civilian princess

Chapter 106 Guest

"This is where I live." Zhou Xiaoqing pointed to the room in front and said to Xiaoxuan beside her. Xiaoxuan narrowed her eyes and closed her lips without saying anything. "Hey, I can tell you in advance that this is Jingwang Mansion. Don't mess with me at that time. Can you behave properly?" Zhou Xiaoqing saw that Xiaoxuan did not speak, so she said further. However, no matter what Zhou Xiaoqing said, Xiaoxuan seemed to be absent-minded, which was really the same as before. Just now, she felt that he was an extremely domineering little man. Now she saw that she was still a little boy.

"Is this your nest? I feel that there is nothing good about it. A royal palace is nothing more than that. It is not as spacious as my place. Xiaoxuan opened his mouth at this time, but it's better not to say what he said. It's really choking. Zhou Xiaoqing looked up at him and said with white eyes, "Of course, I'm not a relative of the prince. I'm just a girl. Is it possible to get a palace for me to live in?" With that, Zhou Xiaoqing opened the door.

"Come in, what are you doing stupidly?" Zhou Xiaoqing shouted at Xiaoxuan outside the door.

Xiaoxuan also whispered outside, "I didn't expect her to be so grumpy after such a long time."

"What are you talking about? I can't hear it." Zhou Xiaoqing deliberately longed her voice and said at a low voice, knowing that Xiaoxuan must also speak ill of herself behind her back.

Xiaoxuan then went in. As soon as he saw Zhou Xiaoqing's bed, he sat down and went to the interview for flexibility. Finally, he made a few noise and still moved left and right honestly.

Zhou Xiaoqing didn't care about him. She just sat aside and drank her own tea. The way was really life-threatening. She ran desperately and almost lost her life. Fortunately, she met Xiaoxuan, which was not dangerous, but the scene just now was still very thrilling, just like when she escaped under the clutches of the gangster, but this time It's just that she was not hit by a car. Thinking of something, Zhou Xiaoqing left the table, walked to Xiaoxuan, and looked carefully for a long time.

"Xiaoxuan, what's your relationship with those bastards? Why do you think your relationship is extraordinary, and these people are all gangsters?" Zhou Xiaoqing asked and looked directly into Xiaoxuan's eyes.

"Brother." Xiaoxuan replied.

"How do you call these people brothers? Don't you know that you don't learn your father well? No, you must not deal with these people." Zhou Xiaoqing continued.

Xiaoxuan no longer stays in **, "This bed is so hard that it's not easy to sleep at all. It seems that this prince is not very good to you. Why do you come here with all your heart?" Xiaoxuan seems to care about the tone, but this sentence has been planned in his heart for a long time.

Zhou Xiaoqing turned to Xiaoxuan and said, "Don't change the topic, okay? I'm asking you."

"It depends on which side you are standing on. You are now from the government. I'm not stupid enough to tell you this." Xiaoxuan turned around and turned over the things on Zhou Xiaoqing's table.

"What can't you do to be linked to the government? Do you know that you have made trouble? Miss Lin has run back. Fortunately, I told the prince not to pursue this matter, otherwise you can wait to go to prison now. Zhou Xiaoqing was a little angry and couldn't say a few words to Xiaoxuan.

"Don't be angry." Xiaoxuan pulled Zhou Xiaoqing's clothes and said, "I'm joking with you. Why do you take it seriously? I haven't seen you for so long to relieve the embarrassment."

"Who do you think I am? Will I push you into the fire pit? If you don't believe me, just leave. I'll pretend I don't know you, hum!" Zhou Xiaoqing was passed over and ignored Xiaoxuan.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Xiaoxuan ran to Zhou Xiaoqing and said, "Who let me always be so kind to you? I can't see you sad and angry, but this tells you, don't tell anyone else." Xiaoxuan said mysteriously.

Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes widened, "You're not doing any secret organization, are you?"

"What secret organization? We are all green forest heroes now. We are doing heroic things and robbing the rich to help the poor. Do you understand?"

"You really!!! ..." Zhou Xiaoqing covered her mouth while talking in case she called out, but Xiaoxuan's matter was too outrageous. Does your father know?"

Xiaoxuan turned his head and said, "He is our leader."

"Wow! A family of bandits." Zhou Xiaoqing's words popped out of her mouth.

"It's a good man, what a bandit. We never rob the poor. We are all rich, especially some corrupt officials. Now I think this matter is much more interesting. Let's fight and kill together, eat delicious food and drink spicy food, which is very exciting." Xiaoxuan was very excited when he said about his life, as if it could also infect Zhou Xiaoqing.

After listening to his description, Zhou Xiaoqing said, "This is the life you want. If I had known that Aunt Feng should not have given you to your robber father at the beginning. It's better for you to live in a pile of powder than in a sword." Zhou Xiaoqing silently said her nails casually, "Anyway, I don't care about you. Whether you are a thief or a robber, it has nothing to do with me."

"You don't care about me." Xiaoxuan said aggrievedly, "It's not my fault. The so-called father has a son. This is the rule of the ancestors." Xiaoxuan explained.

"Can you use this sentence? Does a father and a son use it like this? Don't make excuses. What if you die one day? Swords don't have long eyes!" Zhou Xiaoqing continued to say that she must find another way to help Xiaoxuan get rid of this matter. But what can be done? Xiaoxuan's father is not right. How can Xiaoxuan get rid of such a fate?

"Bah, pooh, what's immortal? Our industry adds blood to the blade. The most taboo thing is this sentence. If I die, won't you become a widow?" Xiaoxuan laughed.

"What, why are you talking more and more out of tune?" Zhou Xiaoqing stretched out her fist and hit him, but was grasped by Xiaoxuan. This boy is more powerful.

"The habit of beating people is still there, but I just like it." Xiaoxuan laughed. Zhou Xiaoqing listened to this, and at the same time, her goose bumps fell wildly. She looked sideways at Xiaoxuan, "When did you become so disgusting? Do you like it or not? Why are you so young?"

"Where am I small?!" Xiaoxuan retorted.

"by the way, what's your father's dart bureau?" Zhou Xiaoqing asked.

"The darts bureau is also open. It's not very interesting to help transport goods or something. We know the brothers nearby, and there is no challenge." Xiaoxuan said casually.

"Well, forget it, it's up to you, I won't hear it today, but your father, it's really outrageous. It's okay to be a robber by yourself, and I'll pull you together."

"There's nothing we can do. You haven't seen so many corrupt officials go unpunished. Their lives are so comfortable, but what about the poor?"

"Poor people, have you seen that these people are also going to rob me today? I'm also a big poor man!" Zhou Xiaoqing complained, "Why don't you look at your partner in the robbery? I'm so poor."

"Who told you to be with a prince? This kind of person is our goal."

"Do you dare to rob the prince? Are you impatient to live?" Zhou Xiaoqing called.

"The prince is with us, a powerless man, who secretly killed him. Who knows?" Listening to Xiaoxuan's words, Zhou Xiaoqing still felt that the two had changed a little in the past six months. From Xiaoxuan's mouth, sometimes human life is grass mustard, and he took human life casually. It was really not the teenager he knew before who even cared about the life of a dog, but became a bloodthirsty murderer.

Thinking about this, Zhou Xiaoqing was scared by her own idea. She used the word killer to describe Xiaoxuan. Maybe she was just a lost boy who went astray. Seeing Xiaoxuan like this, Zhou Xiaoqing just shook her head and stopped thinking about it. If she went on like this, she would be one head and two big.

"Well, don't say it, you can do it yourself. I can't do anything for you. Even if you say so much, you still have to be your own." Zhou Xiaoqing said, picked up the teacup and took a few more sips.


"Xiaoqing--" Min Wen stood outside the door. He saw Xiaoxuan inside, so he just shouted at the door and stopped.

"Your Majesty." Zhou Xiaoqing turned around briskly and couldn't help showing a natural smile on her face. It was not until today that Min Wen could still risk her for her and let Lin Danyi go first, and then turned back fearlessly. His sentence "I won't leave you alone" still sounds very warm now.

When Xiaoxuan saw Min Wen, he suddenly changed his posture. In his words, the government was opposed to him, so he also looked at Min Wen very rudely, but Min Wen was not angry.

Xiaoxuan put his hand on Zhou Xiaoqing's shoulder, like a demonstration, but was soon pulled off by Zhou Xiaoqing.

"Your Majesty, you are here. What can I do for you?" Zhou Xiaoqing pulled off Xiaoxuan's hand and said respectfully to Min Wen.

"Just come and have a look," Min Wen's expression is faint. He only smiles when talking to Zhou Xiaoqing. At rest of the time, he keeps his usual expressionless face. It seems that he doesn't like Xiaoxuan very much.

"Xiaoxuan, hurry up and give it to the prince." Zhou Xiaoqing turned around and gritted her teeth and said, but her voice was extremely low. From time to time, she turned back and smiled with Min Wen to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Xiaoxuan's lazy appearance ignored Zhou Xiaoqing, so Zhou Xiaoqing had to laugh and said, "Your Majesty, this child is ignorant and is spoiled by his father."

When he heard the child, Xiaoxuan turned his face and stared at Zhou Xiaoqing. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with Zhou Xiaoqing calling herself like this, but Zhou Xiaoqing seemed to continue to drink Minwen as if she didn't see it.