Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 227 Meeting again is the enemy!

At this time, Xiang Zixi didn't know what his face had become. He only knew that his back had been soaked with sweat!

She has never had such an agile thinking and has never had such a successful inference. At that moment, she even regretted that her inference ability was super-level!

If everything you infer is true, then the dangerous person is not Xiahou Junhao, but Jin Haoxuan!

She can even meet the tragedy of Princess Ziqing! This strong woman, this illegitimate daughter born with a royal aura, is actually doomed to be abandoned at the moment she was born. 1

Xiang Zixi's eyes were wide open. Until now, she has completely understood why the king of Qi was so active in this dispatch of troops. It turned out that it was the real mantis catching cicadas and yellow finch behind!

No, we must stop the action of the King of Qi!

Xiang Zixi was in a panic, his breathing was instantly disrupted, and his body suddenly hit the hanger uncontrollably, making a crisp sound.

"Who is it?!" The Empress Dowager shouted harshly: "The bold thief dares to steal into my bedroom!"

Xiang Zixi slowly came out of the corner, staring at a man and a woman who stood up, but did not look directly at the empress dowager, but said to the king of Qi, "Your Majesty, all this is your bureau, right? Everything you do is just to pave the way for your big plan, isn't it?

The king of Qi obviously did not expect that the person who was hiding in the dark to eavesdrop was Xiang Zixi!

Although the king of Qi has not directly deal with this girl, the other party's information has been constantly collected and sorted out, so he also knows more or less about Xiang Zixi's temperament.

When the king of Qi saw that his conspiracy might be revealed to the world, he immediately said, "Aren't you also hating him? Why don't you and I join hands? I promise you to avenge yourself!"

"Haha!" Xiang Zixi laughed up to the sky, and tears fell down with laughter: "Should I say thank you? Thank you for your layout all the time, thank you for your tireless pursuit and your use of me again and again?

King Qi's eyes sank slightly.

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth and shouted, "Come on--this--"

"Empress dowager, if you don't want your adultery with the king of Qi to be exposed, then don't open your mouth!" Xiang Zixi glanced coldly at the Empress Dowager with the corners of her eyes. Sure enough, the Empress Dowager's face suddenly became extremely pale.

"It is said that the IQ of women in love is zero. I have experienced a process of zero or even negative. Looking back, this sentence is really true! It's just that the Empress Dowager, your negative IQ has been too long, hasn't it? Xiang Zixi sneered: "Don't you understand that your love has been using you all the time?" He not only used you, but also your children to become the cornerstone of his climb to the throne with everything! Am I right? "Lord?"

The king of Qi laughed and said, "In the past, Ziqing said that you were a very smart woman, but I didn't believe it very much! Now it seems that Ziqing still underestimates you a lot!"

"Yes, she did underestimate me, but I have never overestimated myself!" Xiang Zixi raised the corners of her mouth gently and looked at the Empress Dowager again and said, "Empress Dowager, the purpose of my coming this time was to have a good talk to you. But now it seems that there is no need!"

A long knife slowly pulled out from the back of his waist and said coldly, "As long as you kill the King of Qi, you can cut off the chain at the critical point and make your conspiracy no longer focus!"

"Are you going to kill me?" The king of Qi looked at Xiang Zixi in surprise: "I heard it correctly, didn't I? How dare you help the man who hurt you and abandoned you?

"You're wrong. I don't want to help anyone, I'm helping myself!" Xiang Zixi smiled coldly and said, "Because as long as you and Ziqing are dead, then I can live a more stable life!" It's that simple!"

The long knife in Zixi's hand scratched the ground and splashed a spark on the hard ground.

He clenched the long knife in the palm of his hand and strode towards the Empress Dowager and the King of Qi not far in front of him. He gently raised the long knife in his hand and went straight to the door of the King of Qi!

Sum--The King of Qi was finally not so sloofy. In a panic, he grabbed a stool next to him and suddenly met the long knife in Zixi's hand!

However, the king of Qi's understanding of Xiang Zixi is still limited to the literal meaning, and he doesn't understand the real darkness of Xiang Zixi at all!

When she raised her knife to attack, most of them were homicides, but the real killing moves were in the back.

Sure enough, when the king of Qi raised his stool to block the attack on Zixi, Xiang Zixi's right foot had been raised high and kicked the king of Qi's chest fiercely!

With his left leg, a difficult split suddenly split the crumbling King of Qi to the ground!

"Your Highness, you are old after all! Besides, you haven't received real martial arts training. Your tripod's ability to climb over the wall is still not enough in my eyes!" Xiang Zixi withdrew her left leg, a quick rotation, and her left foot kicked the lower abdomen of King Qi again!

Bang! The king of Qi lay on the ground in confusion!

took a cruel step forward to Zixi, and the long knife in his hand did not hesitate at all, and pierced the neck of King Qi fiercely!

The Empress Dowager covered her mouth in horror!

The King of Qi looked up awkwardly and just met the long knife pierced by Zixi!

Suddenly, Xiang Zixi's sixth sense once again played an unimaginable role, and the king of Qi was fraudulent!

A sarcastic smile suddenly flashed in the depths of King Qi's eyes, and he arrogantly met the long knife in Zixi's hand!

Ding--A crisp impact sound, Xiang Zixi only felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth, and the long knife in his hand could no longer be grasped, so he watched the long knife in his hand being nailed to the ground!

Xiang Zixi hummed and suddenly held his right hand. The position of the tiger's mouth of his right hand had faintly oozed a trace of blood! The other party's strength is so great!

"Who!" Xiang Zixi shouted sharply, "Who is obstructing me!"

A figure slowly came out from behind and sighed as he walked: "Xing Xiang, I'm sorry, I can't let you kill him!"

After Xiang Zixi heard this sound, her anger suddenly subsided little by little, her pupils opened wide in an instant, she turned her body mechanically, and her eyes suddenly bumped into the windless and automatic silver hair.

"I'm sorry, my duty is to protect his life!"

Xiang Zixi's lips trembled gently, and his pupils suddenly contracted: "You, what are you talking about? Unexpectedly, you————"

Xiang Zixi's body staggered for a while, and he stepped back three steps in succession. He kept shaking his head and whispered, "This is impossible! Tell me, what's going on with all this? Ji Yan, answer me, what's going on with him?!"

The person who stopped Xiang Zixi is none other than Ji Yan!

Listening to Xiang Zixi's question, Ji Yan sighed gently and said, "I don't know how much you know, but you really can't hurt him! Because my duty is to protect the king of Qi from anyone!"

"Ha! Hahahahaha--" Xiang Zixi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, but for some reason, her nose was always sour and swollen. She rubbed her nose hard, but she rubbed down her tears.

"I understand! So that's it!" Xiang Zixi shed tears silently and looked at Ji Yan: "It turns out that I am the only one in the dark! All of you turned me around to Zixi! Whether it's Jin Haoxuan or you, all of you are fooling me! You will probably be happy to see me fall into your trap, right?"

"Xiang--" Ji Yan took an anxious look at Xiang Zixi and wanted to explain, but he didn't know what else he could say!

Yes, what else can I say?

"It turns out that your kindness to me and your truth to me are just acting! It's ridiculous that I took it seriously! I'm really the biggest fool in the world!" Xiang Zixi suddenly rushed to the front of the long knife, pulled out the long knife fiercely, rushed to Ji Yan in front of him fiercely, and the long knife in his hand cut hard at Ji Yan's body!

"Do it! You killed me! Why are you hiding? Why hide? He roared hysterically: "Are you approaching me just to take advantage of me?" Are you happy now? Are you satisfied? Do it! You killed me! If you don't kill me now, I will definitely kill you!"

Ji Yan kept dodging the attack on Zixi. Looking at her silent tears, his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Tired of the attack, Xiang Zixi sat on the chair and looked at the three people present in a daze, tears sliding down silently.

"Ji Yan, when I first met you at the Yuelao Temple that day, did you plan to approach me, get close to me and take advantage of me?" Xiang Zixi asked gently, "Your kindness to me is just acting, isn't it? Even if you finally choose to save me, it's just because you feel guilty about me, isn't it?

Ji Yan gently lowered his eyelids and did not answer this question, but whispered, " Xiang Xiang, quit! This is not the level you can reach! Politics is not for you!"

"What a good one that doesn't suit me!" Xiang Zixi shook her head gently, and the tears in her eyes fell, wetting all her clothes.

fiercely wiped away the tears in his eyes, stood up gently to Zixi, and asked softly, "Okay, I'll ask you one more question at the end!" If you don't want the third person to hear it, just let her go into a coma!"

When the king of Qi finished saying this to Zixi, he had already started, gently cut behind the Empress Dowager's neck with a surprised expression, put the Empress Dowager back **, and said to Ji Yan, "I'll leave it to you. I'm going back!"

Xiang Zixi didn't care about the king of Qi at all, so he looked straight at Ji Yan.

She never thought that the two would meet again in such a situation! What's more, I never thought that Lanyan's confidant, who was still fighting side by side, had stood on his opposite side!