civilian princess

Chapter 1 It's hard to walk at night

The evening breeze blew on the face, refreshing and cool, and the nose smelled vigorously, so as to make the dizzy cerebral cortex active, yawned a few times, and sucked the rare freshness of the night into the chest. The fatigue seems to have dissipated a little.

Zhou Xiaoqing, with a tired face, came out of the office building after 11 o'clock. The whole building is almost dark, few pedestrians on the street, and the surrounding shops have already passed business hours and closed. Occasionally, cars drive by.

"Damn manager! He secretly killed people without his unspoken rules. Zhou Xiaoqing pinched her sore shoulder and pedaled down the stairs with her briefcase. As she walked, she scolded herself secretly and gritted her teeth.

Zhou Xiaoqing is a clerk in an advertising design company. She usually only does some trivial things to send and receive documents, bring tea and water, and help old employees run errands to order takeout. Except for the salary and rent, there is little left. However, it's better to have a job than nothing. She is tired of the days when she always goes to the talent market when she just graduated. I don't know how many resumes she has submitted, and they are often sink into the sea and there is no message. After a job fair, I was physically and mentally exhausted. After graduation, she can't ask her parents for money, so she also cherishes this job and has to swallow her anger in the face of the rudeness of her superiors.

Today, the manager called Zhou Xiaoqing to the office and took advantage of the time when no one was around, the salted pig hands came to her irregularly. In the past, Zhou Xiaoqing avoided his identity and only cleverly avoided all kinds of teasing him. She tried to avoid being alone with this fat-headed pig manager and would not offend him directly. It may be Zhou Xiaoqing's forbearance, which made him more and more presumptuous.

"Manager!" Zhou Xiaoqing finally couldn't stand it anymore and slapped the beast angrily.

Usually, this kind of guy is the most tasteless. He didn't get it cheaply, and he was rewarded with a big ear scraper. He was angry and shouted and scolded Zhou Xiaoqing for not knowing how to praise. I almost told her not to come to work tomorrow. Fortunately, he didn't dare to be so arrogant because he had heard of his ugly behavior in the company. After that, Zhou Xiaoqing was assigned a lot of work. She knew that it was deliberately difficult. However, I still have to accept it. This money is really hard to earn. Zhou Xiaoqing couldn't help sighing.

At this time, I can't take the bus, so I have to take a bus back. Zhou Xiaoqing stood on the side of the road, half of her body and looked out to see if there was a car. This is not a bustling downtown area. The car is not very frequent. It took a long time for a car to come. The sleepiness was almost gone by the wind. His whole mind was very clear, but his body was very tired. Sitting in the car slightly relieved the soreness of his calf.

"Little girl, it's so tiring to get off work so late." The driver talked to Zhou Xiaoqing very kindly.

"Yes, overtime." Zhou Xiaoqing answered casually. At this moment, her attention was all on the meter. Looking at the number on it, her heart seemed to have been dug out and kept bleeding. Usually, the bus is crowded. Today, the price of this bus is only for two meals.

After getting out of the car, Zhou Xiaoqing held the change money the driver had just found in her hand, her eyebrows were wrinkled, and her mouth was so high that she could hang a soy sauce bottle. Thinking of who let her work overtime so late today and came back with a lot of money, she was so angry that she secretly greeted 18 generations of his ancestors.

Zhou Xiaoqing shared a house with others here, with two bedrooms, two living rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. Although the place is a little small, she is satisfied with having a place to take her place. The house is a little old, and the line is not good. The street lamp was broken in a thunderstorm two months ago, and no one has repaired it yet. Zhou Xiaoqing has to follow the moonlight and the faint light of her mobile phone to illuminate herself. The residents nearby are asleep. It's quiet all around. Previously, she only complained. Zhou Xiaoqing didn't think about anything else. Now she feels a little scared when she hears the sound of her high heels stepping on the cement road. The images in the ghost films I have seen before have been hurried through my mind. The wind blew across the balcony, and the cool clothes on it hit the protective fence. As long as there was a slight sound, Zhou Xiaoqing's ears could not escape. Usually, my habitual back and eyes are not good. At this moment, I can clearly hear and see more than usual.

"You won't meet anything unclean, Amitabha, blessed by the Bodhisattva, has never killed anyone, and occasionally cares about stray dogs on the roadside..." Zhou Xiaoqing thought in her heart, hoping to fly to her dear and lovely roommate as soon as possible. It is extremely happy to have someone to accompany her at this moment!

"Aim!" Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly trembled. It turned out to be a wild cat. The shock was not settled, and his neck was resisted by a cold and sharp knife.

"No shouting, or you will cut your throat!" A vicious voice came from behind, and at the same time, Zhou Xiaoqing's back was cold. His legs softened involuntarily and almost collapsed on the ground. I'm afraid that a weak woman will die today after encountering a robbery.

"Take out the money! Otherwise, I will give you some blood!" The robber was so scared that Zhou Xiaoqing didn't dare to move, and the knife between his throat loosened. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the leather bag in her hand.

Although Zhou Xiaoqing turned pale with fear, she quickly thought of a way to escape. If the other party is just asking for money, give it to him, first cooperate obediently and deal with him to buy time. The man's voice is very strange. He should be a stranger, and he has never had a grudge against anyone. He can't kill people unless he is really unlucky and meets a perverted murderer. According to experts on some legal channels, criminals are actually extremely panicked during the process of committing crimes. The hijacked can use his weakness to deal with criminals skillfully and wait for the rescue of the public security organs.

Zhou Xiaoqing tried to stabilize her mood and tried her best to calm down her fear. "Brother, I won't resist. You can take the money in the bag. There are three bank cards in it. I'll tell you all the passwords. I just hope you can let me go. Don't worry, I won't call the police."

The gangster was surprised to see that Zhou Xiaoqing did not cry or make trouble, and even acted quite cooperatively. After putting Zhou Xiaoqing's mobile phone, cash and bank card into her black canvas bag, she weighed it and began to laugh maliciously.

"Little sister, this trip is not easy, and there is not much oil and water in your bag. Why don't you have fun with me?" After saying that, a stinky mouth is about to come up.

Zhou Xiaoqing turned her head, and the rotten man in front of her has made her teeth itchy. If she really has that ability, she would like to eliminate this harm for the society. But after all, how can a little girl resist these jackals and tigers? Zhou Xiaoqing originally participated in taekwondo and nunchaku clubs during college, but she didn't take several classes seriously. Now she regrets thinking about it. Zhou Xiaoqing felt a sense of humiliation and burst into tears, but that strength reminded her not to be afraid and to calm down at all times.

"Wait, brother, I haven't told you the password of my bank card yet!" Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly said.

"Hey, don't worry. It's not too late to tell me when it's over." After saying that, the gangster was going to pull her clothes.

"I don't remember whether I can remember it later. Besides, I can't run away." Zhou Xiaoqing said this, as if she was weighing the pros and cons of the gangsters.

"You can't even do tricks!" The gangster took out his mobile phone and was ready to write down the password. While he lowered his head and touched the gap of the mobile phone, Zhou Xiaoqing groped behind his back. He picked up a wooden stick and slammed the man's head. Because of the fierceness of the stick, the gangster had not yet reacted and was still in the dream of wealth. Several solid sticks hit his head before he woke up and came up to grab it. Zhou Xiaoqing was like a crazy beast, raising her foot and kicking his lower body. The villain suddenly screamed in pain. Pushing him, Zhou Xiaoqing stumbled towards the roadside while shouting for help. Regardless of whether the man behind him catches up or not, he just wants to run all the way.

"Du..." A whistle suddenly sounded, and the strong light made Zhou Xiaoqing unable to open her eyes. It seemed that the car braked sharply. She felt that her body was light and wanted to be in the air and couldn't fall down.

Zhou Xiaoqing ran all the way to the middle of the road. I was hit by an oncoming truck. My body wanted to be a butterfly all the time. I flew for a long time. When I was tired, I lay on the ground.


For a long time, Zhou Xiaoqing opened her eyes, but her eyelids were very heavy. There is a figure floating in front of him, but his face is a little strange, and his clothes and clothes are also a little strange. Is it in a dream? Is that fierce face just now also dreaming? Is it time to go to work now? I can't figure out how to think about some things. As she was about to be confused and dreamed again, a sharp voice suddenly sounded like thunder in her ear.

"Dead girl! Don't get up yet. I think you're deliberately lazy!" With the voice, one hand pulled the quilt covering Zhou Xiaoqing's body.

Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly became sleepless. Her eyes were round, and what she saw was an extremely enlarged face. This face was coated with thick pink. It was really red lips, big and red, and she said a crackling curse. Zhou Xiaoqing still couldn't figure out the situation and stared at the woman dressed so funny in front of her.

With a simple bun, there are several bright golden hairpins on her head. She is about 40 years old and dressed with flowers and branches. Her temper makes her facial features distorted. Zhou Xiaoqing's face was full of saliva, and the smell was in the same as the sewer.

Zhou Xiaoqing touched her face with her hand and immediately became very unhappy with her saliva. Until now, she had not figured out what was going on. She was scolded by a strange woman like this. For a moment, she couldn't help but talk back.

"This aunt, are you sick? You disturbed people's dreams early in the morning and made personal attacks on me. Be careful that I call the police." He deliberately raised the volume and pretended to be fearless.

"How dare you talk back to my mother and turn against you? Come on, teach her a lesson!" At the aunt's order, two people suddenly came in at the door, dressed as an ancient man. One is thin and tall, and the other is short and fat, but has the same expression on his face, which is as fierce as eating people.

The aunt shook her bloated body and went out, leaving a sentence still echoing in the room.

"Don't hurt your face, I still expect to buy some money!"

Oh, my God, what the hell is going on!!

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