Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 117 Rain Shelter's Ancestral House

Originally, Xiang Zixi really didn't want to disturb others, but when she saw that the rain had not stopped, she had to brazenly follow the green and came to her ancestral house to take shelter from the rain.

Well, when the rain was a little less, the three of them packed up their things and rushed to the door of the old house in Qingcui's mouth.

After a long conversation, Xiang Zixi has learned that the owner of this ancestral house, surnamed Song, is a rich man. He has a son under his knees. He has married and lives in the county, and rarely returns to his ancestral home.

Because something happened at home, the young master and grandmother living in the county sent their maid Qingcui back to her ancestral house to see what was going on.

So, the three people drove the carriage that had been drenched through the rain and finally arrived at the Song family's ancestral house.

As soon as he entered the Song family's ancestral house, Xiang Zixi instinctively felt that his hair was erect all over his body. He grabbed Ji Yan and whispered, "Do you feel it? Why do I feel that this house is gloomy, as if there is something unclean!"

Ji Yan looked at her funnyly: "Have you been scared in Songlin Town and haven't recovered yet?"

"Cut! Disgus! They are telling you something serious!" Xiang Zixi glanced at Ji Yan, took a few steps quickly, followed Qingcui, and asked her in a low voice, "Is this house for some years?"

Qingcui turned around with a smile and said, "Yes, this ancestral house has been around for more than 100 years!" It used to be the private house of an official in the previous dynasty, but later it was bought by the Song family to make an ancestral house.

Xiang Zixi turned back and pouted to Ji Yan, which means, look? Let me tell you? There must be something wrong with the old house for more than 100 years!

The three people talked like this, twisting the drops of water on their bodies and entering the door of the ancestral house.

As soon as she entered the gate, a woman came and opened her mouth and said, "Oh, the young master and young grandmother really let you come here! Huh? These two are————”

Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi nodded slightly to the woman: "I'm sorry! Can we take shelter from the rain?"

Qingcui said enthusiastically to the woman, "Fortunately, I met these two on the road, otherwise I would have to freeze to death outside!" Qing Cui handed the basket in her hand to the woman, wiped the drops of water on her face and said, "Where's the old lady? At home?"

The woman sighed, "The master is at home, and the lady is so angry that she went back to her mother's house!" Come in, I'll take you to see the master!"

"Thank you very much!" Xiang Zixi politely thanked the woman.

The woman took three people and slowly walked in along the corridor, turned a few twists and turns, walked to a main hall, and gently buckled the door: "Master, Qingcui is back! There are also two foreign guests who are going to stay overnight!"

"Come in!" There was an old voice in the room.

The woman slowly pushed open the door, and Qingcui was the first to go in. Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan also followed.

Although Xiang Zixi felt that the house was gloomy, she found that the light was not bad. Although it was cloudy and rainy, she could still see everything in the house clearly. It can be seen that the lighting in this room is still acceptable.

Xiang Zixi looked up and saw a thin man with white hair and beard about 50 years old sitting at the table holding a teapot to drink tea.

"Master!" Qing Cui quickly came forward and said, "The young master and the young lady asked me to come back to see the old lady."

Master Song slowly put down the teapot in his hand and said slowly, "Don't they even know how to come back and have a look? No matter how bad the countryside is, it is also an ancestral home!"

Take a step forward to Zixi and salute Master Song: "Master Song, I really take the liberty to disturb you!"

Master Song took a look at Zixi, then at Ji Yan, and said slowly, "Since you have come, let's stay!" The conditions in the countryside are worse, so you don't feel wronged!"

Master Song is also sharp-eyed. At a glance, he saw that Xiang Zixi is definitely not those ignorant little girl in the countryside. Although the clothes she wears look very simple, the texture of the material will not lie.

"So, it's annoying! We will leave when the rain stops!" Xiang Zixi said with a smile.

"That's nothing. You can stay for a few days, but don't ask me about the Song family." Master Song glanced at Zixi and Ji Yan and said to Qing Cui, "Take them to change their clothes!" Although it's April, it's still not warm. Be careful not to catch a cold!"

"Yes!" Qing Cui answered, pulled Zixi and left the room.

"Retired!" Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan saluted Master Song at the same time and turned around and left.

This Master Song is a little strange, just like the house here.

Xiang Zixi thought so, but he didn't dare to say it. Anyway, he is begging others to live in now. It's too hard to say.

Ji Yan's eyes swept around this old house. Soon, he also felt that the pattern of this house was indeed a little strange. Normally, most of the house patterns we are familiar with are symmetrical, basically square or square.

But this house is obviously asymmetrical. It is a little protruding here, and there is a concave piece, which gives people a very strange feeling.

Qing Cui is a talkative person. As he walked, he said, "My master's temper is just a little strange. Don't mind. However, our wife is still very good and kind, because everyone is from the countryside and doesn't have so many rules as people in the city. You see, when I was in the county, I wanted to call myself a slave, otherwise my young grandmother would be unhappy, but in the countryside, there are no such vulgar customs, and the master and wife don't care so much.

Listening to the green chatter, Xiang Zixi nodded with a smile and looked at the ancestral house, and couldn't help admiring: "This house is so big! If it's in the county, it will cost a lot of money!"

Qingcui replied with a smile: "In fact, the ancestral house was not so big at first, and then it was almost expanded every year, so it slowly became like this!"

"The young master and the young lady are not at home, will they also expand?" Ji Yan finally opened his mouth rarely, and he frowned: "Isn't it a pity that no one lives in so many houses?"

"Yes, but this is what the master means, and none of us dare to rebel, right?" Qing Cui sighed: "There are so many rooms. In fact, there are really few rooms, but the master still expands it every year."

"What a strange Master Song!" Xiang Zixi smiled and said, "Maybe this is Master Song's hobby, that is, he likes to build a house!"

Talking and laughing, Qing Cui took the two people to an uninhabited guest room and said, "I'll bring you two beds and quilts. People usually clean them here, so just stay at ease until the rain stops!"

After a while, Qingcui took a few beds of quilts and found some dry clothes.

Because all Xiang Zixi's clothes were soaked, he had to change into a white and green lotus skirt found by Qingcui. When she changed her clothes and came out of the screen, Qingcui and Ji Yan standing outside were stunned at the same time.

The dress fits surprisingly well, as if it were tailor-made. The white top, from a shallow to dark green skirt and pink sleeves perfectly sets off her exquisite figure.

A green hairpin gently pulled her long hair to one side, and hung a wisp of green silk in her ear, with indescribable charm.

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi, who had changed her clothes, and blurted out: "The white dew is green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yi people are on the side of the water.

Back to it, the road is blocked and long. From it, it is in the middle of the water.

The reeds are sad, and the white dew is still there. The so-called Yi people are in the water.

Back to follow it, the way is blocked and further. Go back and swim, just like in the water.

The rueds are picked, and the white dew is not over. The so-called Yi people are in the water.

Go back to it, and the road is blocked and to the right. Go back and swim, just like in the water.

Qingcui was also dumbfounded and said, "Oh, my God, it's hard to believe that this dress will fit so well! I thought it would be inappropriate! But at home, this is the only dress suitable for Miss Xiang. I didn't expect it to be so suitable!"

He said to Zixi with a shy face, "Is this dress your young lady's? Wearing other people's clothes always feels a little obedient!"

"Ah, no, this is not the young lady's." Qing Cui seemed to remember something and said in a panic, "I'm going to be busy. You can take a break first. I'll ask you to have lunch later!"

Looking at Qingcui leaving in a panic, she shrugged her shoulders at Ji Yan: "What happened to her suddenly?"

Ji Yan's eyes seemed to stick to Zixi's body, and he couldn't move away.

Xiang Zixi frowned and pushed Ji Yan: "What are you still doing? Why don't you change your clothes? You are not afraid of the cold!"

Ji Yan was pushed like this to Zixi, and then he came to his senses, grabbed a set of dry clothes on the table, got behind the screen like waking up from a dream, and quickly changed his wet clothes.

Ji Yan only felt that in his mind, the woman in a long white lotus skirt had been deeply fixed in his mind, and her face was like a hibiscus out of the water, and the strange eyes that slanted at her were deeply engraved in the bottom of her heart.

Quickly changed his clothes and rushed out of the screen. At a glance, he saw Xiang Zixi sitting in front of the window with his cheeks, watching the raindrops outside fall on the leaves and making a click sound. Ji Yan quickly walked to Xiang Zixi, suddenly grabbed her shoulder, made her look at herself, and blurted out: "Xiang Xiang, in fact, I, in fact, I am to you--"

Xiang Zixi looked up at Ji Yan in surprise, allowing him to grab his shoulder and look at him confusedly.

Ji Yan opened his mouth and said, "I... I... happy--"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside: "Miss Xiang, Mr. Ji, have you changed your clothes?"

"Ah, okay, thank you!" Xiang Zixi answered casually and turned his head to look at Ji Yan's curious face: "What did you want to say to me just now?"