. It is said that women's sixth sense is very strong. Shen Zhuangmeng is a very smart girl, otherwise she would not be a talented woman known as the most beautiful woman in Wu County.

When Ji Yan looked at Zixi, his eyes were all special. This is special, probably only people with intentions can see it, right? However, why does Xiang Zixi have no intention of responding at all? Yes, the other three young talents are equally excellent!

Especially the prince of Jin, whose skin is white, fresh and refined, and elegant, has a face and demeanor that makes women ashamed.

And the other two young people, one dominate the world and the other are modest and polite. Xiang Zixi is really a good life. Can they have four beautiful men with completely different styles around them?

What a luxurious lineup!

"Zhuang Meng, you're here!" Xiang Zixi knew that getting along well with Shen Zhuangmeng was the first step to gain a firm foothold in Wuxian County: "Come on, I'm looking forward to you!" The early supervisor has brought you a lot of trouble! So, I also reserved a separate room for you! If you have time, come here to live for a while!"

"You're so kind! You gave me such a valuable gift, and those things should also be done. Shen Zhuangmeng's eyes have been staying on Ji Yan's body. The unrestrained man didn't seem to notice here at all.

He lifted his skirt to Zixi and said to Xiaofeifei, "Take the refreshment to my room later. I have something to say to Zhuang Meng!"

Shen Zhuangmeng nodded to the other four people. Xiahou Junhao nodded gently and returned, and continued to count all the assets of the private house with the accountant Xiao Zimo and the housekeeper Jin Haoxuan. As a housekeeper, Jin Haoxuan has to ask and figure out all the big and small things at home!

The four people are probably the most leisurely, right?

However, he seems to be idle, but in fact he is constantly busy. From time to time, I buried a trap under the wall of my private house. There is no way. The servants of Xiang's old house are mostly local people in Xiang's town. They don't want to go to the county to work, so they can only disband everyone on the spot. However, there are only a few people in the large area of Xiang's private house, so the safety issues are all on Ji Yan's shoulders.

Therefore, his work seems to be idle, but in fact it is a heavy burden.

When he came to Xiang Zixi's room, Shen Zhuangmeng was stunned! What a gorgeous and beautiful room!

Xiang Zixi invited Shen Zhuangmeng to sit down and smiled lightly: "Do you think I'm a little out of line? But people always need to be innovative! If you just stick to the form and the old, you can only force yourself to a dead corner and have no place to turn over!"

Shen Zhuangmeng sighed, and he really didn't have the courage!

"Bear by the way, Zixi, the wives and ladies in Wu County reacted very well when you entrusted me to sell rouge gouache last time. This is the payment for the last batch of goods. Shen Zhuangmeng took out a stack of silver tickets from his pocket and gave them to Xiang Zixi: "Because those are all broken silver and inconvenient to carry, I exchanged them for you. This is a detailed account, and I'll show it to you!"

Xiang Zixi threw the detailed account into the trash can and showed his face slightly: "Hey! You are not interesting enough! I can't believe what you are doing?"

"Zixi, you are now the head of Xiang's family. What are you going to do next?" Shen Zhuangmeng slowly stood up, slowly stroked the exquisite curtains hanging on the wall, and couldn't help saying, "Zixi, when I was called the first talented woman in Wu County before, I really thought that I was far ahead of anyone in Wu County. However, I didn't know how wrong I was until I saw you after the transformation that day! Your talent is by no means below me, and your courage and courage are above me. No wonder, no wonder————"

Xiang Zixi looked at Shen Zhuangmeng in surprise, but unexpectedly saw her blush.

"No wonder so many excellent young talents are willing to use it for you! Probably your courage and courage have conquered them!" Shen Zhuangmeng bit the handkerchief in his hand and said uneasily, "In Yaoguo, women are allowed to become the head of the family, and once they become the head of the family, they can also have multiple husbands. These, you are all——————"

Xiang Zixi suddenly laughed and grabbed Shen Zhuangmeng's hand: "Well, I know what you want to say? You don't think the four men downstairs are all my guests, do you? Wrong, wrong, all wrong! Everyone comes together just because of a common ideal, no, it should be said that it is a common dream! Of course, I don't deny that I also have a good impression on them, but it's definitely not what you think!"

Shen Zhuangmeng looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise. So, do you still have a chance?

"What about my man? It doesn't need too much, just one is enough!" Xiang Zixi grabbed Shen Zhuangmeng's hand and said, "He must be gentle and considerate and understanding to me. He doesn't need to have a million family property or the power to live and kill. As long as he is sincere to me and I have a deep affection for him, that's enough! I believe that I can create the life I want with my own hands, instead of relying on a man's reward! Only a man who accepts this will be my real destination!"

Shen Zhuangmeng's eyes lit up: "Zixi, you are really different from others!"

There was a knock on the door outside. Xiaofeifei had pushed a dining car in, put down a plate of snacks and a pot of tea, and quietly left.

"Your room is so warm!" Shen Zhuangmeng stretched out his hand and looked around the whole room: "I didn't see you use charcoal. How can it be so warm!"

Xiang Zixi then replied, "It's nothing, just using solar panels."

"What?" Shen Zhuangmeng was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of Xiang Zixi at all. Xiang Zixi suddenly came to his senses, laughed and said, "It's just to use the sunlight to collect and generate heat energy. Oh, this matter can't be explained clearly for a while. Come on, have a snack! This is just baked today! How about tasting it?"

Shen Zhuangmeng looked at the exquisite dessert in front of him and couldn't help blurting out: "Oh, my God, how did you do it? These can only be done in the imperial dining room in the palace, right?

Xiang Zixi covered her mouth and smiled secretly: "It's nothing! Just using the oven!"

In order to improve the disadvantages of the unusable use of electrical appliances, Xiang Zixi spent a whole month studying the tricks of solar heat generation and using solar panels to increase the temperature of the room.

(ps: Don't worry about whether Xiang Zixi has the ability to do this, because this is a time-travel novel, and the heroine has traveled from the next 22nd century to the past. We can't assert that the world more than 100 years later will not reach that level, right?)

Xiang Zixi's babies, let his two maids and cooks fall in love with it, and they can't wait to drill into the kitchen every day to study those strange big guys.

For the blessing of the three ladies, Xiang Zixi and four beautiful men's three meals a day will never be repeated and never monotonous! Therefore, Xiao Zimo, who had complained about this, completely closed his mouth after tasting the chef's craftsmanship.

"So, do you plan to live in the county in the future?" Shen Zhuangmeng finally found his awareness with Xiang Zixi, which is his vision! Why is it that Xiang Zixi has been in Xiangjiazhen, but he can understand so many things that others don't understand? Shen Zhuangmeng has always wanted to ask this question, but she feels embarrassed to ask.

Xiang Zixi looked at Shen Zhuangmeng with a smile: "Of course, this will be my real house in the future, and I will also use it as a stronghold and the surrounding radiation!"

"Zixi, why do you know so many strange things? I remember that you have never been out!" Shen Zhuangmeng finally couldn't help asking anxiously.

Xiang Zixi has known for a long time that there would be such a day. Of course, it can only be pushed all on that old man!

"You are not an outsider, and it's nothing to tell you. You may have heard about me and Jin Fengting, haven't you? The matter between me and that scholar made me a lot of stimulation during that period, and I even found death for him. If Jin Haoxuan hadn't saved me in time, I probably wouldn't have stood here. Later, one night, Yue Laoxian suddenly gave my mother a dream, saying that she had been burning incense and praying devoutly since I was born, so Yue Lao was very moved, so she cast a little magic power to help me make a makeover, and taught me a lot of strange knowledge in the dream. It's strange that when I woke up, it was as if I had forgotten a lot of things and learned a lot of things. You see, I used to be good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but now I don't know anything at all, but then I have learned so many strange things. Speaking of which, it's really like a myth!" Xiang Zixi smiled faintly: "If all this hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't believe it!" However, my change was only overnight. If I don't believe in gods, I really don't know what to believe!"

Feudal society has always been deeply taboo about the gods. With such an explanation to Zixi, Shen Zhuangmeng has to believe it even if he doesn't believe it. Because she can't explain this! It can only be attributed to the miracle! However, this Xiang Zixi may not be too lucky, right?