
Chapter 1 A trip to the universe

Up in the gale layer beyond the nine heavens, in the chaotic space of 33 days, it is a land of nothingness. There is a large white fog floating in the chaotic space hundreds of millions of miles away from the nine heavens. Through the white fog, you can see a fairy mansion floating in it. The shape of the fairy mansion is simple and simple. It is made of a piece of stone-like material as a whole. The square stone mansion gives people a wave of ancient vicissitudes and majesty in the white fog, just like the power of heaven.

Although the fairy mansion is not big, it reveals a sense of grandeur everywhere that cannot be regarded. There is a stone tablet in front of the house, which reads the four words: "Heaven is respected". These four words are vague but make people feel very deep and heavy. This plaque hangs horizontally on the wide and quaint stone door, and the three-character "Zixiao Palace" dragon flying and phoenix dance.

Go through the stone gate and go up the steps to the main hall of Xianfu, the Taoist Hall. Inside is a high platform facing the gate, and there is only a simple and heavy stone seat in the middle.

There is a man sitting cross-legged on the stone seat, and the figure is deeply engraved with the traces of the years. He has white hair, describing him as withered, with a wisp of silver beard floating on his chin, and a very old gray robe on his thin body. A sense of vicissitudes and vicissitudes fills the whole hall, telling the granditudes of the years.

Xuanming stood with his hands on his back and looked up at the old man. However, when he stood like this, he had a sense of overlooking all sentient beings.

"Third brother?!" The old man slowly opened his mouth, and there was a trace of trembling and hesitation in his voice.

Xuanming shook his head and said, "I'm not your third brother, I'm still me, Xuan Ming." The clear and arrogant voice filled this quiet fairy mansion in an instant.

The old man frowned, as if he recognized it, sighed and said nothing more. Just asked, "Are you really going out?"

Xuan Ming was silent for a moment and finally nodded. The confinement of the master of Tongtian must be solved, and Yanju must also be rescued. Pangu's millions of years of persistence, he has to complete it. Therefore, he must go on this trip to the universe.

The old man sighed. Although he knew Xuan Ming's persistence, he still persuaded him again: "The universe is dangerous. Whether you can come back this time is still unknown. Do you really want to go out?"

Xuanming smiled and said, "Master, Pangu's memory is in my mind. I also know the danger of the universe. It's not that I'm stubborn, but this trip. I have to go."

According to reason, Xuanming must indeed call him a master, but this person stares at Pangu's Taoist memory and Pangu's character. This sound made him extremely uncomfortable. However, Hongjun still sighed helplessly and accepted his "master". After all, he has his own memory, and he is indeed no longer his third brother.

Thinking about what happened in those years, Hongjun was still convinced and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

Xuan Ming smiled and said, "Master has closed the Pangu God again. If his apprentice wants to go out, he still needs the help of his master."

Hongjun has understood the purpose of Xuanming's coming here this time. He nodded and finally responded. He has no reason, right? After the two sides agreed on a date, Xuan Ming turned around and left.

Out of Zixiao Palace, Xuan Ming was in a hurry all the way. Xiao Xiang's injury has not completely recovered, and he is still a little worried. There was another order to go back, and the day chosen by Hongjun also came. When he arrived at Lei Prison Island, Hongjun and the young man who rescued Nuwa on Jin'ao Island that day were already waiting there. When he saw Xuanming, he couldn't help arching his hand and said, "Fuxi thanked Xuanming for his kindness."

Xuanming nodded and said, "Nvwa can't think about it for a moment, but I hope you can keep an eye on her so as not to cause more trouble."

Fuxi nodded awkwardly. He said in his heart, "Sure enough, it's the third brother. With this tone, it's exactly the same." Unfortunately, maybe Hongjun told him that he did not mention that Xuanming was Pangu in front of Xuanming.

When the two sides reached a conclusion, they immediately took action.

Hongjun and Fuxi joined hands, and it was not difficult to open the Pangu God. The two raised their palms and raised their palms up, and a stream of spiritual power shot straight out of their palms. From Lei Prison Island to the top of the Pangu God Forbidden in the void, and then slowly opened a fine crack.

Xuanming has been staring carefully at the divine prohibition. When he saw the crack appear, he rushed up. At the same time, a sound from below, as if he was afraid that he would not hear it, with three layers of spiritual power, which was extremely bright.

"Xuan Ming remembers that he must go back and forth to the Pangu star world after a thousand years, otherwise it will be difficult to open it!"

After drilling out of the cracks of God's prohibition, Xuan Ming saw a large area of vast void. This void looks dark from the Pan ancient star world, but once it enters, it is also extremely bright. However, it is indeed endless. There are only round and rotating planets. With Pangu's memory, he quickly identified this planet, which corresponds to that star world.

He turned around and looked down at his Pangu star world. It is a beautiful, dark blue ball. This couldn't help reminding him of his three solar beads. He slowly retreated, and the farther away he was, the farther he could see. Finally, he saw a red ball in the south of the Pangu star world.

Is it the bloody demon world? Xuan Ming raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes moved north. There was a large area of Leilin, a purple Leilin. This is the real thunder! Xuanming couldn't help sighing, and then looked to the west, the magical demon world. Finally, he got up and flew to the purple Leilin.

For these two star worlds that are still incomparable to provoke, Xuanming's greatest attraction is in this thunder forest. At this moment, because of Pangu's spiritual power, his body can withstand more thunder and lightning. For the thirst for powerful power, he chose to slow down the search for lotus seeds and spend a few days first to break into Leilin.

Leilin does not have a certain area, relying on the electric current in that area, constantly stretching out and raging. However, because there is a certain area where the current exists, most of the lightning is still concentrated. Only the lightning on the edge will be attracted by some wind and thunder on the edge and run around. However, after all, it is a small matter and does not have much impact. The real impact is very close to Leilin. It's just Pangu's world.

This is also the reason why Pangu desperately set up the prohibition of Pangu.

Before approaching Leilin, Xuanming felt a strong adsorption force, which was the adsorption force emitted by the electric current above Leilin. Leilin used these adsorption forces to absorb passers-by and thus grab food.

After entering Leilin, Xuan Ming really felt the depth and strength of Leilin's current. He did not dare to go deep indiscriminately, but began to slowly swallow the current that hit him step by step and move forward step by step.

In one step into Leilin, the first thing Xuan Ming felt was the deafening sound of thunder. Then, in the eyes, there was lightning, thunder and lightning, as ferocious as a beast. The thunder and lightning were like the ferocious claws of the five-clawed dragon, wrapped around Xuanming one by one. Then he kept driving the electricity and thunderstorms. Those ferocious devils from purgatory are constantly rushing to this outsider. Their mouth-sized meals.

However, they made Xuan Ming's mouth meal. After gradually feeling unbearable, Xuan Ming began to sit cross-legged, and his luck accelerated the speed of refining the current in his body. The original blue-purple electric current in Dantian began to deepen and slowly turned purple, and then deepened again with his devouring. First, there was light purple in the cyan, then light purple without motries, then purple and then purple and dark purple, gradually turned into a little purple-blue purple.

That is the most advanced thunderstorm.

The thunder and lightning in Xuanming's body is constantly increasing, and Xuanming is not enough to test his maximum capacity. After many experiences of life and death, he clearly understands that there is no end to being strong. How strong you can be, you have to find a way to become.

There is a lot of danger outside, and he can't be short-sighted and easily content, thus putting himself in danger.