Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 50 Door-to-door Competitors on County Street

It is said that the peer is the enemy, and the peer of the door is simply the enemy of the wronged family. I can't wait to eat the other party's meat and drink the blood of the other party!

After the Lantern Festival, Xiang Zixi immediately brought documents to the county government and asked to open a store. Out of Xiang Zixi's accident, the county government's documents did not embarras her because Xiang Zixi won the prince of the county magistrate's family at the Lantern Festival last night. Instead, they stamped it quickly and dealt with things that Xiang Zixi did not know.

Just when Xiang Zixi was puzzled, Jin Fengting also came to the government to stamp the official seal.

Two people met at the gate of the county government. Xiang Zixi's eyebrows were cold, and he looked at Jin Fengting so condescendingly. Jin Fengting looked back at Xiang Zixi unwillingly. Although she stood shorter than Xiang Zixi, she still raised her head proudly.

"Please, please make way!" Jin Fengting went up the steps in three steps. When she passed by Xiang Zixi, she said coldly, "Xiang Zixi, I officially declare war on you now, and I will definitely take Jin Haoxuan away from you!"

What? Take away Jin Haoxuan?

She smiled gently at Zixi. She did not argue with Jin Fengting directly here, but replied faintly, "Okay, if you have this ability!"

"Walk and see!" Jin Fengting left these three words viciously and reluctantly went in.

He spread out his hand to Zixi, shrugged his shoulders, and quickly left the county government.

Xiang Zixi really didn't pay attention to the confrontation at the gate of the county government that day. Even if Jin Fengting can jump again, can she still jump under her eyes? However, what Xiang Zixi never expected was that Jin Fengting really jumped under her eyes, and it was at her opposite door!

When Xiang Zixi was preparing to direct the workers to decorate the store, a shop opposite, which was about the same size as himself, suddenly closed its doors and turned into a ready-to-wear shop the next day!

And it was Jin Fengting who directed the workers to clean up!

This is a narrow road meeting!

Xiang Zixi immediately remembered something. When he was in his hometown during the Lantern Festival, his servant once told himself that Wang Xi helped find Jin Fengting's shop in the county. Sure enough, Wang Xi focused his eyes on Jin Fengting!

Xiang Zixi held her arm and looked at Jin Fengting, who was busy. This girl was about her age and good-looking. She was a little jasper, and her appearance was also Zhou Zheng. It was nothing strange to be liked by Wang Xi. After all, that boy is a dloven, and he has always liked to rob people's women and so on!

I just don't understand. No matter how you look at it, Jin Fengting is a serious lady from a large family. How can she get involved with Wang Xi? Is it possible that Jin Fengting fell in love with Wang Xi? That's not right either! A few days ago, she also declared war on herself at the gate of the county government and wanted to take Jin Haoxuan from her hand!

Then, there is only one possibility, that is, these two people work together and don't know what to do. Well, I guess it's something to do with yourself! Wang Xi, won't you give up?

Oh, my God, who the hell have I provoked?

Xiang Zixi shook his head and sighed and turned away, continuing to direct his workers to decorate. This can't be imitated just by imitation! You know, the mirrors in Xiang Zixi's store are all made of mercury, and the secret recipe for making mercury is only Xiang Zixi himself!

There's nothing we can do. Who told her to come from the future? A few simple chemical formulas can solve the problem.

Shen Zhuangmeng also came to the store to discuss things with Xiang Zixi. While discussing things, the two ate the tea brought from home, lay on the table, sketched with the pen in their hands, and kept calculating something.

Jin Fengting looked at it from afar, and her eyes were a little complicated. Was that Shen Zhuangmeng also bought by that woman? Why? Why did Xiang Zixi, who used to know how to follow his buttocks and became the most legendary woman in Wu County?

Even so many men are only willing to focus on her?

Jin Fengting flashed a trace of poison in the corners of her eyes, turned around and called a young man, and whispered a few words. The young man hesitated for a moment, took a look at Xiang Zixi, who had changed a lot, and nodded gently. Then he quickly walked to the opposite door.

"Miss Xiang, can I talk to you alone?" A strange man appeared at the door of Xiang Zixi's store, and his eyes were fixed on Zixi.

Xiang Zixi was stunned. Obviously, the man in front of him was very strange, but he didn't know why there was always a familiar feeling in his heart, even a feeling of being ready to move. What's going on?

Shen Zhuangmeng, who was standing on the side, smiled softly: "It turned out to be Zhang Xiucai! Do you have anything to do with Zixi? Shen Zhuangmeng glanced at Jin Fengting at the opposite door and saw that the other party suddenly disappeared. She immediately understood something and turned to Zixi and said, "What's wrong? Don't you know him? Isn't he the one who cried and shouted that you were going to get married six months ago? Why, do you pretend not to know each other now?"

Xiang Zixi suddenly realized in the bottom of his heart! No wonder I feel familiar and strange! Emotion, he is the genuine man who likes to chase secretly to Zixi!

It's really clean and beautiful, and his appearance is really pleasing. No wonder the genuine Xiang Zixi will be infatuated with him!

But hasn't he already stood on Jin Fengting's side? What's the matter with him coming to find himself?

Shen Zhuangmeng smiled gently: "Forget it, anyway, these things can't be decided in a moment. I'll go back first. You can talk slowly!"

Xiang Zixi shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Okay! Zhuang Meng, I'll bring some more drawings tomorrow. Hurry up the decoration here! Try to open on February 2nd!"

Shen Zhuangmeng patted Zixi's shoulder meaningfully and left with his maid.

"Do you have something to do with me?" Xiang Zixi invited Zhang Xiucai to sit down, poured him a cup of tea with his own hands, and sat opposite him.

"Are you really Miss Xiang?" Zhang Xiucai looked at Xiang Zixi in a daincredulous face: "I was told that you are Miss Xiang from Xiangjia Town, but I still don't believe it! I didn't expect you to become————"

smiled gently at Zixi, and his eyes flowed: "I didn't expect to become unknown, right?"

I don't know why Xiang Zixi suddenly became competitive. Although Xiang Zixi and Xiang Zixi are not the same soul now, after all, the two people live with one name and one identity. The boy in front of him dared to refuse himself, which made Xiang Zixi very unhappy! Shit! Even if you refuse yourself, you don't have to throw yourself into your enemy so quickly, right?

No, I can't swallow anything!

"Zhang - Mr. Zhang, aren't you going to prepare for this year's fame? Why do you still have time to come to me?" Xiang Zixi gently picked up the teacup, gently blew away the floating leaves on it, and slightly raised the corners of the eyes painted through the eyeliner, which was indescribably charming and touching.

"I...yes, because I'm going to the capital to try, I didn't have enough of the entanglement, so I did something in Miss Jin's store to accumulate some entanglement." Zhang Xiucai only felt that Xiang Zixi in front of him had completely changed. In the past, Xiang Zixi would never talk to him so generously.

Xiang Zixi smiled gently: "So it is! Uh-huh! Men should do this, creating wealth and accumulating with their own hands, instead of relying on women's debts to live. You are still the same!"

Zhang Xiucai's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, by the way, you and Miss Jin————" Xiang Zixi suddenly looked up and looked at Zhang Xiucai with her beautiful eyes. The eager and unbearable eyes suddenly hit the bottom of Zhang Xiucai's heart.

"We don't have anything! We are just a simple employer relationship. I——————" Zhang Xiucai blurted out and didn't feel how inappropriate this sentence was until he finished speaking.

Xiang Zixi smiled secretly in the bottom of her heart, so it is! Jin Fengting is going to stimulate me with Zhang Xiucai! Unfortunately, she recruited the wrong person!

"Ah, I'm not asking this. I just want to ask what Miss Jin hired you to do in the store! Look at me, I can't even ask a question!" Xiang Zixi smiled gently, his eyes restrained, and he focused on the teacup in front of him.

Zhang Xiucai's eyes darkened: "Ah, well, in fact, it's nothing. It's just doing some simple hard work as he can."

"Hey! I'm hungry. I want to eat!" Xin Zeyang suddenly inserted and was rude. He picked up the tea that Zixi had not yet drunk and poured it into his stomach.

Zhang Xiucai suddenly opened his eyes wide!

"What a naughty!" Xiang Zixi shook her head helplessly, stretched out her hand and pushed a plate of snacks on the table to Xin Zeyang, and said to Zhang Xiucai, "Sorry, I still have something to deal with. Excuse me first!"

Zhang Xiucai stared at Xiang Zixi leaving. Just as he was about to say something, Xin Zeyang suddenly said coldly, "Hey! I said, can you not be so cheeky?"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiucai was stunned.

Xin Zeyang glanced at Jin Fengting opposite and said with a smile, "Is that the woman opposite you let you come here? Did she ask you to come and see how our store is decorated? I said that it should be suitable to be a person. Of course, this sentence is not aimed at you!"

Zhang Xiucai's face turned red.

"Since she refused a long time ago, don't appear in front of others now. Although they have changed a lot, become beautiful and cute, but at the same time, many things have changed, right? Zhang Xiucai?" Xin Zeyang's poisonous tongue was really not covered, and he directly gave Zhang Xiucai a power.

"I think, I understand! Sorry, excuse me!" Zhang Xiucai left with a confused face, but Xin Zeyang smiled coldly.

"What a stupid woman! I still want to come to save you!" Xin Zeyang clapped his hands and turned away.

What's wrong with being hungry? I don't want that woman to be entangled with the old man anymore!