
Chapter 69 Twelve Witches

Running out of the guest room, Hongxiu rushed to the spiritual light tower. However, as soon as he stepped into the spiritual light tower, a strong blue light flashed from the top of the tower. She couldn't help but be shocked and looked at the strong light rising to the sky.

At this time, Xuan Ming roared again. Hearing the sound, she was stunned and couldn't help rushing into the spiritual light tower and said anxiously, "Xuan Ming!"

After roaring, Xuan Ming couldn't help feeling comfortable and full of motivation. Just as he got up, he heard the urgent cry of red sleeves. He turned around and looked at the door, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xuan Ming!" Hongxiu gasped and said, "Sister Xiang told you not to wake up the chaotic bell. She wants us to go quickly!"

Xuanming was surprised and couldn't help frowning. At this time, Wukong also turned over from the window and looked at Xuanming and asked, "Xuanming, what's wrong?" Then he pointed to an empty corner in surprise and said, "Have you woken up the chaotic bell?"

"Ah!" Hearing this, Hongxiu couldn't help exclaiming. She pointed to the place where the chaotic clock was originally placed and said, "Did you wake up the clock? Broken, let's go! Yes, Sister Xiang, take Sister Xiang away!"

"Why are we leaving?" Although he knew why Hongxiu let him go, he couldn't help frowning and asking.

Because he wanted to know why Xiao Xiang knew that he was going to wake up the bell. Moreover, he also wants to know who will stare at Chaos Bell.

"Ah, you are stupid! Don't you know that many people want chaotic clocks? Hongxiu was so angry that she was about to die of worry. Why can Xuanming be so leisurely?

"We're not in a hurry, wait." Xuanming looked at the anxious appearance of Hongxiu and couldn't help smiling and comforting him.

Wuk, who was beside him, couldn't help looking at the blue mark on Xuanming's forehead and was distracted.

Before that, the reli in his body showed signs of struggle again. In order to suppress the reli, he returned to the Zen room. But when I didn't go back to half a column of incense, I felt the vision of heaven and earth and heard Xuan Ming's roar. At that time, he knew that Xuan Ming had succeeded.

However, he can't help sighing when he knows it.

For hundreds of years, he has been guarding this chaotic clock in Xishan. Even if the reli in his body is devoured, he knows that it is because of this chaotic clock, because of an unknown conspiracy. Since then, he has been fighting with Reli. In order to protect this chaotic clock. At this time, Chaos Zhong recognized the Lord, and he couldn't help but feel that he had completed the task. This feeling made him exhausted.

Together with this feeling, he couldn't help but lose his fighting power with the reli.

After all, that's the person he has always respected. After all, he has been exhausted after a hundred years of war.

"Xuan Ming? You..." Hongxiu shouted angrily, and then exclaimed again, pointing to the blue mark on Xuan Ming's forehead, speechless.

At this time, Xiao Xiang had also arrived in a hurry. In the watery eyes, there was a trace of anxiety and a trace of guilt.

She said anxiously to Xuan Ming, "Xuan Ming, they are coming!"

"It's okay. I'll wait for them." Xuanming leaned against the window lattice and looked at the dark sky outside the window.

"But..." Xiao Xiang's face changed, and she couldn't help pulling Xuanming and said, "They are not something you can deal with. Did you hear it?"

"Don't worry." Xuanming slowly stretched out his hand, held Xiao Xiang, who was pulling Xuanming's sleeve, and smiled brightly at her, with stars shining in his black eyes. He said, "I just want to know how many people are coveting that thing. If we can't beat it, we will run away, okay?"

Shocked by Xuan Ming's confident look, Xiao Xiang couldn't help staring at Xuan Ming's silvery eyes. For a moment, she was speechless and could only nod obediently.

At that moment, she really didn't know what was going on. All she knows is that her heart is really uncomfortable...

"Let's go out. It's not good to fight here. It will destroy the tower." Xuan Ming took Xiao Xiang's hand and smiled gently at her.

Out of the spiritual light tower, the four people stood above the empty flat ground. Two dark shadows appeared in front of Xuanming.

As soon as the shadow stood still, his four eyes stared at Xuanming, as if staring at a dead object.

"It's really tough!" Xuan Ming looked as usual and only smiled at the two of them. But I can't help sighing.

"If you don't want to die too miserably, hand over the clock!" While thinking about it, one of the two men in front of him said.

"hehe." Xuanming couldn't help laughing, pointed to his head and smiled at Wukong, "Is this person here?"

"I think it's a little bit." Wukong looked up and down the man carefully and nodded.

"Look for death!" The man was furious and turned his hand. The two snakes were already holding their hands and spitting their long tongues at Xuanming.

"The ancestor of the twelve witches in the middle of the earth?" Seeing the snake, Wukong didn't laugh. Instead, he blinked his golden eyes and said with a straight face.

"Twelve Witches?" Xuan Ming was also a little surprised and looked at the two again with a curious look.

Looking at the two in the dark night, Xuan Ming had to believe that they had a very shocking appearance.

I saw the man holding the snake, who was short. He has a big nose and a big mouth, and his face is as green as earth. A pair of dead skins hold two green snakes and big snakes, which are amazing.

And another man is surprisingly thin and tall. The cyan hair exploded, and the nose and mouth are wide. Wide clothes and robes. On the contrary, it looks much better than the back soil on the side.

"Is this the ancestor of the twelve witch stroke 'Tianwu'?" Wukong looked at the thin and tall man and asked. Guess the identity of one of the men, and the other will be easy to guess.

The man didn't answer, just nodded.

At this time, Xuan Ming had a general understanding of the forces behind them, but he couldn't help but be confused again.

Didn't the witches no longer exist? Why are there still twelve witch ancestors?

In ancient witches, there were twelve ancestral witches, but the twelve witches were also known as the twelve demon gods. They were born with a strong body, devoured heaven and earth, manipulated feng shui, thunder and lightning, and had the ability to change the sky and the sea.

The twelve witch ancestors were the twelve elders of the witch clan. It is also 12 people who were popular 100,000 years ago.

Among them, the ancestor of water was invited to appoint the water god in heaven at that time.

Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire, was invited by the heavenly world to appoint the god of fire in heaven.

The water god work together, and the fire god Zhu Rong, these two ancient gods are well known to everyone, but how many of them know that they are one of the twelve witches?

If it hadn't been an accident, Xuanming would not have known this information at Ao Ye's home.

As for other witch ancestors, such as gold, wood, rain, electricity, thunder, wind, earth and other seven natural witch ancestors; like witch ancestors with three talents who take speed as their specialty, weather change as their specialty, and time control as their specialty. These ten witch ancestors have been silenced for a long time.

It seems that the master behind the twelve witch ancestors is bound to win this action. Xuan Ming frowned. Then he sighed secretly, "For good, they didn't go to Wuzu, who is said to have the magic power of speed, otherwise they couldn't escape."

As I was thinking about it, I only heard a loud shout, and the back soil played with the snake in his hand and said angrily, "Since you know us, why don't you just let go and capture it?"

"Ha ha, Hongxiu, do you think this person is really crazy?" Xuanming laughed again, stroked the shoulder of the red sleeve beside him with one hand, and bent down with a smile.

Your brain is flooded! Red sleeves pouted red lips and looked at Xuan Ming in a blink of an eye, with an anxious face. The divine consciousness turned and said, "This time I'm really going to die. They are two ancient witches. How can we fight against them?"

Xuan Ming smiled and did not answer. Instead, Xiao Xiang looked at Xuan Ming thoughtfully. She has always been a careful person. Naturally, she saw Xuanming's thoughts, but she didn't understand. What gave Xuanming so much confidence that she could catch them all?

"You want to die!" The back soil was furious, and the snake in his hand couldn't help hissing. Looking at Xuan Ming's head, he looked fierce. Just wait for the master to take orders and go straight to Xuanming.

Just as the back soil was about to let go of the snake, a cloudy wind stirred. Two more figures arrived together.

At this time, there was an old man and a young man.

The young Xuanming is naturally very familiar with it. It was Ruan Xitong, the demon messenger. But the old man can't be recognized by Xuanming.

Just as Xuan Ming guessed the identity of the old man, he only heard Xi Tong bowing to the old man and call respectfully: "Three Elders, this man in white is Xuan Ming."