
Chapter 119 Do you obey?

Mos stared at the three solar beads meaningfully for a while before slowly asking, "Di Yu, what do you think of this?"

"This..." Di Yu was silent for a while before hesitating, "This may be credible. After all, Xuan Ming has a chaotic clock at this moment. If he wants to keep the chaotic clock, he can only find one side that can protect his power. If Tongtian interception was destroyed, how long can he protect Xuanming? In heaven, Yuanshi and Nuwa are staring at this chaotic bell. If he wants to keep the chaotic bell, he can only look for our help..."

"But we also want to get the chaotic clock! He joined our magic religion. Isn't this the sheep entering the tiger's mouth? The three elders couldn't help frowning.

"This..." Di Yu was stunned and speechless. Yes, we also want to get the chaotic clock. Isn't Xuanming afraid that we will kill people?

Maybe it's because we haven't pressed him urgently. You should know that Xuanming has no way out in heaven. Yixiao shook his sleeves, put his hand behind his back, and said slowly, "He just came here with a glimmer of hope."

"Well, it's useless to discuss this now. He has been honest these days. Now that the three solar beads have arrived, what's the harm in letting him stay? Moss had a plan in his heart, but he didn't say it. He just waved his hand and said.

As soon as the boss spoke, Di Yu and the others stopped talking. On the contrary, Xuan Ming outside the door, through the colorless light waves blocking the door, took a deep look at Yi Xiao, raised the corners of his mouth, and narrowed his eyes. At this time, Moss said again, "Di Yu, go get ready and go to the West Sea as soon as possible. That matter can't be delayed any longer. If it fails this time, find a way to solve it by yourself. You don't have to go back to the magic religion.

Di Yu's face changed, but he could only reply in an astringent voice: "Yes."

Out of the secret room, Di Yu looked at Xuan Ming waiting outside the door, and his face turned colder. But how can you complain about this? Going to the West Sea has long been doomed to be him, isn't it? He smiled bitterly and walked out. Yixiao and Xuan Ming followed him step by step.

"Dad, Uncle Yixiao! Are you out?" As soon as they returned to the lobby, a yellow figure jumped over like the lark, but when the smart eyes slipped behind them, they couldn't help but dark with disappointment. Then, she saw her eyes turn to Xuanming again, with hope and inquiring eyes, which made Xuanming't help but move, and she chattered to herself in the morning. He shook his head with a wry smile, indicating that he had no time to ask.

Sure enough, the hopeful eyes dimmed again. Xuan Ming sighed. There is no you in his heart at all. Why do you miss him so much?

In the next few days, Xuanming was paying attention to Di Yu's whereabouts, waiting for Di Yu to leave for the West Sea, and helplessly facing the entanglement of the two women. Thinking of this, Xuanming couldn't help smiling bitterly. It would be a great honor for others to be surrounded by two women, right? Unfortunately, he is helpless.

Every day, he has to go in and out against Di Jing's resentful eyes, and he has to accept Huyan Jiner's provocative fights again and again. It's not bad if you can let go of your mood. Unfortunately, he still can't deal with a woman without any grudges. I can only win her just one and a half every time. Well, it's really endless. Every time we met, he stared at himself coldly with extremely disdainful eyes, and then opened his airs to challenge him and win back the last lost game.

Although Xuan Ming really wants to show a flaw, lose once and change to silence, he can't help winning such a move every time. Then he stared at Huyan Jiner's unwilling eyes, behind Di Jing's resentful eyes, and returned to his room. If it hadn't been for him, he would have gone out to explore Di Yu's whereabouts every day. He really wants to stay in the room and not go out. Women can't afford to provoke. He is not in the mood to coax them.

Sure enough, the next morning, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Hu Yanjin'er guarding the door with a long gun in his arms. The cold eyes are three times colder than the frost in the late autumn morning. Xuanming twitched at the corners of his mouth, smiled at Huyan Jiner, and said, "Miss Jin'er, are you looking for me?"

Huyan Jiner's contemptuous eyes swept Xuanming, suddenly stepped back two steps, waved her long gun, and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, do it!"

Very good, but this time it's very straightforward! Xuanming smiled helplessly, spread his hands to Huyan Jiner, shrugged his shoulders and said with a ruffian smile, "Miss Jin'er, we have fought a lot of battles these days. You haven't lost and I haven't won. Why is there any need to fight?"

"Bah, you traitor, I will drive you out of the demon religion sooner or later!" Huyan Jiner looked cold and poohed at Xuan Ming with disgust. Xuanming frowned and frowned. After a while, he sneered and said, "Ha ha, then ask Miss Jin'er to solve the puzzle. What is betrayal? Why do you see that Xuanming is a traitor?

Huyan Jiner couldn't help but be stunned by Xuanming's smile. After a while, her face turned pale. She pointed a long gun at Xuanming and danced coldly and said coldly, "Shame traitor, how dare you quibble. What is it that you are not a traitor to join the demon religion? Also, tell me honestly, what's the picture of you joining my demon religion?

"Ha ha, how can I see that I am a man of heaven? When did I become a man of heaven again? I, Xuanming, have always been just a scattered immortal. I have joined the interception, and I am just a cult in the heavenly world. How have I ever been classified into the heavenly world? And I, Xuanming, have never done anything wrong with interception. What kind of betrayal is it? Or do you think that I, Xuanming, am honest and let others slaughter the world, so that I don't betray the heaven world and am a loyal person?

"Exquial!" When did Huyan Jiner hear such a statement? Half a sound, she squeezed out a word. After staring at Xuanming for a while, she was aggressive and humane: "As a god of Sanqing, why is he not a man of heaven? Isn't the Virgin of the East Sea Xuanqing appointed by heaven as the Lord of holy water? Isn't it also one of the gods of heaven? As a disciple of the Virgin of Xuanqing, why are you not a person in heaven?

"Ha ha, the girl knows Xuan Ming very well... Unfortunately, you should also know that the heavenly world cannot appoint Sanqing Zun God, that is to say, Sanqing Zun God is not under the jurisdiction of heaven. Our Lady Xuanqing is just a scattered fairy. What I got was just a small title. And I don't even have a title." With that, he smiled at Huyan Jiner with a handsome smile. Before Huyan Jiner was unconvinced and wanted to speak, he blocked her words and said, "I know what you want to say, but our Taoist monks, after all, are different from the mortal world. Heaven has never educated me, let alone raised me. I am loyal only to the two masters who raised me. And now, I have never betrayed them. Where do you think my name as a traitor come from?

"You! Strong words are unreasonable!" Huyan Jiner blushed and gritted his teeth.

"hehe." Xuanming laughed, looked at Huyan Jiner with a smile, and said with a smile, "So I ask you, won't you betray the demon religion?"

"Of course, this demon will not betray the demon religion!" Huyan Jin'er waved her long gun and said with determination.

"Do you hate heaven very much?"

"Humph, those hypocrites in heaven, after killing my father and king and humiliating my mother, this hatred is not the same!"

Father and Queen Mother? Xuan Ming's expression moved, but he didn't think deeply. He just smiled and said, "Then one day, if the demon religion returns to heaven, will you be submissive?"

"This is impossible!" Huyan Jiner's eyes widened.

"I'm talking about 'if one day'! Just say that you will not obey. Ha ha, in fact, you won't obey in your heart, right? But if you don't obey, you can only betray the demon religion?"

"That's different!"

"Yes, it's different. However, look at the top..." Xuanming's expression condensed, pointed to the gray sky and said with a straight face. Huyan Jiner was stunned and looked up. Xuanming said, "Do you see it? It is a void. In this void, there are countless star worlds exactly like us. If one day, someone tells you that the demon religion will return to other astral worlds, will you not?

" this possible?" Huyan Jiner was stunned for a moment, suddenly frowned at Xuanming and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense!" Don't damage the reputation of the demon religion, otherwise I will definitely make you..."

Xuan Ming just looked at the angry Hu Yanjiner, raised the corners of his mouth with a sarcastic smile, interrupted Hu Yan Jiner's words, and just asked, "If there is such a day, will you return? If you obey, you are betraying the star world that raised you. If you don't obey, you are betraying the demon religion you want to be loyal to.