
Chapter 3 Soul War Martial Arts

The soul of war martial arts is a star world full of war spirit. That place is full of the hegemony of a martial artist. Yellow high slopes, yellow earthen tiles and high walls, and sandstorms that make people fight.

That's a tall and strong one. The star world where fierce talents can survive, this war soul martial arts world is a martial arts star world full of chaos; a star world full of factions full of strong people.

This astral world is not maintained by God. This astral world can be allowed to come and come from the outside world. As long as you are strong enough, you can travel out of the world.

This is a free astral world. As long as you are strong enough, you can dominate. As long as you are strong enough, you can get the respect and service you deserve. People in this astral world worship the absolute strong.

When Xuan Ming entered the astral world, he was not blocked and did not have a strange vision. People in the astral world seem to be familiar with the coming and going of people from the outside world, but they cast a few curious glances at Xuanming, and then returned to normal.

This is better. Xuan Ming is free to look at the star world that Pangu was familiar with millions of years ago. The scenery of this astral world is still there, but it makes Xuanming feel very strange and strange. After millions of years, everything has changed.

Entering the capital of the martial arts world, Xuan Ming found that it was densely full of young warriors. Xuan Ming looked at them crowded in front of a gorgeous gate, and couldn't help but flash in his eyes and rushed forward. There is a red list hanging on which it is written in red letters: "War Soul Martial Arts World - War Soul Martial Arts, 3700 Registration Point."

War Soul Fighting, yes, how did he forget this?

War Soul Martial Arts is a big event in the war soul martial arts world. Its prosperity and excitement are much more prosperous than the mortal Spring Festival.

That year, most of the young warriors in the martial arts world crowded towards the martial arts world. In the martial arts world, it will be a super honor to be at the top of martial arts. And the top 30 will be praised by the Emperor Wu and get the opportunity to serve the Emperor Wu, which is to go out of the martial arts world to find chaotic green lotus for the Emperor Wu.

The chaotic green lotus is the lotus seed that can be opened to become a new star.

Working for the Emperor Wu, even if everyone knows that it will only be a life-and-death thing, there are still people fighting for these small 30 people. Because being able to enter these 30 will bring supreme glory to your family. What's more, if you enter the top 30, you can get the library of the royal family.

The library of the royal family, where there is the supreme martial arts in the whole martial arts world. If you can enter the library for a day, then your skills may achieve an unprecedented breakthrough. And Emperor Wu also put down his words. In his library, there are ten peerless martial arts skills in the martial arts world. As long as someone can find it within the time allowed to enter the library, he will send it to practice the mind, cooperate with this martial arts, and send it to the person who found it.

This is a supreme**. Xuan Ming said secretly. For a family, if they can get a peerless martial arts skill, then their family will also go further. No, absolutely more than one step, perhaps a hundred steps and a thousand steps, which is all possible.

Xuan Ming stared at the big red paper. He remembers that Pangu also won the first place in this competition and got the Pangu axe given by Emperor Wu, and then lived up to the trust of the family. In Emperor Wu's library, he found a peerless martial arts and cultivation of mind, which benefited the descendants of his family.

Xuanming still remembers that the first person in martial arts can get a magic weapon from Emperor Wu.

He thought that he was really interested in this martial arts.

Think about the Pangu axe given by Emperor Wu in those years was so powerful, and what attracted Xuanming the most was the unknown ten peerless martial arts skills.

He stood where he was, thought about it carefully, and turned around and left.

His destination is Pangu's family.

The Pangu family is a famous family in a large town in the north of the capital. In the past hundreds of years, the family power has squeezed into the top ten families in the martial arts world, because Pangu found a peerless martial arts skill in the library.

I have to say that this is also a reason for the prosperity of martial arts in recent years.

The Pangu family was originally just a small family. The family called it Panyu family, which commemorates an old ancestor, Panyu, who is said to have opened the door in Pancheng. However, suffering from the lack of good martial arts and mental methods, Pan Yu's family has always been like this. However, it is said that just hundreds of years ago, a martial arts genius appeared in the family. At a young age, he practiced his family martial arts skills and improved them to make them more powerful.

The thousand-year-old martial arts is also the second year after Pangu integrated all the martial arts. Pangu said goodbye to his family and participated in martial arts. Then, he won the first place all the way and got the peerless martial arts.

Later, it is said that because of this martial arts, Pangu got the chaotic green lotus. It is said that when Pangu escorted the green lotus back, he was surrounded by the devil, seriously injured the lotus and became a new star.

After that, Emperor Wu personally gave Panyu a big name to the Pangu family because of Pangu's loyalty and righteousness, which was called the Pangu family.

Xuanming couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the news all the way. He didn't expect that Pangu would be so popular in the martial arts world because of this. He didn't expect that Emperor Wei's Haotian died for this lotus seed, but in this martial arts world, Emperorwa was expelled from that story.

What surprised Xuanming was that Pangu replaced the lotus seed of Emperor Wu. His family could not help but be suppressed in the martial arts world. Instead, it became majestic because of a name given by Emperor Wu.

What does Wuhuang mean?

Xuanming went straight up the yellow mountain road and stepped on the long stairs of loess. He was not in a hurry and went up steadily.

He is thinking about how to use the power of the Pangu family to turn him into a local person, so as to obtain the qualification of martial arts.

Yes, the only requirement for martial arts is that it must be a person from the astral world, that is, a person from the martial arts world.

And Xuanming, on the other hand, lacks such a qualification. Therefore, he must take advantage of the ability of the Pangu family. Xuanming has the spiritual power of Pangu, and the peerless martial arts that is said to have been named "Tiangu Warfare" because of Pangu's gift. Xuanming knows that move more clearly, so it is easy for Xuanming to pretend to be a Pangu family. It's rare that it's just the cooperation of the Pangu family.

Xuan Ming wanted to get the recognition of the Pangu family, but he did not expect that this recognition would be so easy.

The gate of the Pangu family is very spectacular. On the top of the gate, the four characters "Pangu family" are more powerful and dazzling. Is this the book of Emperor Wu? Xuan Ming stared at these four big words and thought about the Taoism of the martial arts emperor in the martial arts world. However, there is no clue at all. The only thing that can be sure is that this martial emperor is very strong. It's more than a little stronger than him.

Xuanming turned his head and said to the two doormen guarding the door, "Xuanming, please inform me that I want to see your head."

Unexpectedly, the two doormen seemed to be enchanted, staring at Xuanming closely. When Xuanming felt strange and impatient, one of the doormen had shouted excitedly: "Pangu Ancestor!"

Xuan Ming frowned, and another doorman couldn't help nodding in shock, threw himself to the ground, stammering and kowtopping, "The 180th grandson, Pan Ke Pan Min has seen Pangu's ancestors..."

Xuanming frowned. When the two doormen kowtowed, he said nothing. He thought that since he had to inherit half of Pangu's soul and spiritual power, even Pangu's axe. Then he deserves to accept this head on behalf of Pangu.

For Xuan Ming's expressionless face, the two doormen Pan Ke Pan Min regarded him as their ancestor. Pangu, in the minds of these young people, has become the god in their minds.

Xuanming motioned the two to get up and patiently repeated to Pan and Pan Min: "I want to see your owner, please lead the way."

Pan Ke Pan Min got up excitedly. One of them bowed to Xuan Ming and ran in. First, he went to report to the owner, and the other one bowed respectfully in front of him to lead the way and slowly took Xuan Ming to the door.