civilian princess

Chapter 60 Gulan Island

In the imperial study, the emperor was reviewing the memorials and waiting beside him, while Grandpa Wan was quietly waiting for his dispatch. The emperor suddenly put down the memorial and frowned as if thinking about something difficult. Euke Wan immediately came forward to pick up the folds in the emperor's hand.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night. You'd better go to bed early. It's not too late to approve these folds again. Duke Wan has been loyal to the emperor and has served the emperor for more than 40 years.

"Well, when I'm old, I don't use it. I used to last a little longer, but now..." I sigh endlessly. Recently, the country of Quran mainly came to our country. This is a fact of detection in the name of worship. Although Mu Jie defeated General Qulan in the last battle, according to the secret letters from the border customs in recent years, the Lord of Quran is actually a very ambitious person. He has been secretly raising military strength. This time, it is not his wolf ambition. ? I attacked my dynasty when my body was at conflict, but I didn't expect that I was also strong and talented. How could he resist a small Quran? However, if there is continuous war on the border, it will not be conducive to the people. The emperor's eyes were not as bright as they used to be because of the hard work of the night.

"What the emperor said is that if you want to convince the country of Gulan, you should let him see the strength of our country, so as not to be always provocative. This time, take advantage of the victory of the war to suppress them and give them a warning." Grandpa Wan bowed and said.

"But... who is better to preside over the envoys of the Quran this time?" The emperor stroked his beard and muttered, "If it is the third emperor's brother, I'm afraid that he will be proud of his achievements and will not take this matter seriously. Although he is experienced, he still wants to give this opportunity to the younger generations."

"What does the emperor think of His Royal Highness Mu Jie? He leads the army like a god. Isn't it just right to let him act as the person who presides over the overall situation?"

"Mu Jie..." The emperor paused for a moment. "I think Min Wen seems to be more appropriate. In terms of virtuous sergeants, Min Wen undoubtedly inherited the demeanor of the four emperors. Although he wanted to convince Gulan, he has been hit militarily. Next, let them see the brilliance of my national governance policy, and It's more appropriate for Min Wen. Although Gulan is humble, it is still a very backbone country. If there is neglect, it is not a good omen.

"Your Majesty is wise and always thoughtful." Grandpa Wan said in a low voice with a smile.

"Then Lord Lin Shang, the servant of the ceremonial department tomorrow, I will just discuss with him before making a decision."

"Yes." Grandpa Wan answered and helped the emperor into the bedroom to rest.


"Your Majesty, drink a little more. It's not interesting enough. This chicken leg is really chewy, worthy of the chicken in the royal palace!!!" Zhou Xiaoqing shouted, lying on **, her eyes had not been opened, and she was talking in her sleep. Her hands were also clenched in the shape of a fist, but she was just grabbing something. She gradually realized that she was dreaming and turned over. Oh, there was a pool of wet and sticky things on her mouth - actually drooling from a pillow. Zhou Xiaoqing was shocked, suddenly got up, wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand, and saw if there was any overflowing saliva. Then he pulled the quilt and covered it on the pillow. "Oh, my God, this, this, this is so shameful. Fortunately, no one saw it. Otherwise, it would be humiliating to be killed. What did I do? How did you sleep so long?" Zhou Xiaoqing tried to recall what happened last night. She had a headache when she thought about it. She touched her forehead and suddenly remembered that she didn't drink with Prince Minwen yesterday. How could she be in her room? It seems that people still can't be too confident in themselves. For example, Zhou Xiaoqing is not drunk, but she completely forgets how she came back.

Zhou Xiaoqing was thinking about whether she lost her temper after drinking, and someone knocked on the door outside.

"Knock, knock, knock!" When Qiaoqian came in, Zhou Xiaoqing was very happy. Every time Qiaoqian came here in the morning, she would bring something good. I don't know. What is she bringing now?

This is like a dog that has established conditioned reflexes. Zhou Xiaoqing saw Qiaoqian as if she had met her relatives.

"Xiaoqing, are you awake? This is the sobering soup that the prince ordered me to cook. My head hurts. Hurry up and drink it. Zhou Xiaoqing immediately drank it after hearing it. It tasted great, hot, and warm in her stomach.

Qiaoqian suddenly laughed and covered her mouth with her hand. Zhou Xiaoqing was confused, "What's the matter? What's the smile? Do I look good?"

Qiaoqian finally stopped laughing, "You don't remember what happened last night, do you? It's so funny, girl, I admire you."

"Sister, I won't do anything wrong again, will I?" Zhou Xiaoqing's face turned green.

"Didn't you get drunk last night, and then we were going to carry you back, but the girl just held our prince. Girl, your strength is so strong that you tore all the prince's clothes--

"No way, that... that's not... I'm drunk, I don't know." Zhou Xiaoqing pleaded eagerly.

"Yes, you have been holding the prince and clamoring to continue drinking."

"Is the prince very angry? Did I commit the following again?" Zhou Xiaoqing said in a low voice.

"The prince is not angry, and the girl is unconscious. The prince only feels very... You know, he has been pulling by you..." Qiaoqian said that Zhou Xiaoqing wanted to jump into the sea when she remembered the embarrassing scene at that time.


"See you, Emperor." As soon as Lin Shang, the servant of the Ministry of Ceremonies, came in, he knelt down respectfully to ask him.

"Free of courtesy." The emperor said with a smile, "I'm going to welcome the envoys of Qulan recently. I want to give this matter to the fourth prince Min Wen. Why don't you help him?"

"I should do my best." Lin Shang replied respectfully.

"Gulan is a small country, but it is rich in resources, and this famous clan is also very aggressive. Aiqing must pay attention to these difficult small countries. Don't lose the demeanor of fighting a big country, and don't blindly accommodate and tolerate it. I will leave this matter to you and Minwen."

Lin Shang left after a conversation with the emperor. Then the emperor waited for Min Wen to come to see him in the imperial study.

Min Wen walked to the palace, stood in front of him, stopped for a moment, and walked into the high wall and red tiles with his hands behind his hands.


"Min Wen, you're here. Sit down."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Recently, the Qulan Kingdom is going to send envoys here. How about you host it?" The emperor said with a smile.

"Min Wen should do his best. Please rest assured." Min Wen replied respectfully.

"For all the time, those who govern the country must develop in an all-round way in terms of morality, ability, diligence, performance and integrity. Min Wen, you are the younger generation I am optimistic about, so I still have high expectations for you. Work hard. In the future, I will travel to the west, and you can also manage the country well."

"Your Majesty..." Min Wen wanted to stop talking, but when he saw the emperor's earnest expectation, he swallowed his words back.

On the lively street, Princess Guning was wandering around with several maids and came to a well-known brocade workshop in Beijing. The handyman in the store immediately gathered around as soon as they saw this formation.

"Miss, come and choose the clothes. We have new goods here."

Gu Ning smiled disdainfully, "Where's your shopkeeper? What a big shelf, can any servant greet me? You don't want to do business, do you?"

"Here, princess - the little man's eyes are clumsy. These are all new guys in the store. I don't know the rules..." The shopkeeper stared at the young man who didn't even know what he had done wrong with his white eyes, and then changed his smiling face to meet Princess Guning. "Princess, please, we have special clothes here. The door is prepared for you.

Gu Ning followed the shopkeeper and casually lifted the cloth displayed beside him, "This is not good." Then he turned to another place, "This is not good either."

This is that the shopkeeper's face has become less natural. I don't know why this season's clothing style is not suitable for this aunt's eyes.

"Look at the virtue of this dress, it's so ugly. Shopkeeper, is your Jinxiufang so capable? It seems that there is no need to care about it in the future. Let's go." After saying that, I will leave.

"Princess Guning, don't be angry. I don't know what went wrong. Your clothes have always been customized by our Jinxiufang. If you suddenly change to another store, won't it be difficult for him to please?"

The princess sneered, "So, do you think the princess can't find a store after leaving your house?"

"The princess is angry, and the villain only thinks about the princess. Our store is now preparing to make a pair of feather clothes, which is specially prepared for the daughter of Linfu.

Princess Guning smiled, "You mean Lin Danyi?" The corners of his mouth smiled mischievously, "Take it out and show it to me."

"Okay..." The shopkeeper's answer was busy, "However, this was originally a business secret. Princess, don't look at it..."

"I know. Let me have a look. I also want to know if her taste has improved recently."

The shopkeeper ordered the man to bring a delicate brocade box. The boy held it carefully. The shopkeeper put on gloves, carefully opened the box and took out the light purple gauze skirt inside. Gu Ning looked at the treasure of this beautiful workshop and couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

"This dress is very exquisite, but it's not my hobby. As you know, I have always disliked these too small clothes, but now it looks okay. Just follow this dress and help me make one. The color is more eye-catching than this one."

"Princess, this is not good. When we signed the contract with Miss Lin, we promised that this dress was unique. Now, don't you make it difficult for me?"

"Of course, I don't want it to be exactly the same. I also want to crush the crowd!"

This shopkeeper, who is good at clapping his beard and patting, now doesn't expect that Princess Guning has changed his clothes.