Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 196 Alone 1

Lin Muyang looked at Xiang Zixi's skilled climbing. Although she did not have any internal strength, the landing speed was not slow at all. It can be seen that she is really very good at this climbing.

Lin Muyang gently appeared behind Xiang Zixi's feet in an instant, reached out and gently hugged her waist, and said softly, "What I just said will always be effective! Even if you deliberately killed Zhilan, I will stand behind you and bear all the blame for you!"

He gently raised the corners of his lips to Zixi: "Oh? So, don't you believe what I said? You still believe that your concubine is innocent. Am I careful and jealous that I deliberately framed your sweetheart? Go away! Don't be so close to me! I don't want to be chased by your remaining four concubines!"

Lin Muyang was originally angry, but when he heard it, he couldn't help sighing, "Come on, I knew I couldn't say you!" OK, I won't quarrel with you, I'll let you go!"

Xiang Zixi turned around and stared at Lin Muyang fiercely, but was held in her arms. She loosened the rope in her hand, gently landed under her feet, and stood steadily under the steep cliff.

There is a path at the bottom of the cliff that is not very spacious but enough for two or three people to walk together. It is a path built by nearby mountain people for convenience.

The two went all the way down, but did not see Zhilan's body. I don't know if it landed somewhere else or didn't die and hid somewhere else.

Xiang Zixi doesn't care about these problems at all. Whether Zhilan is dead or not, she does not intend to stay in this Taishi Mansion.

Xiang Zixi pushed away Lin Muyang's arms and turned around to leave, but he was hugged by Lin Muyang from behind again.

"I said that I will never let go again!" Lin Muyang was like an angry child at this time, stubbornly retaining Xiang Zixi in his own way.

Xiang Zixi shook his head helplessly. Is this Lin Muyang really the man who made the four countries tremble? Now it's obviously a little boy who doesn't grow up, okay? How can you keep yourself in such a childish way!

"Well, even if you want to leave, you have to be under my protection before you can leave! I will never let you go alone!" Lin Muyang said stubbornly, "I really can't let you be hurt again!"

Xiang Zixi sighed helplessly and said faintly, "Okay, let's have a good talk. Let go first! Don't worry, even if I want to run, I can't run away from you, can't I?"

Lin Muyang hesitated for a moment and slowly let go of his hand.

Xiang Zixi put the rope in her hand back and put it behind her waist. Take out your * and turn around to go out.

Lin Muyang also followed step by step: "Xing Xiang, come with me! In this way, we can go to the dark country faster!"

"No need!" Xiang Zixi replied faintly, "I may be more convenient to act by myself!" Lin Muyang, let's have a good talk and talk while walking. I don't have much time!"

After saying that, Xiang Zixi blocked the half-high thorns with * and walked hard on the mountain path.

In fact, the road is quite spacious, but the grass in summer is really lush, and the path is tightly covered, and you need to keep looking for a place to get your feet.

"I have checked the map, and turning over this mountain can save two days." Xiang Zixi pointed to the high mountains in front of her and said softly, "Although there are really enough climbing mountains, if it can save time, it is still worth a try! Lin Muyang————”

Xiang Zixi turned around gently and saw Lin Muyang standing still looking at himself in a daze. He smiled gently: "Lin Muyang, I remember what you just said on the top of the cliff. In fact, not only you, but also me, need to thoroughly sort out your heart and let yourself understand what you really want! Do you choose a stable life or a more tortured life? Do I choose Ji Yan who gave my life or choose you who spoke sweetly to me? We all need to make a choice! During this period, we don't want to meet each other. Let's figure out the key before we talk about it!"

"Don't you believe me?" Lin Muyang looked at Xiang Zixi fixedly.

"No, I don't believe in myself!" Xiang Zixi smiled gently, continued to wave*, and kept looking for the mountain road up the mountain: "Originally, I planned to enter the dark country from the front of the official road, but I didn't expect to choose to climb the mountain in the end!" Maybe this is life! Just like originally, I thought I could keep going with Jin Haoxuan, but I didn't think of the first one to give up, but it was also him! Life is full of so many accidents and uncertainties. When we have not been tested by fate, we will all take it for granted that we can definitely win the world. In fact, when we really experience it, we will find that we are just pawns of fate. That's all."

"I sincerely hope that I can settle down from now on and stop wandering and wandering. However, the world has given me so many hardships that I have to fight against this fate!" Xiang Zixi said as he walked, "Lin Muyang, if one day, your revenge is revenged and my revenge is also revenged. When you and I can still stand together alive, maybe we don't have the courage to continue walking! So, don't give me any promises now, we can't afford it!"

Lin Muyang's eyes darkened slightly. He knew from a very early age that Xiang Zixi was a woman with her own ideas and her own views, but he never expected that she was still such a pragmatic woman.

Do you use time to test it? OK, I will prove how much I really am to you!

A spotted snake slowly swallowed the core and quietly coiled in the middle of the road not far ahead, looking at the figure that was thinking about approaching it with vigilance. In his cold eyes, the intruder's body temperature was accurately captured. The long core kept trembling, swallowing, twisting his body, and slowly approaching the object emitting heat.

Xiang Zixi is still chopping the branches in the way with *.

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi felt a slight pain in her calf and suddenly reacted, and the * in her hand chopped down fiercely.

A spotted snake bit its calf!

"fuck!" Xiang Zixi shouted fiercely, grabbed the spotted snake that bit her with one hand, and swirled it in the air fiercely. The joints of the spotted snake were completely straightened by Xiang Zixi!

Lin Muyang, who had been standing in place, suddenly sensed the strangeness of Xiang Zixi and rushed over in an instant. At a glance, he saw the wound on Xiang Zixi's leg and the snake in Xiang Zixi's hand. He was shocked and shouted, "Don't move! This snake is very poisonous!"

Lin Muyang hugged Xiang Zixi, gently touched her feet, and instantly jumped away from the same place and came to the flat grass below.

"Come on, go find the clear water!" Xiang Zixi couldn't care about being pretentious with Lin Muyang and tore her trousers, revealing her slender calves for shopping. The clear tooth marks on the calf have become swollen and blue!

Without any hesitation, he took out the dagger from his arms and stabbed it down at the place where the tooth marks were!

Puff--a stream of blood spewed out in an instant!

skillfully took the belt to Zixi and tighten it hard on the top of the wound to prevent the poisonous blood from crossing the whole body too fast.

"Xiang, you!——————" Lin Muyang saw that Xiang Zixi was so cruel to him and immediately said, "Why don't you let me help you?"

"Nothing, this is the most effective and fastest way!" Xiang Zixi said without raising his head, "If you don't clean the wound and release poisonous blood at the first time, the toxin will flow all over the body with the blood. At that time, it was really dangerous! Especially in this era without serum, this is the most effective way to deal with it! Come on, bring me water!"

Lin Muyang was stunned, but he still reacted quickly and ran towards the bottom of the mountain.

Xiang Zixi kept squeezing blood out, watching the blood flowing lighter and lighter, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Lin Muyang also got some water with a bamboo tube and slowly helped her clean the wound.

"Ah!——" Xiang Zixi, who had been suffering for the rest of his life after the disaster, finally felt the nuisance of pain and immediately shouted gently.

"What? Did it hurt you?" Lin Muyang's men stopped and whispered, " Xiang Xiang, do you know? Your strength and self-reliance sometimes make me feel very frustrated! You are just a girl, why do you have to be so stubborn? I'm a man, and my martial arts skills are not weak, and I still have a panacea that can relieve all poisons! However, why would you rather be stabbed than ask me for help?

Xiang Zixi was stunned: "Am I such a person in your heart?"

Seeing the pity in Lin Muyang's eyes, Xiang Zixi suddenly smiled gently: "So it is! I thought--I'm sorry, Lin Muyang, I'm really used to solving everything by myself. This is how I have been since I was a child! Slowly, it is taken for granted. But I forgot that I was just a girl. I'm sorry to worry you!"

Lin Muyang's eyes lit up gently!

Xiang Zixi is afraid that she doesn't know that her personality is actually her greatest charm, right? The lethality of a girl who apologizes bravely and frankly to men is unparalleled!

"Nothing! I'll heal you!" Lin Muyang smiled with a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth. He sat cross-legged behind Xiang Zixi, exerted his internal strength, and slowly swam in Xiang Zixi's body, forcing the remaining toxins out of the body little by little.

Feel the body that began to have mild poisoning symptoms due to poisoning, and returned to normal little by little. Xiang Zixi also breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart.

A dark red elixir was sent to his lips, and his gentle voice came from behind him: "Oat it! Even the toxin of bamboo leaf green can be completely removed!"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently and was not pretentious. He swallowed the elixir in his hand.