
Chapter 125 Pan ancient star

At the first sight of Xuanming, he knew that this person was Pangu.

Xuanming watched Pangu defeat the contestants step by step in a martial arts competition. He watched Pangu dominate the game step by step and became the final winner. Then, he watched the martial emperor hand over Pangu's axe to Pangu and appointed Pangu as the leader of the 30 generals in the martial arts world to look for lotus seeds.

However, are lotus seeds easy to find? In the void of the universe, there are all kinds of dangers, and there are countless people looking for lotus seeds. However, many times, 30 people in Pangu were killed and injured. Only Pangu was left. In a big war, he was seriously injured and fled.

Pangu was lucky. He met Wa Huangshi Haolun and Hongjun.

Huang's Haolun saved Pangu and was lucky to get the lotus seed.

Hua Huang Haolun, the prince of the holy world of thewa Emperor, and the elder brother of Nuwa, while Pangu received the order of Emperor Wu, Emperorwa also gave Haolun such an order.

Pangu is a righteous man. He didn't get the lotus seed, but he didn't want to wait for the opportunity to seize the lotus seed in Haolun's hand. In order to repay his life-saving grace, he even protected the lotus seed and went to the holy world of Emperor Wa with Haolun. However, there were also many hardships along the way, and Hongjun and Nuwa Fuxi, who were with Wa Huang's Haolun, were injured one after another. After a long time, they finally escaped waves of assassinations. However, five people encountered a block again near the Blood Demon World.

This time it's Fa Jian.

Xuanming looked nervously and wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do, while Fa Jian and others could not detect the existence of Xuanming at all.

That battle was very fierce.

In that battle, Haolun died, but Pangu also died by chance. Since then, the Pangu star world has become a new star in this cosmic void.

In memory of Haolun, in memory of Pangu, in order to protect the lotus seed that made them lose their brothers, this new star. Fuxi and Nuwa Hongjun gained a foothold in this astral world and became the three emperors of the Pangu star world.

Xuan Ming, who has been watching this scene carefully, can't help wondering who spent so much effort to let him see this? At this time, an image that Xuanming had never seen entered Xuanming's brain again.

It was the beginning of heaven and earth. Pangu was immersed in the spiritual power of the lotus, constantly being filled with spiritual power and bulging, knowing that it would explode.

At the moment of the explosion, Pangu's eyes were round, and a sharp look with unwillingness spread through the void and the whole lotus seed. With this unwillingness, he divided the yuan god who had not been dispersed by spiritual power into two halves.

Half of his spirit dispersed and blended into his spirit. The spirit that was mixed with Pangu Yuanshen and finally became his master, Tongtian.

The other half of the yuan god was protected by the last spiritual power of Pangu. With the spiritual power of the lotus seed, it mixed into the heart of the lotus seed.

There is holy water in the lotus heart.

Discovering this, Xuan Ming was extremely surprised. He could only look at the remaining half of the yuan god, slowly penetrated into the holy water, and then separated the holy water into two parts. And the one in the west is the place of residence of Pangu Yuanshen.

Xuan Ming's face turned pale.

Then, the powerful spiritual power of the astral world began to nurture new life in this new star. The gods appeared, Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian, and even the spirits of heaven and earth appeared in this Pangu star world. Since then, there have been demons in the astral world.

A force began to appear in heaven and earth, the god faction of the Emperor of Heaven and the witch faction of Nuwa. Later, there was another faction of disciples and grandchildren of Hongjun's three disciples, who were called air practitioners at that time.

Under the continuous pressure of the gods, the practitioner is simply a school with no future and no prosperity. Few people are willing to join this school. They can only rely on Yun Zhongzi and Duobao to constantly show off their attraction in the mortal world. Therefore, they have one more thing that needs to practice and practice the most, that is, the refiner.

Xuanming grinned. It turned out that the love and expertise of the two had accumulated over time?

The conflict between Nuwa and Di Jun is getting deeper and deeper.

At this time, Xuanming saw two people who made him familiar, that is, Xuanqing and Yanju. Xuanming watched Xuanqing and Yanju fall in love with each other sweetly, watched Yanju and Tongtian become brothers, became best friends, and watched Xuanqing fall into contradictions day by day.

Xuanming knew that it was because Xuanqing was a man of Nuwa and a spy specially ordered by Nuwa to sneak into the sun god.

Then, scattered into the sand, the demon family that had never entered the eyes of Nuwa and Dijiang, but suddenly there was a demon emperor. And it has become an orderly and powerful tribe. Such a tribe has seriously threatened the balance between Dijiang and Nuwa forces. Therefore, Nuwa and Dijiang began to compete for the demon clan. In the end, Nuwa won. Just because the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi doesn't like the insidiousness of the emperor.

By chance, Tongtian went to the demon clan because he was curious about the sudden appearance of the demon emperor and met the Eastern Emperor from then on.

Xuanming has seen more or less the next thing in the record.

Tongtian was framed by Yuanshi and became the leader of the war between gods and wizards. During the war of the witch, Xuanqing's master, Shuishen Gonggong, bumped into the Bzhou shan, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the heavenly demon invaded.

In the battle of gods and demons, the gods died, and 90% of the witches died.

After that, Emperor Yan, the sun god, sacrificed Yanju and Jingwei in order to regain the divine prohibition.

The next thing is already familiar to Xuanming. The heavens and the earth were calm for nearly 100,000 years, and Yuan Shi also lived for 100,000 years. After that, he began to squeeze Tongtian and be hostile. Tongtian repeatedly tolerated and let Xuanming understand that he felt the alien existence in his body.

What on earth does Pangu want to do?

Xuan Ming's heart was half cold. As long as he thought that there was another beginning in his body at this moment, he began to feel disgusted.

So, is this what Tongtian said that Pangu is not dead?

So where is Pangu? In his body, in Tongtian's body?

Did Tongtian also know that the other half of Pangu's yuan god exists in his body?

Xuanming knew that Tongtian knew, otherwise he would not have done this to himself. So, what exactly does Tongtian want to do? Or, what exactly does Pangu want to do?

At this time, Xuanming has understood why he has always felt that what he has encountered and what he has done will be so strange. It turned out that he was just a pawn. The route he took and what he encountered had already been calculated.

Why is this cognition so disgusting?

Xuan Ming resisted this perception. But he had to admit that this is the case.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the old man sat cross-legged opposite him. Xuan Ming smiled bitterly and said to the old man, "Pangu axe?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "It's the old slave."

For the old man's self-proclaim, Xuan Ming frowned and expressed his displeaties. The old man was not angry and smiled at Xuan Ming and said, "You don't have to feel sick, because you are Pangu."

Xuan Ming was slightly surprised, and the old man said, "Do you know that you will see the previous scene?" He stood up, looked at the Taiji picture under his feet, and said, "In fact, after the master sent the last yuan god into the holy water, there was still a soul left, which was left by the master after his last breath, because he said that he was unwilling. So he couldn't die. When he knew that his life was related to this astral world, he smiled and said to me crazily, 'Old axe, old axe, I don't have to die, and I can't die.' He said that he would not die, but he was still unwilling, because in that case, the victeng without his memory would only be manipulated by the spiritual power of the lotus and become a slave of the astral world and a slave of the astral world. He would find a way to get rid of the manipulation of the astral world.

"He really thought of a way later, which was to liberate half of their souls and go out of the vast universe to find the second lotus seed." The old man looked at the Taiji map on the ground, and his voice was a little desolate. Looking at Xuan Ming's confused eyes, he suddenly stood up, and then knelt down to Xuan Ming and said, "The old slave Pangu Axe and Axe Soul has seen the master."

Xuanming frowned and said, "Master, no one has ever controlled everything you have done. The reason why you feel familiar and strange is that all this is what you planned before."