Female thief travel: steal a beautiful man as a husband

Chapter 321 Finale

The news of Xiang Zixi's death reached the Yaoguo Palace and Linguo Palace at the first time.

On New Year's Eve, the Four Kingdoms Palace stayed up all night.

Xiahou Junhao sat on the dragon chair and didn't come back for a long time.

His hands trembled and couldn't hold the pen in his hand. He threw the pen out fiercely and soaked the ink on the ground. The eunuch waiting outside the door hurried in and saw Xiahou Junhao's eyes red and his whole body trembling. Just as he was about to come forward to greet him, he was shouted out fiercely by Xiahou Junhao: "Get out! Get out! I don't want to see anyone!"

The eunuch retreated in horror and was puzzled.

Xiahou Junhao sighed gently, and it flashed in front of him. When he first met Zixi, he was still in the prison in Wu County. The girl who was sad because of losing her parents, the girl who wanted to avenge her parents slowly aroused her interest.

When I saw her revenge for her parents in her own way, she even turned around and took everything that belonged to her. Since then, I have become interested in this girl.

And when I fell in love with her, it was probably when I went to her home as a houseman, right?

In Guanyin Mountain, her alertness, her tenacity, her uny, her face, her smile.

And the graceful and beautiful song, a song to retreat from the enemy.

Unfortunately, she didn't even dare to say what she liked. Before she could say it, she had lost her fragrance.

Only left a lot of thoughts in the world, turned around and left lightly.

Xiang Zixi, what a cruel heart!

Xiahou Junhao couldn't help holding his head, lying on the table and crying.

What's wrong with being an emperor? He is also a man, and he also has feelings!

Just as Xiahou Junhao cried bitterly for Xiang Zixi, Emperor Jikang, who was in the north, also sat in his bedroom with a dull face.

Xiahou Junhao hides his feelings in the bottom of his heart, isn't he?

When he was the prince, he had already paid attention to her every move. Although there has been no actual contact, nothing about her can be hidden from herself!

Later, I couldn't calm down and took the initiative to see her!

But if I had known, what I fell in love with at first sight would have happened to me. At that time, I shouldn't have seen her at that time!

Now that I have her in the bottom of my heart, how can I forget her? How to forget?

In the rainy night, he was seriously injured and still calm, decisive, wise, strong and firm.

The quality is like a lighthouse in the dark, deeply attracting me.

I can't forget, I can't forget.

The flying red dance, the beautiful face, the... that unforgettable embrace!

Xiang Zixi, these three words will probably be remembered for a lifetime, right? Yes, keep it in mind!

Xiang Zixi gently opened his eyes and found that the white, milky world around him was clean, clear and transparent.

Looking down at my body, I have changed into a plain white gauze skirt, which is light and beautiful.

Isn't I dead? Why am I here? What is this place? So strange and familiar. It seems that I have seen it somewhere, but I'm not sure.

Walk slowly, but no matter how you go, there is a milky white around.

White is empty, white is terrible.

A feeling of loneliness hit again, hugging Zixi's arm hard, restless and wandering.

"Do you regret it?" A voice came from all directions: "Do you regret everything you have done?"

"Who are you? Who is there? Answer to Zixi in a hurry.

The other party didn't say anything and continued to ask, "Will you regret it?"

Xiang Zixi smiled gently: "I don't know what your regret is? If I choose to come to this world, I can tell you that I don't regret it! If you ask me if I regret knowing the three of them, I can also answer you. I don't regret it!"

"So you regret killing that soul, but only got less than a year's life?"

Xiang Zixi was silent and said softly, "I also don't regret it! Even if I fight for God's punishment, I will occupy this body. I'm not afraid that people will say that I'm cruel and vicious, and I'm not afraid that others will say that I'm bullying others. Since you let me come, then I will do my best and make it to the end!"

"So do you regret exchanging your thousand years of practice for a mortal's life?"

"Why do you regret it?"

"Because after you die, he is very likely to forget you and fall in love with other women again!"

Xiang Zixi smiled softly: "If you say so, it's enough to show that you haven't loved at all! True love is not greedy possession, but giving with the eyes of blessings! I allow him to fall in love with someone else, but I won't allow him to forget me!"

"What a domineering woman!"

Yes! I'm so domineering! Didn't I be so domineering thousands of years ago? Many disciples of the Xianjun family ran to the door to ask for the elixir and got a discount from me in time? Xiang Zixi said proudly, "I'm not easy to provoke!"

"But you finally violated the precepts for the three brothers and were even demoted to the mortal world to be tested for love. Don't you regret it?"

"Yes! Still don't regret it! Because I have loved, I know that loving someone is actually a very happy thing. Since you are happy, there is no need to care about the reason why you are happy, even if this reason is such a great reason.

Listening to Zixi's straightforward answer, the other party suddenly became silent.

"Hey! After asking me so much, it's my turn to ask you, right? Where is this?" Xiang Zixi asked eagerly.

"This is your sea of knowledge, your own sea of knowledge." The voice said faintly, "Because you gave up a thousand years of practice, your divine dignity has been deprived. You are now just an ordinary soul, an ordinary sea of knowledge."

nodded to Zixi: "So it is."

"Aren't you sad? Thousands of years of Taoism say that if there is no, there will be nothing!————"

"Why should we be sad? On the contrary, I am very gratified! Because I didn't do anything that I regret." Xiang Zixi laughed and said, "It's so good! I didn't care about any fairy class. If I weren't a master, I wouldn't even be interested in becoming an immortal! It's just that I failed my teacher, which is the most shameful thing!"

"If you were given a chance to start over now, what would you choose?"

"My nephew hits the lantern!" Xiang Zixi replied with a smile: "As usual!"

The other party had no more voice and shouted a few more times to Zixi, but the other party still did not respond.

What the hell is going on? Aren't you dead? Why did you run into your own sea of knowledge again?

At this time, the sea of knowledge suddenly collapsed. Xiang Zixi experienced the collapse of the sea of knowledge, so a thrilling spirit suddenly squatted down and closed his eyes.

"Toward? Wake up! Toward? Wake up!" A familiar voice suddenly came to my ear. Who is it? So noisy! Are you bored?

"Xiang Zixi! I'll be angry if I don't wake up!" A familiar voice shouted majestically.

Okay, okay, I just woke up. Why are you so fierce?

Struggled hard, tried to overcome the desire to sleep, and slowly opened his eyes!

"Wake up, wake up, wake up indeed!" Seeing Xiang Zixi wake up, several people were as excited as eating ginseng fruit.

"It's really noisy--" Xiang Zixi reached out and grabbed the top of her head and said impatiently, "Are you annoyed? Don't let people--"

When I said this to Zixi, I was suddenly stunned!

I saw three people standing in front of me, Lin Muyang, Ji Yan, and Jin Haoxuan. The three looked at themselves with a smile.

"Wait? Aren't you dead? Could it be that the three of them also committed suicide to find themselves? Xiang Zixi said something while thinking about it.

The three people who heard Xiang Zixi's words immediately laughed.

Ji Yan stepped forward gently, picked up Xiang Zixi's hand and kissed him gently: "Fool, you are not dead, we are not dead!"

"What's going on?" Xiang Zixi looked at the three of them blankly: "Where is this?"

"This is the refugee house you asked me to build! I listened to you and built a large refugee house in the mountains to house some orphans and homeless children. Ji Yan said gently, "I finally got you back!"

"But aren't I dead?" He said blankly to Zixi.

"Yes, you are indeed dead!" Jin Haoxuan smiled and said.

"So, what's going on?"

"Because we will exchange our own thousand-year Taoism for your life!" Lin Muyang looked at Xiang Zixi affectionately: "Good sister, thousands of years ago, our three brothers were taken care of by you in heaven. In this life, let us take care of you!"

Xiang Zixi suddenly opened his mouth wide!


Ji Yan said gently, "You are willing to exchange my life for a thousand-year Taoism, why don't I want to exchange my millennium Taoism for your life?"

Xiang Zixi suddenly came back in spirit, and his eyes widened: "Do you know the feelings?"

Three people nodded gently.

"It's over! It's over! It's over, the four of us don't have any gods! We will never go back to heaven again!" He said to Zixi with regret.

"What's so good about the heavenly court? How can it compare with the free life of the four of us?" Lin Muyang said with a smile, "Even if we can't be immortals, we will be a couple envied by immortals!"

"It's just a pity!" He muttered to Zixi, but with a smile on his face, he got up and gently hugged the three brothers.

Yes, what if you don't become an immortal?

Because I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals!

Five days later, Xiang Zixi completely recovered and finally remembered suspiciously: "Hey, you three, who told you that you came down through the disaster?"

The three people looked at each other and smiled and said with one voice, "It's a man who claims to be your old acquaintance with the master's charm, so we naturally know!"

Their master? Bodhi ancestor? Well, that old man is good!

Just as he was thinking about how to thank the Bodhi ancestor to Zixi, the three men behind him had begun to compete for the right to Zixi.

What about them! Anyway, do you want one wife and three husbands? Are you greedy? Jealous? Haha, go through time!

In the distance, Ji Yan smiled proudly: "Tonight is mine again! And hahaha————”

Look, even if it's a single wife and three husbands, isn't it very happy?

Xiang Zixi loosened his shoulders and thought with a smile that this kind of human life is actually not bad! I won't change it for a fairy!