Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 216 Stealth 5

The little maid woke up and found that she was lying on the cold ground, and the wound on her back was still hot and painful.

The fog gradually rose, and the surroundings were blurred and couldn't be seen.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded eagerly from the top of the little maid's head: "You finally woke up! Come on, let's go!"

The little maid looked up, suddenly opened her eyes and blurted out, "Princess? Why are you here?

"Hmm! How dare you say it! At the appointed time, he still didn't go back. It turned out that he was caught by two little thieves! It's really lost the face of this seat!" Princess Ziqing snorted coldly: "I still need this seat to save you in person! You are such a slave!"

The little maid suddenly knelt on the ground and lowered her head in fear and replied, "Princess is angry! The maidservant is loyal to the princess, and she will never reveal a word even if she dies!"

"Hmm! If it weren't for your heartfelt sake, how could I come here in person? Everyone else has arrived smoothly, and you are the only one left!" Princess Ziqing pondered for a little and said, "How's the thing I told you to do?"

The little maid's body suddenly trembled gently and whispered, "To the princess, Shen Zhuangmeng has been lost. It can be seen that the other party has taken precautions. The princess must be more careful!"

"What about the others?" Princess Ziqing's eyes drooped, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

"In return, the maidservant hasn't gone anywhere else, but since Shen Zhuangmeng has been exposed, I'm afraid other places are not guaranteed! Do you want me to go over and kill Shen Zhuang's dream? Don't tell her the secret about us!" A trace of poison flashed in the little maid's eyebrows, and her voice began to stop trembling: "Never let this woman become a stumbling block in the princess's plan!"

"There is no hurry for this. By the way, where is the general on the right now? Princess Ziqing said casually.

But as soon as the words fell, the kneeling maid suddenly looked up and blurted out, "Isn't the general on the right sent out by the princess? How about the princess————”

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came not far away: "So you came here! Come on, take it down!"

The little maid was shocked and jumped up from the ground, stood in front of Princess Ziqing, and said eagerly, "Princess, go! The maidservant stopped them!"

"No, I'm here to take you away!" How can I watch you fall into the tiger's mouth again?" Princess Ziqing said with a righteous face, "I don't have many confidants. You are one of them. You are like my left and right hands. How can I ignore your safety?"

At this time, a whip suddenly flew out of thin air and pulled it fiercely on the back of Princess Ziqing!

Sooner or later, the little maid hugged Princess Ziqing, pressed her under her body, and carried the whip for Princess Ziqing with her body!

Princess Ziqing looked up in a hurry, but was stunned!

The little maid's eyes were full of tears, and she choked and said, "I never thought that the princess would come to save me in person!" The princess's kindness to the maidservant is difficult to repay forever! The princess not only buried the maidservant's parents, but also was so good to the maidservant. The life of the slave is the princess. Even if he dies, he will never allow others to hurt the princess! Princess, don't worry about the maidservants anymore, run away!"

The expression on Princess Ziqing's face suddenly changed, and she gently held the little maid in her arms and asked with concern, "Is there any injury? Is the injury serious? I absolutely do not allow others to hurt you so much. I have fought with them!"

As soon as the words fell, Princess Ziqing suddenly let go of the little maid of honor and rushed towards the thick fog: "I'll fight with you!————Ah!"

A scream from Princess Ziqing suddenly came from the thick fog!

"Princess!——" When the injured little maid heard the scream of Princess Ziqing, she immediately got up from the ground in a panic. Just as she was about to rush over, she saw another whip and pulled her fiercely, was isolated from the thick fog.

A sinister man suddenly laughs in the thick fog: "It turns out that she is still a sign girl, so let the uncle have a good-good time!"

"No! No! Who are you? How dare you be disrespectful to me! Don't you want to live?" There was a hysterical shout from Princess Ziqing in the thick fog.

Then came the sound of the clothes being torn, the screams of Princess Ziqing, and the man's obscene laughter.

" Stop it!" The little maid was almost cracked. She desperately dodged the whip behind her and kept crawling forward on the cold mud land: "Let go of the princess! Everything is coming to me! Don't!————"

The fog gradually became thin. In the shadow, a woman's clothes lay on the ground in a mess, with blood stains on the corners of her mouth and a large area of skin on her chest exposed in the air!

A man has taken off his coat, exposed his strong upper body, looked at the embarrassed woman with his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I haven't tasted a woman for a long time. Today, I will definitely make you satisfied!" Come on!——”

The man suddenly jumped on Princess Ziqing's body, tore all the cloth she had left, and pressed it on Princess Ziqing's body.

"Ah————" There was a heartbreaking cry from Princess Ziqing in the fog: "Help! Help me——————”

The little maid could no longer care about the whip behind her and rushed towards the fog.

"Rel free the princess!——" The little maid grabbed a wooden stick from the ground and smashed it down at the man who pressed on Princess Ziqing. However, before touching the man's body, he was slapped out of thin air by the man, patted far away, and fell to the ground fiercely!

Princess Ziqing looked at the little maid desperately and stretched out her right hand. Her desperate eyes and desperate right hand deeply stimulated the nerves of the little maid.

"Come on, find someone to save me!" Princess Ziqing kept trembling under the man's body and was afraid: "Go and find the general on the right to save me!————

The little maid stayed there suddenly and heard Princess Ziqing's words as if she woke up from a dream: "General on the right? Yes, yes, I'm going to find the general! Princess, no matter what happens, you must live a strong life! This man who insulted you will never let him go even if he dies!"

"Hmm! What a big tone, let's talk about it first!" There are two more figures in the fog, one with a whip in his hand. It seems that this man did the attack just now! Another man held a bow and arrow in his hand and pointed coldly at himself with the tip of an arrow.

"Don't! --" Princess Ziqing, who had been destroyed, had a sad scream and struggled to climb over from under the man who insulted her. The cloth on her body was extremely small, and her whole back was exposed to the fog, little by little towards the little maid. The direction crawled over!

"Go! I'll break it for you!" Princess Ziqing suddenly looked at the little maid with tears in her eyes: "You have been with me for so long, but I have never given you anything! Now, I can't let you fall into their hands again! Let's go! Otherwise, your body will also be defiled! If you want to save me, go to the general quickly! Hurry up!——"

The whip threw fiercely in the direction of the little maid without warning, but was grabbed by Princess Ziqing in the palm of her hand and shouted sharply, "What else are you doing? Let's go!——”

"Ah!--" Princess Ziqing screamed and was suddenly caught back by the man again and pressed on the ground again!

"My Princess, our game is not over yet! I haven't completely enlightened you to learn how to be a real woman. How can you escape? The man**- smiled and lowered his head and bit Princess Ziqing's back.

The little maid's tears fell down, and she kowtowed to the desperate purple princess in a panic. While dodging the attack of the whip, she got up from the ground in confusion, turned around and ran away!

Princess, don't worry! Even if the slave dies, he will definitely pass the news to the general on the right to avenge the princess! Revenge for the general!

Whether the general wants the princess or not in the future, the maidservant will follow the princess and serve the princess all his life!

The little maid rolled and crawled, resisting the wounds and pain on her back, and then stumbled forward. Behind him were the two short men's shouts: "Don't let her escape! Hurry up!"

The little maid wiped her tears fiercely while fleeing fiercely!

This is the opportunity that the princess won for herself with her innocence! How can you be indecisive and lose the good opportunity to save the princess?

Princess, you must live strong!

Watching the little maid run away completely, the two people on the mud suddenly stopped all their movements.

"Hey! Have you had enough? Princess Ziqing, lying on the cold ground, suddenly changed her emphasis: "We agreed that it was just acting. You are really into the play!"

The man lying on her turned over lazily from her, lay next to her and said melancholy, "I'd rather it's true!"

"Cut!" She gently tore off the * on her face, revealing the unyielding face, and slanted at the man beside her: "Lin Muyang, are you on purpose?"

"What do you think?" Lin Muyang turned around gently, but fell on Xiang Zixi's almost naked body, and the desire in his eyes suddenly rose.

Gently turned over and sat up, firmly controlled her under her body, and said gently, "Look! My body is the most honest!"

Feeling the burning heat of some part of Lin Muyang's body, he pushed away Lin Muyang's chest angrily to Zixi: "Okay, it's important to do business!"

"It doesn't matter. Those two have already followed! It's not as good as us--" Before Lin Muyang finished saying this, Xiang Zixi's cold eyes suddenly swallowed all his words: "Okay, okay, you have the final say! Poor me, I haven't touched a woman for a long time, but I still suffer this kind of crime!"