Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 268 The Band of Thieves in the Gravel City

Xiang Zixi said with a smile, "You are coaxing me!" Do you think I'm three years old? Hu Ye, let's go!" Xiang Zixi grabbed Hu Ye's hand and turned around and ran away!

Hu Ye was dragged to Zixi and walked forward. The old man behind him stamped his feet and ordered the people hidden in the dark around him: "Come on! Take back that thing!"

Xiang Zixi raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said to Hu Ye, "There will be some top and outstanding people in every industry, including your killers who will be as powerful as Ji Yan. Similarly, there is a kind of person called gifted in the world of thieves! Today, I will let you see with your own eyes what a real thief is. By the way, I also reminded the aunt behind him to remember that there is someone outside!"

Yo! In a short period of time, has you been demoted from an old woman to an aunt?

Xiang Zixi's words did not mean to avoid people at all. The voice was so loud that everyone on the street heard it, and naturally included the old man. Everyone stopped what was going on and paid close attention to what happened on the street. Interest in this girl who has just entered the city today has gradually risen.

As soon as Xiang Zixi's words fell, it was obviously a violation of public anger. Several people suddenly appeared in the corner of the wall, staring at Xiang Zixi with a bad face.

Xiang Zixi slowly took out an ingot of silver, threw it up and down in the palm of her hand, and said lazily, "I will take ten steps forward. If any of you have the ability to steal this ingot from my hand, I will not only return to Zhao, but also reward you!"

Other people's eyes suddenly lit up and they were eager to try.

Xiang Zixi pinched the silver in his hand, looked at the others on the street with a smile, and said, "Similarly, I will also take something from you!" When you steal the money in my hand, you should also be careful not to take away things that I shouldn't take away! If I win, then I also need to know about your conspiracy! Nothing else, just because of the itchy hands. Although I have washed my hands and never been a thief again, you can understand it for a while, right?

Others looked at each other, and finally everyone looked at the old man behind Xiang Zixi. Seeing the old man nodded, one of them said, "It turned out to be a colleague, disrespectful and disrespectful! Don't you know where the girl used to be?

Xiang Zixi laughed and said, "Oh, really, people have already said that they have washed their hands in a golden basin!" Why do you still ask? Are you ready? I'm going to start walking!"

Gently picked up the silver in Zixi's hand and disappeared from the palm of his hand in an instant.

Just as the first step of selling to Zixi, a woman pressed towards Xiang Zixi's body. When her fingers gently touched Xiang Zixi's sleeves, a wisp of cold light gently wiped, and the hair between the woman's temples suddenly fell off. Just when the woman was shocked, Xiang Zixi had already slipped like a swimming fish. Passing past the woman.

Looking in the eyes of the outside, the two seemed to simply pass by. In fact, Xiang Zixi had cut off the woman's wrist. If it hadn't been for her mercy, the woman's hand would have cost!

Seeing the woman lose, a young man followed.

However, what no one expected was that Xiang Zixi did not fight close to the man, but made a forward flip on the spot, which suddenly staggered the man's footsteps. Turn over in the other direction!

Take the initiative to attack Zixi!

I saw Xiang Zixi's hands slowly brushing from the back of a man's neck as if they had no bones.

Xiang Zixi's movements were very fast and did not follow the established trajectory, so everyone was not prepared enough. When Xiang Zixi approached the man, he was still thinking about a man's failure and then going to do it by himself!

How did you know that Xiang Zixi's appearance suddenly disrupted the deployment of himself and others, and Xiang Zixi suddenly appeared in front of him!

You should know that thieves are thieves, and few martial arts masters. In other words, how many martial arts masters seem crazy to be thieves? Thieves are the real existence of the bottom of society! Therefore, although the reaction of these people is not slow, it is still very different from the martial arts masters who follow them.

Hu Ye saw all this clearly, but at the same time, he was also marveling at Xiang Zixi's wit.

She cleverly broke the other party's deployment and caught the other party off guard in her own way. Destroy the other party's attempt to fight by taking the initiative. But there are at least six thieves ten steps away. Can she really do it?

When Xiang Zixi approached the third thief, the old man who had been stolen by Xiang Zixi suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Xiang Zixi smiled at the corners of his mouth, but his body slid away from the man like a loach, and did not do anything to him!

Just as the man was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a chill in the back of his neck. He reached out and touched it, and the cold sweat on his back came out!

I only felt that my back was cold, and the clothes in the back position were unconsciously cut by the other party! That is to say, if the other party wants to die by himself, he will never stand still now!

A gentle rotation under Zixi's feet and suddenly rushed to the fourth person.

This time, this person was ready. When he approached him, the silver needle in his hand had lit up!

The smile at the corners of the fourth person's mouth has emerged. In his consciousness, at such a close distance, the other party can never avoid his silver needle! Especially the other party is a person who can't do martial arts like himself! This girl will definitely fall into her own hands!

Just as the silver needle of the fourth finger pierced towards the big hole of Xiang Zixi's arm, Xiang Zixi suddenly showed her iconic smile.

In such an electric moment! Suddenly, a bright silver thread on Xiang Zixi's little finger appeared in his hand. Under the swaying of the sun, it was brighter and more dazzling than the other party's silver needle!

It happened at that moment, and a lot of things happened at that moment!

When the silver needle pierced, it was time to close the silver wire on Zixi's finger. The slender silver wire actually pulled the second man who besieged Zixi and rushed to the fourth man like a broken kite!

"Lao Si, let go! Don't get her trick!" The old man was almost furious. Xiang Zixi had set up a mechanism on the other party's body when he rubbed him just now, in order to make the other party his own shield and become a target!

The distance is only three steps, but it is enough to buy time for Xiang Zixi!

When the fourth person saw the failure of his plan, he abruptly stopped his action, but it did not mean that Xiang Zixi also stopped. He gently hooked his finger and gently sucked the other party's silver needle from the other party's fingertips with a strong suction stone!

Before the fifth person could jump on, the silver needle of Zixi's fingers had been thrown fiercely at the fragility of the fifth person's neck!

"Be careful!" The fourth person who lost the silver needle shouted and let his companions guard against Zixi.

But how did he know that Xiang Zixi's favorite thing to do was to hit the east and west. She threw out the silver needle just as a cover to make the other party focus his attention on the silver needle on her neck, but her own body floated like a ghost and pressed on the other party's shoulder. Fang jumped over his head!

At this time, all the people on the street opened their glasses wide and were even more shocked by Xiang Zixi's action! I have never seen such a thief crossing over other people's heads!

But after Xiang Zixi completely leaped over the other party's head, a strange smile appeared on everyone's faces. Only the person concerned was still at a loss. When he held the newly captured silver needle in his hand and just wanted to continue to pursue, he suddenly felt an itchy face. He reached out and touched it and fainted to death. His beard was half less. !

Hu Ye burst into laughter. Xiang Zixi has always liked pranks, but she didn't expect such a spoof!

There is only one person left now, and there is only one step away from Xiang Zixi.

A mass of determination flashed through the man's eyes, fighting for the possibility of being hurt by Xiang Zixi, and stretched out his finger to Zixi's arm to death regardless of danger!————

The smile at the corners of Xiang Zixi's mouth has never faded. Now in the face of this last thief, the smile on Xiang Zixi's face suddenly became more sarcastic. His fingers gently touched the sixth person's finger and gently bumped with him. With the strength of the other party, he wiped his arm and cut his body away from the other party's side!

Ten steps have been completed!

"Hate! You don't have any money!" The sixth person suddenly realized that there was nothing in Xiang Zixi's arm in the action just now!

Xiang Zixi pointed to the ground and said, "Ten steps have passed. I have collected your souvenirs here. I don't know if you have found my silver?"

The sixth man suddenly became anxious and said to the old man, "Master, she cheated! She has no silver at all!"

The old man's face is very gloomy and terrible. Today, he finally understands that he has been walking around the world for so many years, and today he has met a master! And the other party turned out to be a teenage female doll!

Xiang Zixi smiled gently: "Don't you admit it if you lose? Hu Ye, look in your pocket!"

Hu Ye stretched out his hand and touched it from his pocket, his eyes widened, took out the ingot of his arms the silver used as a bet, and said incredulously, "How can it be with me? What's going on?"

Clap your hands to Zixi and smile indifferently: "The empty hands are not only quick, but also fast-eyed! I am not talented. I not only like empty-handed tricks, but also like to play some difficult movements! For example, the most basic gymnastics! When I just turned forward, I had thrown the silver in my hand into her pocket with my sleeve as a cover. Because my movements were extremely fast, and my wide dress as a cover, no one really found it! Why, are you still not convinced?"

The old man sighed and said, "Sure enough, there is someone outside, and there is God outside! Today, I finally understood what a real master is! Don't be ashamed. What they play is really empty-handed!"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently. At the age of 14, he had achieved great success. How many people knew about it? He later became the world's top thief, relying on pure technology!