Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 147 Yixinlian's dog-blooded love drama

Yifu. The largest rich family in the region is said to have a mysterious relationship with today's court. Fifty years ago, the Yi family obtained the actual management and generational inheritance rights of this land.

It is said that the ancestors of the Yi family once had the ancestors of the dark country, so the emperor issued an order to seal all this mountain land to the Yi family. As a result, the Yi family was blessed and became an unnamed hereditary nobleman.

Because this is a mountainous area, most of it is dominated by mountains, so it will not attract the coveted or jealousy of other nobles. Unexpectedly, it has been so safe and stable for decades.

Maybe the land here is too barren? So much so that others disdain to grab these mountains with the Yi family.

At that time, the value of oil had not been reflected, and the local people only used it as lamp oil that could be lit. The alternatives of lamp oil for lighting are extremely extensive. Whether it is edible oil or fat refined from animal fat, it can be used as a substitute for lamp oil.

So, even if those nobles know that this mountain produces a natural black landscape that can burn, but because the value has not been developed, no one took it seriously.

If you think about it carefully, in a feudal society without high technology and in the era of revolution without productivity, the existence of oil was inherently chicken ribs.

The master of the Yi family is the head of the Yi family. He has no children in his life, and he has only one daughter, Yi Xinlian. It can be said that Yixinlian is his heart, that is his liver, that is three-quarters of the old man's, which is the baby in his eyes. Because Yi Xinlian looks like her mother, the middle-aged Master Yi, who lost his wife, poured all his love into Yi Xinlian, and even did not renew the string for his precious daughter. There was only a girl with her, but she had no intention to give her status and identity.

He is determined to leave all his family property to his precious daughter!

Therefore, on the issue of choosing his daughter's future son-in-law, Master Yi is a painstaking and painstaking effort! Find a handsome one? I'm afraid that he won't concentrate on his daughter, and I'm afraid that he will be careless! Find a young one, right? I'm afraid that he doesn't have the ability to run this big family well. Even if the Yi family is nothing in the eyes of other nobles, it is an absolute aristocrat within a hundred miles!

If you find someone who is not handsome and young, you will feel that you owe your daughter! Thinking that his daughter is like a flower, she is planted on a piece of cow dung, not to mention that Yi Xinlian is unwilling, and the old man himself feels aggrieved!

So, Miss Yixinlian has been looking for a partner since she was 14 years old and has been looking for 20 years old, but she has not found a suitable one yet!

In fact, it can't be said that there is no suitable one, but it is also inappropriate in the eyes of Master Yi. So, there was an extremely bloody scene below!

In fact, everyone can understand Master Yi's intention to protect his daughter. Therefore, Master Yi asked Yi Xinlian not to go out of the gate. In the palace-like house built every day, in addition to enjoying flowers, she was really bored, so she asked her husband from outside to teach her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at a high price.

Therefore, Yi Xinlian has been able to read four books and five classics since she was a child, showing her literary achievements early.

When Yi Xinlian was 16 years old, Master Yi hired a painter from outside at a high price to teach Yi Xinlian to learn painting at his home.

Strictly speaking, that painter is really not a handsome man. Compared with Jin Haoxuan and Lin Muyang, he is nothing compared with him! You know, Jin Haoxuan and Lin Muyang are already the peaks of men. It's really hard to surpass them! Even compared with the ordinary handsome Ji Yan, there is a long distance! Of course, our handsome Ji Yanji is still a beautiful man in a strict sense.

Having said so much is nothing more than telling you that this painter is really not handsome enough! Outside, it is an ordinary man, with average height, average appearance and average figure. In short, he is a man who has just passed. However, this person has an extremely delicate mind, gentle enough, considerate enough, serious enough, hard enough to work hard enough.

So, the man, who was defined as safe in the eyes of Master Yi, entered the courtyard of the Yi family and began to contact with Yi Xinlian.

At the beginning, Yi Xinlian had no special feelings for this man. As usual, it's time to go to class and live.

Suddenly one day, Yixinlian was enjoying flowers in the garden. It suddenly rained heavily in the sky, and the maid who should have been with her was not there. Yixinlian, who is used to living a good life, was suddenly stunned in the heavy rain. I don't know where to shelter from the rain, which is more convenient and faster!

At this time, an umbrella appeared on Yixinlian's head in time, covering the heavy rain for her.

Yi Xinlian looked along the position of the umbrella and saw a man standing in the heavy rain, looking at herself with a smile. All the umbrellas in his hand were on the top of his head, but his whole body was so wet that he could no longer be wet.

"Miss Yi, be careful of the wind and cold in such heavy rain." The male painter's voice was soft and his words were gentle. The umbrella in his hand slowly handed over to Yi Xinlian, but he turned around and left.

Looking at the back of leaving freely in the wind and rain, it has never been so close, especially in this specific environment, and the heart suddenly rippled! The man who used to look very ordinary now looks so tall and warm, so secure and comfortable!

It is said that people are easy to breed some feelings in a specific environment. For example, a relatively closed environment and a relatively lonely world. And this rainy day just meets these two conditions. In this huge garden, in this world overturned by heavy rain, they are the only ones. While Yi Xinlian was wandering, he appeared in time and successfully satisfied the girl's fantasy about the future as a rescuer.

So, Miss Yixinlian looked at the back of the male painter, and the love in her heart grew like a sapling. Within a few days, she grew into a dense tree.

Because of that rainy day, when the two got along with each other again, Yi Xinlian suddenly found many things that she had ignored before, such as his carefulness, his seriousness, his gentleness, his quietness, his introsiveness. In short, everything was good in him, and there was nothing bad about him!

This male painter prefers to paint flowers, so it is common to stay in the garden all day, and always sits there motionless to sketch. His hard-working attitude made Yi Xinlian even more fascinated and happy.

This person has one problem, which is to love Wu and Wu. Seeing that the painter liked flowers so much, Yi Xinlian, who didn't like flowers very much, began to like it. When the male painter accidentally mentioned that there was a kind of lotus flower in his motherland, which was very beautiful when the flowers bloomed, Yixinlian suddenly remembered it in his heart. He immediately ordered his servants to go thousands of miles to Yaoguo to look for that kind of lotus flower, and then bothered to transplant it from Yaoguo. Fearing that the environment was not suitable, he even brought soil from Yaoguo for cultivation.

It can be said that if a male painter says a word, Yixinlian can remember it for a year!

Yi Xinlian is a beautiful woman or a super beauty. Xiang Zixi can't help but be jealous of her. The male painter is also a normal man. How can he not like beautiful things? Therefore, in the next few days, Lang Youqing's concubine was interested, and you and I suddenly met each other.

When painting, that's when two people express their love. You look at me and I look at you, sweet and happy.

Can the changes of the two be concealed by the old man who is a parent? That's absolutely impossible!

So, Master Yi was furious when he learned that his precious daughter actually fell in love with the painter at home! Then he dismissed the male painter, expelled him from the dark country, and then ordered Yi Xinlian not to go anywhere and reflect on his mistakes at home.

It is said that the more the mandarin ducks are, the stronger the mandarin ducks are. This is really the most appropriate for Yi Xinlian.

Yi Xinlian was unconvinced. She fought hard for her lover and even threatened Master Yi at the cost of hunger strike. Master Yi said: OK, you can find the male painter, but you can't take a penny from home, and you can't take a maid to find yourself!

The Yixinlian was unconvinced. Of course, she definitely left home and went out without a penny. But I came back in two days! Master Yi's move is really high! I won't stop you. If you have the ability to survive in the wild, you can go out and find him! On the contrary, if you don't have the ability, just stay at home!

Who is Yixinlian? I grew up surrounded by a group of maids. Not to mention living in the wild, I can't even wear clothes! This Yi family is located in a mountain basin, surrounded by mountains on three sides and a plain. The question is whether the other side of the plain is still a mountain! She is such a daughter who doesn't touch the sun and spring water, and she climbed over the mountains by herself? This is absolutely impossible!

Well, even if she has the determination to have the ability to climb over the mountains, she has never had the concept of money. She has no money on her. Even if she goes out to buy a steamed bun, she has no money. Why do you let her go?

That's what Master Yi looks at. Anyway, he knows who his daughter is. Instead of tying her at home looking for life, it is better to let her completely understand the difference between home and the outside world.

So, Yixinlian was completely desperate. Sure enough, she stayed at home honestly. What she liked to do every day was to look at the lotus transplanted from Yaoguo in a daze.

Two years have passed in such a flash, and the painter has no more news. However, Yixinlian's longing for the painter has not decreased at all, but increased a lot. Other men are simply like garbage, and only the painter is the real man in her eyes.