Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 277 Operation of the Thieves! 6

Stepping into the cave again, the three people had experience on the road ahead and quickly passed.

When they walked to the pile of snake meat, the three people couldn't help frowning and pinching their noses.

This time, the three of them were well prepared, took the iron cable, reinforced the broken bridge, and laid wooden boards to make it easier for them to leave a way back when fleeing.

After crossing the broken bridge, the three people walked forward again, but according to reason, it should be getting darker and darker, but the three people found that the front gradually brightened.

Xiang Zixi turned off the flashlight, and the three slowly came to a very spacious place. Looking up, they saw the mottled starlight above their heads. The three realized that they had been busy all day. The day was so thrilling that they even forgot that they had not eaten!

"Take a break first!" Xiang Zixi said lightly, "We have been busy all day. We are all tired!"

Hu Ye nodded to Tang Zongming, sat down, took out the dry food and dealt with it casually and simply. All three people are people who travel around all year round. It is common for such a state and will not affect their diet and rest.

After dinner, the three of them lit a small fire to keep warm.

You know, it's already very cold in the north now. It's basically below zero at night. If you don't warm up, you will probably become an ice man tomorrow morning.

Open the map to Zixi, discuss with the other two people, and say, "From the map, we have walked most of the way, and I'm afraid the rest will be more dangerous."

Hu Ye nodded to Tang Zongming and continued to Zixi, "We must change our strategy. I'm still the first to go. Hu Ye is in the middle and is responsible for the rescue. After the old man breaks, he has to closely observe whether the road we have walked has changed!"

Hu Ye and Tang Zongming looked at each other and nodded silently. Now the two have no objection to Xiang Zixi's absolute leadership status!

Especially Tang Zongming, he understands more clearly that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward. He is old and is now the world of young people! Unfortunately, none of my apprentices can match Xiang Zixi's talent! There is no successor!

Hu Ye was originally very disdainful of Xiang Zixi, but as the contact deepened, she changed Xiang Zixi again and again and reevaluated it. Especially at that stop during the day, Hu Ye made another evaluation of Xiang Zixi, and finally understood why his brother was so fascinated by this woman.

If you are a man, I'm afraid you will be fascinated by the other party, right? Smart, calm, wise, courageous, shrewd, good at calculation, not afraid in the face of danger, although he will not be able to do any martial arts, but he has extremely amazing physical skills.

Such a woman can no longer be described by the word woman. She is simply the perfect embodiment. Er, in addition to dealing with parents' shortcomings, she is almost equivalent to an idiot in dealing with parents' shortcomings!

However, Hu Ye also knows that no one is perfect. Xiang Zixi has been so excellent in so many fields, so it doesn't matter if she is not good at it in other ordinary fields. For example, interpersonal relationships, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and songs, cough, that's really too difficult for her!

The plan was agreed, and the three people began to close their eyes.

Xiang Zixi is a top thief, and naturally he can relax and sleep at any time.

Hu Ye is a killer and can survive in any environment, which is the most basic skill.

Tang Zongming is a senior thief who often haunts the wilderness, so resting anywhere is also a compulsory course.

So, when the stars were shining, the three people were sleeping soundly.

A figure flashed over his head, and three people opened their eyes at the same time!

"I'll go and have a look!" Hu Ye dropped four words, and his figure had disappeared. By the time Xiang Zixi and Tang Zongming reacted, Hu Ye had fallen from his head, frowned and said, "It's strange that the other party's speed is so fast that I didn't catch up!"

Xiang Zixi looked up at the top of his head and said, "The starlight can be faintly seen above his head, indicating that it is not far from the top of the mountain. It's just that there is such a shortcut, why do we have to work hard to come in from that small cave?

Tang Zongming and Hu Ye's faces darkened, and obviously they were also kept in the dark.

greeted Zixi and whispered them over. In this way, after saying a few words like this, the two nodded solemnly.

"There is nothing wrong with being careful!" Xiang Zixi said faintly, "For the sake of life, no matter what we see or find, we don't touch it casually!" The three of us are all top talents in the industry. If ** can't stand this, it will really humiliate our reputation!"

"I know what you mean." Hu Ye nodded gently and said sincerely, "Everything is up to you!"

Tang Zongming said with an awe-inspiring look, "The old man fights geese all year round, and there is no reason to be teased by the geese!"

nodded to Zixi and said, "I can't stay here any longer. Let's continue to go!"

The three people packed up their things, put out the bonfire, and walked slowly towards the front in the direction indicated by the map.

Because of eating and resting for two or three hours, the three people did not feel very tired. In one, three people are used to running around, and it only takes three hours a day to rest.

Xiang Zixi held the map and walked slowly. Tang Zongming suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Xiang Zixi stopped suddenly and didn't even look back. He said, "Sir, what did you find?"

Tang Zongming narrowed his eyes and said, "Listen, there is a sound of water flowing nearby!"

Xiang Zixi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the water flow was not marked on the map, but there was a river in the actual area. What does this mean?

The three people nodded tacitly and continued to walk forward. At the fork of the road that the three people had just passed, it really sounded more real.

The three people quickly found the river and compared the map. Tang Zongming said, "Why is such an important river not marked?"

nodded to Zixi and said, "Yes, why is such an important landmark not marked? Are we going the wrong way?

The three people did not hesitate at all and immediately turned around and walked back. However, when the three people went to the place where they had rested and found the traces left by their burning bonfire, they found that they had not gone wrong. So, what the hell is going on?

"Gentlemen, do you want to continue or return? Even if this map is abandoned here, there is no label that should be. The front is dangerous and uncertain, and it is very likely that you can't go out or be buried here!" Ask Zixi for the opinions of the other two people.

Tang Zongming gritted his teeth and said, "I have lost two apprentices for this treasure. I can't go back in vain!" Otherwise, how can I put my old face?"

Hu Ye smiled gently and said freely, "My duty is to protect you. I will naturally go wherever you go!"

said proudly to Zixi, "It's really unpleasant! I have always been happy to welcome Zixi, and I hate abandonment halfway! I hate this Jin Xiaoxiao to the bone. How can I let her go for nothing?

Tang Zongming and Hu Ye smiled gently, and the three reached a tacit understanding again.

No matter whether it is dangerous or safe ahead, they have decided to take this road to the end. Even if there is an eternal abyss ahead, you have to step on it!

In the palace, the prince of Linguo was talking to several military aircraft ministers. When talking about this Xiang Zixi, the prince of Lingguo smiled and said, "I know that you are skeptical of this woman, but I tell you that the ending will definitely surprise everyone!" Even this seat!"

"Your Highness, why do you admire this woman of Yaoguo so much?" The military aircraft minister looked at the prince of the country puzzledly: "The daughters of my country are all heroic children who grew up on horseback. Is it rare that they are not as good as a woman in the south?"

The prince of Linguo smiled and said, "It's completely different! Can't be compared! This Xiang Zixi is not just a southern woman! She has the mind and temperament of a northern woman!"

The three continued to move forward, stuffed the map directly into their arms, and no longer walked slowly with intuition and experience.

Along the way, there were many traps and organs everywhere. Tang Zongming now reflects the quality of the old thief, responds extremely easily, and accelerates the pace of progress.

The more organs you have, the more correct you will be.

Otherwise, who will set up so many traps and organs at some unimportant forks?

When the three people turned several fork and finally arrived at the final destination, the three opened their mouths at the same time!

I can only see the jewels and mountain weapons all over the mountains.

The treasure has finally been found!

He took a deep breath and said, "Jin Xiaoxiao is just the eldest princess of a country, and most of her military expenses have been robbed by me. How can there be so much jewelry?"

Hu Ye whispered, "This is not the property of Jin Xiaoxiao, but brought by the King of Qi from the dark country!" At that time, the king of Qi had made up his mind to rebel against the dark country, so he had begun to transfer his property a long time ago. Now with Jin Xiaoxiao's property, it is indeed a great wealth!"

nodded to Zixi, so it is! This is not only the dowry of Jin Xiaoxiao, but also the betrothal gift of the King of Qi!

Tang Zongming was instantly dazzled by the jewelry in front of him. Just as he was about to walk over, he was grabbed by Xiang Zixi's shoulder and frowned and said, "Sir, as I said, I don't take a penniless of these jewelry. They are all yours, but you must listen to my orders! If you act without permission, you will touch the organ!"

Tang Zongming, who was originally very docile, suddenly seemed to have changed into a person and looked at Zixi with a ferocious face: "What beautiful words!" Your eyes lit up when you saw so many treasures just now! How can there be women in the world who don't love jewelry? Don't you just think that you have more people and want to occupy one more?

He said coldly to Zixi, "I said I don't like it, but I don't like it. There is no need to lie!"

Hu Ye suddenly grabbed Xiang Zixi's shoulder, took her back, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you?"