Breaking the Devil

Chapter 6: Test

Zhan Feng lay on the rocking chair and leisurely!

But I keep recalling all kinds of family tests in my mind...

In the past, he was the last to be present during the test every year, because he was the last child of the family to take the test. But this year, the reason why Zhan Feng hasn't gone so far is not that he is the last person to take the test, but that he doesn't want to embarrass his mother.

In the face of other people's sarcasm and ridicule, he can change his face and beat calmly! But can Qin Qianxue do it? Obviously not!

Of course, there is also a little selfishness in order to create a shocking effect; he wants to create an illusion that the reason why he has not gone so far is that he is afraid of making a fool of himself again and dares not take the test.

He is waiting... When it's his turn to test, he is bound to attract a lot of attention, and then shock the audience with a big breakthrough! He wants to see the stunned look of the whole family, and the expressions on those faces must be rich and colorful.

"Do you want to see my joke? Ha ha, I hope you can still laugh at that time!" Zhan Feng smiled and muttered to himself.

Every year, the family test selects the most progressive children as excellent children; in addition... The three children with the greatest progress in those years also have the right to make demands to the head of the family, and the first place can raise three conditions! The second place can offer two conditions! The third place can only raise one condition!

As long as the conditions proposed do not violate the interests of the family, it is not too much! The head of the family will be satisfied.

"What kind of conditions should I raise?" Zhan Feng thought to himself.

He hasn't participated in the test yet, and he is thinking about what conditions to put forward! However, judging from his feat of breaking through seven layers in a row overnight, he is the one who has made the most progress in the test this year. It is reasonable to think about what kind of conditions to propose later.

Unconsciously, the sun is already empty!

In the square in front of the ancestral hall, the test is still ongoing.

312! Exhibition hall!"

Zhan Shifeng shouted, as if he didn't know what tiredness was; it was not that he was really not tired, but that he was too excited and the joy in his heart was beyond words.

In the past, when testing every year, although Zhan Feng came late, he still came. Every year, Zhan Feng does not break through, which has long been expected by them. Over time, they feel that they can't see any jokes about Zhan Shiyuan.

Although Zhan Feng has no breakthrough, Zhan Shiyuan's other two sons 'Zhan Hong and Zhan Peng' are so good! It can break through at least four floors every year! Therefore, the first two of the three children who make the greatest progress every year are always occupied by two people.

This proud achievement is enough to make up for the humiliation brought by Zhan Feng.

But such a thing happened this year. Seeing that the test was coming to an end, Zhan Feng hasn't come yet! This is a shame for Zhan Shiyuan. Even if Zhan Hong and Zhan Peng are in the top one or two again this year, they will not eliminate this huge shame!

"Zhan Feng, Zhan Feng! You are such a good person!" Zhan Shifeng said excitedly in his heart.

Thinking of this, his voice became louder, "Epiring six layers! Last year, five layers of air was introduced and broke through one layer! Go down!"

Zhan Shifeng suddenly increased the decibel of his voice, which shocked Zhantang, thinking that Zhan Shifeng was very dissatisfied with his achievements and went down dejectedly.

"313... Zhan Tian!"

Zhan Shifeng looked at the roster in his hand, and his face was a little unnatural; he had two sons and a daughter, the eldest son Zhan Tao, the youngest son Zhan Tian and his daughter Zhan Xue; among the three children, the youngest son Zhan Tian was good to break through two layers in a year due to his health!

"I don't know how many floors this child has broken through this year?"

The world wind sighs. Because of his health, Zhan Tian has not liked to contact people since he was a child, as if he had no feeling anything about anything; he really worried a lot and hired many famous doctors, but it was ineffective.

In a corner of the square, Zhan Yun stretched her head out at the corner of the wall and quietly observed the tests being carried out in the square.

Suddenly, she heard Zhan Shifeng shouting Zhan Tian's name, and she suddenly remembered what the young master said, "Zhan Yun, go and stare at it. When it's time for Zhan Shifeng's children to test, come back and tell me!"

She understands what the young master said. Every year, the children of the three brothers of Zhan Shiyuan always come to the end of the test; and whenever the test is carried out, it marks the end of the family test of the year.

After thinking about it, Zhan Yun didn't dare to delay for a moment and immediately turned around and ran to tell Zhan Feng.

The test is continuing.

Zhan Tian is thin and weak, and his face is so pale that he can't find a trace of blood, like a dead body! His eyes were deeply sunken and very empty. When Zhan Tian walked to the refining stone, he did not look at Zhan Shifeng. A faint fog surrounded Zhan Tian's fist and violently bombarded the refining stone. Then, without waiting for Zhan Shifeng to announce the results, he stepped down without expression, as if he did not know Zhan Shifeng at all.

Zhan Shifeng's face suddenly couldn't hang up, but as soon as he saw the text displayed on the refining stone, the unhappiness on his face suddenly turned into excitement and shouted, "Ten layers of gas! Last year, five layers of air intake broke through five layers..."

"Ha ha... My son is the first one this year!"

Seeing that his son actually broke through five floors in a year, Zhan Shifeng smiled so much that his face was about to turn into a flower.

Zhan Shiyuan and Zhan Shigang were also shocked, but they didn't expect Zhan Tian to break through five layers in a row in a year; such qualifications are also geniuses in the whole demon continent! No matter which sect you join, you will be trained as a core disciple.

"In the past, it was good to break through two floors every year. How could it break through five floors at once this year?"

Zhan Shiyuan and Zhan Shigang couldn't help thinking about it at the same time and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

There was a sudden uproar under the stage.

Break through five layers in a year! This is the real genius."

"Yes! It seems that he is the first place this year.



Zhan Tian sat there, facing the surprise, admiration and sigh of the people around him... He didn't have any reaction, as if he couldn't hear those sounds at all.

"Break through five layers in a year?"

When Zhan Feng's family came to the square, they were extremely surprised to hear other people talking about it.

Zhan Feng frowned and looked along the eyes of everyone. A young man in white, thin and bloodless, sat there like a wooden stake, and there was no breath leaking out.

It seemed to feel Zhan Feng's eyes, and Zhan Tian slowly turned his head and looked over; Zhan Feng suddenly felt a sense of danger lingering beside him, like a prey targeted by a poisonous snake; Zhan Tian was the poisonous snake waiting for the opportunity, and he was the prey targeted by the poisonous snake!

The dark and empty eyes are full of blood, murder, cruelty, violence... A variety of negative emotions will instantly cover the front and never stop!

Zhan Feng's careless eyes suddenly turned red, revealing a bloodthirsty fierce light; just as the bloodthirsty breath was about to invade his chest, a cool breath spread from his chest to his whole body, driving away those cruel breaths. Zhan Feng was shocked and stunned. He didn't look at Zhan Tian's eyes.

"He... How can he have the smell of blood demons on his body? Seal the demon continent... seal the demon continent! Could it be..." Zhan Feng thought in horror.

A terrible idea appeared in his mind!

Before he had time to think about it, Zhan Feng felt that everyone's eyes were focused on him; Zhan Feng smiled faintly and calmly walked into the square and found a seat to sit down. The person sitting next to him saw him sitting down, as if he were escaping from the plague, avoiding him far away.

Then, the scene was an unprecedented uproar.

"Zhan Feng? Did that rubbish come at this time?

"He actually came? It's incredible!"

"Haha... That rubbish is coming, and I'm finally not at the bottom."

A son who hasn't made any breakthrough this year laughed. He was still angry before, but this time he was at the bottom! However, this is good. With Zhan Feng, a 'master' who hasn't made a breakthrough for several years, he is no longer at the bottom.


On the high platform, Zhan Shiyuan's face suddenly turned blue, this evil bastard!

He didn't come early or too late, but when he came at this time, did he still feel ashamed enough? Zhan Shiyuan gritted his teeth and thought, hoping to slap Zhan Feng to death immediately.

"Zhan Feng, Zhan Feng! You came at the right time, didn't you? Haha..."

Zhan Shigang and Zhan Shifeng saw Zhan Feng coming at this time, and they were so happy that they were about to jump up. Originally, Zhan Feng didn't come today, but he just slapped Zhan Shiyuan hard, which made him a little embarrassed; but now Zhan Feng came, undoubtedly added another slap to the previous slap!

This is a lot of fun!

Zhan Hong and Zhan Peng listened to the sarcasm of others, and their faces became extremely ugly. They couldn't wait for a crack to suddenly appear on the ground so that they could get in.

Zhan Feng and the other three sat down, listening to the sarcasm next to him, closed their eyes and regain their senses; others couldn't help sighing again when they saw it, and their face was almost invulnerable.

Zhan Shiyuan, Zhan Hong and Zhan Peng were almost dizzy by him. They turned their heads directly and simply disappeared! So as not to be pissed off by him.

The test still needs to continue.

The other two children of Zhan Shifeng, Zhan Xue broke through two layers and entered the Zhuyuan period, and Zhan Tao broke through three layers and entered the ten layers! Although the progress is average, with the sudden rise of Zhan Tian, Zhan Shifeng does not care much about the progress of the other two children, and several children of Zhan Shigang are similar and average progress.

Finally, it was Zhan Shiyuan's three sons's turn to test. Since the eldest son Zhan Hong had broken through the Zhuyuan period last year, he will no longer participate in the test this year; the second son Zhan Peng, as in previous years, broke through four floors and entered the second floor of Zhuyuan.

The last one!

320! Zhan Feng..." Zhan Shifeng shouted as if he had taken a stimulant.

Except for Zhan Shiyuan, Zhan Hong and Zhan Peng, everyone else looked at the place where Zhan Feng was sitting, and their eyes were full of disdain. In addition to the three people who went out to Zhan Shiyuan, there was another person who did not look at Zhan Feng, that is, like a wooden Zhan Tian; if someone observes carefully, they will find a smile on Zhan Tian's face at this time!

Seeing the mocking and disdainful eyes of everyone, Qin Qianxue and Zhan Yun began to get nervous and looked at Zhan Feng worriedly, very anxious and restless.

Zhan Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth. Is it finally my turn? So he got up calmly and went to the stage; he walked all the way, and everyone's eyes followed him to the stage.

"Come on! Fenger, you arrived in time today, otherwise you will have to wait until next year if you miss it..." Zhan Shifeng was particularly enthusiastic about Zhan Feng and said with a smile, as if he was grateful for Zhan Feng's timely arrival.

Zhan Feng glanced at him lightly and said calmly, "Really? Then don't laugh and cramp, or you won't be able to laugh in a while.

After saying that, he ignored the world wind there in consternation, walked to the refinery stone, and glanced at the people below with cold eyes.

Running the energy in the body with all its strength, the light cyan fog gathered on the fist and slammed on the refining stone.


Looking at the line of words appearing on the refining stone, Zhan Feng looked calm, glanced at Zhan Shifeng, turned around and walked off the stage and smiled at Qin Qianxue and Zhan Yun.

Zhan Shifeng sneered and watched Zhan Feng leave and thought, "It's quite loud, but what's the use of it?" It's not the same..."

When he saw the words on the stone, he was stunned! His mouth was wide open, his eyes wide, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, doubting whether he was dazzled?

"How is that possible?" Zhan Shifeng's mind was full of shock and doubt at this time.

Hundreds of eyes below are looking straight at Zhan Shifeng, waiting for him to announce the results.

After a while, Zhan Shifeng came to his senses and said with difficulty, "It's annoying... nine layers!" Last year, the second layer of air was ind, breaking through the seventh layer..."

The momentary silence!