Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 211 Smile in the Morning Light

In the morning, just after the dawn, Qian Yingying got up early to practice.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Qian Yingying to get up so early to practice, but since Xin Zeyang moved into the Qian family, she suddenly fell in love with getting up early to exercise.

The east is still white, and the sun has not fully jumped out of the horizon, so the whole vision is still very blurred.

Xin Zeyang also got up early and sat alone under a willow tree in a daze. He didn't know what to think.

Since hearing about Xiang Zixi's accident, Xin Zeyang has been sitting alone under the willow tree every morning in a daze. No one will disturb him at this time, and no one will disturb him at this time. Although Xin Zeyang is only a 16-year-old teenager, he has a faint old demeanor and has become much more stable.

Little fat and little fat are still sleeping at this time. Getting up early can make these two maids suffer to death.

Qian Yingying practiced from afar while looking at Xin Zeyang's back from afar.

Qian Shaofu got up early and went out as usual. Seeing that his sister had been secretly looking at her back in the distance, he couldn't help shaking her head and said, " Yingying, when can you really grow up?"

Qian Yingying looked back at her brother's ten-thousand-year-old iceberg face and couldn't help pouted and said, "What does it matter if I grow up or not? Anyway, there are parents and brothers at home, and you will stand when the sky comes down!"

Qian Shaofu shook his head more helplessly and sighed: "You said that you are only one year apart from Miss Xiang Zixi. How can you be so different?"

"What's wrong with Xiang Zixi? I have listened to you and will never be her enemy again. Why do you still talk to us!" Qian Yingying hugged Qian Shaofu's arm with dissatisfaction and acted coquettishly: "Brother, do you have her new news again?"

"Little girl, don't ask! Naturally, what you should know will let you know!" Qian Shaofu gently knocked on Qian Yingying's head and sighed slightly, "You are obviously of the same age. Why do you think Miss Xiang is more mature than one level than you!"

Qian Yingying made a grimace at Qian Shaofu: "Brother, you admire Xiang Zixi so much. You don't fall in love with her, do you?"

On the face of the ten-thousand-year-old iceberg, there was a trace of embarrassment and said in panic, "What are you talking about! Go, practice your kung fu!"

Watching Qian Shaofu leave impatiently, Qian Yingying made a grimace at his back and said to herself, "If it weren't for Xin Zeyang's sister, I wouldn't have forgive her so easily!" However, Xin Zeyang is really good to her! It's really good and enviable!"

To talk about how Qian Yingying suddenly came so close to Xin Zeyang, we have to start from the food festival a few months ago.

When Xiahou Junhao, the emperor of Yao, decided to devote his whole country to help Xiang Zixi seize the top three. As one of the richest people in the capital, the Qian family was naturally the first person to be told. Originally, Qian Yingying disapproved, but when she heard that this was related to the honor and disgrace of the country, she was the first to take the lead in agreeing!

Although Qian Yingying is a spoiled daughter, she is still an arrogant and domineering little tiger who often whips and beats people, to some extent, she still has a big picture and strategy. Perhaps this is the advantage of tutoring. You can put aside personal grudges in an instant and think about problems from a large perspective.

At the end of the first day of the final of the competition, Qian Yingying took the initiative to find Xin Zeyang in the restaurant and told Xin Zeyang her plan and attitude of Yao Guo.

Qian Yingying thought that Xin Zeyang would be ecstatic, grateful to herself, and flatter herself like other princes. Unexpectedly, Xin Zeyang just nodded gently and didn't even bother to say a word to himself, so he turned around and left.

When did Qian Yingying suffer so coldness from others? And Xin Zeyang is also a little beautiful man. Although it has not been fully opened, there is already a faint blank of beauty.

Xiang Zixi once concluded that Qian Yingying was M rather than S, and she had to say that Xiang Zixi's eyes were poisonous! The more others don't take Qian Yingying seriously, the more Qian Yingying will take the other party seriously.

In the following week, Qian Yingying swayed in front of Xin Zeyang. Finally, Xin Zeyang roared at her impatiently. He held her at the door frame with one hand and roared at her fiercely: "If you dare to appear in front of me again, I will definitely eat all your bones and scum! If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Originally, when Xiang Zixi was injured, Xin Zeyang was annoyed enough. Fortunately, Qian Yingying was still swaying in front of her eyes every day. It's strange that she was not upset!

It is said that beauties are beautiful when they are angry, and this truth also applies to beautiful men!

Therefore, when Xin Zeyang angrily supported Qian Yingying on the door frame and lowered his head to look at her angrily, it was the closest time for the two of them to rely on for the first time!

The powerful aura emanating from the beautiful teenager suddenly completely captured Qian Yingying, who was strong outside and inside, and her frightening eyes turned into softness around Qian Yingying's eyes.

So, this super big M completely fell into Xin Zeyang's eyes. More wholeheartedly helped Xiang Zixi win this food festival competition, and he was willing and had no regrets!

But she has done so much that Xin Zeyang didn't see it at all. He still went his own way and didn't take her seriously at all.

How can this make Qian Yingying feel embarrassed! So I worked harder to help and guide before and after, and I couldn't wait to hand over all my family's business to Xin Zeyang to take care of. I personally helped Xin Zeyang transfer the store in Wu County to the capital and help him deal with the connections in the capital, which is as active as possible and as hard as possible. He didn't even look at his business at all, and he clinged to the back of Xin Zeyang's buttocks every day.

The status of the Qian family in the capital is shocking, and Qian Yingying's reputation is even more famous in the capital. Under her initiative to mediation, everything was so smooth and orderly. I can't help it. If I don't sell it to Qian Yingying's face, it's awkward for myself! Who doesn't know that Miss Qian Yingying's temper is famous for her irritable? That whip doesn't recognize people!

Now he is as obedient as a cat in front of Xin Zeyang, and it is really a thing! This super big M finally found its own super big S.

It's also true. Who would have thought that Xin Zeyang, who has no power to bind chickens, is such a big S with such a strong desire to control and possess?

Later, something happened to Zixi, and Princess Ziqing gave an order, and all of Xiang Zixi's family property became the property of Shen Zhuangmeng. When Qian Yingying heard the news, she almost went out of many doors!

When Xin Zeyang walked out of the shop where she once worked hard, Qian Yingying breathed a deep sigh of relief in her heart!

You know, if Xin Zeyang stays, I'm afraid that Xin Zeyang's perfect image in his mind will collapse!

But Xin Zeyang really didn't let himself down. He proudly left the lady's workshop where he led him to survive and stood on the street penniless!

Qian Yingying immediately invited them on the pretext of her brother. At least, she dragged them and dragged them into the door of Qianfu. It happened that Qian Shaofu was about to go out to find them, but he didn't expect his sister to take the lead and bring the people first, so he stayed in Qian's house.

People from the top and bottom of Qianfu are simply grateful for the arrival of Xin Zeyang and others! Because since Xin Zeyang lived in Qian's house, Miss Qian, who has always been grumpy, has never been angry or whipped anyone since then! What's more strange is that she has become much more diligent than before. She used to like to sleep late and get up early to exercise every day!

The whole house is about to worship Xin Zeyang as a Buddha. He can't wait for him to leave forever. Naturally, he doesn't have to taste the young lady's whip in fear!

It's just that since Xin Zeyang lived in Qianfu, he will sit quietly under the willow tree in a daze every day, ordering no one to approach, and Qian Yingying can't!

So, Qianfu has a wonderful scenery every morning. The beautiful teenager sat under the tree in a daze, heard the sound of the tree, and the arrogant young lady practiced obediently and waited for the opportunity to peep and laugh.

This day, the two of them are still the same as before, one in a daze and the other practicing.

Suddenly, a figure jumped gently from the willow tree and fell lightly in front of Xin Zeyang. He slowly got up and looked at him with a smile. Naturally, he also saw the ground written with willow branches: sister.

Xin Zeyang was suddenly blocked from sight and morning light, and suddenly said unhappily, "I said, don't disturb me in the morning! How dare you disobey?!"

Listening to his young man's words, the person standing in front of him laughed: "Yo! So you are the super big S!"

Hearing the words, Xin Zeyang's body trembled violently, and then stiffened. He slowly looked up and slowly met the smile in the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

Xin Zeyang suddenly stood up, his lips trembled, and his eyes were tearful, but he couldn't say anything.

Xiang Zixi smiled gently, gently hugged the already dull body, and said gently, "I'm sorry to worry you!" Sorry, I'm back!"

Xin Zeyang suddenly snorted, hugged the woman's weak body hard, and suddenly found that she was much thinner, even thinner than herself!

"Stupid woman! What are you doing back? Why don't you die outside? Why do you still come back?" Xin Zeyang shouted viciously.

Xiang Zixi's eyes were also full of tears and replied with a smile, "Because a good brother who misses my sister is waiting for me, I have to come back!" Because I'm going to come back to see if my brother is obedient!"

"Stupid woman!————" Xin Zeyang choked, hugged her harder, and whispered in her ear, "You're still alive. It's really great!"

Looking at this teenager who was already half a head taller than himself, Xiang Zixi could no longer control the tears in his eyes and fell gently.

It's good that someone has been thinking about their feelings!