Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 167 Bottom of the Cliff

There are earth-shaking changes in the outside world. When the once brilliant Wuxian woman fell to Zixi's star-like halo and was replaced by Shen Zhuangmeng, a woman in Wuxian County, several groups of people came in just one day on the cliff of the dark country.

But after the people who came bent down to look at the cliff, no one dared to go down to the cliff to find out.

The whole cliff is bare, and there is no place to climb, not even a place to borrow.

In other words, if you don't want to die, especially if you don't want to jump off a cliff and commit suicide, then don't continue to pester.

Leaving aside the fact that Xiang Zixi was seriously injured, the height of this cliff alone is enough for a woman who can't do martial arts. What's more, there are poisonous snakes rampant, poisonous insects everywhere, poisonous grass everywhere, and miasma all year round. Whether it is an animal or plant that can survive, it is already a poison.

How can Xiang Zixi, who is not seriously injured in martial arts, survive?

While the Dark Country and the Ling Kingdom got the news, the Ling Country in the North and the Burning Country in the South also got the news!

When Lin Muyang knew that Xiang Zixi was forced to fall into the cliff to seek death, the calm and legendary man with an iron fist method actually softened and fell into a coma in an instant!

No one can imagine what kind of magic the woman named Xiang Zixi has, which can affect the nerves of so many people and make so many people put their eyes on her.

Naturally, no one can understand why when Xiang Zixi fell off the cliff, a strange cloud with Phnom Penh appeared under her, gently holding her body and slowly landing to the bottom of the cliff with her!

The injury on Xiang Zixi's body was too serious. A knife in her back had turned out her muscles, and Bai Sensen's bones were faintly visible.

And the killer's blow made her injury worse, directly displaced her internal organs and ruptured her arteries! Even if the magical clouds hold her body, I'm afraid that at the bottom of the cliff full of poison, she can't survive for a night!

Xiang Zixi was unconscious at the moment she fell off the cliff and knew nothing about what would happen in the future.

I don't know how long it took, a voice sounded gently from above Xiang Zixi's head: "Hi, hello? Little girl? Wake up? Wake up!"

Xiang Zixi tried to open his eyes. Who is it? Who is calling himself?

"Since you are awake, don't pretend to be asleep! Let's go? Talk to me?" The voice laughed and said, "You are really capable! In just one year, strictly speaking, but ten months can actually make the nerves of the four countries affect you!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly sat up from the ground, rubbed his temples with a headache, and couldn't help muttering, "Who? So annoying? Disturbing other people's rest! It's not what a gentleman did!"

The voice suddenly said, "Don't be in a hurry to sleep now!" You will have a lot of time to sleep in the future! Can you chat with me now?"

Xiang Zixi stood up from the ground angrily and looked around for the guy who disturbed his sleep, but no matter how he looked for it, there was nothing but miasma or miasma!

"Here, look here!" The voice suddenly sounded from the top of Xiang Zixi's head. Xiang Zixi suddenly looked up and was shocked there and blurted out, "Damn it! Yue Lao! Your old boy finally appeared!"

The person who came was none other than that. It was the Yue Lao who brought Xiang Zixi to this world, irresponsibly turned her into a fat man and then ran away irresibly!

Yue Lao lowered the cloud with a smile and said to Xiang Zixi, "Let's go. Now that you are here, go home with me!"

Xiang Zixi asked blankly, "Go home? What to go home? Where are you going home?

Yue Lao said with a smile, "Look at what you look like now!"

When he looked down at Zixi blankly, his pupil contracted instantly! I actually changed back to what it was in the 22nd century! How is this possible?

Stretch out his hands to Zixi! That's right! This is my real hand! Smart hands that can be called ingenious!

Xiang Zixi suddenly sounded. Didn't you push Ji Yan away and fall off the cliff? How can I be here? Could it be that Xiang Zixi suddenly turned around and saw herself lying quietly on the ground, motionless!

She suddenly opened her mouth wide, looked at the motionless Xiang Zixi lying in disbelief, and then looked down at her hands, body, and even the long hair dyed burgundy again!

Now she is not Xiang Zixi, but Qiao Qiao!

"What the hell is going on?" She was at a loss in an instant: "Who the hell am I?"

Yue Lao looked at her with a smile: "That's a good question! Who the hell are you? I can't tell you yet! But I'm also idle. Why don't you come to a place with me?"

After saying that, Yue Lao turned around and walked towards the fog. Qiao Qiao looked left and right and had to follow him. As he walked, he asked, "Hey, Yue Laoxian, you kicked me into the world and then went on a business trip irresponsibly. Now you actually pulled me out of that body. What on earth do you want to do?"

Yue Lao replied with a smile, "Don't worry, the original soul of that body will temporarily recover and won't let your body rot!" Don't worry, come with me!"

Joe hesitated again and again, but still followed Yue Lao over.

"What a strange fairy! God is nagging, I really don't know what you're thinking!" Qiao Qiao shrugged his shoulders and found that familiar feeling again. It was so beautiful! That body that has been trained for a long time is unusually light and flexible!

Jojo moves her fingers from time to time, which is a habit of her previous life, always keeping her hands as flexible as possible. As a thief, how can you make your body stiff?

A small pavilion appeared in front of him. Yue Lao walked in with Qiao Qiao with a smile, reached out and gently brushed it, and a set of tea sets immediately appeared on the table.

Old Yue invited Qiao Qiao to sit down and poured her a cup of tea.

Joe was also rude. He sat down in front of Yue Lao and went straight to the topic: "Hey! You didn't come here for tea, did you? I remember you seem to be very busy!"

Yue Lao smiled gently: "Joe, I came to you to ask you a word."

Joe picked up the teacup and drank it slowly: "You say it!"

"If the change of the world is because of you, are you willing to sacrifice for the calming of the world?" Yue Lao asked in a low voice.

"What does this mean? I'm not that capable! You overestimated my ability!" Qiao Qiao rolled his eyes and said, "At least you are a fairy. How can you say such irresponsible words! Isn't it?"

Yue Lao laughed softly: "The world has changed because of your arrival!" Now is just the beginning, and bigger changes are yet to come! I just want to ask you, are you willing to sacrifice to settle the disputes in the world?

"That depends on whether it's worth it or not! I'm not that great!" Qiao Qiao replied bluntly: "If I think it's worth it, I will naturally do it. On the contrary, what do you care about me? Why should I sacrifice myself for something that has nothing to do with me?

Yue Lao smiled gently: "This is also true! Qiaoqiao, this is a disaster in your life. If you pass it, you will get through it. If you don't get through it, you will never get through it!"

"Hey! What the hell are you trying to say?" Qiao Qiao sneered: "You don't think I, Qiao Qiao, are young and you can tease me as much as I want?"

Yue Lao laughed and said, "Haha, you little girl, your mouth is still as fangled as thousands of years ago, and you will never forgive people!"

"Hey, what the hell are you talking about!" Qiao Qiao grabbed his head and looked blank: "Why am I getting more and more confused?"

At this moment, a voice sounded outside: "Sin! How can you keep up with God and talk like this?

Qiao Qiao turned around and saw an old man in a Taoist robe and white-haired standing outside without anger. Strangely, I don't know why, Qiao Qiao only felt that he had an almost instinctive sense of respect and obedience to this old man from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly stood up and looked at the old man in a daze.

It's obviously the first time I've seen this old man, but what's amazing is that I seem to be very familiar with him, and I can't say anything strange.

Yue Lao said with a smile, "You guys have a good chat. I'll leave first!"

Joe asked hesitantly, "Old man, do we know each other? Why do I always have a sense of déjà vu with you?

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, walked to the place where Yue Lao had just sat down, poured himself a new cup of tea, looked at Qiao Qiao and said softly, "Oh, you child! Losing is always at a loss in your mouth! When can you get a change from your bad smell?

Ah? Me?" Qiao Qiao looked at the old man blankly and really didn't understand what the other party was saying.

It's so strange today. Why do you hear some strange words? And it seems that you don't understand, or that you don't understand, or that you don't understand at all?

The old man sighed: "Okay, sit down!" These days, you have suffered! But your disaster is not over yet!"

Alas, it's some words that I don't understand! Is it that when I used to talk to Jin Haoxuan and Ji Yan those self-spoken words, they also felt the same as they do now?

Sure enough, it doesn't feel good to be a stuffy gourd!

Just as the old man was talking to Qiaoqiao's soul, a figure appeared again at the bottom of the cliff!

I saw that the figure constantly forced away the miasma around him with internal force, and kept looking for it. While looking for it, he shouted: "Toward! Toward! Where are you?"

Suddenly, the sight of the figure suddenly stayed not far away, ran over like crazy, grabbed the unconscious woman, and shouted ecstatically, "Oh my God! You are still there! Great! That's great! I finally found you! You promised me that you would live and die in the same cave! How can you break the contract!"