
Chapter 29 Green Lotus Leaf

Hongmeng was very satisfied with Xuan Ming's timely questioning and said, "This has something to do with the story I want to tell. In the process of finding the second lotus seed, I also got some secrets about this astral world. One of them is this magical green lotus. You should also wonder what kind of green lotus can produce such a magical lotus seed in the astral world?

As Hongmeng said, Xuan Ming has also been curious about this so-called chaotic green lotus. He also wants to know what kind of existence this chaotic green lotus is. He looked at Hongmeng and motioned him to continue. Hongmeng nodded and continued, "There are so many lotus seeds in the star world, but no one has really seen the appearance of that chaotic green lotus for so long. Because of curiosity, because I want to find this chaotic green lotus, I can find a solution to this imprisonment from it. I have reached an agreement with several nearby star worlds.

Hongmeng stopped, but Xuan Ming continued, "Looking for Chaos Qinglian together?"

Hongmeng took a sip of tea, looked at Xuan Ming, nodded, and then continued, "Yes, looking for chaotic green lotus. After all, we both hope to release the confinement on our bodies. If one more person is looking for it, it is much more likely to find a way. But for thousands of years, it has been fruitless. The only certainty is that this green lotus is active. Our people have almost searched the whole universe except for those forbidden places. But except for some traces, I can't see the shadow of Qinglian at all.

Xuan Ming frowned and asked, "Why don't you go to the forbidden place to have a look?"

The universe is very empty, because because it is big, there are naturally some unknown places. And there are those dangerous places, because of the unsolved mysteries inside, and because there is almost a possibility of in and out, so it has become a so-called forbidden place.

Forbidden land is dangerous. For thousands of years, how many people have broken in by mistake and how many desperate heroes have gone to find out. But for so many years, there has been almost no entry or exit. No one can escape by themselves.

As a result, those forbidden places in the universe have become an existence that no one dares to approach. Hongmeng shook his head and said, "It's not that I haven't sent anyone to enter, but I haven't come out. Even the news didn't come out, and then we died. The forbidden land was no longer sent, but later it was sent there for tens of thousands of years. However, lotus seeds still appear for 10,000 years, while the shadow of green lotus has never appeared. Even the people around the forbidden land could not be seen. So we concluded that Qinglian was no longer forbidden at all.

"This judgment is arbitrary." Xuanming frowned and said. Then he thought for a moment and said, "Maybe this so-called chaotic green lotus does not exist at all..."

"Alas..." Hong Meng sighed and said, "We have also thought about this hypothesis, but do you know what we found after that?"

Xuanming shook his head, and Hongmeng did not intend to sell the key, so he said directly, "Lotus leaves, chaotic green lotus leaves!" Hongmeng said very excitedly, and Xuanming also suddenly sat up straight and straightened up to look at Hongmeng. The lotus leaf of chaotic green lotus can directly prove the existence of chaotic green lotus if you can find this thing!

His eyes began to get excited. After all, this is a mystery that no one can prove for thousands of years! If you can untie it, it's exciting to think about it. Hongmeng was aware of Xuanming's excitement. He brushed his hand and directly took out the lotus leaf of the chaotic green lotus.

Only half of it, Hongmeng explained: "At that time, it was found together with other star worlds. According to the agreement, the things and information found were evenly divided, so this lotus leaf was studied by us for a long time without solution, and one person divided a little and brought it back to his own star world."

Xuanming nodded with understanding. As soon as Hongmeng's hand moved, the half of the lotus leaf flew lightly to Xuanming, and Xuanming reached out to take it. That's half of the crystal jade. It looks like a lotus leaf, and even the lines are extremely clear, but looking at it, it's more like a jade than a lotus leaf. After carving, a vivid lotus leaf. However, such a lotus leaf can be clearly felt as long as you can see it. This is a lotus leaf. Really, there is a leaf that grows on a lotus tree. A lotus leaf that was once given life, a lotus leaf of chaotic green lotus.

As Tongtian said, "As long as you feel it with your heart, once you see it, you can feel it. This is also the pride of becoming a chaotic spiritual treasure. Even if you have never seen it, you can come out at a glance!"

No matter whether you have seen him or not, as long as you arrive in front of your eyes, you can recognize him at a glance.

Yes, no matter how much this thing is like a piece of jade Jue, a piece of jade Jue that has been carefully carved, Xuan Ming can feel at a glance that the life flowing on this jade Jue, the origin of this lotus leaf, that is the lotus leaf of chaotic green lotus.

He stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the lotus leaf, feeling the flow of life in the vein of the lotus leaf little by little. Hongmeng said, "Since we found this lotus leaf, our gradually lost confidence has returned. We believe that as long as we work hard to find it, we can always find chaotic green lotus, and several brothers and I will spend a lot of energy on divination. Look for the whereabouts of this green lotus, or the predestined person who can find the green lotus..."

Xuanming listened carefully, but his hand kept groping for the lotus leaf. Hearing this, he couldn't help frowning, and then interrupted Hongmeng's words and said, "You don't want to say that the predestined person you divination is me, right?"

Hongmeng slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. Then he smiled uneasily and said, "Yes, more than 100 years ago, when the lotus seed appeared in the world, I divination with several brothers. The divination clearly pointed out that the person who came out of the Pangu star world a hundred years later is the person who can find green lotus!" "

Xuanming smiled and laughed exaggeratedly. He said, "How can I, Xuanming, get this important task of solving the mystery of the universe? Hongmeng Taoist priest is joking!"

Hongmeng also smiled. He said slowly and methodically, "You know, first, no one has come out of the Pangu star world since it was opened, and you are the first. Second, the hexagram says a hundred years, and you happen to come out in the 100th century after the hexagram shows. Third, I don't believe in this inexplicable hexagram in the hexagram. However, it is clearly said in the hexagram: 'You will be the first person to break away from the position of Lord of the world'." He looked directly at Xuanming and said, "Am I right? If I remember correctly, the child of Pangu was the same as you are now!"

Xuan Ming didn't smile. He just sat coldly and touched the lotus leaf in his hand. After hearing Hongmeng's words, he laughed and said, "Xuan Ming is deeply honored to get the trust of Hongmeng Taoist Lord. However, this task is too heavy. I'm afraid that Xuan Ming is weak and difficult to do it! "

Hongmeng stared at Xuanming and smiled, "It's okay. I will solve the power problem for you. Don't mention me, even the three star worlds around here will fully support it. As long as you need it, our people are at your disposal! As for you who want to find a lotus seed to save people, we can also do our best to help you grab that lotus seed!!"

Speaking of this, how can Xuanming refuse? He looked down at the lotus leaves in his hand and had to say that as long as he thought that the mystery of the universe for thousands of years would be solved in his own hands, he was a man, no, everyone would be extremely excited. This is an irresistible attraction!

Xuanming suddenly looked up, looked at Hongmeng, and said, "I, Xuanming, have taken over this heavy task!"

He clenched the lotus leaf in his hand and said, "Since I took over this task, then this lotus leaf..."

Hongmeng didn't wait for Xuanming to finish speaking, and immediately smiled and said, "I'm afraid that Xuanming will have a very important use, at least it will play an important role in the way to find Qinglian in the future. Naturally, it will be left to you for safekeeping!"

Xuan Ming smiled. Hongmeng continued, "Since you have taken over this task, there is a story I think you should also hear. This is a widely circulated story in the whole universe, but this story is only spread among various empty ancestors. You may not have heard of it.

Xuan Ming smiled and said, "Oh? What story? Taoist priest might as well talk about it.

Hongmeng thought for a moment and said, "This is a story that is quite weird, but it can't be evidenced. The legend is thousands of long ago, and no one can make it clear. This void is just chaos. That's a piece of chaos that is so dark that there is no light at all.