Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 141 Haunted House 7

The villagers who sent away the onlookers during the day, and the two carefully checked the mysterious house again.

Sure enough, as Xiang Zixi guessed, the pattern of this house is strange everywhere. Xiang Zixi walked through the winding maze-like steps again, judged a approximate distance, and then calculated that the specific location of the underground secret room had extended beyond a mountain bag!

When Xiang Zixi realized this, he couldn't help admiring it again and even called it a magical building.

Ji Yan looked thoughtfully at Xiang Zixi's continuous writing and painting with a straw stick on the ground and frowned gently: "It is reasonable that a craftsman with such exquisite skills can never be an unknown person, so his disappearance or disappearance should cause a great reaction! It's impossible to disappear so plainly!"

Xiang Zixi nodded with deep consent and said, "Yes, even if you are not a god-level craftsman who can build such a sophisticated and complex basement, it should be a big demon level, right? I have always had a question, no matter how good his skills are, but his skills are not as good as physical strength. How did he empty the underground? You know, this is an extremely complex and huge earthwork project. How did he and a woman do it without mechanical help? This is very puzzling!"

Ji Yan raised his eyebrows: "If it's not something that one or two people can do, then there must be a group of people doing their backup! There is no luck in this world!"

Xiang Zixi's eyes lit up and blurted out, "You mean, these two people are just a superficial cover, and there are actually other people who really do it?" However, such a large project needs to be carried out under the eyes of the villagers and hide their bodies. How can this be done? It's completely impossible!"

Ji Yan smiled unruly: "Don't we actually go and have a look and know?"

Ji Yan stretched out his hand to Zixi: "Let's go, didn't you judge that those small holes were ventilated and convective last night? So, where do you think the wind convection is the most powerful in this mountain?

Xiang Zixi suddenly understood, put his palm in Ji Yan's hand excitedly, stood up with his strength, and ran towards a mountain bag not far from the house.

The surrounding area is full of mountains, and the mountains are connected to the mountains, but if it can form extremely strong air convection, there must be enough geographical conditions. In the narrow passage between the two towering mountain passes, the cold on one side of the mountain and hot on the other side is easy to form air convection, or other enough to form strong air. Convection is possible, but in addition to this terrain condition, there must be a mountain spring with abundant water.

Where these two conditions are met at the same time may be the secret.

(Khan, I found that everything I learned in school was returned to the teacher. Is the formation of the wind like this? Forget it, sweat.)

Xiang Zixi climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down. Sure enough, there was a rapid river at his feet.

He pointed to Zixi's river and said excitedly to Ji Yan, "Take me down!"

Ji Yan did not hesitate at all. He firmly hugged Xiang Zixi's waist with one hand, gently touched his feet, and jumped down. In the process of falling, Ji Yan's other hand kept borrowing to prevent the landing from being too fast and uncontrollable.

--Ji Yan hugged Xiang Zixi, gently jumped on the river bank on the water!

Xiang Zixi came down from Ji Yan's arms, squatted on the ground, looked in the direction of the current, and immediately nodded and said, "So it is! This geographical form is indeed rare and has a unique natural wind field.

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Zixi puzzledly, pointed to the towering mountains and rapid rivers in front of him, and slowly explained, "You see, this side of the mountain is a highland, but the other side of the mountain is a low-lying place, and the climate is relatively humid. The river flows from high to low in the direction of the village. Because the convection of air will bring abundant rainfall to the places below and naturally bring strong winds. However, because of the barrier of the mountains, the strong wind will be blocked by the mountains near here when passing through this mountain pass. After re-channeling, these winds will also blow to other places. Unless it is a huge storm, it will not wave. And it affects the mountain villages below.

"And when such a strong mountain wind blows to the wind outlet they dug, the momentum will weaken, but there is still a certain period of vitality, so it will slowly blow into the stone room along the wind outlet. And this rapid river is abundant in water, and it is absolutely no problem to attract a tributary from the side! Adequate fresh water also ensures the environment of the basement and human habitation!" Xiang Zixi said lightly, "Now, as long as we find the uncaveted air outlet and water tributary, then we can basically judge the basic situation of this stone room."

"The ancestors of the residents of this village are also very discerning and choose the most suitable place to live to build a village." Xiang Zixi sighed softly: "This person who founded the village head, even if he is not a wise man, must have rich life experience! And I know the timing and place, and even astronomical geography and ecology!"

Ji Yan held his arm and looked at Xiang Zixi thoughtfully: "So, can you tell me how you know this? You are obviously just the daughter of a small landlord in the countryside, or a timid and cowardly girl. How do you know this? Xiang Xiang, don't you think your intelligence is a little surprising?

He smiled heroily at Zixi, his eyes were full of wildness, and he laughed and said, "That's because I was born by the oracle!" Ji Yan, since I can change from a timid, cowardly, fat and ugly girl to a bold, wild, confident and fierce handsome woman, why can't you know a lot of other things you don't know when the oracle comes? Or do you still want to say that I'm not Xiang Zixi?"

Ji Yan scratched his head and looked incomprehensible: "You are indeed you. That's right. Jin Haoxuan has always been with you. If you are dropped, he can't find it! However, why does the feeling before and after people feel so different? Especially some of what you said and did, it is simply incredible. Fortunately, Jin Haoxuan and I are not ordinary people, otherwise it would be strange that you would not be immersed in pig cages by others!"

"Do you think of me as a monster?" Xiang Zixi raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Well. Do you think I'm a monster?"

"Haha--" Ji Yan suddenly patted his chest and shouted wildly, "Don't say whether you are a goblin or not, even if you are a ghost, death, so what? What Ji Yan likes is you now. Even if you become a man-eating monster, I still appreciate it!"

Listening to Ji Yan's alternative confession, Xiang Zixi suddenly felt warm at the bottom of her heart.

Ji Yan smiled and said, "Let's go and see if there is the magical wind and tributary you mentioned!"

It's so good to smile at Zixi and have a friend who trusts him unconditionally!

Xiang Zixi stood beside Ji Yan again. After looking at the terrain confidently, he whispered, "The location of the village is over there, so this wind outlet must also exist on the other side with the river!" As long as we walk slowly along the river, maybe we can find it?"

Ji Yan didn't talk nonsense. He floated on the wide river with Xiang Zixi and fell to the other side of the river. Xiang Zixi looked down and saw that Ji Yan's shoes were a little wet, probably because of his weight? Ji Yan withdrew his arm and began to look for it on the river bank. He smiled gently at Zixi and joined the search team.

The two walked for a long time. Suddenly, Ji Yan suddenly stood in one place, unprepared towards Zixi, and suddenly hit each other's back.

"Why did you stop suddenly?" Xiang Zixi rubbed her nose. Good boy, how can his back be so hard?

Ji Yan closed his eyes and listened: "Listen, there is a sound of water, faintly, underground!"

Xiang Zixi's eyes lit up and blurted out excitedly, "Damn it! It's groundwater instead of open water! The other party chiseled a secret road and led the water source from the bottom of the water! Well, the wind outlet should probably be around here!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly became excited and looked around.

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi's eyes suddenly fell on a black hole above her head and immediately climbed in the direction of the cave. Although she can't do martial arts, her physical flexibility makes her climbing without any obstacles. Originally, as a female thief, how can she not climb mountains?

Xiang Zixi suddenly appeared at the mouth of the cave, and the wind behind him poured wildly into the mouth of the cave, driving Xiang Zixi's hair and clothes to float in the direction of the mouth of the cave.

"Ji Yan, look!" Xiang Zixi shouted: "This cave is clearly artificially chiseled, and there is a disguise next to it! Ordinary people won't notice this cave!"

Ji Yan floated down at the entrance of the cave. Looking at the entrance of the cave, there was only one person about the height. Looking in, it was very wide, and it was indeed a manual project.

"Such a big project can't be done by one person. This shows that there are many people secretly digging here. Ji Yan said softly, "And the movement made by that man and a woman in the house is just to hide the movement here, because in the mountains, the villagers can't distinguish whether they are building a house or digging a tunnel, so they just muddle through. It can be seen that if it takes two years to excavage and build this huge project, at least hundreds of people can work to complete it!"

nodded gently to Zixi: "Yes, I think so too. Shall we go in and have a look?"

Ji Yan frowned slightly: "Toward. You are too curious, aren't you? I guess the other party has blocked the road when he exited. Even if we go in now, we may not gain anything. And this has nothing to do with us, does it? So let's not take risks! Don't forget, you don't know martial arts!"