Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 279 Escape from Heaven

The ground kept shaking, and the road when it came was completely cut off, and the soil on the top of the cave fell down.

Hu Ye grabbed Xiang Zixi's wrist and shouted, "We can't sit here and wait to death!" Let's go!"

Xiang Zixi was grabbed by Hu Ye, staggered, and kept running madly in front of her pull.

"This Lin Zuo has long planned to let us die here!" Xiang Zixi ran wildly with Hu Ye and said loudly, "We have all been fooled by this! However, I also calculated that Lin Zuo must not be willing to bury all the property of Jin Xiaoxiao at the bottom of the mountain! There must be another way out!"

Xiang Zixi's words seemed to remind Hu Ye. Hu Ye looked up and saw that the top of the cave was very high, but the soil fell down much less, and the ground began to stop shaking and slowly calm down.

The two suddenly stood up and looked around. They saw countless stone pillars about one meter high and about one meter in diameter suddenly shook, and then moved by themselves. As if someone was controlling these stone pillars under the ground, the stone pillars began to rotate disorderly, shaking back and forth.

Xiang Zixi only felt that her eyes were going to be dazzled by these standing stone pillars, and she couldn't help asking Hu Ye, "When did these pillars appear?" When we first came in, where were there so many perverted stone pillars?

Hu Ye also kept staring at the stone pillars and whispered, "Maybe the shaking just now was that these stone pillars broke the map! We were calculated! Why is that Lin Zuo going to trap us to death in this? You see, these pillars are arranged according to the direction of gossip. Xiang Zixi, how much do you know about gossip?

He spread his hand to Zixi: "I don't understand at all. How about you?"

Hu Ye's eyes darkened slightly: "That's terrible. I don't understand either!"

Xiang Zixi's heart was cold: "Don't you understand? So, are we really going to be trapped here?"

At this time, all the stone pillars slowly stopped moving and stood there quietly.

Xiang Zixi summoned up the courage to walk to the nearest stone pillar and reached out to touch it. The stone pillar was obviously artificially carved. The carving above has been working for a long time. Obviously, it has been some years.

Hu Ye looked at Xiang Zixi, who had been studying those stone pillars, and immediately said, "Do you have a good way now? The way we came has been cut off. Are we really accompanied by these jewelry that can't eat or drink?

Xiang Zixi squatted on the ground, pointed to the engraving on the stone pillar and said to Hu Ye, "Come and see, what's the upper half of these engravings different from the lower half?"

Xiang Zixi has no worries at all. The drinking water and dry food on her body are enough to support her for a period of time. During this period, she will definitely find a way to leave!

Hu Ye also squatted down, and now it doesn't make him any good to worry. Why don't you figure out all the mysteries here and maybe you can find a turning point?

"The engraving in the lower half is very new, but the upper part is very old." Hu Ye looked at it carefully and said, "But what does this mean?"

Xiang Zixi simply sat on the ground, then sat the valuable jewelry under the ass, held his chin and said, "This pattern is clearly the same, but there are old and new, indicating that the upper part of the stone pillar has been exposed to the air for a long time, and The lower half is buried in the soil. And this stone pillar did not exist here, but came in from the outside. Because only the wind and the sun will turn into sand like this in a short time!"

Hu Ye listened to Zixi's analysis and said brightly, "You mean that these pillars have been transferred from the outside to here in the shaking just now? God, your imagination is too rich, isn't it?"

"Maybe this is the truth!" Xiang Zixi held his chin and said, "Let's go and take a look at the other pillars. If most of them are like this, then my inference should be true!" And those stone pillars that are already here must have a much lighter degree of desertification!"

Although Hu Ye still looked unbelievable, he obediently found a few stone pillars and looked at them carefully. After observing for a long time, he said in surprise, "Xiang Zixi, you are right! That's true! These stone pillars are really not the same! Many new and old differentiation are obvious, but there are also a few differentiations that are not very clear!"

nodded to Zixi, walked around the artificially isolated island and said, "Oh, my God, how much human, material and financial resources should it take to build such a large project!"

Hu Ye stood in the distance and said, "Do rich people still care about spending money? Have you found a good way?"

Shake his head gently to Zixi, return to the middle of the island, sit down again, and sighed, "I still haven't thought of a suitable solution. How about you? What do you think of?

Hu Ye also shook his head gently and smiled bitterly at Zixi: "I'm sorry, I'm implicted you! If I hadn't agreed to the prince's bastard's proposal, I wouldn't have dragged you here!"

Listening to Zixi scolding the prince of Lingguo, Hu Ye had a strange look on his face.

"I do want to play Jin Xiaoxiao to death, but I don't want to play myself to death before playing her to death!" Xiang Zixi said angrily, "That bastard, the prince, is really not a fuel-efficient lamp! Whether I can play Jin Xiaoxiao to death or Jin Xiaoxiao to death, the prince bastard is sure to make a profit! When I die, the bastard of the prince can take my head to ask for credit to Jin Xiaoxiao. I am the big gift given to Jin Xiaoxiao by the bastard of the prince. If I play Jin Xiaoxiao to death, then the prince will not lose anything. Not to mention getting a lot of wealth, he also knocks on the mountain and shocks the tiger, and tells the king of Qi to be obedient, don't be whimsical! Anyway, that bastard makes money! Shit! I was played by him again!"

When he said this to Zixi, he simply gritted his teeth.

Hu Ye listened to Zixi's scolding with a innocent face, but he still couldn't answer. If he scolded him, he probably didn't have a day to live. But if you don't scold, you are innocently implicated and really wronged.

Xiang Zixi threw all the jewelry sitting under her buttocks into the abyss not far from the island.

This artificial construction is an abyss, bottomless, and dozens of meters wide, so even Hu Ye can't pass safely. When this institution was built, it was really painstaking! Since the poison does not die and the machine can't be shot, simply starve the other party to death!

Looking at Xiang Zixi throwing jewelry, Hu Ye slowly sat on the ground and whispered, "Do we really accept our fate?"

Xiang Zixi snorted coldly: "Do you accept your fate? How can I accept my fate so easily? I just haven't come up with a better way yet!"

Xiang Zixi made a heavy trip to the pile of jewelry and said with his hands, "Hu Ye, are you hungry? My brain can't work well when I'm hungry!"

Hu Ye smiled gently: "You're really not afraid! If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been scared to tears and runny nose! I really underestimated you!"

Xiang Zixi smiled and said, "Yo! What did you just find out? I've known this a long time ago!"

Looking at Xiang Zixi's narcissistic chin, Hu Ye couldn't help laughing gently and lay on the pile of jewelry like Xiang Zixi. He pillowed his arm and said, "I have been a killer for so many years, and it is rare to have such a quiet rest."

"That's right! The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge!" Xiang Zixi turned over, took out dry food and water from the burden behind him, and gave it to Hu Ye a little. He ate so lazily, thinking that the time outside should be daytime, right?

Although there are many night pearls in it, it is not a real day after all!

Hu Ye silently took the dry food and clear water given to him by Xiang Zixi, and watched him really fall asleep after eating a few bites. I really fell asleep on a pile of jewelry!

"God! It's hard to imagine!" Hu Ye said helplessly to himself, "It's simply non-human! How can you eat and fall asleep under such circumstances?

Hu Ye shook his head helplessly, finished eating, turned around the island again a few times, and carefully measured the distance from the opposite side. But every time the conclusion is that the possibility of jumping over is really slim. Moreover, what about Xiang Zixi? She has no internal strength at all. How can she get there?

"It's still early, let's sleep for a while! Next, we may be exhausted!" Xiang Zixi continued to turn over and continue to sleep. Listening to Xiang Zixi's words, the expression on Hu Ye's face slowly became much softer.

Lying obediently beside Xiang Zixi and slowly entered the dream.

It is said that the biggest dream of being a thief is to sleep on valuable jewelry, but the day when this dream is really realized is my most embarrassing and confused moment!

He stretched out to Zixi and opened his eyes in a daze. I don't know how long I slept. I turned my head to see that Hu Ye was still sleeping. Xiang Zixi did not wake up and woke up the other party, but stared at the top of the cave in a daze.

This cave is really big! It's very, very big, just like a magical castle. And the top of this cave is also strange, which is a very regular arch.

When I was a thief in Zixi's previous life, I often drilled into caves and saw all kinds of caves, but I have never seen such caves, just like the roof of the White House, so rules and so round.

Huh? Wait a minute? Rules? Round?

Xiang Zixi suddenly got up from the ground and stared at the top of the cave, but the luster of the jewelry was too dim. Xiang Zixi took out a flashlight from her pocket and slowly unscrewed the top of the hole above her head to illuminate.

When Xiang Zixi looked at this, he suddenly laughed.