Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 114 Prince and Taishi

Lin Muyang tightly held the old emperor's edict in his hand and slowly walked out of the gate of the palace.

At this time, there were people kneeling on the ground outside the palace. There were important ministers of the imperial court, many concubines and princes, and some palace eunuchs. All of them had received the news of the emperor's death, and everyone was crying bitterly.

As the so-called emperor and a courtier, these people naturally have reasons for them to cry. Whether they cry for the old emperor or for themselves, everyone can find a reason to cry.

The eunuch serving by the old emperor bowed his waist and walked to Lin Muyang's side and whispered, "Master, do you want to read the edict?"

Lin Muyang looked at the eunuch domineeringly, and the eunuch couldn't help shivering.

This Lin Muyang feels more awesome than the dead emperor. He is best known for Lin Muyang's means, but in just a few years, he jumped from a dormant teenager to a burning master above 10,000 people under one person. His business is all over four countries, and his wealth can be regarded as the highest among the four countries.

And the blood and wrists in it make all those who know the inside shudder.

At this time, the eunuch's biography sounded outside: "The prince arrived--"

A trace of sharpness flashed in everyone's eyes at the same time, and the emperor died. It was reasonable that the prince was waiting in front of the bed. However, the emperor's edict made the imperial master Lin Muyang stay in front of his bed, that is to say, the emperor's final decision is only known by the imperial master Lin Muyang!

The prince walked to Lin Muyang and ignored the others' kneeling to him, but he walked straight to Lin Muyang and was about to kneel down as soon as he shook his clothes!

Lin Muyang suddenly stretched out a hand, held the prince firmly, and said faintly, "Your Highness, you don't have to do this!"

The prince stared at Lin Muyang and whispered, "Others, leave for the time being. I have something to say to the master!"

When the other courtiers and people in the harem heard this, they immediately bowed their bodies and left. Before the whole huge palace, there were only two people, the prince and Lin Muyang.

The prince looked at Lin Muyang firmly and whispered, "Brother, what did your father say?"

The prince's eyes suddenly fell on the golden edict in Lin Muyang's hand, and his pupils shrank sharply!

Is it possible that the father really passed the throne to him?

Lin Muyang stretched out his hand and gently patted the prince on the shoulder and said faintly, "Only you know my true identity in the whole burning country. Since you called me brother today, I, as a brother, can't treat you too badly.

Lin Muyang looked up at the moonlight. The sky was gloomy. Although it didn't rain, it felt so depressing and difficult to breathe.

The prince quietly looked at Lin Muyang, who always hid a terrible storm under the calm surface. The bloody cleansing five years ago wiped out all those who opposed him in the court! Ten years ago, he turned around gorgeously and jumped from an inconspicuous wild boy to the master of the burning country.

No one can imagine how he came through his childhood, how he endured humiliated and secretly planned everything. No one can imagine how he could endure so many humiliations to form his own power, but no one realized that he was the real behind the scenes.

Such a thoughtful and flexible man once turned over, he showed his tough wrist and consolidated his world step by step.

Although he is just a master, in the whole country, and even the four countries, who sees that he is not a respectful self-degrading identity and calls His Highness?

If it weren't for the surprise to learn that he was his half-brother, I'm afraid that he wouldn't bet on him what he said, right? There are many princes in the palace, but Lin Muyang chose himself. Is this one of his tricks, or is he lucky?

Lin Muyang said softly, "It doesn't matter what my father said. The important thing is that you remember that you are the future emperor of the burning country!"

Lin Muyang stretched out his hand and slowly put it on the prince's shoulder: "Being an emperor is not as easy as you think, even if you are the king of a country? Isn't there so many problems and so many helpless things?"

A sadness flashed on Lin Muyang's face, and the tears accumulated in his eyes dyed his eyes red in an instant.

"If the throne is inherited by my brother, I--" The prince hesitated for a moment and slowly opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, Lin Muyang said domineeringly, "I'm not interested in the throne! If I'm interested--" Lin Muyang's eyes were ached and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Do you think I will only be satisfied with the small burning country?"

The prince's expression was awe-in: "You mean--"

A cruel smile appeared on the corners of Lin Muyang's mouth: "So, you'd better be your emperor. Don't ask about my affairs!"

"Yes, brother." The prince nodded meekly: "Because of my brother, I am the prince, and I have my today. I will always listen to my brother!"

"I don't need you to do this." Lin Muyang said lightly, "Everything will be fine as usual!" I'm just a master, but you are the emperor today!"

Lin Muyang left this sentence and resolutely turned away.

Looking at Lin Muyang's back, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corners of the prince's mouth.

Father, did you finally give him an amulet? You had long expected that Lin Muyang would not succeed to the throne, and would I definitely turn around and deal with him?

So, you gave him an amulet before your death, so that I can't help him?

Father, you are so biased! Why is the son of a maid more important than the son of my queen?

Lin Muyang returned to the Taishi Mansion with the secret edict, locked himself in the secret room, gently put the secret edict in his hand on the table in the middle of the secret room, and placed it side by side with a portrait.

In this secret room without outsiders, Lin Muyang could no longer suppress his feelings and cried.

He tore off the mask on his face, revealing a handsome and suffocating face, and sat on the cold ground next to the table, allowing the tears on his face to drown himself.

25 years, 25 years, no one can understand themselves. The world is so far away, lonely and cold.

In order to avenge and avenge my mother, I had to grit my teeth, laugh again and again, insult again, and lower my head again and again, so that one day I can avenge my mother!

But now, my mother is dead, and my father is dead, leaving only the last enemy!

Lin Muyang randomly wiped away the tears on his face and slowly stood up from the ground. He looked back at your golden edict representing his fate. The smile on the corners of his mouth became bigger and bigger. He said to himself, "I want more than just a burning country, I want more! I want everything I lost back!"

At this moment, the palace has pulled all the palaces to the tragic white filial piety curtain, and everyone is dressed in miserable white filial piety. Whether it is sincere or not, the emperor dies and the whole country mourns.

The news of the death of the emperor of Zhuo Kingdom also quickly spread at the instruction of the prince and spread all over the four countries overnight!

The prince took the lead in kneeling in front of the mourning hall. Behind him were the imperial concubines and princes and princesses, followed by a group of courtiers, and all the palace eunuchs knelt outside.

The prince knelt there quietly, his eyes were tightly closed, but his heart was churning. He is constantly calculating all kinds of possibilities of Lin Muyang. Is it to read the edict or the hidden edict? He kept calculating which one was more likely and reacting to himself when necessary.

Nearly four days, Lin Muyang, dressed in filial piety, slowly came in from the outside, took a look at the prince kneeling in front of him, slowly walked to his side, slowly knelt down and knelt beside the prince.

"Prince, I have a proposal. I don't know if you are interested?" Lin Muyang also gently closed his eyes. Anyway, it was his own father lying in the coffin in front of him!

The corners of the prince's eyes opened slightly: "You say."

"I support you to ascend the throne and exclude all opposition forces for you. In exchange, I enjoy the same treatment at the prince level, and you can't interfere in anything about me! Whether it is economic, political or military, don't worry, my goal is not to burn the country, otherwise, as long as I read the edict, I can get all this!" Lin Muyang replied calmly, "Have you learned what I have taught you over the years?"

The prince continued to close his eyes and replied faintly, "Okay, I promise you! However, your identity must always be regarded as a secret and never be made public!"

Lin Muyang smiled gently: "Do you think I care about this identity?"

The prince also smiled gently: "Yes, it is precisely because you don't care about anything that you give me the feeling that it will always be so unfathomable."

"Is it unfathomable?" Lin Muyang hummed gently, slowly stood up straight and slowly turned around.

Lin Muyang looked down at the crowd kneeling on the ground. His voice was low but powerful: "The emperor is dying, and the prince will succeed to the throne after his death!"

The crowd kneeling below suddenly looked up and looked at Lin Muyang standing in front of the crowd, surprised.

Lin Muyang stretched out his hand to help the prince and was the first to kneel down: "long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

The prince stood proudly. Under the leadership of Lin Muyang, the others also knelt down again and shouted, "Hangt the emperor, long live, long live!"

The prince breathed a long sigh of relief. He tried his best to calm himself down and whispered, "All lovers are flat!"