Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 303 Prince, let's talk about the terms

Hu Ye hugged Xiang Zixi, who had passed away in a coma, and rushed to the prince's bedroom crazily.

"Your Highness!" Hu Ye ran crazily and shouted sadly: "Save her! Please help her again!"

Her body temperature is terrible, and her fingers are cold, as if her vitality has gradually faded.

Hu Ye's tears burst out, and he couldn't help falling down. He hugged Xiang Zixi's body, knelt outside the prince's bedroom, and shouted harshly: "Your Highness, Xiang Zixi, go!————"

The door opened, and the prince, who had just changed into filial clothes, suddenly rushed out and saw the exquisite face at a glance. He slept peacefully and peacefully!

"How could this happen? Where did you find her? The prince shouted sharply, "How can she be alone outside with such a heavy wind and snow?"

Hu Ye shook his head with tears and said, "I don't know. I completed the task of His Highness's sect. When I came back, I happened to see her fall in the wind and snow, and then left only one sentence. She said that she was too tired and she was going to sleep forever! Your Highness, what does this mean? What does it mean to sleep forever?

The pupil of the prince of Linguo suddenly shrank, strode forward, grabbed Xiang Zixi, took it directly into the house, and coldly ordered: "Find all the doctors you can find! I don't believe it. How could she die like this? It's fine in the daytime!"

Hu Ye rolled and crawled out, and the servants of the prince's mansion began to be busy in an instant.

The princess was dressed in plain clothes and was about to take her family to vigil for the old emperor. Suddenly, she heard that Xiang Zixi in the house fainted in the wind and snow, and her life and death were uncertain.

The princess rushed over with her maidservant, but she happened to see Her Royal Highness staring at ** in a daze with little breath. The princess took a step back gently. It was the first time she saw the prince's eyes, but it was on other women!

The princess is not a fool, and she soon understands the reason. She took a deep breath, still greeted him and whispered, "Your Highness, let the doctors treat you. We are still going to vigil in front of my father's coffin!"

"Oh!" The prince replied without a god, trembling and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let them in. Diagnosis and treatment one by one! If you can't cure it, come to see me!"

Leaving this sentence, the prince turned around coldly and strode out of the room. The princess took a look at Zixi with a calm face, sighed and turned away.

A group of imperial doctors came in outside the door and knelt on the ground to talk to Zixi.

After all the imperial doctors went up for treatment one by one, they came together and after discussing for a long time, they all shook their heads gently.

The cold poison has invaded the bone marrow. In addition, it has been working hard all year round, and the physical energy is overdrawn. Not long ago, I soaked in the cold pool, which provoked more and more coldness.

The medicine sent from Zhuoguo last time can only be temporarily suppressed, but now the cold poison is fierce, I'm afraid————

The royal doctors are well aware of the consequences of this matter, but someone still has to report to the prince. After discussing for a long time, it was decided that the two most prestigious royal doctors would report to the prince.

"Your Highness, the cold poison to the girl has invaded the bone marrow and can no longer be eradicated! The medicine stone is already ineffective!"

"B bastard!————A bunch of quacks!" The prince threw the teacup in his hand on the ground fiercely and was furious: "What's the use of raising you mediocrity?"

The two imperial doctors knelt down in a hurry and begged for mercy. One of them said to the prince, "Your Highness, I am not good at learning, but the cold poison on the girl has been around for a long time. In addition, in the past year and a half, she has changed from a fat person to a slender woman in an instant, and then a continuous country. Hard work has greatly overdrawn her vitality. This time, even if we suppress it with the medicine of tigers and wolves, we can only--"

"Go on! I want to listen to the truth!" The prince's eyes turned a little red in an instant: "How long can she live?"

"less than three months." The royal doctor replied tremblingly: "Three months later, no matter how fierce the medicine stone is, it can't last, and the fragrance disappears the jade to the girl--"

"Enough!" The prince suddenly shouted and burst into tears: "Get out! Get out of here! Get out! I don't want to see you!"

The two imperial doctors knelt and left, and the prince suddenly sat on the ground and cried sadly!

In my life, I have had countless intrigues, tolerance everywhere, and acting all the time. It's so tiring! I'm really tired!

I met her by chance. I finally found a feeling of relaxation for the first time. It was not easy to understand what concern is for the first time, but why and why did it become like this?

The princess stood outside the door and watched her husband cry into tears. She saw that the person beside her pillow cried so hard for a woman for the first time and bit her lips hard.

Tears slipped down the princess's cheeks. She knew that the prince did not marry her to like her, but to stabilize her position as the prince. However, he is his husband, a husband he has loved for several years!

Now, seeing him cry so sadly for other women, as a woman, he can't help but feel sad from it.

The princess slowly came in, looked at the prince with tears, knelt gently on the ground and said, "Your Highness, you and my husband and I, I really don't want to see any sadness!"

The prince looked at the princess kneeling in front of him with tears in his eyes, slowly reached out to help her, and gently replied, "Father is right! As an emperor, how can you be in love? As an emperor, you should break your love! This is the emperor's position that I tried my best to get. Why do I think this is not what I want now?

The crown princess gently closed her eyes and nodded heavily: "Father is right! As an emperor, you can't be emotional and can't love each other. Otherwise, whoever you love is hurt! I know what your Highness is thinking, and I am willing to help your Highness! She is only three months old, and it doesn't matter if she gets all the favor of His Highness!"

At this time, someone rushed over and spread the information: "Your Highness, I woke up to the girl and said that I wanted to see Your Highness!"

The prince wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes in a panic, took a look at the princess, and strode away.

Looking at her husband's hurried back, the princess's vision was blurred.

After the prince left, he almost rushed to his bedroom. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiang Zixi struggling to sit up.

The prince rushed over with an arrow, held Xiang Zixi, and said harshly, "Your body has become like this. Why do you still move?"

Xiang Zixi smiled softly: "Are you angry? I'm sorry!"

The prince snorted coldly, gently turned around, sat by the bed, and slowly helped Zixi to lean on her.

"I thought I would die like this! I didn't expect to come back to see the world again!" Xiang Zixi said softly, weak and pale and terrible.

"Why is this so?" The prince gritted his teeth and said, "Why did it look like this? The last time you woke up, the cold poison in your body had been suppressed! Why did it recur?"

"The ghost knows! Maybe my limit is really coming!" Xiang Zixi smiled gently and said, "Hey, prince, I'm not so sad. Why do I look at you more sad than me?"

"Hmm!" The prince snorted coldly.

Xiang Zixi smiled softly: "Hey, I will think you like me like this!"

Listening to Xiang Zixi joking with himself, the prince didn't know what to say.

"How long can I live? I want to hear the truth! Don't try to lie to me! I hate it when people lie to me!" Xiang Zixi let her body's center of gravity lean against the prince and sighed softly: "God is still a blessing for me. Let me come back and take a look at you before I die. I'm relieved to see that you are fine!"

"Three...three months!" The prince replied trembling.

Xiang Zixi smiled unexpectedly: "I thought it was three days! Fortunately, it's three months, not three days! I still have many days to go and think about it! Hello, prince, shall we talk about it?

Talk about? What do you want to talk to me about? The prince looked at Xiang Zixi in astonishment, and the pale and haggard face leaning on his chest.

"The death of the emperor of Linguo, are you going to ascend the throne?" Xiang Zixi raised her eyes gently and looked at the prince: "After you ascended the throne, the war is probably about to rise! Prince, even if it is my request before death, if I can help you coordinate the economy of the four countries, can you promise me not to fight? Although I don't have children, I know better than anyone how pitiful the orphans under the war are! Prince, I take you as a friend! Really, I won't lie to you!"

Listening to her weak voice, the prince gently closed his eyes and tears slid down gently.

"You are still thinking about this! You'd better take good care of yourself and tell me this alive!"

"It's too late!" Xiang Zixi sighed softly, "One more thing, I hope you can promise me!"

"Tell me!"

"This, I'll give it back to you!" Xiang Zixi slowly took off the ring from her finger and gave it to the prince's hand: "I exchanged this ring for two people!" Is our agreement still valid?

The prince nodded gently and burst into tears.

"You cried? Oh, really! I haven't cried yet!" Xiang Zixi smiled gently: "You will cry, so what about others? Will others cry the same? Prince, let's get married!"


"Marry me and go to the palace! Only in this way can we completely cut off other people's thoughts! I can't selfishly drag others down!" Xiang Zixi looked at the prince with an apologetic face: "I know that this request is a little difficult for you, but only by marrying you can you completely break the thoughts of Lin Muyang and others! And as an emperor, you have countless harems, and I am the only one. I won't appear in the sight of you and other concubines. I know that you are just friends, and I won't embarrass you!"

"If I don't marry, Lin Muyang or Ji Yan, they won't give up! But as long as I get married, they can really put me down and live again!" He looked at the prince and prayed to Zixi: "So, marry me!"