Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 315 Escape from the Earth

Xin Zeyang, who had just stepped on the opposite side, shouted crazily: "Sister, hurry up! Come here quickly!"

Lin Muyang rushed over like crazy. Looking at the higher and higher magma below, he couldn't even shout.

Xiang Zixi smiled reassuringly at the person opposite, tied himself and Ji Yan, jumped bravely, and quickly slid towards him along the wire.

At this time, a cluster of flames rushed up, and the family's heart hung in their throats.

There were already a mass of flames around. Ji Yan's clothes even became a little crispy because of the roasting. With a slight movement, the clothes turned into a piece and fell one after another.

The fragments of clothes fell on the magma less than a foot under their feet and disappeared in an instant.

"Are you really not afraid to die here?" Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan with a smile.

"You and I live together and die in the same hole!" Ji Yan simply replied, and his blood-stained lips gently kissed the top of Zixi's head: "I am already free. If you die, I won't live alone!"

Gently trembled at Zixi's fingers: "Why? You have done too much for me!"

"Isn't that what it should be?" Ji Yan answered as a matter of course: "If it were you, would you do that?"

He nodded gently to Zixi: "Yes!!"

"This is it! So, never feel that you owe me anything. Because I love you, you don't owe anything. Because I like you, so I'm willing to go all the way with you!" Ji Yan looked at Zixi obsessively: "Don't worry about my feelings and accept them!"

"You--" Xiang Zixi looked at Ji Yan in sterster.

Ji Yan sighed gently: "They don't love you as much as me, so don't push them away or yourself in the last time. Let us accompany you through the rest of the road. OK?"

Xiang Zixi's eyes have been moist and muttered, "How can I..."

"You are qualified!" Ji Yan said decisively, "Because you are worth it!"

The people on the shore looked eagerly at Xiang Zixi and Ji Yan slowly approaching themselves, approaching, and then approaching, and there was no sound in their throats.

Seeing the huge flame roasting the hanging wire in the center, it turned red in an instant.

Slowly stretched out his hand to Zixi on the shore. Xiahou Junhao was the first to rush out and stretched out his hand to Zixi!

At this moment, the wire behind him suddenly made a slight chirping sound!

Ji Yan suddenly turned around and saw that the wire was about to melt off! This cable can no longer bear the weight of two people! If it goes on like this, the two will soon fall into the magma at the same time!

"No!————" Xin Zeyang shouted crazily: "Don't give up! Hurry up!"

Big tears fell out, and Xin Zeyang grabbed his throat and dared not think about what would happen next!

At this time, Ji Yan suddenly untied his belt and pushed up Xiang Zixi in his arms, but his body slowly fell towards the huge magma pool under him! Xiang Zixi grabbed Xiahou Junhao's hand steadily because of Ji Yan's push. But Ji Yan suddenly separated from himself!

"No!" Tears in Zixi's eyes suddenly rushed out of his eyes and stretched out his hand to Ji Yan.

But the two people's fingers only touched it gently and then slid away!

Roared to Zixi: "Master! Please! I'm willing to exchange my thousand-year-old Taoism for his life!"

Time seems to stop at this moment!

Everyone maintained the action just now, the breath just now. Even the magma pool under him seems to have temporarily stopped beating.

A figure slowly appeared from the void, dressed in a Tibetan Taoist robe, gently shook the dust in his hand, and asked indifferently, "Have you thought about it? Use your thousands of years of Taoism just to exchange for his life?

Xiang Zixi's body suddenly appeared in the void and stood in front of Taishang Laojun.

Gneeling slowly to Zixi, two lines of tears on his face slid down, sobbing silently.

"You should know that it is not easy for you to practice Taoism for thousands of years. It took 80 disasters before you achieved great success. At present, it is your last disaster. As long as you get through this disaster, you will be listed in the immortal class and officially become a member of the heavenly court! As you know, the predecessor of Ji Yan is also the apprentice of the Bodhi ancestor. Even if he dies and his soul falls into reincarnation, he is still the apprentice of the Bodhi ancestor. But then, all three of them will completely forget you. Do you still insist on doing this?" The majestic voice of Taishang Laojun slowly sounded.

Xiang Zixi kowtowed heavily to the Taishang Laojun: "Master, you are unfilial! The apprentice can't do filial piety in front of the master! The disciple is willing to exchange a thousand years of Taoism for his life in this life! Even if they forget me, the disciples will never regret it. Don't ask for the past life, but for this life!"

Xiang Zixi kowtowed heavily to Taishang Laojun again: "The disciple knows that Yang Longevity is approaching, but he is still willing to choose to do so. Because the disciple doesn't want to give up the principle of life for the so-called fairy class.

"Then the teacher asks you, did you save him in return for your kindness or something?"

"Told back to the master, no! Because the disciple loves this man!" Xiang Zixi's tears blurred her eyes: "The apprentice can't stand this disaster. The apprentice would rather sink in the sea of love, willing to give up thousands of years of practice, and only ask for a lifetime!"

Taishang Laojun sighed: "Sure enough! When you experienced the love disaster, you expected this to end. You child, extremely affectionate, for the sake of these three brothers, you did not hesitate to violate the rules of heaven and steal the elixir. Now I am willing to give up a thousand years of practice for these three brothers!"

Speaking of this, Taishang Laojun suddenly got angry on his face: "Go and reason with the Bodhi ancestor as a teacher! The three apprentices are all worry-free!"

Xiang Zixi knelt on the ground and cried into tears.

After all, she is Taishang Laojun's beloved disciple. Seeing her beloved disciple crying like this, Laojun finally couldn't bear it and said angrily, "That's all, that's all, since you have made up your mind, you will be a teacher!"

Taishang Laojun turned around and walked away and kowtowed three heads to Taishang Laojun: "Thank you for your success!"

Taishang Laojun disappeared, shook Zixi's mind, and returned to his body.

Time is at rest.

shouted to Zixi: "Come on! Grab my hair!"

The long braids hung down and were caught in the palm of Ji Yan's hand!

Xiang Zixi cried with joy, reached Ji Yan's finger little by little, and touched Ji Yan's palm little by little.

Everyone on the shore helped at the same time and pulled Ji Yan and Xiang Zixi up at once.

The next moment when Ji Yan stepped on the shore, the whole pit was swallowed by the fire tongue, and Xiang Zixi's pulleys and steel cables were melted and disappeared in an instant!

Looking at Ji Yan's loss and recovery, Xiang Zixi couldn't help rushing into Ji Yan's arms and crying!

At that moment, Ji Yan was blessed and vaguely sensed that Xiang Zixi gave up something important for himself, but he didn't know what it was!

"Don't fuss, everyone, let's go!" Ji Kang looked at Zixi and Ji Yan coming back safely, and also wiped a cold sweat.

A man with red eyes and tears.

At the juncture of life and death, the truth is the most true.

Xiang Zixi looked back at the rock pit engulfed by magma and said silently in his heart, "Master, thank you! Even if you exchange a thousand years of Taoism for a lifetime of love, it's worth it!"

After passing the magma pool, it is equivalent to walking most of the way. The more you go up, the cooler it will be. Gradually, the colder it gets a little heavier.

Xin Zeyang handed the clothes to Zixi and let her finish wearing it. The others were also dressed and continued to move forward.

The things that happened in the pit have become the deepest and deepest secrets in everyone's heart. There, there was once a great strong and courageous woman who made them realize the value of life again.

Everyone didn't know how long they had been until they had no strength in their bodies, and finally saw the stars all over the sky.

I never thought that a day had passed.

"This is the sinkhole!" Ji Kang said lightly, "As long as we go out of the sinkhole, we will leave the capital."

At this moment, a voice sounded from the top of the sinkhole: "Is everyone there?"

"Hu Ye!" Xiang Zixi shouted in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Hu Ye's voice sounded from above: "I saw the imperial study fall during the day, and then coincidentally caught a woman with a bloody face. Under the pressure, she said your whereabouts. I walked along the trap and found that the magma could no longer pass, so I followed here all the way. Fortunately, I have heard this secret before, otherwise I really can't find it here! Don't worry, I'll send the rope down right away!"

"Wait!" Xiang Zixi suddenly shouted, looked at the other six people, and said with a smile, "It's rare that we can get together. Let's look at the stars here tonight!"

Lin Muyang, Jin Haoxuan, Ji Yan, Xiahou Junhao, Ji Kang and Xin Zeyang looked at each other, but everyone immediately laughed.

As long as it is her request, then unconditionally agree! Who says he likes this woman? Who told himself to care about this woman? Who told me to fall in love with this woman?

Seeing that everyone had no objection, he said to Zixi to the prepared Hu Ye above his head, "They are poisoned. Bring the antidote, and bring some food and water. Everyone is hungry!"

Hu Ye laughed above the sinkhole: "I'm ready for these"

Hu Ye did not listen to Zixi's persuasion and stayed outside to wait, but fell lightly and landed at the bottom of the sinkhole, bringing everyone knowledge of medicine and diet.

"How can you leave me with such a beautiful thing as the stars? Are we still sisters? Hu Ye gently hugged Xiang Zixi and sighed, "I'm sorry, I couldn't be by your side when the accident happened!" I'm sorry!"

Gently patted Hu Ye on the shoulder to Zixi, and silence was better than sound.