Breaking the Devil

Chapter 55: The Real Swordsmanship

The fierce battle stood ten feet away from Zhanfeng. Looking at the distance between the two, it seemed that it was still too close. He was afraid of hurting Zhanfeng, so he retreated 20 feet further, and then felt almost the same.

Zhan Feng only felt funny in his heart and said that he was too careful about the fierce battle.

The fierce battle doesn't know the swordsmanship at all. The so-called 'royal swordsmanship' of the three Chenxiao used Jiangyuan to hold up a weapon against the enemy. Using this method, it can't help but consume a distance of 30 feet. When the weapon flies in front of Zhanfeng, the power is only about 30%.

It's like a thin wire that is one meter long. The fierce battle can support it straight like a straight line; but what if it is a thin wire hundreds of meters and kilometers long? Can the fierce battle still hold it straight?

Don't say it's a fierce battle. Even if Zhan Feng cultivates until the Golden Dan period, it is impossible to do this.

"Brother Zhanfeng, I'm going to make a move, be careful yourself; and old man Chen and old man Ouyang, you can't let me hurt Brother Zhanfeng." The fierce battle was still uneasy, and he said to Chenxiao and Ouyang Changkong.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt your little brother with us." Chenxiao and Ouyang nodded in the sky and said.

The two of them are also worried now. If the fierce battle really hurts Zhan Feng, the three of them can't eat and walk away! He was highly focused and nervous, carefully staring at their every move.

Zhan Feng nodded indifferently and didn't care about the upcoming match at all. As long as he didn't use other strengths, he didn't have to worry at all.

Because the result is a fore, the battle will be defeated!

Two palm-sized axes circled out of the fierce body and kept dripping in the air.

The wild war cultivated the ganyuan is yellow, so there is a layer of yellow clouds around the axe. As the axe keeps rotating, the cloud-shaped ganyuan is like a tornado in two deserts, which is extraordinary.

"Go!" With a roar of fierce battle, two small tornadoes suddenly swept towards Zhanfeng.

At the beginning, the speed was very fast. When it was ten feet away, the speed slowed down slightly, but it was still very fast. At 20 feet, the speed of the tornado swept nearly half slower than the beginning. When it flew to Zhanfeng, the rotating axe almost stopped rotating, and the Gangyuan around the axe also dissipated.

However, if Zhan Feng does not avoid it, these two axes will be enough to tear him in half.

Seeing that the axe was getting closer and closer, Chenxiao and Ouyang Changkong's heart raised their throats and immediately stopped it as soon as they found something wrong! Zhan Feng did not move. Some of the lively warriors around couldn't help turning their heads, as if they couldn't bear to see the tragic situation of Zhan Feng being dismembered.

"Brother Zhan..."

"Prince Zhan..." Wang Xinyu and Lan Xin's pretty faces turned pale and couldn't help screaming.

I was terrmented to see Zhan Feng's fierce battle! But at this time, his control of the axe was very weak and had no effect. He quickly shouted, "You two still don't do it!"

'Ding, Ding!'

At the moment before Chenxiao and Ouyang Changkong were ready to take action, two crisp 'ding' voices clearly came to everyone's ears, while the silver sword, which was originally suspended three feet in front of Zhanfeng, disappeared strangely.

Two axes fell to the ground and smashed two deep pits.

What's going on?

I don't understand, doubt, confusion, astonishment, surprise and other emotions spread in everyone's hearts. They only heard the 'ding' sound, but they didn't know how the two axes fell to the ground, including Ouyang Changkong and the fierce battle, and they didn't understand.

The fierce battle only felt that two huge forces hit the axe, and then his control over the axe completely disappeared.

And Chenxiao is the owner of the silver sword, and there is a faint connection between the sword. He seems to see something, but he can't say it.

Zhan Feng smiled and said, "Battle seniors, is this what you call swordsmanship? Then try my swordsmanship to see if you can't get on the table?" After saying that, he threw two axes to the fierce battle, and the silver sword suddenly appeared three feet in front of him again.

Those who didn't see clearly just now suddenly came to the spirit and said, "You must see clearly what's going on this time?"

Chenxiao and Ouyang Changkong couldn't take their eyes off, staring at the two people and not letting go of any detail action.

Zhan Feng raised an inexplicable smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm offended!" After saying that, the sword pointed to the sword, and the silver sword was like a silver lightning bolt, with a rapid shot into the fierce battle.

Along the way, the sharp and harsh sonouns emitted by the friction of the sword body and the air kept sounding, stimulating everyone's auditory nerves. Some martial artists with insufficient cultivation had to cover their ears with their hands, but their eyes still stared at the two, for fear of missing a little detail.

The distance of 30 feet flashed, and the fierce battle flashed and felt that a fierce danger locked him. What did he have time to think about? Two palm-sized axes suddenly turned into wheel battle axes, dancing into a piece of light and shadow to protect the key points of the whole body.

'Ding Ding Ding Ding..."

The sound of tinkling keeps ringing, and the light and shadow splashes from the starting point of Mars.

Zhan Feng smiled, and his sword finger moved up slightly without any movement. He watched the fierce battle keep dancing the wheel and tomahawk.

The fierce battle was so depressed that he didn't even see anything clearly! After a while, the tinkling stopped, and he couldn't help wondering if this was caused by Zhan Feng? So he stopped to ask what was going on.

"Brother Zhan, why don't I see you attack?" The battle asked doubtfully.

At this time, everyone around me understood and was defeated!

Chenxiao and Ouyang Changkong looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes, especially Chenxiao. He was already intoxicated with swordsmanship. Zhan Feng's set of 'royal swordsmanship' was completely different from their so-called imperial swordsmanship, which was beyond their cognitive scope.

Zhan Feng winked at the fierce battle and motioned him to look over his head.

The fierce battle looked up and retreated a few steps in horror. The three-foot green front hung above his head, as if it could be stabbed down at any time.

"How did it run above my head?" Shocked, he asked indiwently.

No one answered his question, because except Zhan Feng himself, no one saw when the sword hung above his head? The speed of the sword is so fast that their eyes can't keep up at all. They just feel a stream of light flashing away. What happened again? They don't know anything.

Zhan Feng said lightly, "This is the real swordsmanship, and it is also the power of the formula I wrote to you!" In addition, there is another function, flying with the sword!"

He is not worried that the formula will be leaked. Even if the formula is really leaked, he doesn't know what the formula means with the talent of Chenxiao and others. I'm afraid that there are fewer people on the continent who can understand and learn the formula.

"Royal sword flying? Brother Zhan, please show us." The three men were stunned and said in surprise that the others also looked at him expectantly, because what they had just seen was really amazing, as if they were doing magic.

Zhan Feng curled his lips and shook his head and said, "I don't have enough cultivation now, and I can still do that!" After you have thoroughly mastered the swordsmanship, then think about how to fly with the sword.

Everyone looked regretful and disappointed, and asked reluctantly, "Don't demonstrate, but tell us how long can you fly? How high can you fly? How fast is it?

"All this depends on your cultivation. With your current cultivation, after learning swordsmanship, there is no problem to fly above the clouds, no matter how high it is..." Zhan Feng said.

"How high it is?" The fierce battle hurriedly asked.

"Why don't you go up and have a look after you learn it?" Zhan Feng left a sentence without beginning and ending, returned the sword to Chenxiao, and then went straight back to the guest room to adjust his breath.

"Well, don't take such a playful person!"

This demonstration of imperial swordsmanship not only consumes all the elements in Zhan Feng's body, but also consumes a lot of soul. Originally, his cultivation was not enough, and he had been hit by the sword and the fierce battle many times. The consumption of Jiangyuan was greater. In addition, his soul has not yet taken shape, so he feels exhausted now.

However, after only adjusting his breath for a while, he felt full of energy and full of energy. He said in his heart that the power of the spirit-eating body was really amazing!

When I walked out of the inn, I found that the people in the caravan were standing outside, as if they were waiting for him. They looked around, but all the caravans did not leave.

He walked to Wang Qiang and asked doubtfully, "What are you all standing here for?"

Now, Wang Qiang's admiration for Zhan Feng is like a surging river, and he quickly replied, "Master Zhan, everyone is waiting for you. The caravan is about to leave."

Zhan Feng suddenly realized and nodded, but when he looked back, right?

The people of the Shenglan Chamber of Commerce waited for what he said. Who are the other people of the Chamber of Commerce standing here waiting for?

Then he understood that there were three strong people who broke the gap along the way. Who else dared to provoke them? Although other caravans do not have this kind of treatment, the danger will be greatly reduced if they go on the road with the Shenglan Chamber of Commerce. Anyway, their Chamber of Commerce are all in Tianfeng City.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Although the Shenglan Chamber of Commerce took advantage of him and took advantage of him, he still has to say a few polite words. You can't let people think that he is a rude and unreasonable person, and you can't let people look down on him.

"What did Mr. Zhan say? We should thank you." Lan Xin nodded with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's all mutual. Thank you very much." Zhan Feng smiled faintly and said indifferently.

Then all the caravans set off, with a team of hundreds of meters, and a total of more than a dozen caravans started together. The momentum is amazing! All the caravans left together, and Luan Town looked lonely and empty.

Many warriors in the town are still immersed in the morning competition, but unfortunately, they don't know anything else except that they have been defeated.

Boss Luo has never looked for Zhan Feng since he got along with the three strong men who broke through the void period. After Zhanfeng left with the caravan, Boss Luo appeared at the door of the inn, looked at Zhanfeng, and nodded thoughtfully.

On the way, Zhan Feng kept explaining the swordsmanship to the three of Chenxiao. Five days later, Chenxiao has basically mastered the skills of swordsmanship; but the crazy battle and Ouyang Changkong still don't quite understand.

This is because Chenxiao, like Zhanfeng, are addicted to swordsmanship. There is a consensus between the two, so it will be faster to understand.

Helplessly, Zhan Feng had to let Chenxiao explain to Ouyang Changkong and the fierce battle again. Maybe there was a tacit understanding between the three of them.

Ten days later, the fierce battle and Ouyang Changkong finally learned the swordsmanship, and Chenxiao advanced to the next level. Along the way, because there are three strong men in the void period, coupled with a huge team of chambers of commerce, how can robbers dare to rob?

"Miss Lan, how long will it take for us to get to Tianfeng City?" Zhan Feng drove his horse to Lan Xin's side and asked.

He really didn't expect that the caravan was moving so slowly. More than ten days have passed, but he hasn't arrived in Tianfeng City yet.

"It's not far. I can arrive at noon tomorrow at the latest." Lan Xin smiled and looked up at the sky and said.

Zhan Feng nodded and thought about what to do in Tianfeng City? Yes, go to the mysterious place they have been to before again!

So he came to Chenxiao and asked, "Three seniors, where is the mysterious place you have entered once before? What did you encounter inside?"

[Please collect... sad collection]