
Chapter 1 The birth of Xuan Ming

Pangu opened the sky, and the astral world began to form. People in the astral world dedicated Pangu in order to remember the creation of heaven and earth, so they named this astral world "Pangu astral world"

At the bottom of the west sea of the Pangu star world, there are countless black whirlpools in the cathode, and ghosts are not allowed to approach. And the whirlwind is so powerful that it has the ability to tear up space. In the center of countless powerful whirlwinds, there is a huge whirlpool. There is a small bead with a slight blue light in the center of the whirlpool, which is still conspicuous in a black. Looking like that, it seems that Hongmeng is already there at the beginning of the opening...

It looks like a crystal but is as soft as water. It looks like a water balloon but is not transparent. There is something in the center, like a placenta, emitting a soft blue light, like a night pearl, faintly drifting, small and fragile. However, it can exist in the black hole and is not afraid of the power of the whirlwind, but it seems a little strange and extraordinary.

Time is like water, like a white pony that will never return. I don't know how many years have passed, and the blue bead has been floating there. Let the whirlwind blow without any movement.

One day, at the bottom of the West Sea, a woman came, dressed in blue gauze, with a beautiful and beautiful face. The white and small face, the phoenix eyes like water, are beautiful and extraordinary.

When she came to the center of the whirlpool, the woman looked up at the whirlpool, and her beautiful face gradually turned pale. She looked at the water balloon without saying a word, and her beautiful and deep eyes flashed brightly.

Finally, she opened her little mouth slightly and said word by word, "It's almost out."

There seemed to be tears flashing in her eyes. She couldn't help blinking, looked at the cave behind the whirlpool and said, "Brother, it's been 100,000 years, do you know? Soon, he is finally about to come out.

It's been 100,000 years, and it's been 100,000 years since that war. Brother, do you know how lonely I have been in these 100,000 years...

But behind the cave, there is still silence. The woman looked sad and looked at the water ball and pondered a little. Finally, she turned slightly and walked forward for a while, gently waved her sleeves. A cave rose out of thin air and lived here.

The time is like an arrow, and the sun and moon are surging, and another month has passed.

The weather was extremely dull that night. The wind and clouds on the sea of the West Sea are discolored, the wind roars, lightning and thunder...

There are continuous thunderstorms falling from the sky and abruptly splitting straight into the bottom of the sea. The waves are rolling like boiling water. Thunder and lightning flashed and shone the whole West Sea as bright as day. The fish dragon rolled, the earth shook, and the sound of panic continued; the whole West Sea was like the end of the world.

The thunder and lightning seemed to have been summoned and attracted by something. They went straight through the sea and split into the whirlpool of the seabed. The whirlwind turned sharply, the wind roared, and the sound of ghost crying and dragons resounded through the world.

In the whirlpool, the thunder is wantonly, and the storm is stormy; the water balloon in the center is blue and fluorescent, and it rotates leisurely with the thunder and wind, floating around and wandering.

The water balloon was fluttering, but the woman was too busy. The thunder kept splitting. At this moment, she was standing in front of the whirlwind and competing for seconds. She kept waving her hand to print on the water ball one by one. The light blue marks flashed slightly on the water ball and slowly penetrated in. I don't know how many thunder blows I have suffered, and I don't know how many French seals have penetrated, finally--

It's like glass falling to pieces, like water bursting... A clear sound, the sound is not loud, but it suddenly rises, and it comes from far in this lightning and thunder. The woman's solemn and stern face also showed a trace of relaxation with the sound and exhaled gently. Then he looked at the water polo grimly.

"Hee hee...haha!" The water balloon was broken like glazed beads, and a childish laughter came out of the water balloon, one after another. With the sound of laughter, a five- or six-year-old child slowly appeared in the place where the water ball was broken, with whirlwinds and whists. The child's slightly thin face has an immaculate smile, and a pair of moon-like smiles with mischievous and innocent eyes. Surrounded by thunder and lightning, it is still abrupt and dazzling, very strange.

The strangest thing is that this child is seven points similar to a woman!

After the last hand decision, the woman suddenly looked up and looked nervous. She stretched out her hand and pulled forward. The child's body was sent uncontrollably and fell into the woman's arms. At this time, the woman was really relieved.

How can it be a "thunder of the flood"! How can his birth cause "the thunder of the wilderness"? The woman frowned, hugged the child in her arms, looked at the blue thunder gradually dissipating in the sky, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in her eyes.

The child born from the water polo was pulled by the woman and fell firmly in the woman's arms. He couldn't help looking up curiously, blinking a pair of black and white eyes, and sizing the woman in front of him.

"Who are you?" I don't seem to know you! The child's dark and crystal eyes reveal a little confusion.

"Like you, I am the 'spirit of the holy water'. My name is Xuanqing, the lord of the holy water." The woman said, it turned out that she was the Virgin of Xuanqing, one of the immortals, Xuanqing!

"Oh, what about me..." The child nodded ignorantly, tilted his head, and nodded his little finger. Who am I?

"You... just call Xuan Ming!" Ming, sound, from the water, is also called the sea.

"Oh!" The child nodded deeply, but suddenly laughed happily, patted his small chest, and repeated word by word, "My name is Xuanming!"

"Yes! From now on, you will call me..." Xuanqing paused, hugged Xuanming, suddenly shook his head with a bitter smile, and said, "In the future, you can call me Virgin Mary and come back to the East China Sea with the Virgin Mary!"

"back to the East China Sea?" Xuan Ming narrowed his eyes and clapped his little hands and said, "Okay, okay, go back to the East China Sea!"

Xuanqing looked at him with a gentle smile. In fact, Xuan Ming didn't know what the East China Sea was like and where it was! Looking at the happy Xuanming, she couldn't help but reach out and rub his long soft hair. He picked him up and set out for the East China Sea.

This is a newborn daffodil, an extraordinary daffodil, the spirit of the holy water! Since then, there will be another spirit of flood and holy water in the sea area of Pangu astral world.

"It's a pity..." Xuanqing sighed: "With the birth of the narcissus of the "Thunder of the Flood", how bumpy should the road he will take in the future be?"

In the depths of Hongmeng, a red demonic figure slowly enlarged, followed by an ancient old road. The young man in red slowly looked up at the west and said softly, "It's strange that who is so capable?" He leaned his head slightly and suddenly smiled and said, "The spirit of the holy water?"

"Ha-" After a moment, the young man smiled strangely and nodded and stroked his palms: "Interesting! Interesting!!" He looked up at the white-haired old man on the opposite face and said with a smile, "Master, Honghuang Tianlei, this is not a good omen!"

The old man stared at him with a smile and said, "It's none of your business." The young man smiled and stared back angrily. Lao Dao still stared at him with a smile, and the young man could only grin in frustration: "Master... How long are you going to shut me down?! Life is short, such as the morning dew, the time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are surging, the years are like water, and time is like a white horse..."

The old man looked at the miserable young man who was crying and smiled with no conscience, "Time seems to be meaningless to you?" He blinked his old eyes and sneered, "Your life is short? Why don't I know?"

"Master!" The young man cried miserably, and his voice resounded all over the world.

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