
Chapter 32 The Most Sacred Kiss

Xuanming peacefully pulled Xuanqing to sit down, and also sat next to Xuanqing. Then he asked, "Has the Virgin has heard of the three-legged bird?"

At this moment, Xuanqing is indeed much calmer than before. At this time, when he heard Xuanming's question, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Three-legged bird?"

"Three-legged bird." Xuanming nodded and said, "God bird, three-legged bird, does the Virgin Mary know where this bird is now?" With that, Xuan Ming's eyes were like pillars, and her deep eyes stared at Xuanqing, not letting go of the change of her expression.

Xuanqing frowned. Compared with the sharp eyebrows of Xuanming's sword eyebrows and Xuanqing, the spirit of the holy water, the pair of eyebrows are much softer. It can be said that it is as beautiful as Dai. At this time, her soft eyebrows were twisted together, a little confused and confused. After a long time, she said, "The divine bird, there has been no news of this divine bird for 100,000 years. Is this bird still there now?"

Hearing Xuanqing's confusion and whispering, Xuan Ming couldn't help frowning. Didn't Xuanqing know? Indeed, there are too few records about triped birds. In the pile of books that Xuanming spent three days and nights reading, there are only two short paragraphs about the three-legged bird, but the two paragraphs are too complicated and confusing.

"East of Penglai, on the mountain of Daiyu, there are trees supporting mulberry trees, and the trees are thousands of feet high. There is a heavenly chicken on the top of the tree, which is the nest on top. Every night, when the son comes, the chickens sing, and the sun birds respond to it; when the birds sing, all the chickens in the world sing.

"There is Fusang in Tanggu, which has been bathed for ten days and is in the north of the black teeth. In the water, there are big trees, nine days in the lower branches, and one day in the upper branches.

Obviously, Xuanqing also thought of these two paragraphs, read them softly, and then said quietly, "The three-legged bird has always been just a legend. The legend spread above the heavenly world, and it is said that this person in the heavenly world has never been seen it."

"East of Penglai, the mountain of Daiyu? Tang Gu?" Xuan Ming also wondered, "Do these two places refer to two places or the same place? And where does it mean? However. There are two places with the tree of mulberry.

Xuan Qing shook his head blankly. Xuan Ming was silent and understood that if he continued to ask, Xuan Qing didn't know. He frowned and remembered that what Shennong asked him to ask was to ask Xiao Xiang. However, although Xuanqing and Xiao Xiang used to be Nuwa, Xiao Xiang obviously knew more than Xuanqing. It seems that you have to ask Xiao Xiang.

Thinking of the suspicious red on Xiao Xiang's face when she left, Xuan Ming couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. There is no joke that I have always been used to, no sarcasm, but a truly gentle smile. Unfortunately, he didn't notice this, and Xuanqing, who had been thinking about the three-legged bird and Jinwu, did not notice it.

Throw away a little softness that is enough to make him indulge. Xuan Ming returned to reality again and couldn't help but be shocked, "Have you never seen it?"

Xuanqing shook his head: "For a long time, we have only heard about the three-legged bird as a legend. I heard that some gods have gone out to look for it, but unfortunately none of them can be found. Some can still come back, but more, they will not come back when they go. We guessed that something happened. After that, gradually no one was looking for it. It seems that I have died for this legend. With that, she looked at Xuanming with a trace of hope and asked, "Is Jinwu really the divine fire of the three-legged bird? As long as you find a three-legged bird, you can save Jinwu?

Xuan Ming shook his head: "I'm not sure yet. This needs to be found to confirm." According to the secret of the divine bird, this is very sad, but Xuanqing is not as sad and disappointed as Xuan Ming thought. Instead, he just laughed at himself and said, "So I'll wait for your news here."

It seemed that Xuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Xuanqing smiled and said lightly, "Xiang'er is right. Since the matter has not yet reached the last step, I can't be discouraged, let alone abandon my agreement with him. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will wait."

Xuanming was relieved and nodded with a smile. Xuanqing said again, "Ming'er, Xiang'er is a good girl..."

This sentence undoubtedly gave Xuan Ming an affirmation. No matter what Xuanqing thinks, he has identified Xiao Xiang. But at this moment, Xuanqing said so, and he still had to breathe a sigh of relief. It's best to be recognized by Xuanqing, isn't it?

Leaving Xuanqing, Xuanming was in a good mood and walked to the yard where Xiao Xianghongxiu now lives. As soon as I started, I saw Xiao Xiang sitting outside the yard with a transparent layer of prohibition watching the ban on foreign fish. Xiao Xiang, smiling, has a trace of endless red on her white and tender cheeks, red and tender, quiet and elegant.

Xuan Ming slowly approached and stopped beside Xiao Xiang. Xiao Xiang looked at him and said nothing. Instead, Xuan Ming slowly bent down and smiled softly in Xiao Xiang's ear, "The Virgin Mary likes you very much..."

Xiao Xiang couldn't help showing a smile and quickly disappeared, leaving only a suspicious red, which slowly spread from his small ear. The pink cheeks are also red.

Xuan Ming sighed and hugged Xiao Xiang. The soft touch came from the palm of his hand and slowly delivered it to his heart. The heart is also full of tender warmth. This warmth made him sigh and aggravated the hand around Xiao Xiang's waist.

Looking at Xuan Ming's outstretched hand, Xiao Xiang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. However, when her body shook, she had already thrown herself into that wide and warm embrace. There is no denying that this embrace is too attractive. Xiao Xiang's life is like a pear blossom in the wind and rain, swaying. I don't know one day, maybe it will fall with the wind and rain. She has been fed up with the insecure life. Therefore, on that day, she revealed her identity and the fragrance of medicine to Xuanming.

However, it was at that time that she found herself that she was actually afraid that Xuanming might leave. However, Xuan Ming did not leave her, which made her full of joy and understood that she didn't know when she lived in such a person, a person she despised at the beginning.

And that red shadow has been replaced by a white shadow...

Her first love has quietly fallen before it blooms. However, her heart is glad that she woke up early and put down the evil fate that should not exist early...

She slowly stretched out her hand, put it behind Xuan Ming, and hugged it tightly. Perhaps this is the person she should hold firmly...

Feeling Xiao Xiang's response, Xuan Ming slowly overflowed with a smile at the corners of his mouth, slowly moved his hand, pulled out his hands, and stared at Xiao Xiang's slightly open red lips when Xiao Xiang was slightly stunned, which were crystal red and bright. He licked his dry lips, leaned slightly in Xiao Xiang's stunned eyes, lowered his head and gathered on the red lips that were waiting to be picked.

That's sacred. Xuan Ming thought of it when he was doing this. Unfortunately, at the moment when he lowered his head, he was still distracted to see Xiao Xiang's dense eyelashes, which were long and dark, like a fan. When he lowered his head, he gently stirred several times, which made him see the eyes with a shy smile under the thick eyelashes. The water-cutting pupils are even brighter when they are shy.

The lips were unexpectedly tender, with a touch of elastic and soft lips. At the moment under Xuanming, a heart that could not wait to swallow the lips became more restless. Restraining this dry heat, Xuanming slowly licked and made the softness. Step by step, slowly on the red color, polished and engraved, as if to taste enough at a time.

Unfortunately, it is still not enough. After licking and licking Xiao Xiang's thin lips, Xuan Ming's flexible tongue once again greedily attacked the inside of Xiao Xiang's red lips.

When Xuanming's tongue slowly opened Xiao Xiang's teeth and touched Xiao Xiang's little tongue, the feeling of numbness finally made Xiao Xiang couldn't help moaning. A soft greasy moan seemed to give Xuan Ming the power. Xuan Ming's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were already slightly lustful and fire. He changed his previous temptation, hugged Xiao Xiang's hand and pulled Xiao Xiang violently. Xiao Xiang leaned closer to Xuan Ming, and their noses were even closer together. Xuan Ming's dexterous tongue moved and penetrated into Xiao Xiang's mouth. It raged everywhere, sucking the sweet dew in the sweet mouth.

The sudden attack made Xiao Xiang have difficulty breathing. This made her can't help overflowing with a warm sound. Unfortunately, no matter how uncomfortable it was, she still held the person in front of her tightly and closed her eyes. I don't know whether it was because of emotion or the uncomfortableness of lack of oxygen, her long eyelashes flashed.

At this moment, Xiao Xiang's heart is also like this flashing eyelashes, beating and messy. She knew that she should refuse, but her heart and instinct made her unable to reach out, and she couldn't bear to push away the man in front of her. Everything in front of her attracts her and takes her step by step into the sinking.

She clearly understood, but unfortunately, at this moment, she chose to ignore it and chose to ignore it. Under the sweet temptation, she slowly stretched out her pink soft tongue and slowly wrapped her tongue around Xuanming.

From now on, turn passive into interaction...

Compared with Xiao Xiang's messy, Xuan Ming kissed seriously and divinely. In his short 20 years of life, the first ten years were just an ignorant child held in the palm of Xuanqing's hand, but the last ten years were spent alone in the underworld. He doesn't have many deep friends, and the only one is Ao Ye.

An antique person like Ao Ye, this kind of thing is naturally extremely sacred. In looking at these things, he also treats it as the most sacred thing in his life. Before I didn't know what Xiao Xiang meant, I didn't dare to take a step over the thunder pool. At this moment, I understood what Xiao Xiang meant, and I naturally kissed it.

Xiao Xiang's response, at this moment, is basically a kind of recognition, a kind of response like a sea oath.

and the identity problem that makes Xiao Xiang messy, at this moment, he has never thought about it. Perhaps in Xuan Ming's mind, he doesn't need to think about these things at all. So what if Xiao Xiang is a Nuwa person? Maybe Xiao Xiang will bring him trouble? He really doesn't like trouble. When in front of what he wants to do and what he has to do, no trouble can stop him.

Just as Xiao Xiang's breathing became more and more rapid, Xuan Ming finally reluctantly let go of Xiao Xiang's **. With a trace of desire and fire, he looked at the delicate lips gently and attentively...