Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 265 If Miss won't, let the maid come!

Everyone got out of the carriage and quickly greeted Zixi. They held the old man who was about to fall to the ground and frowned gently: "Old man, what's wrong?"

The old man who was supported by Xiang Zixi looked up at Xiang Zixi and the other five people. He couldn't help sighing and shaking his head without saying a word.

The middle-aged woman put her hands on her waist, stared and said, "Let's go! If you don't walk, break your legs! Don't think that you can live with me with the shame of foreigners!"

Little fat and little fat came forward and held the old woman. He couldn't help asking, "Grandma, what's going on?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Girl, you are all foreigners, so don't ask! This is our own family matter!"

As soon as Xiang Zixi was about to speak, Hu Ye said gently, "He was right! We Chinese have always dealt with our own affairs. Even if we drop our teeth and swallow blood, we won't say anything to make outsiders laugh!"

Xiang Zixi stared at the strong middle-aged woman and asked the old man, "Who is this woman to you?"

The old couple was silent, but the middle-aged woman said, "I'm their third daughter-in-law. There's nothing I can't say! These two immortals were driven out by the eldest brother's family and wanted to stay at my house. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? At the beginning, didn't you love the eldest brother the most? Take them south and north, go to the warm south to settle down, and leave the third one at home. Now it's all right. The eldest brother lives in the rich and warm south and doesn't want you, so you can come back to us with a shy face?

Xiang Zixi rubbed his temples with a headache and muttered, "Ah, ah, ah, I have the biggest headache for this kind of family. I can't explain the relationship that I don't understand at all!"

Little fat came forward and said, "Anyway, it's wrong for you to hit people!" Anyway, they are your husband's parents. Even if you have a good opinion, why do you beat people?

The middle-aged woman stared: "What does the little girl know? These two old people are lazy. I asked them to collect the dried sweet potatoes, but the two of them refused to do any work! I'm not adopting a begko! If you want to eat, you have to work!"

Listening to her talk more and more, no one can stand it.

At this time, someone in the crowd stood up and said, "Third daughter-in-law, you are wrong with this! The old couple didn't say that they didn't care about Lao San at the beginning, but that Lao San was too young and how dangerous it was to go out to business! Besides, it's also entrusted to my uncle's family for upbringing! The eldest brother lost his business in the south. He couldn't take care of it for the time being, so he fostered the two old people with you first, and he didn't say that he wouldn't support them!"

Xiang Zixi held his head with both hands and looked helpless: "Will Mao let me encounter such a thing? I'm not a county magistrate. I'm really not a county magistrate. I can't break such a lawsuit!"

Xin Zeyang snorted coldly and said, "Stupid woman! Does this kind of lawsuit still need to be broken? Whatever the reason, it's the parents who gave birth to themselves, right? Parents don't make a big mistake. No matter what, they can't beat them out of the house!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly came to the spirit: "Yes, yes, yes, it is absolutely incorrect to beat your parents out of the house!"

"It's light, why don't you try to raise it?" The middle-aged woman's eyes stared at her hands and waist, like a female tiger.

Xiong Zixi pulled Xin Zeyang: "Hey, will women become like this after getting married?"

Xin Zeyang nodded mischievously, shivered at Zixi, and said to himself, "Then I still don't want to marry!" Sure enough, it is the happiest when you are single, and the days when you are single are the happiest! It's terrible! It can be turned into a dominatrix!"

A man who was obviously dressed as a southerner suddenly appeared in the crowd, who was thin and about 40 years old. Obviously, this village migrated from the south and then settled down for generations after marriage.

"What else are you still talk about? Haven't you called away yet?" The man said impatiently to his wife, "Why is it so difficult for you to do something?"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately aroused public indignation! This is the real evil horse of emotions! No wonder all unfilial daughters-in-law are brought by unfilial sons!

He strode forward to Zixi, suddenly stood in front of the couple, and said harshly, "Your daughter-in-law, even you said such an excessive thing!" Why didn't your parents strangle you when they gave birth to you?"

"Who are you? I want you to take care of it!" The man rolled his eyes, looked at Zixi's clothes, and his face was marked. He immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you raise it!"

"Hmm! If my parents are still there, I will definitely be better than you! It's just two old people who move freely, isn't it just two mouthfuls of rice? You probably became a parent, didn't you? How do you feel if your child treats you like this in the future? Xiang Zixi forcibly suppressed her anger. This kind of thing can't be solved by fist alone. If it is not solved from the root, the two old people will suffer more torture as soon as they leave.

"It's nothing to do with you! If you want to pretend to be a good person, you can bring money!" The man said impatiently.

Xiang Zixi clenched her fists and rushed to beat people several times, but she repeatedly warned herself to endure, endure, and must endure.

Ji Yan and Hu Ye have been standing still watching. They have never cared about such trivial matters. Accustomed to the indifference and ruthlessness of the world, this kind of trivial thing can't be regarded as a matter at all, and they will never interfere.

Xiang Zixi is a good person, and he can't help asking questions when he encounters curious things. But this time she really fell!

In terms of fighting, she is the top one. In terms of quarrels, she seldom can scold her. In terms of theft, this is really unmatched.

But this is the first time to deal with the parents' shortcomings, whether in her previous life or this life. She can't deal with these two wolf-hearted things in front of her like her brother and sister-in-law, can she? Of course, my brother and sister-in-law are also ungrateful things. Because they committed the murder, they got to know them.

These people in front of you really have nothing to do with themselves, and strictly speaking, they don't even have the right to interrupt.

In such an embarrassing situation, Xiang Zixi, who has never dealt with it, is finally about to go crazy.

"Ah! I can't stand it!" Xiang Zixi roared and pointed to the two old men and said to the middle-aged couple, "I'll tell you! I will order you to take the old man back today!"

"Yo! Honey, someone dares to order us!" The man sneered and said, "Let them have a look! Let them know how powerful we are!"

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged couple suddenly grabbed a stick from behind and hit the brainless old couple standing beside them!

Xin Zeyang took a look and immediately grabbed the stick in the hands of the two people, raised his foot, kicked the man's chest fiercely, and kicked him to eat mud! When I turned around and was ready to hit the middle-aged woman, the raised hand was put down fiercely: "I don't hit women!"

Little fat and little fat looked at each other, lowered his head, hit the middle-aged woman's body fiercely, and knocked her to the ground fiercely!

Two people sit fiercely on the first and the other on the stomach!

Xiang Zixi suddenly couldn't bear to close his eyes! The tonnage of little fat and fat is very horrible!

"We are women, so we hit women. Should we be all right?" Xiaofei said with a smile, sat down hard, and there was a scream immediately below!

"We will do what our young lady can't handle!" Little Fatty grabbed the middle-aged woman's feet, broke them up hard, and there was another scream under her body!

Ji Yan and Hu Ye couldn't help laughing and couldn't bear to say goodbye to Zixi!

"How dare you fight with our lady! I'll let you know it's awesome!" The little fat slowly left the face of the middle-aged woman. Everyone looked at it, and his face was purple!

Xin Zeyang strode to the middle-aged man and raised his foot: "What? Do you have any problem with my sister's order now?

The man hid headlessly and said, "You are foreigners, not nobles. Why do you care about the affairs of our village?"

The words that were not a nobleman suddenly reminded Xiang Zixi. Xiang Zixi took out a ring from his belt and put it on his finger and said softly, "Although I am not a nobleman, I have the ring of the prince today!" I don't know if this ring engraved with royal lines has the right to control you?

When Xiang Zixi showed the ring, everyone's face suddenly changed dramatically!

Not only the villagers, but also Ji Yan and Hu Ye knelt on one knee and stood with their heads down!

Xiang Zixi shines with the ring on his hand and says coldly, "Now I order you to take your parents home to support them! If you know that you still dare to fight against the old man, wash your neck and prepare to die!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The middle-aged couple's faces turned white, and the old couple burst into tears.

"Girl, who the hell are you?" The old man looked at Zixi doubtfully: "Old man, I have traveled south and north. I have never heard of a southern woman as a princess in the country!"

Ah? Haha! You misunderstood! I'm not the princess of the country. My name is Xiang Zixi, and I'm from Yao country!" Xiang Zixi took away the ring in her hand and said majestically, "Other people listen. If this person dares to be unfilial to his parents again, the informant will reward him!"

"Yes!" A group of people answered neatly.

turned around proudly to Zixi: "Let's go!"

got into the carriage and gradually moved away from the village. After so many things, don't rest, just go!

In the carriage, Xiang Zixi changed her mind and said with a depressed face, "Hey, am I really a newcomer? There is no way to deal with such a thing!"

"How come?" Xiaofei comforted her: "Miss is already awesome! But there are short and long, and the young lady is not the Queen Mother. How can she know everything and be good at everything? Miss, as long as others don't do it! Let me deal with the rest with Xiao Pangpang!"

Listening to Xiao Feifei's comfort, Xiang Zixi shined again: "That's right! That kind of parent's short story is simply terrible! There is no way to deal with it at all! Ah ha ha, I'm really not very good, am I?"

"Yes, yes!" The little fat and fat in the carriage answered helplessly.

Ji Yan and Hu Ye are smiling again.