
Chapter 26 Jinwu was destroyed

When the solar beads were sent to the dark clouds, they were finally kept accumulating. The blue thunder on the beads gradually changed from cyan to blue-purple, and the color gradually deepened with the dark clouds. When they were sent into the dark clouds, the layers of dark clouds also turned dark purple with the solar beads. .

In the world of the West Sea, there is no other color except the clouds and the burning red net. A dark piece. The air is constantly burning by the sky fire, and the breath of heaven and earth is constantly being squeezed by the thunder. The whole world is dull and difficult to breathe.

The light emitted by the fire that day was also constantly squeezed. The light, except for illuminating the red net, could no longer illuminate the other side, even within three feet of the red net. And the clouds above can only light up the clouds and no longer illuminate anything else. The sky is so dark that there is not a single star.

The sea in the West Sea is also thick and dark. At this moment, in addition to Xuanming trapped in the red net, he will be able to see the faint light of the sky fire, looking at the blur, and it is difficult to see other things clearly between heaven and earth.

The Dijiang was submerged by black, and so was Yun Zhongzi, not to mention Yuding and other people who hid in the distance. And this is exactly what Xuanming is worried about and can't see, that is to say, it is difficult for him to see anything from their movements? That is to say, it is difficult for him to know himself and his enemy anymore?

This is undoubtedly dangerous.

However, the situation was in crisis and dangerous, and he had to resist again. The red net was burned by the sky and gradually shrinking in the burning. Maybe in a moment, he would not even have a place to hide. He has no time to delay any longer.

Thinking about this, the dark purple clouds above him finally sounded the first thunder in this silent world. In the dull West Sea, which has lost air and no breath, this thunder also looks listless and dull. But this muffled thunder also gave Xuanming a hope.

From the sound of thunder, he could clearly feel the fear of the sky fire.

Surely, while the thunder sounded, in the dark sky, in the clouds, a dark purple thunderstorm, also hit the red net from the clouds. The situation was turbulent, with the pressure of destroying the world, which made the fire sway, flashed with fear, and the light was much darker in an instant.

Just as the thunder was ferociously split, the cloud neutron in the distance finally saw what it was. His face couldn't help changing greatly. He rushed to Xuanming desperately and shouted, "You can't use Honghuang Tianlei here!!"

"What?" Xuan Ming was shocked and looked at the rushing Yun Zhongzi.

It's a pity that it's too late. That day, Lei was indeed the nemesis of Tianhuo. Although he was not a natural enemy, Tianhuo's fear of Tianlei gave Xuanming in the red net a chance to take advantage of it. That day, Lei Kan fell. The sky fire of the whole red net has also been extinguished a lot, and some loopholes have also appeared on the red net.

The sound of "boom" is also particularly harsh in this quiet West Sea. The blue-purple thunderfire had also been wrapped in the red net when the thunder hit the red net. The blue-purple thunderfire burned brightly and squeezed and swallowed a lot of skyfire in an hour.

At this time, Yun Zhongzi looked at the thunder that fell into the net, but his face was even worse. He frowned and jumped to Xuanming. Watching the loophole of the red net gradually become bigger, he was soon able to break through the siege of this big net, which was a pleasure for Xuanming. After all, he had been trapped in this net for a while. The lack of air in the red net also made him feel bored and painful in the net.

Yun Zhongzi's anxiety couldn't help but surprise Xuanming. The anxiety was really anxious. At this moment, Dijiang only saw that the red net was about to break. As soon as he bit the tip of his tongue and spit it out gently, a red light suddenly lit up again from the darkness, and the red light faintly covered the cumulus clouds above.

"Dijiang, stop!" Seeing that the cumulus clouds were rolling and the second thunderstorm was in danger of falling again, Yun Zhongzi's face turned white and shouted in the direction of the red light.

In the red light, the body of the Dijiang is looming.

Xuanming frowned and couldn't figure out what the cloud neutron was going crazy at this time. But at this time, can they stop the fight?

The second thunder has already sounded in response to the red light of the Dijiang River. Unlike the dullness of the first thunder, the thunder became extremely loud in the faint and desperate exclamation of the cloud neutron. As a blue-purple light lit up the West Sea, this thunder also resounded throughout the world.

Yun Zhongzi's face was white. When this thunder fell, he also suddenly turned over. When he turned over, a wave of famine suddenly overflowed from his sleeve robe. It swept the whole West Sea in an instant.

At the same time, a chaotic atmosphere different from fighting also quietly spread throughout the West Sea. It's a comfortable and warm atmosphere. Xuanming is also very familiar with this breath.

That's the map of mountains and rivers.

Unfortunately, imitations are only imitations after all, which can never be compared with real things, especially in terms of spiritual power, which can't be compared with real things. Therefore, this map of mountains and rivers still can't stop this falling thunder.

Only when I saw the map of the mountain and river society was thrown out, and the sound of "clap" was accurate, but it also fell ruthlessly on the map of the mountain and river community map. Through the map of the community, it was extremely accurate on the red light that had just covered the red net.

Suddenly, a brief space solidification appeared on the West Sea again. Then, before the red net showed any abnormality, the West Sea went crazy and rolled crazily.

Xuan Ming's face changed, and at this time, several "pop" sounds also sounded from his side. The blue-purple thunder had covered the red light, and the ferocious thunder squirmed, wrapped around the red net through the red light, and a trace of ferociously broke the red net. Before he had time to wonder about the rolling of the sea in the West Sea, Xuanming was overjoyed, jumped to avoid the red light and jumped out of the red net.

The red net sobbed, and after Xuan Ming jumped out, he couldn't resist the entanglement of Tianlei and collapsed. Then on the red net, the purple thunder and fire gradually flourished and burned brightly.

Xuanming came out of the net. At this time, the joy of defeating Dijiang was finally attracted by the strange West Sea. Dijiang just looked pale, his eyes widened, pointed to Xuan Ming and said in an astringent voice, "Okay, good, you won!"

When the words fell, he smiled crazily again, looked at the dark sky and said, "No, I didn't lose to you, I lost to this day!" Wu Yu was shaky in front of him, and the color was getting darker and dim. At the beginning, the gorgeous red was no longer there. On the contrary, there were still a few cracks on the crystal clear jade.

Dijiang, except for being defeated by the group of Tianmo 100,000 years ago, has never been defeated so miserable.

Xuan Ming sneered, but did not answer. Yun Zhongzi's face was pale, frowned and looked at the rolling sea water under his feet. Finally, he couldn't bear to shout, "Enough! Dijiang, Xuanming can't see it. Can't you see what's going on?!"

What's the situation? Xuanming was stunned. Dijiang was shocked. He looked at his feet and exclaimed violently. He pointed to the rolling sea water under his feet and stared at it. It was unbelievable: "Jinwu!!"

Xuan Ming frowned and looked at the white smoke gradually rising under his feet, which finally reflected that it was Jinwu who had a problem in their fight. This understanding really shocked him. He couldn't help but fight and fell into the sea to see what was going on.

Unfortunate, as soon as he moved, Yun Zhongzi had stopped him first. He said, "Don't go in, it's dangerous."

Xuan Ming frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped with a wry smile. He understood that if Jinwu was really destroyed, its explosive power would be no less than the thunder emitted by the eclipse beads.

"How could this happen?" Dijiang's face was pale and he couldn't help muttering. Yun Zhongzi snorted coldly, pointed to the dark clouds that were still rolling in the sky and said, "That's the flood and thunder. I didn't expect that the thunder sent out by the eclipse beads also had the power to destroy Jinwu.

"Honghuang Tianlei!!" Xuan Ming was shocked and looked at the cumulus clouds. Did the vast power he send turned out to be a flood and thunderstorm? Why doesn't he know? I remember that when Xuanqing taught him this trick, he only said that it was caused by the spiritual power of the holy water in his body, but he never said that it was Honghuang Tianlei...

Moreover, he also said that that because of the spiritual power of the holy water, the vitality will be greatly depleted and useless. But at this moment...

All three of them know the importance of Jinwu to the astral world. Because of this, this situation really makes them feel overwhelmed for a while.

After thinking about it, Dijiang arched his hand to Yun Zhongzi and said, "This matter is very important. I must inform my master as soon as possible, and I won't accompany you!" Without waiting for their answer, he went to the shore to pick up Ju Mang first, and rushed to Mountwa without looking back. He was really in a hurry.

Xuanming had no reaction to the departure of Dijiang. He just looked at the rolling sea water under his feet and felt extremely depressed. The first thing he thought of was that Jinwu was destroyed, and was the divine prohibition really broken? What I think of again is Xuanqing in the East China Sea at this moment. He still remembers that during the 20 years of living in the East China Sea, he saw Xuanqing quietly looking at the West alone, with the loneliness, helplessness and missing in his eyes. What would she do if she knew that Jinwu had been destroyed now?

He really can't imagine this matter. The Virgin Mary of his family has been guarded for 100,000 years and missed 100,000 years. In the end, this Jinwu was destroyed in his hands?

What's wrong? He still couldn't believe that this matter would be so coincidental. He always thought that the skill given to him by the flood and famine holy water would be thunder. And it happened that he also used the solar beads in the West Sea. The flood and thunder caused by the solar beads could actually destroy Jinwu. All these coincidences are connected as if someone is controlling them.

Is it true that someone did this on purpose?

The previous feeling of being manipulated slowly emerged from Xuanming's heart again. There is no reason, no basis, just his intuition. Vaguely, he just felt that someone was controlling the astral world.

Is it his master?

Thinking of Tongtian's madness and desire for freedom, Xuan Ming shook his head and threw away this speculation. Who will that be?

"Xuan Ming." Thinking about how to solve this trouble, Yun Zhongzi's faint voice sounded in Xuanming's ear.

Xuanming looked at Yun Zhongzi, and Yun Zhongzi narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm very interested in you."

Xuanming frowned. At this time, he was really not in the mood to pay attention to the inexplicable words of Yun Zhongzi. Yun Zhongzi didn't care either. He just smiled and said mysteriously, "You must not understand why you can summon mysterious things like Honghuang Tianlei, right?"

Yun Zhongzi deliberately paused, hung Xuanming's appetite, looked at Xuanming frown again, and then said, "If I say, I know why, I also know how to make your Honghuang Tianlei stronger?"