civilian princess

Chapter 122 Princess Chuyang

"Your Majesty, get up early and exercise." Zhou Xiaoqing walked in and found that there was no one. It was strange that the emperor got up so early today.

"Miss Zhou, the emperor has gone to the back garden. Go up there to find him." A small eunuch said respectfully, and Zhou Xiaoqing ran directly over there after thanking. Now I am still very familiar with the geographical location of the palace. I have to say that I still learned something in ancient times. In the past, I was a big road idiot. I could not distinguish between east, south and left and right, but the situation forced me to ask others every time, so Zhou Xiaoqing was working very hard to learn something useful.

walked to the back garden and saw that the emperor was painting over there, so Zhou Xiaoqing rushed over.

"Your Majesty, why are you so interested in painting today?" Zhou Xiaoqing asked, it is still very pleasant to get along with the emperor these days. What should the emperor think? Otherwise, what would he do to recruit her into the palace?

"Oh, I'm old, so I can't sleep. It's better to get up early and do something I like. If I die one day, I can't do anything."

"What is the emperor's words? The emperor is young, ten thousand years old, and can last for a long time. Just don't think about more annoying things, just do it." Zhou Xiaoqing smiled.

"Although you are flattering, I'm happy to hear you, girl, I'm very happy that you've been here these days."

"Your Majesty, what are you painting?" Zhou Xiaoqing looked at the ink stains on the paper and was puzzled.

"I just graffiti and think of wherever I am. In the past, when I was with the queen, I could also listen to her advice. Now..." Is it particularly easy to be sad when I get old? Anyway, I have heard the emperor say queen these days. I didn't expect that a person to miss her after death. It's not easy to forget. It's rare for the emperor to be infatuated.

"Your Majesty, have you heard anything about angels?" Zhou Xiaoqing changed the topic and asked.

"What?" The emperor asked.

"That is to say, when you lose a relative, God will send an angel to the world. She will always help you and take care of you. I believe that the queen will also watch you in some corner." Zhou Xiaoqing said. This is the only way to comfort.

"It's strange to say that every time I see you, I feel that I see the queen. Maybe my personality is very similar. If I and the queen are good and can have a princess, I must be as clever and strange as you and can make me happy." The emperor smiled happily.

Zhou Xiaoqing is also embarrassed. How can there be a princess like herself? That's strange. "Your Majesty, don't joke. Xiaoqing is just a girl. How can she compare with Princess Jin Zhiyuye? You can only make me feel nauseous when you say this.

"You are stupid. You are not worse than others, but you are not as good as others. Besides, don't our King Jing also like you very much? It seems that he wants to marry you as a concubine."

"What, Majesty?" Why does Zhou Xiaoqing feel that the emperor is also very strange? "But there will still be some uneasy. If you marry a girl, I don't know how people in the world will laugh at him."

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, you have been with me for a long time. As a reward, I really decided to make you Princess Chuyang. How about it?" The emperor brought an imperial edict from Grandpa Wan.

Zhou Xiaoqing was so happy to hear this. It's the princess. What a high class, so she can walk horizontally in the future. She dares not help but be happy. Zhou Xiaoqing's voice trembled a little, "Thank you Lord Longen."

"Get up, when will you hold a banquet in the palace? I want to tell the world that you will be my righteous daughter in the future, Princess Chuyang, which also matches your name."

"Your Majesty..." Zhou Xiaoqing couldn't say anything grateful. If she told Min Wen, she would be very happy. It would be right to marry him, at least the emperor's adoptive daughter, and she wouldn't drop the price too much, right? The hardships of these days in ancient times were not in vain, and there was still a reward. In the future, if Min Wen became the emperor, wouldn't he be the queen? The mother of the world is very majestic and powerful!!!

Just like the feeling of seeing Zhu Gege before, she had such a day as a folk girl. After the emperor left, Zhou Xiaoqing was happy like a mouse and kept jumping.


Two days later, the lanterns in the palace were no worse than the real princess. The emperor of a house in the palace was also rewarded to Zhou Xiaoqing, demanding that he get married in the future and often return to the palace to accompany him as a father.

Zhou Xiaoqing is very leisurely. She has also been used to the treatment as a master in the palace these days. Everything is good. If the days are so sunny in the future, it would be better not to be modern, which means that she is not happy.

"Princess, where are these gifts?" It was the little eunuch who came to ask Zhou Xiaoqing.

"Well, good, say it again?" Zhou Xiaoqing narrowed her eyes and said to the little eunuch.

"Princess..." The key is these two words. Zhou Xiaoqing likes to listen to it most. In the future, she can't wait for people to call him like this every day. Everyone in the palace dares to neglect him. At least Zhou Xiaoqing said that she is also a celebrity around the emperor now. Now she is a princess again. Naturally, everyone is flattered, but not before. There is nothing disrespectful about Zhou Xiaoqing, otherwise Zhou Xiaoqing will now have revenge and kindness.

I wrote a letter to Min Wen before. Naturally, he will come here today. These days, he has been dealing with things delayed because he went out to find Zhou Xiaoqing, so he has never had time to come over.

"Princess, you'd better put on some more makeup. The rouge you just applied has been wiped off." The maid of honor came and said that Zhou Xiaoqing didn't want to be so troublesome. Thinking about how beautiful she was, and why did she wipe so many things on her face when she was young? However, Mother Xi said that these were all related to the face of the royal family, so she could not be neglected. If she wanted to say that there was something wrong with being a princess, this The biggest thing is that you have to pay attention to your words and deeds all the time, because this is the face of the royal family.

Looking at myself in the mirror, it's really different from usual. There is a kind of nobleness in it, which is different from that little girl, but she has always been used to lowering her eyebrows, which makes Zhou Xiaoqing always used to bow her head. Mother Xi has been asking Zhou Xiaoqing to change this habit, but if she doesn't pay attention, Zhou Xiaoqing is the same again. It means that the mud can't hold up to the wall.

It's time to go out and meet the ministers. Since there is one more princess, you have to meet everyone, don't you?

"Princess Chuyang arrived--" At the moment when Zhou Xiaoqing stepped out of the threshold, such a voice appeared. Zhou Xiaoqing put her hand on a maid's arm and took small steps and went out. What she saw was still a group of black people. Are there so many officials?

Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes didn't know where to put for a moment. Suddenly, she heard a voice in the crowd, "Congratulations, emperor, emperor."

Yes, how can there be no emperor on such an important occasion? Zhou Xiaoqing raised her head and looked at the emperor sitting in the distance. At this time, the teacher standing behind reminded, "Princess, the range of movements should be smaller and with a smile on your face."

It's really deadly. When Zhou Xiaoqing turned around, her face was full of spring breeze. It is estimated that if she smiles like this all night, she will have a lot more wrinkles on her face tomorrow. She used to just look at others, but now she is enjoying this remarkable light.

When Zhou Xiaoqing saw Minwen in the front row, she looked much better. Min Wen also looked at Zhou Xiaoqing gently, but she didn't say anything. Now there are too many people. Both of them are also tacit and understand each other's meaning. Their eyes crossed, as if they had seen Yun Fan, but that face was cold and strange. Zhou Xiao Qing's smiling face also froze for a moment. He must hate himself very much.

And Princess Guning, looking at Zhou Xiaoqing, was about to ooze hatred, which made Zhou Xiaoqing very afraid and simply stopped looking at it. Instead, Her Royal Highness Mu Jie, who was standing next to her, smiled brightly. Zhou Xiaoqing looked at it with disgust. What happened to the two brothers and sisters? One sang red faces and the other with white faces?

Irmenting them, Zhou Xiaoqing followed the emperor's side, just saying hello to other officials. Finally, when there was a rest, Zhou Xiaoqing took a gap and hid in a place where there was no one.

You can't slip on slippers and don't have any indecent movements. Zhou Xiaoqing just leaned aside.

"Are you hiding again?"

"Who scared me?" Zhou Xiaoqing roared. It seemed that she had enough confidence to be a princess. Zhou Xiaoqing was very disgusted that she was found out again. She thought it was a little eunuch, but she didn't expect it to be Her Royal Highness Mu Jie.

"Your Highness Mu Jie." Zhou Xiaoqing got up reluctantly and made a salute.

"The princess doesn't have to be polite. Now we are almost the same." That's right. Zhou Xiaoqing thought about it. She used to be a maid and must have a good face, but now she is at least a celebrity. At least she can have some freedom to make friends.

"Thank you for the reminder." Zhou Xiaoqing said.

"I'm really happy for you that you can get to this point." Mu Jie said.

Zhou Xiaoqing listened to these words and did not respond.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Mu Jie said doubtfully.

"Believe, how can you not believe it? You are ashamed to lie. How dare I not believe it." Zhou Xiaoqing ridiculed, but Mu Jie was not angry. I just laughed and thought I could make a friend with Princess Chuyang, but the princess seemed to have never been sympathetic. My Highness has always been alone. Why is it so difficult to find a like-minded person, and why is Min Wen so lucky? Mu Jie asked.

Zhou Xiaoqing thought, "Don't worry, even if it's a piece of shit, there will be a day when you will meet a shitman," but it was very un elegant, and Zhou Xiaoqing didn't say it.