Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 79 The final of the food festival begins

The final of the food festival has finally arrived.

Jin Haoxuan really fulfilled his promise and found two extremely skilled cooks for Zixi. The next time, Xiang Zixi stayed in the kitchen with the two cooks, told her recipes completely, and then began to try dishes day and night. Finally, I tried all the dishes before the finals. Of course, it is limited to knowing dozens of practices to Zixi.

With a strong helper, Xiang Zixi can finally breathe a sigh of relief. At that time, you don't have to come forward in person, but as a manager and a leader, it is enough to coordinate.

The night before the game, after tasting the last dish to Zixi, he gave a thumbs up to the two chefs, and then bowed deeply to the two cooks extremely solemnly: "Tomorrow, thank you two will work hard! Once this battle is successful, I will definitely thank you very much!"

Seeing Xiang Zixi asking themselves so formally and seriously, the two cooks almost knelt down directly: "Miss, we can't afford it! We are just cooks! How can you be such a big gift! This is our business, please rest assured! As long as we are on this day, we will never let the young lady down for a day!"

Send two cooks away, Xiang Zixi can't take care of rest, and has to discuss with others about the placement of the booth and the allocation of personnel.

Because of the increase in manpower, it has become easier to do other things. Shen Zhuangmeng has been busy hand-painting leaflets with his maids for ten days, and then distributed them by Xiao Pangpang and others on the streets. Everyone who passes by has a share and adopts the sea of people tactics, and must win a full prize on the first day.

Jin Haoxuan also inquired about the players who squeezed into the finals. In addition to winning the final qualification for Zixi, a group freely participated by civilians, there were also 88 nobles and 36 players from the civilian regiment who stood out. In addition, Xiang Zixi has a total of 125 booths and will compete for the final top three lists.

While everyone was busy preparing for the final of the food festival, Jin Haoxuan ushered in one of the least dangerous assassinations in his life.

In the night before the final of the food festival, Jin Haoxuan came outside the palace alone according to his own practice and habits. When he was ready to meet his men, a low sound suddenly aroused his vigilance.

"Be careful!————" Jin Haoxuan pushed his men away, opened the folding fan in his hand, and knocked down all the hidden weapons that came from the oncoming attack.

A masked man quietly appeared in front of Jin Haoxuan. The man was dressed in night clothes, masked, and carried a long knife in his hands that did not fit the killer. The masked man half squatted in Jin Haoxuan's sight, and a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Very good, Jin Haoxuan has fully recovered, so it's time for him to fulfill his duties.

Jin Haoxuan's pupils suddenly shrank! Although the other party was dressed in night clothes and made himself impenetrable, he was as keen as him and still sensed the subtleties of the other party, which was so familiar.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." Jin Haoxuan opened the folding fan in his hand, covered his facial expression, and whispered to his subordinates behind him, "You withdraw first! Let's talk about it later!"

The subordinate stepped back three steps, punched Jin Haoxuan and left.

The man in black on the opposite side did not catch up. In other words, his goal is just Jin Haoxuan, and it doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive for others. The other party only bought Jin Haoxuan's life, but not the lives of others. As long as others are interested, he will not buy one and get one free to inexplicably increase his workload.

Jin Haoxuan closed the folding fan and said indifferently, "Since you have already found me, why did you wait until now? I don't think you are kind-hearted to wait until I recover! Right, Ji Yan--"

Jin Haoxuan fell the last two words, and his body had pulled up. He rushed to the man who was half squatting on the ground and slapped the folding fan in his hand fiercely at the other party.

The other party was not in a hurry, pulled out the long knife behind him and gently blocked Jin Haoxuan's attack.

He gently grabbed his mask and said with a smile, "Ah, ah, really, I was seen through by you at a glance! It's really boring!"

The person who assassinated Jin Haoxuan was none other than Ji Yan!

"I was going to wait for you to take action after the game, but there's nothing I can do. My boss can't wait. Be sure to let me leave you in the capital!" Ji Yan smiled unruly: "Didn't you know my purpose a long time ago? Why don't you leave? Why do you still stay with Xiang Xiang?"

The folding fan in Jin Haoxuan's hand suddenly picked up the long knife in Ji Yan's hand. He clicked to the back of Ji Yan's head.

The long knife in Ji Yan's hand turned away and drove his body, extremely deftly avoiding Jin Haoxuan's attack.

"Is it because Xiang Xiang is killing me now?" Jin Haoxuan smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Because as long as I die, no one will deal with it, right?"

"Ah, ah, I haven't admitted it!" The long knife in Ji Yan's hand greeted him fiercely. Jin Haoxuan had to ask for credit and kept dodging Ji Yan's fierce attack: "Be selfish, Jin Haoxuan, if you die, everyone will be better. I can complete my task and avoid being involved by you! So, you'd better die happily!!"

The long knife in Ji Yan's hand suddenly twisted incredibly, clung to Jin Haoxuan's chest, and slid over quickly!

--Jin Haoxuan jumped away three feet away in confusion. The position of the chest had been torn out, and the blood quickly soaked the clothes on the chest, and the snow-white shirt was delicate and spectacular.

"However, Jin Haoxuan is not so easy to be killed. Unless I want to die, no one can decide without permission!" Jin Haoxuan burst out in an instant, and the folding fan in his hand was suddenly thrown aside, replaced by his long spear.

The gun shook and went straight to Ji Yan's face. Ji Yan was suddenly shocked, and the long knife in his hand shot down the guns stabbed by the other party one by one. At this time, Jin Haoxuan's sudden outbreak of strength suddenly surprised Ji Yan!

"Ji Yan! He asked you to kill me, right? A grudge suddenly flashed in Jin Haoxuan's eyes: "Isn't he who hired you?"

Ji Yan didn't say anything, but said with a faint smile, "Since we have made it clear, I might as well tell you the truth. I won't tell you about the buyer's information, but for the sake of my work together, I can answer you that if you die, everyone will be safe. On the contrary, as long as you live, there will be more people staring at you!"

"Real?" The long gun in Jin Haoxuan's hand trembled again, and the indifference in his eyes gradually spread to his whole body: "I will protect the direction with my life. I don't need to prove this to anyone!"

The long knife in Ji Yan's hand suddenly stopped and his face was condensed: "Jin Haoxuan, let me ask you, how do you plan to treat Xiang Xiang? Should I let her be your concubine or will always just hang her like this without giving her the name she deserves? You should know that it is absolutely impossible for you and her!"

"Sure enough, in fact, you want to attack me for Xiang." Jin Haoxuan also put away his weapon and smiled bitterly: "You have been waiting for so long, so naturally you don't care about waiting for a few more days. You chose to attack me on the night before the finals. It seems that you have received some news, right?

Ji Yan smiled bitterly: "Jin Haoxuan, I'm here tonight to remind you to be optimistic about Xiangxiang. Someone wants to take action in the final. Although I really don't like you very much, not only because you are my goal, but also because Xiang Xiang actually chose you, but because of my identity, I can't come forward, so her safety can only be left to you.

Ji Yan slowly put the long knife in his hand into the sheath, slowly turned away, and said as he walked, "One of them is your fiancee! Jin Haoxuan, next time we meet in the army, I won't accept the knife if there is no result. Take care of yourself!"

Looking at Ji Yan's departure, Jin Haoxuan couldn't help smiling bitterly. He is more familiar with Princess Ziqing's methods than anyone else, but will Ziqing really force her to attack Xiang regardless of her warning?

Shortly after Ji Yan left, the man who had just left quietly appeared again, knelt behind Jin Haoxuan with one leg, bowed and said, "Master."

"Tpeak the information you found." Jin Haoxuan stretched out his hand and touched the wound on his body. The wound was very shallow. It can be seen that Ji Yan really showed mercy, otherwise, he would have a good chance to poison him.

"Yes." The man stood up respectfully, stood beside Jin Haoxuan, and said so much for a long time.

Jin Haoxuan's face was also getting worse and worse. At the end of hearing it, his eyes were cold, his hands were clenched, and his finger joints snapped: "Damn it! Sure enough, it's him! Well, since he dares to do this, he should be ready to welcome my revenge! Go back and continue to monitor! Well done, I will definitely reward you again!"

The man bowed back and left quickly.

Jin Haoxuan took the long gun in his hand, looked around, and left quietly.

The night is low, and sleeping people are looking forward to the food festival that will start tomorrow, and they are looking forward to a free meal once a year that can satisfy their appetite without spending money.

But no one thought that the seemingly stable capital had already surging around in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to devour. The forces of all sides stare at each other, and it depends on who can win this battle.