
Chapter 103 Red Lotus's Response

Jin'ao Island.

Since coming to Jinao Island, Honglian has lived generously under Duobao's deformed face. No matter how sarcastic he was, he did not move peacefully. On the contrary, Ao Ye, who had a thin skin, couldn't sit still. At night, after dinner, after everyone took him back to his small yard, he followed Xuanming to Xuanming's yard. He squeezed his lips all the way and frowned as if he were thinking about how to open his mouth.

Xuanming couldn't stand it anymore. He stopped and looked at Ao Ye and said, "Ao Ye? Feel free to say something. Are you here to ask me about Guang Chengzi?"

"Ming'er, whether my master is hurt by you or not, you are my brother. This will never change." After staring at Xuanming and saying without hesitation, Ao Ye was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said slowly, "This time I'm just listening to what others said. That is, Guang Chengzi is not dead. It's really closed. You should be careful in the future.

As soon as he said this, he no longer struggled with the choice between the master and his friends. He smiled at Xuanming and said, "My master has always been reciting. You should be careful. Although he couldn't come out so quickly in this retreat, it's just that he has many disciples, and it's easy to find trouble for you.

Xuanming didn't expect that he had come all the way to find him and had been entangled for so long, just to say this to himself, but he was a little grateful. However, in gratitude, he had to lament his brother's rigidity. He also said earlier that a master like Guang Chengzi didn't want it, but he didn't expect that he was still struggling not to betray this matter. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, my Xuanming has always been blessed. Your master can't kill me several times. If there is another time, I will still let them come back."

Ao Ye nodded and was silent for a while before saying, "That red lotus is not simple. You'd better not provoke him. Hide if you can. Although the demon clan has been doing things in a low-key way over the years, but because of this, few people can clearly explain the strength of the demon clan. I'm afraid it won't be worse than the demon religion.

"I know this, don't worry." Xuan Ming nodded, and then smiled complaedly and sighed, "Now he has asked me, and he won't do anything to me. And although he is cruel, he is one of the few people who can stand on my master's side. Naturally, I will hold on to such a person for my master.

Indeed, Tongtian is arrogant. Naturally, he will not do such a thing as ganging, and he does not disdain to do it. But he is different. He Xuanming doesn't have the strength of Tongtian. Then he didn't help to increase his strength until they had a showdown. Then he is miserable for a guy who wants to do anything but has no strength, isn't he? And the best strength to grasp is that Honglian, who has some strength and seeks him. Who made the chaotic bell, the sacred object of the demon clan, inexplicably become his magic weapon?

Although Ao Ye didn't know Bai Xuanming's plan, he at least watched Xuanming grow up. As for Xuanming's understanding, he naturally knew that Xuanming was not a bully. Although Xuan Ming is relatively simple and doesn't like to cause trouble among the people he knows. That's why he was so worried when he heard that Guang Chengzi was going to deal with him. But now it seems that he is doing well, at least much better than him. There is no need for him to worry as a brother.

He laughed at himself and said to Xuanming, "Although I don't know what these ancestors want to do, you are a measured person. If you have anything, just do. If you encounter difficulties, you can come to me."

Xuanming was stunned, and then opened a comfortable smile at Ao Ye, just like he wanted to do something that no one would support when he was a child, but he got Ao Ye's support. He said, "Ao Ye, thank you for my master."

Ao Ye's words are very clear. In Tongtian and his master, he chose Tongtian's side. Ao Ye smiled and said, "Uncle Zu is an honest man. To say a rebellious word, I look down on people like my master.

Xuan Ming laughed and said to Ao Ye, "Ao Ye, congratulations, I finally thought about it!"

Ao Ye finally laughed. He said, "It's getting late. Go and have a rest. I won't stay. I really dare not compliment your brother." With that, he didn't wait for Xuan Ming to say anything more. He just saw that his body was vertical, like a meteor, and he went far away in an instant. This burning look is as if it is hiding from the plague. This made Xuanming once again admire his brother's Taoism.

He shook his head and sighed and walked to the bedroom comfortably. To be honest, although he decided to help his master deal with Yuanshi, the existence of Ao Ye really made him entangled for a long time. Now Ao Ye expressed his position, which really relieved him. At least don't worry about becoming an opponent with him.

Xuanming opened the door in a good mood and decided to have a good sleep. Tomorrow, he will deal with the strange and headache demon master. Unfortunately, it is obvious that he can't wait. As soon as Xuanming opened the door, he saw the red figure that gave him a headache.

At that moment, Xuanming couldn't help but feel that this red color was really his nemesis. No, except for the innocent and simple red sleeves, these men who like to wear red clothes are his nemesis.

Since he met Tongtian, there has been no more day of peace. Now, he has met the red lotus that can even sleep so soundly in his bed. There is also a Dijiang who wants to kill him...

Although he saw Honglian lying comfortably on his **. In the blink of an eye, his forehead twitched, he still had to smile at him and asked, "The demon master came to find me so late, but is there something important?"

"Alas, your bed is still comfortable. Duobao is an ignorant child and doesn't know how to respect the elderly. He doesn't even arrange a room for me. How can he be so cruel to let this sick person sleep on those stone benches in the yard..." Honglian complained pitifully to Xuanming. If he didn't know the explosive power of the weak and poor man in front of him, he couldn't help believing that he was a poor person without a place to live.

Unfortunately, this old and poor man is his red lotus demon master. Knowing that Honglian's words could not be answered, Xuanming only looked at his nose and said lightly without squinting: "The demon master laughed." After that, he didn't say a word.

Seeing Xuanming like this, Honglian was amuseless, but she yawned lazily and said, "I heard that the elder of the demon religion wanted you to join the demon religion. Did you agree?"

Is this why he came to find himself? Xuan Ming frowned secretly and didn't understand why Honglian suddenly cared about this. Although I was surprised by the well-informed information of Honglian. However, since he dares to agree to the request of the demon religion, he is naturally not afraid to become the target of public criticism. He smiled honestly and said, "Yes. I agreed."

"Why?" Honglian sat up from ** and stared at Xuanming's charming eyes, without the autumn water of the past, leaving only a touch of silver light, as if she could see people's hearts. Xuan Ming restrained his eyebrows and blocked the surprise in his eyes. Although he didn't know why he asked this, he still raised the corners of his lips and smiled and said lightly, "This is just a plan. The demon lord also knows that the demon religion has been restlessly wanted to be above the demon clan of heaven all day long. Naturally, we can't let them get Don't you want to go? What's more, I once had a bet with my teacher. If I lost, I would naturally destroy the demon religion and fulfill my promise.

"Demonism?" Honglian didn't expect that he would answer truthfully. She squeezed her lips and was silent for a moment. Then he stared at Xuanming and said without hesitation, "I can help you, but after destroying the demon religion, I want their magic blue crystal, the treasure of religion. As long as I can get that thing, all of my demon clan will be available to you.

"Including one soldier?"

"Including one soldier and one soldier!"

"Yes." Xuan Ming's raised mouth completely opened a smile and nodded without hesitation.

He is waiting for this moment. Wait, that's when Honglian is completely on their side. Although I don't know what the "Magic Blue Crystal" is and what he wants Honglian to do, as long as they pull people to his side, what can't they agree to? What's more, the evil demon religion has long been a group of damn things in Xuanming's eyes. The rest is how they should die.