Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 281 Escape

"Hu Ye, come on, we don't have time!" Xiang Zixi shouted, and as her voice landed, the whole cave shook violently!

The stone pillar on the isolated island under his feet slowly sank to the ground, and the huge abyss around him suddenly made a grunting sound!

It's the sound of water!

Because of the violent shaking of the cave, Hu Ye could only climb to death but could not climb up smoothly.

"No, it's water!" Hu Ye's face suddenly changed and said eagerly, "The other party wants to drown us!" If you don't starve, we will drown us alive!"

Xiang Zixi's face was even more terrible, and his tone was low: "I'm afraid it's not just that! When the water level spreads, the air will be squeezed away, and we will not even have room to breathe. Either drown or suffoate! In a word, there is no way for us to live!"

Speaking of this, Xiang Zixi took a resentful look at the isolated island under his feet and said coldly, "Hum! If you want me to die, how can it be so easy?

As soon as the words fell, Xiang Zixi climbed to the top of the cave with one hand, and quickly took the rest of the liquor from the burden behind him. Regardless, he lit the spark with his teeth, threw it into the wine pot, and threw it fiercely on the island!

"What are you going to do?" Hu Ye shouted in surprise.

"Of course it's ruining everything here! Whether it's the prince bastard or the idiot Jin Xiaoxiao, I don't want them to get these wealth! If the thief doesn't go empty, I can't break this rule!" Xiang Zixi smiled treacherously: "Even if I die here today, I will destroy this place!"

After saying that, Xiang Zixi threw down all the destructive things on his body.

Looking at the fire on the isolated island, Xiang Zixi's mood became much happier.

At this time, the cave shook more violently, and the last bottle of wine to Zixi was not thrown out in time.

Plug it into your pocket and climb the top of the cave hard, otherwise you will have to fall down!

And at this time, the sound of gurgling in the abys became clearer, and a stream of clear water slowly spread across the edge of the island, slowly swallowing the jewelry and fire of the island into the arms of the water.

Xiang Zixi and Hu Ye's faces are even worse!

"I'm a fairy board! Where did you get so much water? Is it rare that the river led in? Xiang Zixi scolded angrily, "Do you really want to play me to death?"

Hu Ye's body is like a swing in the autumn wind, constantly shaking on the top of the cave. He climbed the hole with both hands, but he could not climb the hole smoothly.

"Damn it!" Xiang Zixi cursed: "There is not much time, so I can't care so much! Hu Ye!——”

Hu Ye responded with difficulty and said firmly to Zixi, "I'll help you!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiang Zixi suddenly loosened his hands and feet. With the gravity of his body when he fell, he suddenly controlled his shaking body. He hugged Hu Ye's waist and shouted, "Get up!"

Use all the strength of the whole body to top Hu Ye's body!

But Xiang Zixi also fell fiercely to the abyss and islands that had been submerged by water because of the reaction of his strength!

Hu Ye successfully climbed to the basin-sized cave because of Xiang Zixi's push, but when she turned around to grab Zixi, she happened to see Xiang Zixi facing herself, with her back to the world covered by water, and falling down fiercely!

"No! No!——" Hu Ye shouted heartbreakingly, and his eyes suddenly turned red. The rope in his hand was thrown down fiercely, and he shouted with all his strength: "Quick! Grab the rope!"

The time was actually very short, but it was only a second. Xiang Zixi took the initiative to give up her life, jumped off the top of the cave, hugged Hu Ye's body, and pushed her up to the cave hard. She also fell faster because of the reaction force. In addition, Hu Ye's timely action and threw the rope, all the movements In fact, there is only one second or even two seconds.

The water has spread faster and faster. The island with jewelry has been flooded, and the bottom is already a complete surface of water and a sea.

The rope was thrown in time and grabbed the end of the rope. The rapidly falling body suddenly stagnated on the surface of the water, and its toes touched the surface of the water, scratching a shallow ripple!

Hu Ye saw that Xiang Zixi really grabbed the rope, and his men worked harder and pulled Xiang Zixi up.

Xiang Zixi re-approve the top of the cave little by little, and the water surface is also slowly approaching the top of the cave.

When Xiang Zixi climbed the black hole, the water was less than three meters away from the top of the cave.

The two quickly felt that the air was thin. Regardless of anything else, they turned around and climbed desperately to the top of the black hole!

This small black hole is actually a small cave perpendicular to it. The walls of the cave are very smooth, and the traces of manual chisel and polishing are clearer. Because the cave has been abandoned for a long time, the walls are a little smooth. Despite the weather in October, there are still traces of moss on it, which greatly hinders the upward movement of the two people.

The Hu leaves are on top, with both hands and feet, slowly moving up like a crab, moving while clearing the moss on the wall, creating convenience for Zixi.

Follow Zixi under Hu Ye, try to save your physical strength and slowly move up.

The sound of water behind him is getting closer and clearer, and even the sound of gurgling bubbles can be heard, which is the waves generated by the water expelling the air.

Xiang Zixi couldn't help looking back, her face suddenly turned white, and she trembled and said, "Hu Ye, hurry up! The water is coming!"

Listening to Zixi's words, Hu Ye suddenly accelerated his speed and didn't care about cleaning up the moss. While climbing, he pulled the rope on Zixi's body.

The water gradually passed Xiang Zixi's feet, and the cold water suddenly stimulated Xiang Zixi's nerves and rushed up like a monkey!

"Wow! Good ice water! Value is the ice cellar!" Xiang Zixi shouted and caught up with Hu Ye's speed more quickly.

Suddenly, Hu Ye's body suddenly stopped and said with a crying voice, "Xiang Zixi, we are really going to die here this time!" Look!"

Xiang Zixi looked up and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air! The ancestor of his fairy board, who is so immoral that he actually pressed a big stone on it! Does this still make people live?

He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go up and have a look!"

The water under his feet was still spreading upwards. Xiang Zixi couldn't care so much. He grabbed Hu Ye's body and jumped up gently, turned over Hu Ye's body, and instantly appeared at the top of the cave. He reached out and touched the huge stone, motionless!

Are you naive to die to Zixi?

Xiang Zixi looked at the motionless boulder and felt that his whole heart had become as cold as the water below.

Xiang Zixi shook her head gently at Hu Ye, indicating that there was really nothing she could do!

There was a burst of despair in Hu Ye's eyes.

The water gradually passed Hu Ye's ankles, calves and thighs, and gradually rose to Hu Ye's waist. Hu Ye's whole lower body has been immersed under the water.

Xiang Zixi's eyes were dim. He didn't expect that he was born and died several times. He did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died under this boulder!

Xiang Zixi took out the last bottle of wine from his arms and threw it to Hu Ye, and said lightly, "Hu Ye, I admit that although I really didn't like you very much before, it's my blessing to die with you now!"

Hu Ye is not pretentious. She is a killer and has long been out of life and death.

generously unscrewed the lid of the pot, took a big sip of wine, threw it to Zixi, smiled proudly and shouted, "Yes, I, Hu Ye, also saw you like Zixi at the beginning! Even because of my brother's affairs, I have a heart against you. But today, if you hadn't sacrificed your life to push me, I would have died in the water! My children are afraid of water, and my Hu Ye is no exception. If I can touch water, I won't touch water. It's just that I never thought that I would die in the water."

"But I don't regret it at all! I don't regret knowing you! You, Xiang Zixi, can really bear Ji Yan's love for you! Don't talk about men for a woman like you, even I can't help but want to say hello!" Hu Ye's eyes turned slightly red again: "Xiang Zixi, if there is an afterlife, I must know you before anyone else! If we are all daughters, then we are sisters. If we are all men, then we are brothers. If we are a man and a woman, I will be with you forever!"

Listening to Hu Ye's different expression, Xiang Zixi's eyes also turned red: "Okay!" He looked up and poured a sip of liquor: "Then let's make an appointment! Be a sister in the next life!"

The water gradually passed Hu Ye's chest, stretched out his hand to Zixi and pulled Hu Ye to his side, looking at the body of Hu Ye little by little.

The two people held their hands tightly together, tightly, tightly.

"Although I don't want to admit it, we are really similar in some ways!" Hu Ye said softly, "Once confirmed, never leave!"

"Never give up, life and death together!" Xiang Zixi's tears fell down: "It's just that I regret why I met you so late!" If we had met you one day earlier, maybe we would be happier!"

"Maybe it will be more noisy!" Hu Ye's tears also fell down: "Who told us to be so similar, and who told us to be unyielding people?"

The two hugged each other gently and looked at the water that did not cross their waist at all.

The body is not under the surface of the water and is already cold without any consciousness. If you die so painlessly, it may not be a painful thing!

Xiang Zixi and Hu Ye looked at each other, and the two cried and laughed.

This is really not asking to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but to die on the same day of the same month of the same year, right?