Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 204 Sudden Changes in Wedding 4

Just as Lin Muyang talked with Ji Yan, Jin Haoxuan had already carried his weapon and slowly walked this way.

Needless to say, those three killers have burp!

"Ji Yan!" Jin Haoxuan said coldly, "Do you also think that the people I sent chased you? Or say————”

At this moment, Xiang Zixi, who had fainted, moved gently, and the three men standing still silenced at the same time.

Ji Yan suddenly turned around, covered his face, and whispered, "Lin Muyang, I will bring your words to you! She will be taken care of by you for the time being! Please don't let her cry like this again! Instead of letting her keep looking for it, it's better to let her give up completely and think that there is no longer Ji Yan in the world!"

Without waiting for Lin Muyang to answer, Ji Yan's body floated gently and left the place in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Jin Haoxuan threw a gun on the ground, rushed over with an arrow, and helped Xiang Zixi, who had not fully recovered.

"It's better not to tell her something! Otherwise, she won't be able to bear so much! I'll go first! The king of Qi has led his troops to reinforce. If we expect it well, the king of Qi should be Ziqing, not Xiahou Junhao!" Lin Muyang said faintly, "Our plan has begun, and we must not allow any mistakes!"

Jin Haoxuan was almost obedient to Lin Muyang, but his eyes flashed slightly: "It's just that, isn't the price paid too much?"

"Is it big? No! Not at all! If you can't force him into a desperate situation, how can you kill him?" Lin Muyang snorted coldly: "The hatred of killing my mother is not the same! Haoxuan, you are just too kind, that's why you have come to this level! You and my brothers work together, isn't the world under your and my control?!"

he shouted to Zixi, unconsciously reached out and rubbed his eyes. Lin Muyang gently under his feet and left so casually.

"What's wrong with me?" Xiang Zixi took a look at Jin Haoxuan and suddenly remembered something. He sat up and found that his surroundings were empty. Except for Jin Haoxuan, there was no one left!

"Are you hurt?" Jin Haoxuan asked with concern, "Has he embarrassed you?"

Xiang Zixi didn't answer a word. He stood up and looked around. Where is the silver-haired killer? Why did you suddenly fall into a coma? I still have questions to ask, but——

Jin Haoxuan grabbed Xiang Zixi's hand and forced her to meet her eyes: "Toward! I have something to tell you!"

"Sorry, I don't want to hear anything now!" Xiang Zixi gently broke free from Jin Haoxuan's hand and said lightly, "Since I fell off the cliff that day, there has been no relationship between us anymore!" Jin Haoxuan, I can understand that you are in a high position, but I also hope you can understand me. My love can only be given once. If you miss it, you will miss it forever! I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I don't want to wait any longer!"

"Toward!" Jin Haoxuan grabbed Xiang Zixi's shoulder hard, and his handsome face suddenly approached and opened his eyes to Zixi in panic.

The lethality of this face is too strong! Even if I keep warning myself that I must kill the mess quickly, I am still a little reluctant to refuse a peerless beautiful man like this!

Jin Haoxuan suddenly remembered Lin Muyang's warning, let go of his hand and said softly, "That's all! Since you don't want to listen, it's futile for me to explain anything! Xiang Xiang, I just want to tell you a story. Would you like to hear it?

Xiang Zixi gently raised his head and suddenly met Jin Haoxuan's seductive eyes.

"You probably read my letter a long time ago? That was the last letter left by my mother. Although it was in the hands of many people, it finally fell into my hands. Jin Haoxuan said quietly, "It's just that you probably can't imagine the bitterness behind this letter, right?"

Xiang Zixi suddenly remembered everything he and Ji Yan saw and heard in the secret room of the mountain village, and was stunned there.

"My mother's name is Lin Yuerou, a very beautiful woman. Unfortunately, her status is humble. She is just a small maid of honor. She is so humble that even the older eunuchs in the palace can point fingers at her. But she has been patient. All she wants is peace and comfort. However, even such a humble request is so luxurious in that forest palace.

"One day, this humble little maid finished her own affairs and was about to go to rest, but she was temporarily assigned to move a flower pot nurtured by a concubine on a rainy night. Naturally, this humble little maid had no right to resist anything, so she plunged into the rain. Those flower pots were tall and heavy, and she couldn't move them and sprained her ankle. At this time, a man appeared in the rainy night and helped her up from the rain. Just because of this rainy night, the little maid met the emperor at that time.

"That rainy night, the emperor did not go to the concubine's palace, but took the wet little maid to his bedroom and spoiled the maid. However, the emperor favored her, but did not give her any name, but let her leave secretly!"

"This little maid left in fear and still did the most vulgar work every day, doing the dirtiest, tired and worst work. Until one day, she found that she was pregnant!"

"The maid of honor is pregnant without authorization, which is a big taboo! But the man who did something wrong still didn't give her a reputation, just let her follow him until she fell to the ground. Although the little maid didn't get any reputation, she was happy because she could stay by the man's side day and night, thinking that the man treated herself sincerely. Even if she is still a humble maid of honor, she has got the truth of this man.

"However, the good times did not last long. In less than 100 days, this woman who thought she was happy and sweet was actually given to another man by her man! And just because he succumbed to the **-wei of the other party, he offered his own woman in exchange for temporary peace!"

When Jin Haoxuan said this, he clenched his fists. Although Xiang Zixi had already guessed this secret, it was still painful to hear Jin Haoxuan's pretending to be calm story with his own ears.

"This poor little maid left her hometown and was sent to the dark country to become another man's concubine. Although the current man has given her the name of her so-called glory and wealth, and even gave her infinite grace. However, her heart has never been left behind!"

"Later, this woman gave birth to another *. The powerful minister suddenly could not raise the prince on the grounds that the princess was humble, and deprived her of the right to raise her second child!" Jin Haoxuan's eyes were full of tears in an instant: "But she still endured with tears for her own child! No one of the man who loved her stood up to fight for her!"

"From then on, a person lived in a cold palace and did not ask about the world. However, even if you compromise, you can't be thorough. The vicious minister is still trying to force her to suicide on the grounds that his ridiculous status is not worthy of being the empress dowager!" Jin Haoxuan suddenly roared: "Xiang Zixi, answer me! Shouldn't such hatred be reported? As a son and a child protected by a mother with her life, should such a deep hatred be rewarded?

Xiang Zixi was stunned and didn't know what to say at all.

"So, who is your brother?" Xiang Zixi asked, "So, have you joined hands to revenge?"

In the dark palace.

The old emperor sat alone in the imperial study and gently closed his eyes.

"Moon Soft! Now it's time for you to comfort us. Our son has finally grown up!" The old emperor burst into tears: "Don't worry, I have never forgotten what I promised you!" You are the only woman I have ever loved in my life! Even if you don't want to, our son will be the future monarch of this country! Sorry, Yuerou, I just avenge you now! That's because there are too many things to do as a husband!"

A tear dripped from the corner of the old emperor's eyes, and the past gradually emerged.

26 years ago.

The current old emperor was just a prince at that time. He went to the Zhuo Kingdom with the king of Qi as the prince to celebrate the accession ceremony of the Zhuo Kingdom at that time.

The king of Qi talked happily with the new emperor who had just ascended the throne in the hall, and the prince walked around the garden when he was bored.

Suddenly, when he walked to a small garden, he saw a girl holding a little rabbit with miscellaneous hair in her hands and kept turning around in the garden. The crisp laughter, the long figure, and the flowery face suddenly attracted his eyes.

He couldn't help approaching, standing beside the girl, bowing his head and asking her softly, "This is just an ordinary rabbit, and the hair color is not pure. Why do you still treat it as a baby?"

When the girl saw him, she said sadly, "Yes, it was abandoned by the Empress because of the impure hair color! But, what a pity! Anyway, it's a small life!"

The girl suddenly said to him mysteriously, "Sir, aren't you from the palace? Don't tell your mother that I secretly left this little rabbit!"

He smiled and said, "Yes! So, there must be benefits, right? Otherwise, why should I help you?"

The girl pouted and thought for a long time, but her eyes suddenly lit up. She carefully took out two carrots from her arms and said to him with a smile, "Well, I'll give you a carrot. Let's feed it together. Think of it as feeding our little baby together!"

Looking at her pure smile without a trace of flaws, his heart moved gently inexplicably.