
Chapter 54 Blood Demon Relief

The second man stood in front of Xuan Ming and began to report to Xuan Ming the news he had heard in the past few days. This time, Ruan Xitong died unexpectedly, but the four elders did not have any order to send him down. One by one, the demon master immediately became a popular bun. The masters of the four halls under the Magic Church also began to become active.

"The owner of Bixuetang, Xueyu, took two of his men to find the elder Yinyue a few days ago. I heard that it didn't come out all day. The day before yesterday, Zhugetang, the owner of the enchanting hall, and Dugu, the owner of Fengleitang, fought in the parliament hall for power. They were criticized by Elder Yinyue and strictly ordered them not to leave their territory for three days. As for the Lixue Hall, the owner of the hall has been out since a few days ago, and it seems that he has never been out of their Lixue Hall. I heard that in the past few days, Lixue Hall can hear screams at night, and it seems that the disciples of the Lixue Hall are practicing desperately. On the contrary, the new head of the hall has been silent and there is no movement.

Xuan Ming smiled and said, "Very good!"

Rui didn't know what Xuanming's two sentences "very good" mean, but just giggled and said, "In fact, I don't think that no one is qualified to sit in this position of demon lord except you. Sir, won't you try it?" Xuan Ming shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm not interested." The two-half of the dragon nodded without understanding and suddenly realized, "Miss Di Jing has been here in the past few days, but you are practicing, and the little one didn't call you. On the contrary, Huyan Moshi has been very busy these days. The little one often sees her passing by here, but it seems that she walks after a few glances every time and doesn't mean to find you.

"Hmm." Xuanming nodded to show that he knew, but there was no other expression. This made the two muttering in his heart. The master is a talented person, and the only two beauties in the demon religion are also around him now. Why doesn't you show it? It won't work there, right? The two captives were creepy and said bluntly: Damn, damn, such a powerful man, how can you think so? However, thinking about this, he couldn't help muttering in his heart again. After all, every time Xuan Ming saw Di Jinghu Yan Jiner, he was gentle and ambiguous...

Actually, how could Xuanming not know the love of the two beautiful women? Unfortunately, Xuanming could only refuse such a simple and lovely person as Hongxiu. How could he be moved by Di Jing? He has a sense of guilt for Di Jing. Di Jing is also a simple person. Although he grew up in a place like the magic religion, he was unexpectedly well protected. Except for being spoiled, he has no bad habits. And Huyan Jiner, Xuanming, is more pity for a strong person. Previously, he wanted to use her, but now his brother is as distressed as his sister, nothing else.

"I'll walk alone. Go and have a rest." After a while, Xuanming touched his right wrist and ordered the two. Without waiting for the two to answer, he walked to the magic hall alone. When the two capts saw Xuanming going far away, they no longer insisted on taking care of Xuanming and let Xuanming leave alone.

In the lobby of the magic religion, after the death of Ruan Xitong, the owner of the fifth hall of the magic religion held a meeting here, and the final result was naturally without illness. The five people also fought. Fortunately, with the persuasion of the elders of the magic religion, the lobby was not destroyed.

However, despite this, the lobby is also messy at this moment. After that big fight, no one has come to the magic hall. The five lobby owners are making their last efforts for the throne in the lobby at this moment. Is that one free to come here?

Xuan Ming smiled contemptuously at the blood demon behind the throne and slowly raised his right hand. Because his right hand was held high, his wide long sleeves gradually slipped down, revealing the jade bracelet with crystal white light. The jade bracelet gradually became silvery, and after a while, the light emitted has filled the whole lobby. Xuan Ming smiled and withdrew his hand.

He still remembers that the power of this jade bracelet is powerful. At the beginning, Ruan Xitong and his father Ruan Su took the jade bracelet to the thunder prison. After that, the thunder prison had been loud, but it became silent at all.

When Tongtian sent the jade bracelet to him, he once told him about the power of the jade bracelet. I remember that he once said: "Well, the magic bracelet is endless. It usually changes some phantom charms, among which sound insulation is also one of them. Ban it, even if there is any earth-shaking sound in the prohibition. , no one can detect it outside the prohibition, even the divine consciousness is useless.

At this moment, what Xuanming wants is the last function, which is that even the divine spirit can't break the prohibition of this magic bracelet. Opening the prohibition of the magic bracelet, Xuan Ming withdrew his hand and looked around again.

Every time he went to meet the four elders, it was Di Yu or Ruan Xitong who brought him to the lobby. But where is the entrance? He looked around and tried to find the marks left on the aisle.

Because of the traces left by the phantom bracelet, the divine spirit could not be detected. Only then did Xuanming dare to boldly use the last meeting with the four elders and leave traces in the tunnel with the phantom bracelet.

If he hadn't suddenly learned that Ruan Xitong was going to the East China Sea, he would have started to do it. However, he thinks that it seems better to do it this time. At least now the magic religion is messy, and it is more convenient for him to do it.

Exuding the spiritual power of the magic bracelet to the extreme, he finally sensed the spiritual power of the jade bracelet left at that time. That trace of spiritual power is shaking and calling deeply and shallowly to the spiritual power of the spiritual bracelet he emitted at this moment. That trace of spiritual power is very ethereal, like a boat blown by the wind and waves, one will rush to the west and one day to the east.

Xuan Ming slowly became lucky and began to follow the spiritual power, and finally condensed his eyes on the blood demon relief behind the throne. He could be sure that the call of spiritual power came from this relief. But how to get in?

He slowly stepped on the throne and reached out to touch the relief.

It is a relief that is three feet high and wide, but this person's high relief is not a whole person, but only a head. The eyes on that person's head are the size of Xuanming's two palms. The blood demon's skin engraved on the relief is blue-red, with a little bronze texture. However, it is as rough as a rock. It's still a little cold in winter.

The blood demon's expression is ferocious and bloodthirsty, and the cyan fangs are also depicted with a trace of bright red, bright red and dazzling. Looking intently, Xuan Ming even thought for a moment that it was real blood. But after all, it was not. It seemed that he was confused by the magic on the blood demon relief. Xuan Ming looked a little stunned. He looked straight at the blood basin and stroked the blue fangs.

This tooth, Xuan Ming's heart suddenly remembered that after Ruan Xitong transformed at that time, he had these four long teeth like corpse teeth. He knew that it was used to suck blood. Is there any connection between these two corpse teeth? Xuan Ming didn't know, but magically reached out and stroked the corpse teeth.

As soon as he touched the corpse teeth, Xuan Ming's whole body was shocked, and a warm feeling like blood. From Xuan Ming's fingertips, he slowly rushed to Xuan Ming's heart. Xuan Ming was shocked and moved his hand away. Only then did he find that it was the blood on his fangs that had just touched his fingertips. Xuan Ming touched it again. It was wet and sticky. The texture was really like blood, but Xuan Ming knew that it was not, because after he took it away, the blood did not stick to his hand, and the blood on the tusks was not confused by his touch.

That's not blood, but what is it?

Xuan Ming's face sank and looked at the four long fangs. Then he looked up and stared at the blood demon's eyes. Just now, he felt the spiritual power of the spiritual bracelet again in the eyes of the blood demon. Although it was only a flash, he still found it.

Xuanming began to stare intently at the eyes of the blood demon. The eyes of the blood demon were red, with a trace of bloodthirsty magic. When Xuanming stared at those eyes, he could clearly feel that the trace of magic, like a vivid, evaporated in the eyes of the blood demon, and the smoke followed Xuanming's eyes towards Xuanming's big Brain drill. The flexible demonic atmosphere made Xuanming's brain begin to feel chaotic, and the chaotic brain was shouting, calling, and talking about Xuanming: "Kill, kill, kill!!"