Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 130 trekking

It's really Aiwu and Wu!

According to the news, the place where the oil mine is produced is in the mountain village not far from the mountain. That is to say, as long as you climb over this mountain, it means that the one-month journey between two people is finally coming to an end!

Thinking that he was about to become the owner of a big oil mine, he took a lot of white money into the account, and his mood became unprecedentedly beautiful.

He hummed a little song and smiled all the way. Sure enough, as long as he has money to make money, he is worth being happy!

And Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan seemed to have resumed their previous relationship, so that Xiang Zixi thought that the sound of the piano that night was just her own illusion. Sure enough! Ji Yan is used to being a fool. How can he set his mind on a woman? That boy is used to being poor and likes to quarrel with himself. He must not listen to his words!

After figured out this joint, Xiang Zixi felt that her body was light, comfortable, and stress-free. She was as happy as she was, and as comfortable as she was.

No, the two chose to face the mountains in front of them instead of choosing a more troublesome detour.

The mountains here are generally not very high, with an altitude of 2,3 kilometers. For Ji Yan, who has outstanding physical ability, is that still a mountain? For Xiang Zixi, who is extremely flexible, although tired is definitely tired, it is not an irresistible physical consumption.

Xiang Zixi climbed through three mountain bags and pointed to a flat place in front of him and said to Ji Yan, "Let's spend the night here tonight? Anyway, it's Mayday now, and it's not so cold at night. Even if you sleep in the wild, it's nothing!"

Ji Yan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "I can sleep anywhere. I'm a killer!" You can adapt to any kind of environment, but I don't know if you can do it?

"Oh, how dare you say it!" Xiang Zixi pouted and raised her hand to beat the other party's chest: "You have hidden it from me for so long! Well, you are still a killer! Let a big killer accompany me and a little woman to this remote place to be my bodyguard. I'm wronged!"

Ji Yan laughed while dodging: "Hey, is it good? I'm the king of killers! I condescend to be your bodyguard now. Do you feel particularly moved? Why don't you abandon the boy Jin Haoxuan and talk to me!"

Xiang Zixi flew up, but he didn't even touch the shadow of the other party: "I know at a glance that I haven't dealt with you these days, and my skin is itchy again, isn't it? Let's see how well I **** you!"

As soon as Xiang Zixi's words fell, he threw the burden on his body to the ground, rolled up his sleeves and rushed to Ji Yan: "If you dare to hide, you will die today!"

Ji Yan shouted and kept reaching out and raising his legs to stop the other party's disorderly attack. Of course, how painful can it be to hit a woman who can't martial arts? However, Ji Yan still pretended to be very painful and shouted, "Hey, hey, you are hegemonist! Don't bully like this!"

Xiang Zixi grabbed Ji Yan's chest and twisted Ji Yan's ear with one hand: "I don't think you dare to talk nonsense anymore? It's hard to settle down for a month, and now you'm repeating your old skills, aren't you?

"Ah, it hurts! My ancestors, be gentle! You twisted my ears off. What will my daughter-in-law twist in the future?" Ji Yan kept begging for mercy. One hand suddenly pulled Xiang Zixi's body into his arms and threatened her: "If you twist me again, I will drink your itching!"

Xiang Zixi saw that Ji Yan really put his hand under his armpit, and immediately turned pale. He shouted and ran down the road down the mountain.

Ji Yan looked at the figure who fled to Zixi and couldn't help laughing, smiling, and the depth of his eyes flashed with confusion. Xiang Xiang, it's good to see you smile like this!

Picking up the things on the ground, he gently fell down the mountain and chased towards Xiang Zixi. He chased her leisurely and threatened her: "I'm going to catch it!"

Hearing Ji Yan's voice behind him, he suddenly shouted to Zixi and ran forward faster. I don't know how long she ran. Xiang Zixi sat on the grass and couldn't run anymore.

Breathing, pointing to Ji Yan, who followed leisurely, Xiang Zixi's chest fluctuated violently. After a long time, he said, "Bully, you! You are so physically strong that you know how to bully me!"

Ji Yan walked to Xiang Zixi's side, sat down slowly, lay back, put his hands on his arms, held a straw stick in his mouth, and narrowed his peach blossom eyes.

Xiang Zixi also lay down gently and lay beside Ji Yan, looking at the sky like him.

The sunset glow in the sky is very beautiful. From time to time, birds pass by, and the sound of various small animals in the jungle is chirping.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiang Zixi breathed a gentle breath: "If I die in the future, I must be buried in such a place, look at the flowers and plants here every day, and listen to the insects and birds here."

Xiang Zixi suddenly thought that when she crossed over, it was a soul, that is to say, only the soul came, so where did his body go?

I don't know if the old guy helped him clean up his body.

Humph! That irresponsible fairy! Tell yourself about the business trip, and then never show up again!

And the storage bag he gave himself only has a last chance to use. It must be used at the last emergency!

Ji Yan turned his head and looked at Xiang Zixi. Seeing that her eyes were blurred, he couldn't help asking gently, "What are you thinking?"

Shake his head gently to Zixi: "Ji Yan, do you believe that people have souls? I used to absolutely believe it, but now I'm convinced!"

"Maybe there is!" Ji Yan said hesitantly, "After all, none of us has seen what the soul looks like, so this is not good!"

Xiang Zixi made a grimace at Ji Yan: "Maybe you will have this opportunity to see it!"

Ji Yan stretched out his hand and pinched Zixi's nose: "Now I think you are more terrible than ghosts! You don't know what's in your head all day. It's weird! If one day you say that you are a visitor from heaven, I guess I will believe it!"

Xiang Zixi's face was slinty. Is it true that he performed too much? No way? Since it's time travel, it's natural to play a famous game! How boring is it to farm honestly? Besides, there has always been a risk factor and the spirit of defeat in my bones. I can't stand it if I accept my fate to be an ordinary landlord!

Forget it. Anyway, I can't go back. Life is only a few decades. You can live whatever you want. As long as you live a wonderful life, the satisfaction of life is enough. 1

She took a deep breath, and her stomach immediately cooed. She bumped Ji Yan with her arm: "I'm hungry!"

Ji Yan suddenly sat up from the ground: "Wait for me here, I'll catch a rabbit or something!"

"Is it okay not to eat meat? We have been eating meat for three days!" Xiang Zixi said pitifully, "Let's go and stew some mushrooms or something?"

"Ha! I've only eaten for a few days! Many of the mushrooms in the forest are poisonous. Ji Yan said faintly, "In case you fall ill, your oil mine will be hopeless!"

After slandering Zixi for a long time, he had to answer pitifully, "Okay! I put up with it for a lot of money!"

Looking at her gritting expression, Ji Yan couldn't help laughing.

Ji Yan jumped into the forest and easily caught a rabbit and a wild gage. When I was about to turn back, I accidentally turned around and saw a wild fruit growing on the mountain wall not far away. Isn't that the wild fruit that lit up to Zixi's eyes at the bonfire festival that night?

Putting down the prey in his hand, Ji Yan flashed, lightly climbed to the dodge, gently scratched his fingers, cut the whole branch in an instant, resisted his shoulder, picked up the prey and walked to the edge of the stream, cleaned his internal organs, and took enough clean water, and then turned back.

What Ji Yan didn't know was that when he was hunting and picking wild fruits, Xiang Zixi encountered a lot of trouble.

She was targeted by a group of wolves!

Xiang Zixi lay on the grass, greedily smelling the grass and wild flowers, stretching his limbs comfortably, and being more comfortable.

Suddenly, the sixth sense brought to her by being a thief for many years reminded her that she was stared at by a sight!

A carp straightened and jumped up from the ground lightly. The machete was held in the palm of her hand.

But looking left and right, there was no movement around. However, the feeling of being watched became more and more obvious. She could even feel that the sight of her eyes was so hostile, and it was a large number.

Is it possible that those people chased themselves here? He has returned the things to Jin Haoxuan. If the other party chases him again, then there is only one possibility! Kill yourself!

A gust of wind passed, blowing the grass leaves under my feet.

Xiang Zixi slowly pulled out the machete in his hand and put on a defensive posture.

At this time, Xiang Zixi keenly felt a stronger sight behind him and looked at himself condescendingly!

Xiang Zixi instinctively rolled on the ground, turned his body, looked up in that direction, and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air!

Wolf pack! Damn, it's a pack of wolves!

A wolf led more than a dozen wild wolves to stand on the hillside not far from Xiang Zixi, staring at Xiang Zixi, with blood and brutality in his cold eyes.

Xiang Zixi only felt that the sweat on his back had come down! This is more than a dozen wolves instead of one or two. I don't have the ability to kill so many wolves at the same time!