Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 262 Visiting Tribe

Duojia suddenly met Ji Yan and was ready to compete with him.

Xiang Zixi knew that this Dogana was just the son of a nearby tribe and was definitely not Ji Yan's opponent. Moreover, I don't want to cause disputes on this trip. If I want to persuade the senior officials of the country, I have to start with these tribes!

Xiang Zixi pressed Ji Yan's chest that was about to explode and whispered, "Don't be impulsive! He doesn't mean any harm! Besides, what can happen with your protection?

Hu Ye also jumped off his horse and came over, obviously standing on Ji Yan's side.

Duga looked at Ji Yan and Hu Ye, and then remembered that Xiang Zixi came in the carriage of the royal family. He immediately woke up and knelt down on one knee: "I took the liberty to rush into the princess!————"

"No!" Xiang Zixi stretched out his hand and gently helped Dogana and helped him up: "I'm just a guest of His Royal Highness, not the princess of the Kingdom!" Besides, I'm a woman from the south, how can I be a princess?"

Add that embarrassing scratch on the top of your head, how cute it is.

"Ji Yan, let's go sit down! Anyway, it's not early today. You have to find a place to live! Isn't it?" Xiang Zixi turned around and smiled gently, with firm eyes and confidence.

This was the first time Hu Ye saw Xiang Zixi's shrewd side, and he was a little stunned. This is completely the same style as the woman who just quarreled with me!

Douga listened to Zixi's agreement and suddenly became ecstatic: "Is it true? Is it all true?"

nodded to Zixi with a smile.

Little fat and little fat also got down from the carriage. Ji Yan took a look at Hu Ye and said, "Okay, please--"

Doga turned around and whistled at the distance, and a group of people suddenly rushed out of the woods, all riding tall horses, heroic.

"Wow! A lot of horses!" Xiang Zixi shouted exaggeratedly: "This is the most steed I have ever seen!"

Despite the dead grass under his feet, he quickly met the group of horses and touched the horse's face gently. The men on the horse's back controlled the horses to prevent accidental injury to the women under the horse.

"Dogana, if I guess correctly, your tribe should be responsible for supplying horses to the royal family, right?" Xiang Zixi turned around brilliantly, turned his back to the sunset and said with a smile, "It's really great!"

Seeing Xiang Zixi like horses so much and hearing her beautiful words, all the men's faces showed pride.

Dogana patted her chest hard and said proudly, "Girl has good vision and good eyesight!"

Xiang Zixi looked at Dorana with a smile and said softly, "Can I go up and have a try? I really want to try this feeling of galloping on the grassland!"

Duga smiled boldly, turned over on his horseback and stretched out his hand to Zixi.

Xiang Zixi ran quickly like Duojia, and Xiaofei grabbed Xiang Zixi: "Miss, how can you ride a horse? It will get hurt!"

"No! As long as it's there, it won't hurt me, right? Xiang Zixi turned around and smiled brightly at Doga.

"Of course! I swear by the patron saint of our tribe that I will not hurt you at all!" Dogana smiled boldly, and Xiang Zixi no longer hesitated. He put the palm of his hand in the palm of Dogana's hand. With his strength, he gently landed on the horse's back and sat in front of Dogana.

Hu Ye stabbed Ji Yan with his arm: "Brother, do you watch her walk so close to that tribal boy?"

"This is one of her ways of socializing." Ji Yan smiled softly: "You don't think Xiang Xiang likes that boy, do you? Her vision is not ordinary!"

"Do you trust her so much?" Hu Ye pouted: "But I can't see how smart and wise she is! I saw her flirting with other men!"

Ji Yan laughed gently and said, "Because, this is Xiang Zixi! She can always get along with anyone and become friends anytime and anywhere. Isn't that the most terrible thing for her? Whether it is because of her unique charm, there is no man in the four countries who can resist her, and even all the soldiers in Yaoguo sincerely respect and love her!"

Xin Zeyang hasn't spoken. Ji Yan understands Xiang Zixi. How can he not understand? The moment Xiang Zixi came out of the carriage, Xin Zeyang knew that Xiang Zixi's diplomacy had begun!

Little fat and little fat looked at Xiang Zixi riding on the horse with envy. Behind him was Doga's reins in Xiang Zixi's hand and let her gallop.

"Drive!--" Xiang Zixi shook the reins and galloped boldly and hard, without a trace of timidity.

Seeing her so much, the appreciation in Doga's eyes became clearer and clearer.

Few women in the south take the initiative to ride horses, and they are not captive horses in the south, but wild wild horses. Mustangs are not ordinary. It takes a lot of strength and skills to tame them, and they only recognize one owner. If others want to ride again, they must tame it again.

Of course, Xiang Zixi was not sure that he could tame a fierce horse, so he let Doga sit behind him and teach him how to tame a fierce horse.

(Pies: The rabbit has never ridden a horse. I don't know if it's the case. Don't be serious with the rabbit! Even if it's serious, I can't hear the rabbit, I can't hear it, I can't hear it...)

Xiang Zixi was busy at the beginning, and Dogana had to help her subdue the horses under her crotch. When the horses calmed down, they were handed over to Xiang Zixi's hands to control the horses again.

In this way, it was almost dark, and Xiang Zixi could finally barely control it.

Xiang Zixi turned around with a bright smile and gave a thumbs up and said, "It's really a good horse!" In the south, such a horse has long been tamed! If it weren't for your forced suppression, I'm afraid I wouldn't have any hope at all! So, Dogana, you're great!"

was praised by the beautiful woman, and Dogana cheered, shook the whip hard, and urged the ** horse to gallop in the direction of the tribe.

A group of horses and black ducks followed behind them.

Ji Yan and Hu Ye followed on horseback, and Xin Zeyang followed in the carriage at the end.

When everyone arrived at the tribe, it was already dark.

nomadic tribes rarely build brick and tile-structure houses, which are generally dominated by felt houses, which is convenient to disassemble and clean up when traveling on the grassland.

When Xiang Zixi jumped off her horse and walked into the tribe in pain, she couldn't help opening her mouth! A lot of felt houses!

The young people jumped off their horses and drove them into the herd.

"Wow! It's spectacular!" Xiang Zixi exclaimed and said, "No wonder Yaoguo has deployed so many troops in the north. It turns out that Lingguo's combat effectiveness is so horrible1"

Ji Yan jumped off his horse and walked to Xiang Zixi's side and answered her words: "Yes, all the members of the nomadic tribe are soldiers!"

"But I also heard that Linguo is not only nomadic, but also some tribes grow grain!" Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan fixedly: "Is their combat effectiveness the same as that of the nomads?"

"Of course not! The tribes that grow crops are mostly some people from the south. Ji Yan laughed and said, "You also know that the residents of the four countries will come to each other and form mixed residences over time, and then the planting technology in the south will spread to the north, gradually forming tribes specializing in planting crops. The main responsibility of these people is to produce rather than nomadic, so naturally, their combat effectiveness is almost Ignore it!"

Xiang Zixi breathed a relaxed breath and said, "Yes, if all of them are so horrible, it's not just Yaoguo, but I'm afraid that the world is their world! Ji Yan, you also grew up on horseback, right?

Ji Yan nodded gently.

He reached out to Zixi and gently pounded Ji Yan's chest and said coquettishly, "I said! How can your body be so strong and powerful! The figure is even more perfect! It seems that your title of king of killer is really not given in vain!"

Listening to Zixi's praise, Ji Yan's eyes flashed with a smell of happiness.

"Wow! Oh my God! A lot of horses!" Little fat and little fat got out of the carriage and exaggeratedly opened his mouth, which aroused a burst of laughter from other nomadic members.

Jin Haoxuan's eyes were not at Ma Qun at all, but kept staring at the distance, looking at Zixi along his sight. Xin Zeyang was still thinking about his fiasco that day! Now it must be envied to see those young people with arrowheads on their backs and a lot of trophies in their hands, right?

At this time, the tribal chief came out of the largest felt room in the distance and greeted the guests outside.

He took two quick steps to Zixi, walked to the tribal chief, and learned the etiquette of the other party and saluted to the tribal chief: "Your excell!"

The tribal chief is a man about 50 years old. Although he is not young, his body is still strong and terrible! Are all the men on this grassland so tough and strong?

"Good, good! I heard from Doga that you are a guest of His Royal Highness. Since you have passed by my tribe, how can you not come in, sit and have a rest and have a cup of milk tea? The tribal chief smiled cheerfully: "I have heard of Miss Xiang's reputation, but I never thought that Miss Xiang was such a beautiful and generous woman! The water and soil in the south can even raise heroic children like Miss Xiang!"

"You're so kind!" He gave way to Zixi with a smile.

The tribal chief is different from Dokana. He is involved in politics. Naturally, he knows how much gold is in Xiang Zixi's name! Her deeds are not only spread in other three countries, but also widely spread among the upper classes of the country.

You should know that women in the country are brave and good at fighting, but they are all brave and resourceful. Southern women are weak and cowardly, but most of them are full of poetry. Now there is a woman who doesn't like reading but shows great interest in current affairs and power, but there are countless plots and tricks. Such a woman, whether in the south or the north, is a strange existence!

"Hahahaha, okay, have a banquet!" The tribal chief smiled boldly and waved his hand to order.