Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 59 Some people have unspoken rules!

"So, how should we fight against those aristocratic forces so big?" Xiang Zixi asked in time, "And if the nobles unite to deal with us civilians, we have no chance of winning!"

"What this girl said is too incisive! In one word!" The eloquent river gentleman patted his thigh and said, "So, four large groups have gradually formed among the people of the four countries, that is, all the civilians gathered together! Because there are too many civilians participating, and tens of thousands of people from each country participate. Therefore, even the nobles can't shake a civilian regiment with tens of thousands of people!"

"Moreover, if the nobles dare to fight against the civilian regiment, they will probably be dissatisfied by the royal family. Therefore, if you want to enter the finals, you must join the civilian regiment! Isn't that the truth?" Xiang Zixi held his arm and said, "With the appearance of the four civilian regiments, I think there are probably four aristocrats participating in the competition, which is mixed with the competition between the country and the country. Therefore, the nobles and civilians are so contradictory and combined with each other's needs. The common people should not only fight against the aristocracy, but also unite their own nobles. Ethnic groups against the other three countries.

Later, Ruo Xuanhejun applauded: "This girl is so smart!"

"Where." Xiang Zixi smiled modestly and thought about this with his toes! Human beings are contradictory animals! Since it is a prosperous era in which four countries participate at the same time, it will inevitably involve the so-called face of the country, because this is a feudal ruling society, and there must be a class contradiction between the ruler and the governed, which is an inevitable and irreconcilable contradiction! What is this called? It seems that I learned it in middle school. What is the contradiction between productivity and production?

(Khan! Now I have forgotten all the politics I was good at in those years!)

"However, I think there must be a kind of person in the world who disdains group competitions, but believes in his own skills and fights alone, right?" Xiang Zixi said lightly, "So is there really no way out for this kind of person?"

"No! There is still a way out! That is, if you don't sing, you will be amazing!" Later, Xuanhejun's eyes lit up: "This girl, you didn't plan to join the civilian regiment from the beginning, did you?"

"Why not?" Xiang Zixi responded faintly: "I will comprehensively consider our combat effectiveness. If there is a big gap, I will choose to get together, but if I have enough strength, why should I make wedding clothes for others?"

As soon as this sentence fell, others gave a thumbs up at the same time! That's so true!

People with poor strength, even if they are in a group, are just to clear obstacles for their companions and become stepping stones for their companions!

"There are always one or two dark horses in the annual food festival competition. They never form a group, just squeezed into the finals with their superb craftsmanship, and even won the first place!" Later, Ruohanghejun continued to introduce: "But in the past ten years, there has been no such dark horse, and people seem to recognize their own strength and prefer to choose a stable and safe group. Although they can't go to the end, they can go as far as far as they can! Because once you perform well enough and are selected by the nobles, you will represent the nobles when you fight again next year, so won't victory be just around the corner?

Well, this is indeed the safest and safest way to do it!

However, what you want is not safety, not insurance, but victory!

"And such a dark horse needs to be very careful! Because even if you pass the preliminaries, if you don't appear in the finals, it will be equivalent to abstaining!" Later, Ruohanghejun took a meaningful look at Zixi and said, "This girl, you are still young, and you may not be so clear about some things! In order to win the last three, it can be said that all four countries have enough strength to make a person disappear, which is not a strange thing at all! You are young and so beautiful, but you have to think twice! Sometimes huddle together may not be the way out!"

"Thank you for your reminder!" Xiang Zixi smiled quietly: "I will seriously consider it. Come on, it's fate for everyone to meet. Come on, let's drink together!"

Xiang Zixi grabbed the glass in front of him and drank it all. He was extremely heroic. Suddenly, it won a warm applause from the audience!

After Jin Haoxuan and Xin Zeyang put things away, they also appeared downstairs and listened to all the conversations downstairs. Looking at Xiang Zixi's confident and skillful appearance and listening to her sharp analysis, Jin Haoxuan couldn't help sighing gently in the bottom of his heart for a long time.

If it hadn't been for the sight of her, who would have believed that the smart and wise woman in front of her was actually the timid, cowardly and afraid of ugly girl?

It is said that the 18th change of the Women's University has changed, and her change is too horrible, isn't it?

Just as Xiang Zixi chatted with those people enthusiastically, there were four people sitting in a seat next to him. They had been eating silently without asking for any wine, just eating so dullly.

When they heard those words to Zixi, the four people stopped chewing at the same time, took a serious look at Xiang Zixi, and then bowed their heads again to continue eating. It's just that the eyes of these four people always drifted by intentionally or unintentionally, and they sat there quietly listening to people chatting after dinner.

"So, according to the competitions of previous years, who are the last three families?" He waved to Zixi, called Jin Haoxuan and Xin Zeyang over, asked for a table of wine and dishes, and invited the Hou Ruo Xuanhejun to have dinner together.

Mr. He was even more overjoyed and poured out everything he knew.

"Girl, you asked the right person! Although four countries participated in the food festival over the years, only three people won the final victory, so even if there is an average of one person in each country, there will still be one country's people to fail. According to my research for so many years, in the past ten years, among the top three, there have been eight Yao, thirteen in Zhuo, six in the dark, and only three of them. Therefore, what everyone is most optimistic about is still last year's hot, the nobleman from the Burning Kingdom, the Lin family!"

The Lin family? This surname seems to be very familiar!

"Lin family? Who is the head of the Lin family? Xiang Zixi asked softly.

"Oh, my God! This girl, where did you come from? Unexpectedly, I don't know the Lin family in Zhuoguo! That's comparable to the existence of the prince! Although they are not royal, their strength is more beautiful than the real prince! The head of the Lin family is even more amazing. At a young age, they are already young and prosperous, with industries all over four countries and rich. All over the country, as long as the three words Lin Muyang are mentioned, no one will not give a thumbs up!"

"What——————" Xiang Zixi suddenly stood up and said, "You said, Lin Muyang?"

Jin Haoxuan grabbed Xiang Zixi's hand and looked over with inquiring eyes, but Xiang Zixi shook her head gently to show that she was fine.

This news is really amazing, isn't it? That annoying man is actually Lin Muyang from Burning Country? No wonder when he told himself the name that day, his expression was flat, and the other party was a little surprised! After doing it for a long time, it's the frog at the bottom of the well!

"It is said that no one has seen the true face of the Lin family, and some people say that Lin Muyang is very handsome! Ah, it should be comparable to this gentleman!" Later, if Xuanhejun pointed to Jin Haoxuan, Jin Haoxuan suddenly laughed. He had almost become the standard for others to judge his handsome level!

Xiang Zixi sneered in his heart. Lin Muyang was not handsome, but also very vulgar! How can that kind of annoying man be compared with the handsome and invincible Jin Haoxuan?

"I don't understand. Since the Lin family is already rich, why do they want to join in such a fun? Even if he wins, he won't win!" Xiang Zixi said lightly, I don't know why she just didn't like Lin Muyang, and even hated his family together!

"Girl, you can't say that! After all, there is also catering in the Lin family's industry! Therefore, it is reasonable for them to participate in the competition. Later, when Ruo Xuanhejun talked about Lin Muyang, he actually looked respectful.

"So, it is not known who will die in this year's competition!" Xiang Zixi sighed gently: "Sure enough, there are hidden rules where there are people! The power in the hands of the nobles is too great! It's really not easy for us to compete with nobles!"

"So, the girl is also going to join the civilian regiment?" He said kindly, "I can introduce it to you!"

"No! No need!" Xiang Zixi smiled confidently: "Even so, I will try to see who is the last person who laughs to the end!"

"Girl, self-confidence is a good thing, but being too confident is tantamount to suicide! You are still too young!" Later, Mr. Xuanhe looked sorry.

Xiang Zixi smiled sweetly at the eloquent river king: "Yes, if you don't work hard when you are young, you will definitely sigh empty when you are old!"

Jin Haoxuan looked at Xiang Zixi with a smile, and he didn't say a word all the way. I don't know why, as long as I look at Xiang Zixi's brilliant talk, or frown and think deeply, I feel extremely happy.

So special her, so lovely her, so smart her, even if she can't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so what? How can she erase her real ability?

At the same time, in front of a luxurious mansion in Kyoto, Lin Muyang was drinking himself and listening to his reports.

"Oh? Did she really say that?" Lin Muyang couldn't help laughing softly: "This little girl always surprises me!"

"Master, what do you mean——————

Lin Muyang gently picked up the wine glass in front of him and said indifferently, "Old rule, draw the most effective cooks from the house to compete!" I'd like to see what kind of surprise she will bring me! Sure enough, I want her more and more!"