civilian princess

Chapter 118 Behind the Master

Shi Lao's question is still echoing in his heart. If he will stay here forever, will he have to make another plan and stay with him at ease and don't go back?

Zhou Xiaoqing's mind is very confused. Originally, she wanted to wait for a few years and went back by herself, but there was no contact. At that time, even if she was reluctant, she would still return to reality. But now she knows that this hope is almost very slim. What should she do? In the past few days, I miss Min Wen and seem to look at him and see him, but there are always some reasons why I can't make such a decision, so I have to take a step by step.

Unconsciously, I have returned to the dart bureau and saw a sedan chair parked at the entrance of the side door. Although it is not flamboyant, there is still a kind of nobleness in it.

Well, Zhou Xiaoqing is a little confused about why it is an official sedan chair and stops in a secret place that people don't know. Really, will these robbers still have some dealings with the government? It's really bold.

Zhou Xiaoqing walked over and found that there was no one in the sedan chair, so she bypassed the sedan chair and was about to go in, but she saw a group of men just about to go in, so Zhou Xiaoqing stopped and just watched.

After all, a girl's house walked around in the darts bureau and had a big deal with a group of men. She was still careful. The group of people walked at the door and just whispered, but there was nothing strange about it. Zhou Xiaoqing saw through the crack of the door and saw that it was Xu Feng! It seems to be with Mu Jie, and he is a minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice! How could he deal with this group of people? Xiaoxuan's father is black and white, and he is actually very good at colluding with such a big man.

Of course, Zhou Xiaoqing can't show up at this time. Xu Feng knows himself and still wants to avoid him.

"Master Iron, it's really difficult for you. I will definitely tell Lord Mu Jie that there will be a reward at that time." It was Xu Feng's voice, smiling very proudly.

I don't know why Zhou Xiaoqing just has a bad feeling about this person. She always feels like a hypocrite, gentle on the surface, but in fact she is a cruel and inhumane person. How can she say that the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not cruel? In addition, he and Mu Jie are together, so there is no good impression at all. How could their conversation involve Mu Jie? Is there any unspeakable secret between them?

"Of course, it is my honor for His Royal Highness Mu Jie to use Tie. How can I ask for any reward?" It's Xiaoxuan's father's voice. Naturally, he is as angry as before. He really has a father and a son.

"Hey - Iron Master is here. We are all working for His Royal Highness Mu Jie. One day, His Royal Highness Mu Jie can achieve great things, and naturally there will be benefits for you and me." Xu Feng's voice came again.

"Sure enough, there is still something." Zhou Xiaoqing thought to herself whether to tell Min Wen about this news, but she told him that with his temper, he would definitely flatten this place. If it hurts Xiaoxuan, it won't work. Zhou Xiaoqing was thinking about what to do when a voice came from behind.

"Why are you here?" Xiaoxuan said happily.

"Shh!" Zhou Xiaoqing reminded, but someone inside still spoke, "Who is it?"

Xiaoxuan also reacted and knew that Zhou Xiaoqing was eavesdropping here, so he immediately turned into a smiling face and walked out, "Dad, it's me."

The nerves of the people in

immediately relaxed, especially Xu Feng.

"Lord Xu, don't be nervous. These are all my brothers. There is no outsider. This is a dog, Xiaoxuan. Come and meet the adults. At that time, I still need to ask you to help more." The iron master laughed.

"Lord Xu." Xiaoxuan said hello.

"Well, that's right. It's really a tiger father without a dog son. He will definitely make great achievements in the future." Xu Feng smiled.

"Cut," Zhou Xiaoqing said disdainfully behind, "Are you good at fortune-telling or looking at appearance? How can you know that he has done great things at a glance?" Zhou Xiaoqing, who relaxed, also listened to the ridiculing.

"Dad, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back this time? I can also prepare for it." Xiaoxuan smiled and greeted his father. Then the group entered the house. Zhou Xiaoqing's ears were not with the wind, so she did not stick to the corner, but ran to the house by herself.


"Ha ha, Xiaoxuan, is this woman you looking for?" The iron gang leader pointed to Zhou Xiaoqing and asked, with a kind face, but he could not see any fierceness of being a robber at this time.

Xiaoxuan smiled and said, "She is Zhou Xiaoqing." With that, he also winked at Zhou Xiaoqing mischievously, looking naughty. There was really nothing he could do about it. Zhou Xiaoqing could only laugh with him stupidly.

"Well, it looks good. Although it's older than you, as the saying goes, the female junior, the gold brick father approved it. When will you choose a good day to do it? Our children in the world don't care about this..." Xiaoxuan's father is really dreaming of spring and autumn. How can Zhou Xiaoqing be so easy to deal with? People.

"No--" Zhou Xiaoqing was about to explain, but Xiaoxuan came over, covered Zhou Xiaoqing's mouth, smiled but whispered, "Just promise for a moment. My father won't really let us get married. If you want to live a better life, act first."

Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes stared at Xiaoxuan, thinking to herself, didn't she take advantage of her for no reason?

"Well, daughter-in-law, you go down first. Xiaoxuan and I have something to say." Xiaoxuan's father spoke, and Zhou Xiaoqing had to leave first.

Zhou Xiaoqing was still indignant when she left. Why did the men around her reach the marriageable age? I always hear about marrying this and that.

"Xiaoxuan, what do you think of letting you meet Lord Xu today?" The iron master said to his son seriously.

"Dad, I don't feel it." Xiaoxuan said, eating the apples on the table.

"Why don't you feel it? He is a court official. It's not easy for my father to find this opportunity with you.

"Dad, don't you want to get along with those officials? Why did you join the Ma Gang before?"

"walk for heaven and rob the rich to help the poor." The iron master replied puzzledly.

Xiaoxuan found the loophole in this sentence and counted his father. "Yes, but we are with those officials now, which is not our previous purpose at all. We have become their tools and have no freedom at all. I don't like it."

"There are so many things you like to do. Let me tell you, there was no such condition before, but now the government is covering us, isn't it just waiting to eat imperial food? In the past, I had no choice but to join the Ma Gang. I was guilty and couldn't do anything. I did this in order to save my life, but you are different. As long as we can help His Royal Highness Mu Jie complete the great cause, he will promise me to give you a half-time job, and I am worthy of your dead mother. The iron master persuaded painstakingly, but Xiaoxuan was still indifferent.

"Dad, first of all, like you, I don't like reading, and I haven't recognized all the words yet. Isn't it necessary to be laughed at in the future?"

"This is not a problem, just learn, you are so smart. Otherwise, it's okay to be a general for you.

"Don't joke, Dad, I don't like to take care of affairs in the officialdom. Our ancestral grave has never emitted smoke. Don't give me any ideas. I just like to be this young master. It's fun."

"Play, you only know how to play. Why are you so confused? Your father and I are so old. Who are you so busy for? It's not for you son of bitch. Why don't you make progress at all? You won't understand your father's painstaking efforts until you get a family and get a career. The iron master sighed that Xiaoxuan was really disobedient.

"Oh, I see." Zhou Xiaoqing hid outside and heard these conversations. It was exactly the same as what she thought. Xiaoxuan's father was indeed working for Mu Jie, but what did he do? Assassination of imperial officials and robbery of gold, silver and jewelry?

Before there was any further action inside, Zhou Xiaoqing slipped back to her room. Lying in **, what are you planning...


Min Wen hasn't closed his eyes much in the past few days. The files on the table have been piled up very high, but he can't calm down and throw himself into business. Is this a sign of getting out of control? She is about to dig a hundred miles of land three feet. I have asked all the inns, but there is still no news from Zhou Xiaoqing. What should I do? Does she really go back to her so-called hometown and never come back?

Thinking of this, Min Wen thought of a person, Mr. Shi, who may know the whereabouts of Zhou Xiaoqing. Although he is not completely sure, this is the only way now.

"Xiaoqing, why are you so stupid? Why don't you wait for me to come back?" Min Wen muttered, and then asked people to prepare horses overnight and get ready to find Zhou Xiaoqing.

I hope I can get the news of Zhou Xiaoqing on this trip, otherwise I will really die of urgency.

In the Xiaoyao Palace, in a pavilion, Yun Fan was also unhappy. He drank wine alone and took people to find it in person during the day. At night, he sat in the pavilion like a fool, blowing a cool breeze and thinking about a person.

Yun Fan picked up a glass of wine and was drunk. He said to the glass, "Zhou Xiaoqing, where have you been? Haven't you thought about other people's feelings? You conscienceless girl, you have loved you for nothing in the past. If you still have a little conscience, show up early and let me find you, okay? Even if I want to tie you up this time, I won't let you go, absolutely." Yun Fan said, a little sad, "Is it possible that you still want to make me cry?"

Yun Fan's mother stood in the distance and sighed, "In the past, he was not single-condicated and worried. Now that he is a woman, it's better to go back to the way she used to be." After standing for a while, he shook his head repeatedly and walked away. Maybe after this pain, he will grow up a little.