
Chapter 34 Abandoned Star World

The void of the universe is dangerous.

Rao Xuanming was careful. When he met the sudden delivery of Huangquan, there was still nothing he could do.

The general speed of sending Huangquan is not so fast that people can't react. However, those rare Huangquan were suddenly formed, so fast that people could not be guarded against it.

Xuanming opened the defense prohibition layer by layer. At this time, he did not dare to move at all. He was afraid that he would lose his balance in the wind, be swept up by the whirlwind, and then dismembered!

The powerful wind kept roaring and roaring angrily. It is like a continuous catharsis with hatred for the world, with a strong wind roar and a roar as passionate as a wave.


The wind at this time is enough to destroy the mountains and seas, and it is enough to destroy the world. Xuan Ming even thought that those abandoned star worlds fell under this powerful hurricane.

Xuan Ming was still struggling to resist. At this time, he heard several screams, and his heart beat, and the sound was not far away. He couldn't help thinking that there was someone else here, but he didn't find it.

However, he doesn't care. Under this strong storm, they are a little irresistible, and perhaps it is also possible. He withdrew his mind and resisted attentively, thinking about when the strong wind would pass.

Thinking so much, he heard several screams again. This time, there were several more people than before. He couldn't help thinking, is it a whole team?

After this time, there will occasionally be one or two screams, which also confirms his speculation. There is a team of people not far from him. Unfortunately, the wind was so strong that he couldn't see it clearly. I just listened to a scream and felt sorry for them. Death in the hands of the enemy can be called a heroic sacrifice, but it is not worth dying in the hands of this wind.

The wind has finally come to an end. Xuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the wind tail to pass and prepare to find a place to have a good rest. But at this time, he heard a familiar voice.

"Okay, the wind is over. Let's keep going!"

is a very ruthless sentence, and I didn't even ask a question about the dozens of people who died before. Who will this familiar voice be? However, the previous wind was so strong that Xuan Ming did not notice the familiar magic at all.

Xuan Ming snorted coldly, and Fa Jian also found Xuan Ming. He smiled at Xuan Ming's yin and yang strangely and said, "Yo, it's really predestined to meet Tongtian's beloved disciple in this place!"

Xuanming also smiled and said, "Yes, it's really predestined. I didn't expect that Prince Fa Jian was not blown away by the wind. If it is scraped away, it will be difficult for us to see each other.

Fa Jian's face darkened and sneered, "Are you also looking for that lotus seed?" Just by you?"

Xuanming took a look at the messy and tired magic soldier behind Fa Jian and couldn't help laughing, "Do you think you and these little soldiers can get the lotus seed?"

Fa Jian was angry, and his heart became more and more unhappy with Xuan Ming. When he was brought back to the demon world by Fan. Only then did I hear that creepy and amazing thing. It turns out that he has been fighting in the Pangu star world for so long, all in vain? It turns out that his father has been tired of that position for a long time, but there is nothing he can do?!

His father told him that he could give up his seat on the premise of winning the lotus seed. So he hurried out with the soldiers and horses given to him by his father. This time, his father also promised him that as long as he could grab the lotus seed, he could ask for as many soldiers and horses as he needed. And when he understood the disadvantages of opening the lotus seed, he would not be stupid enough to open the lotus seed by himself, and readily agreed to his father's request.

However, he came out of the demon world and thought he would have a good journey, but he had a lot of hardships again. The people given by his father went to the ninth floor and met Huangquan. He, who had always been in a bad mood, was completely angered by Xuan Ming this time.

Xuanming looked at him. After coming out for so long, he had been able to avoid disputes and avoid disputes. At this time, although he was a little tired because of sending Huangquan, he suddenly felt itchy when he saw Fa Jian. When he was in the star world, he always wanted to be weak. This time, he was confident that he could fight him well!

The flames of war burned in Xuanming's eyes, and this look angered Fa Jian. Fa Jian roared "ah" and punched Xuan Ming without saying anything.

Xuanming jumped and flashed, and also did not offer a magic weapon. He punched the magic fist.

The fist was as strong as the wind, and the roaring wind couldn't help but make the magic soldier watching think of the Huangquan just now. Xuanming did not reserve it. On the contrary, it scared Fa Jian.

Fa Jian didn't think of a short difference, and Xuan Ming's Taoism once again grew significantly. Such a promotion, not to mention a once in ten thousand years, is a million years, and it is impossible to meet it in tens of millions of years!

Fa Jian was unbelievable, and his movements became fierce. He kept beating to look for Xuan Ming's flaws and his moves to break through Xuan Ming's speed. He can feel from every punch of Xuanming that the strength of the fist is continuous. If he doesn't break through earlier, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable!

Because of the shock in his heart, his moves gradually became chaotic. Fa Jian, who had no way through one punch, made Xuan Ming easily find a breakthrough. Finally, he hit Fa Jian's shoulder with such a punch.



One is a powerful blasting sound, and the other is the broken sound of Fa Jian's shoulders. Fa Jian shouted in pain and flew out. The magic soldier looking below was shocked. A good Taoist has already flown up and took over the Fa Jian who flew out.

Fa Jian struggled to get up from his hand and looked at Xuan Ming with some shock. Xuan Ming smiled and said, "Fa Jian, you are still exactly the same as the original, so arrogant! It's not careful enough against the enemy!"

Fa Jian's face was pale, frowned, and shouted to the people behind him, "Let's go!"

Xuan Ming did not chase. He just watched them escape for their lives and continued to walk towards the west. He doesn't want to waste more time on Fa Jian, and he also understands that under the serious injury at this moment, he is afraid that he can't take advantage of it in this wolf-like universe. The road ahead is long and dangerous. He doesn't want to fight with the law, and he doesn't want to take risks for no reason. Since this battle has measured its own strength, it is enough.

Xuanming stood at this intersection, looked at the vast void in front of him, and suddenly had a feeling that there was a long road ahead. This feeling did not make him retreat and fear, but gave him a sense of war. He just wanted to go and struggle.

He held his hand and rushed forward.

In front, there is an abandoned star world waiting for him.

It is a small star world with an old atmosphere. Xuanming has been working for nearly a hundred years and finally feels the so-called edge of the universe today. The closer we get to this star world, the more and more we hear about this place.

Xuan Ming looked at the star world from afar and crossed the star world to look at the rear of the star world. The rear is also an endless void, which is no different from everything that has been taken along the way. However, according to Emperorwa's careful explanation, according to the news he has heard around here over the years, he clearly told him that there was not something they could cross. He is a senior, ultra-high void ancestor, and he can't get out of the wrong way.

So this abandoned star world has become a sign, the boundary of the universe. When you get here, you can't move forward.

Xuan Ming's eyes are dark, just like this void of the universe that can't see the edge. He is more interested in this abandoned star world, the so-called largest forbidden place in the universe. Unfortunately, he has a heavy task, but he doesn't have the ultimate capital.

He threw away his curiosity about this forbidden land and walked towards the abandoned star world.

That's a very shabby star world. Without a drop of green, there is no miracle of life. Everywhere, there are some potholes, or piles of rocks. In addition, there is sand and dust all over the sky.

can be described as an abandoned star world. A star world with no spiritual power at all. People like him may be able to live in this astral world for a while, and those who are worse, such as Jinyin Jinyun, are afraid that they can't stand it for a year. Because the spiritual power of this star is thinner than the void, which makes people feel suffocating.

Like him, he also needs to rely on breathing to maintain his life. Although now he may stay in a place without air and spiritual power for thousands of years, it is only thousands of years, and it will be difficult no matter how long it takes.