
Chapter 16 Huangquan Storm

Her brother Jin Yin laughed, and then found that Jin Yun began to work hard to lean against Xuanming's side, and then flew close to Xuanming. Jin Yin was surprised and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jinyun opened his eyes and said, "I've thought about it. It's wisest to rely on the captain. Think about it. The captain is the highest here and knows everything. In case of danger, he will definitely be the first to find out and be the first to escape!"

Xuan Ming sneered, and then gradually turned into laughter. Even those nervous people couldn't help laughing, and the formation became much easier from the heavy moment just now. Xuanming's evil taste reappeared and said to Jinyun beside him, "You are indeed a pistachio. It's really right to bring you here. Your opponents must not have been defeated by you, right?"

Jinyun was reflected and looked at Xuanming with big eyes and said, "Why?"

A Pangu people smiled and said, "I guess they were all laughed down by you!"

Jinyun pouted and wanted to refute with red eyes, but unexpectedly, Xuan Ming, who was smiling, suddenly stopped. Standing with a frown and a bad face. Jinyun thought that his words provoked Xuanming, and the Pangu people at the interface trembled even more. Unexpectedly, Xuanming suddenly shouted at everyone at this time, "Go back, it's a yellow spring!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned by Xuan Ming's sudden urgency. With the rapid roar of Xuanming, the void under his feet still shook as if it was going to be something real. At first, it was only a slight trembling, and then the vibration became more and more clearly to the hearts of everyone's feet. The vibration can be said that the whole universe was trembling.

Xuan Ming was still roaring quickly, "Come on, come with me!"

Everyone woke up, and one by one, the fastest speed of their lives kept flying to the side with Xuanming. However, their speed is much worse than the tornado known as the yellow spring. They can clearly feel the increasingly dense trembling of the void and turning more and more turbulently. They are like being in the surging waves of the sea, and the whole sea is trembling and rolling, and they are just a lonely boat that may be shattered and swallowed up at any time.

Xuan Ming took everyone to rush to the range that could not be affected by the tornado. He roared, "Hurry up, as long as we leave far away before the tornado arrives here, then we will be fine. Don't be afraid, even if we can't fly, gritt my teeth and try our best to fly forward!"

With that, Xuan Ming took a look at the brocade that followed closely and said in his heart, "Sure enough, he was in the top 30 by his own strength."

At this moment, Jinyun is much better than those who have begun to get rid of their strength. At least she can still follow Xuanming steadily, and some of them are beginning to fly. However, as the delivery of Huangquan is getting closer and closer, their flight is becoming more and more resistant. He sighed and said to the crowd, "If you still want to live, don't stop and rush to the distance!"

He jumped up and rushed to the front and turned back to the end.

Finally, they were the disciples of two other families. At this time, they were already pale and obviously showed the phenomenon of loss of strength. The originally calm universe has already blown a deafening wind at this moment. A roaring wind sounded like the beast running towards them, and a sound shocked their consciousness. Xuan Ming suddenly poked out his big hand, grabbed their backs like claws, threw them far forward, and then said to Jin Yin in the front, "Jin Yin, you take them with you!"

Sooner or later, these two people will send the snacks in Huangquan's mouth.

Xuan Ming took them all the way to escape. The speed was slow, so he took that one. Finally, when the tornado flooded their original place, they left far away. However, even if they are far away from the center of the storm. They can't stand the rest of sending Huangquan.

The more they run, the more they can feel a strong adsorption force behind them, as if to suck themselves away and hit the center of the storm. Several poor people have long been unable to fly and swaying to be swept away by the wind.

There was no light void, but at this time it was even more chaotic. In the center of the storm, a huge whirlpool had already formed, but it was obvious that the wind columns like dragons were constantly rolling. The dragon is several feet long and more than ten feet tall, and it is still growing. The giant dragon formed by such a big storm made them grow a sense of small one by one. Those running behind them have begun to shake and sway as if they were in the center of the storm.

Xuan Ming sighed and dived from the front to the back again. Jin Yin shouted uneasily, "Brother Xuanming!"

The degree of danger is different between rushing forward and backward. Originally, it was already full of the adsorption force of the storm. If you rush back, the force of being pulled by the storm is much higher than that of the front. The flight may become less resistant because of this pulling force, but in this case, there is a risk of losing control and being sucked away by the storm.

However, Xuanming's flight speed was not only not controlled chronically, but also accelerated a lot because of the urgent need to save people, which made the 20 people watching worried as if they were going to pick it out from their throats. However, before the last few people were pulled away by the storm, Xuanming narrowly stabilized down, and a spiritual force broke out from the palm of his hand and turned into a long rope to firmly bind several people. Then he turned around and shouted at the Jinyun in front of him, "Jinyun, help me take it first!"

Jinyun didn't have time to answer, and a tragic cry came from the southern edge, causing more than 20 people who kept rushing forward to stop and look sideways. Then, some of the crowd exclaimed: "Brother!"

Xuanming frowned and didn't wait for everyone to reflect, so he rushed out to the person who was swept away. He didn't forget to say, "It's not safe here yet. Don't stop, keep walking!"

The five Pangu people couldn't help but be anxious when they saw their ancestors rushing out regardless of their own danger, but they couldn't help but listen to their ancestors' words and could only follow the crowd to continue to move forward. Xuan Ming is still chasing the person who was swept away. The more he flies forward, the greater the resistance will be. This made him unable to use all his spiritual power, leaving only part of the adsorption force against the tornado, and then moved forward with one hand, and a suction stronger than the tornado rushed out of his hand and grabbed the man.

At this time, Xuan Ming didn't care whether he would expose his identity. The purple lightning disks in his palm were ferocious, and the lightning speed followed the suction to the person who was swept away. Then he pulled it violently, pulled him to his side, and began to rush back.

At this time, the central force of the storm also came here. Xuan Ming can feel that the suction behind him is getting stronger and stronger. This is the most dangerous time, but this danger is only for those 20 people. For Xuanming, it is not very dangerous. However, he was still afraid that those people would not be able to overcome the danger. Although the situation was not very good, he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Sure enough, the 20 people are in the center of the waves at this moment, and they are still standing firmly. However, the situation was so bad that it was swept away by the strong wind at this time and was about to be swept away.

However, fortunately, they are far away from the storm at this time. At least the danger is dangerous and they can still stand. It's just that I can't fly anymore.

The people's faces had already turned pale, and several of them had lost their strength. Xuanming put down the person and handed them over to a better person to take care of. Then, a powerful spiritual power enveloped the people in an instant, and the cyan spiritual power was continuously sent into the people's bodies.

Treat people with spiritual power, which is a common scene in monism. However, at this moment, it is not common to treat more than 20 people at a time. Several people who know more were already shocked when they saw Xuan Ming's hand. They looked at Xuan Ming's eyes and turned from envy to awe.

Only Jinyin looked at Xuan Ming's eyes, from admiration to awe, and then it was thrilling.

They haven't seen Huangquan's stunts. But he read it seriously. If it is very simple to treat one person, then the last spell in Huangquan's stunt will be used to treat more than 20 people at the same time.