Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 299 The Sorrow of the Imperial Family

"Prince, if you invade the south, you will definitely need my army!" The king of Qi's knees were soft and he knelt down without backbone: "I can be an ox and a horse for His Royal Highness and do the work of dogs and horses!"

Everyone knows that if the country doesn't have its own place to live, then the world is so big that there is really no place for its own! He has betrayed the Dark Kingdom, and the Dark Kingdom and thezhuo Kingdom are brothers, and Yao Kingdom has also become a forbidden place because of the relationship between the Empress Dowager and Jin Xiaoxiao!

Jin Xiaoxiao suddenly fell to the ground and muttered, "Why? Why did it look like this? Women are Xiang Zixi, and men are you. Why are you so calculating? Why do you always hinder me?

"Thank you for your praise, and thank you for the jewelry you gave me!" The prince of Lingguo smiled brightly: "However, in terms of planning, I am still far from Lin Muyang in the south. You didn't fall into his hand. I can still leave you some bones. If it were him, I'm afraid there won't be any scum left! So, eldest princess, I'm glad that the person you met is me!"

Jin Xiaoxiao shook her head in despair, and her face turned gray. She couldn't help shaking her head and said, "Where on earth did the horse's feet appear? I picked the people in the house by myself, so it's impossible to leak information!"

Prince Lingguo was too lazy to explain this problem. He clapped his hands outside, and someone immediately pushed the door in.

"I was shocked to hear that someone was planning to assassinate the emperor, but it was too late to come. The emperor was poisoned by these two traitors! The imperial edict declared the world that the emperor died!" The prince of the country said coldly, with no emotion at all.

A group of people surrounded the king of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao, and the ink edict on the ground became evidence.

"No! No! I can't die! I absolutely can't die!" The king of Qi suddenly shouted crazily, suddenly broke up, grabbed Jin Xiaoxiao, put her body in front of her, and put the dagger in her hand fiercely on Jin Xiaoxiao's neck!

" Let me go! I can't die here! I can't die! My grand career has just begun!" The king of Qi roared in despair and crazily.

Jin Xiaoxiao is completely stunned!

She never expected that her father would use his own shield!

"Father? What's wrong with you?โ€”โ€”" Jin Xiaoxiao looked at the king of Qi with a gray face and looked unbelievable: "I'm your daughter!"

The king of Qi snorted coldly: "What daughter! Who knows whose wild seed it is? Your mother has always been liked by the old emperor of Yaoguo. Maybe it's his seed or not! Otherwise, how can you explain that you used to like Jin Haoxuan so much? If you are my daughter and you are cousins, how can you like your cousins?

Listening to the far-fetched explanation of the king of Qi, Jin Xiaoxiao's heart almost collapsed!

"How can you say that!" Jin Xiaoxiao trembled and stared at the king of Qi with her glasses: "I like Jin Haoxuan, because I don't know my identity. I like Jin Haoxuan. Isn't it the marriage promoted by you? You forced Jin Haoxuan's mother to promise me a marriage contract with Haoxuan! You know that I am your daughter, but you did this to me!"

Jin Xiaoxiao really felt the feeling of dead heart at this time, and big tears rolled down!

The king of Qi snorted coldly and took Jin Xiaoxiao to walk out slowly. The prince of Lingguo gently ordered: "Catch it alive!"

The soldiers gave up a passage one after another and stared at the king of Qi and Jin Xiaoxiao.

"Even if I'm not your daughter, what about my mother? She has always been deeply in love with you. Even if you look at my mother's face, you won't do such a thing to me!" Jin Xiaoxiao tried to persuade the king of Qi to let him go.

How did you know that the king of Qi sneered and said, "Do you have a deep affection? What a deep love! Let me tell you the truth, I have never liked your mother. I just used her! How did you know this woman was so easy to deceive! Listen to me and obey me. Blame her for being so stupid!"

Jin Xiaoxiao cried in pain and was extremely sad.

Until now, she really has nothing! Without identity, status, glory and wealth in the past, and mother, even father is a lie now! She has nothing left!

The king of Qi slowly retreated to the yard and confronted the people.

"Your Highness, you'd better put your hands on it! You can't get out of this palace!" Prince Languo coughed gently: "Ji Yan!"

A ghost-like figure appeared behind the prince of the kingdom in an instant.

"My subordinates are!" Ji Yan half knelt on the ground and answered in a low voice.

"This woman is Xiang Zixi's sworn enemy, and I know you want to kill her! But the opportunity was immature in the past. Now I have promised!" The prince of the country said coldly, "What will you do with it! King Qi, stay for me! I want to live!"

Under the long silver hair, there is a face without sadness and joy.

"Yes!" Ji Yan answered calmly.

"What are you going to do?" Jin Xiaoxiao looked at Ji Yan in horror: "It's not me! It's really not me! The people who hurt Zixi were all done by the king of Qi, and he instructed me to do everything!"

Ji Yan silently took a bow and arrow from other people's hands, gently pulled away the bow string, and the cold murderous atmosphere instantly enveloped the whole yard! The murderous spirit that belongs to the king of killers is enough to despise everything!

Jin Xiaoxiao shook her head in despair and couldn't believe that she would fall to this point in an instant!

Why, why can Xiang Zixi make so many men crazy about her? Why do you have to be defeated? What on earth is this for?

"I will take your head to see her. If you have anything to say, you can ask her yourself!" Ji Yan seemed to understand Jin Xiaoxiao's thoughts and said slowly. His fingers were gently loosened. The arrow feathers with an extremely horrible murderous atmosphere and penetrated them fiercely into Jin Xiaoxiao's neck not far away!


A stream of blood spews up from the sky!

Ji Yan actually used only one arrow and had already shot off Jin Xiaoxiao's neck!

Jin Xiaoxiao stared hard, but she no longer had the opportunity to ask Xiang Zixi why the situation of the two was so different.

At this time, several people suddenly ran towards this side and appeared beside the king of Qi in an instant!

A figure galloped not far away, but he didn't even have time to salute the prince of Ling, and the weapon in his hand greeted him fiercely!

"Hu Ye! What happened?" An ominous foreboding flashed from the bottom of his heart and shouted anxiously.

"Your Highness, your guards are weak! Xiang Zixi was robbed by these people!" Hu Ye was so anxious that he turned to the men and said, "Come on, where will you put Xiang Zixi?"

Hearing that Xiang Zixi was actually abhorred by the other party, Ji Yan's murderous spirit rose up. For the first time, he did not listen to the order of the prince of Lingguo and rushed to those people fiercely!

Crazy Ji Yan is very, very scary! The king of Qi knows this well about Ji Yan! If his eyes turn gray, it will be the reincarnation of the god of murder!

"Hate! If you kill me, you will never know the whereabouts of Xiang Zixi!" The king of Qi shouted, "As long as you let me go, I will return her to you safely!"

The prince shouted, "Okay! If Xiang Zixi loses a hair, I will definitely make you regret living in this world!"

King Qi nodded to the others and ran out in the direction of the gate.

The prince of Linguo winked at Ji Yan and Hu Ye, and the two of them were understanding and quietly followed.

Along the way, Ji Yan always said nothing, and Hu Ye said guiltily, "I'm sorry, it's my negligence! I saw that she was very drunk, so I went to get her sobering soup to drink. How do you know that I walked with my front foot, and their back foot came! I'm afraid of hurting Zixi by mistake, so I don't dare to kill him!"

Drunk? Do you mean she is drunk? Ji Yan's heart hurts violently!

It turned out that the originator was himself! If she hadn't told the other party that she planned to give up, she wouldn't be sad and drunk!

Ji Yan gently closed his glasses and couldn't help but blame himself: Oh, my God, what on earth did I do? What did I do? If I hadn't said those words, she wouldn't have been drunk and robbed!

"Brother, don't worry, we have been following, and we will definitely find Xiang Zixi!" Hu Ye kept comforting Ji Yan: "After all, this is a country. No matter how the king of Qi runs, he can't run far! Especially with people, let alone go far away!"

Ji Yan nodded silently and was anxious.

As a killer, he has already violated the precepts!

The first one of the killer commandment: the heart is like water. But how can he stop his heart now? How can my heart stop? God knows how much I care about her, how much I care about her, how much I like her!

As long as I have a little relationship with her, I will be confused and can no longer calm down!

What you say is beautiful, but how easy is it to really do it? How can you be willing, how can you really let go of her, and how can you be an ordinary friend?

The prince of Lingguo saw that Ji Yan and Hu Ye chased him and slowly returned to normal. He said coldly, "After cleaning up Jin Xiaoxiao's body, she said that she intended to steal the emperor's jade seal and was hit by me and beheaded!"


"Edict the world, the emperor dies, and I will succeed to the throne!"


The prince of Lingguo never looked at the body in the yard again, and the smile at the corners of his mouth slowly emerged.

After so long, it's finally finished.

A few years ago, I was just a trivial self who was teased and laughed at by several brothers. I have been tolerant of it. I either got angry with flowers or raised male pets, or fighting chrying dogs. In short, what did I do?

In this way, he dissolved other people's doubts little by little, and then set a trap to force those brothers who had laughed at themselves and trampled on themselves to die in front of them one by one, and took the throne of the prince and the power of managing the world from their father.

However, these are not enough. I want more, more! I want the whole world, I want my beloved woman!