Breaking the Devil

Chapter 129: Dead Together

Looking at the master's angry and murderous appearance, the two disciples of the old man Lan Xu were puzzled.

It's normal for the master to be angry!

No one will laugh and be very excited after being abused. However, even if you are angry, you won't kill people, will you?

You should know that if you can subdue and control Zhan Feng, the benefits brought to them will be immeasurable!

Even if the master really can't stand it, you can teach Zhan Feng a lesson and let him remember more. Is there no need to kill him at all? Killing Zhan Feng means that they will lose a cash cow.

Moreover, what is lost is a renewable cash cow! This loss... is too big.

In the opinion of the two of them, the old man Lanxu's move to kill Zhan Feng is not worth the loss.

However, their mind is far from deep enough, and their vision is not poisonous enough to see the essence of things clearly. They have never thought about whether they can completely control Zhan Feng.

You should know that in the current situation, Zhan Feng is hostile to them.

Even if they forcibly control Zhan Feng now, will they still be at their mercy when Zhan Feng has strength in the future? Will you still be willing to be a puppet?

With Zhanfeng's temperament, the answer is... Absolutely not!

The two of them didn't see these because they had little experience and were not old-fashioned enough.

However, the old man Lanxu is more than 500 years old. No matter what kind of thing he has seen and experienced. He has experience of failure, and he knows when and what decisions to make.

As the saying goes: when it is interrupted, you will suffer chaos!

Through a series of previous confrontations with Zhan Feng, he judged that Zhan Feng's mind was very deep and cunning, even deeper than him, and more calculating than him!

The way and means of doing things are not childish at all. It is very vicious and old-fashioned.

It can be said that step by step, step by step is a trap and killing move.

If he forcibly controls Zhan Feng today, once Zhan Feng has the strength and is no longer afraid of him, he will definitely come back with double revenge.

At that time, it will be a problem to raise tigers, and stealing chickens will not erode a handful of rice.

That's the real loss.

So, Zhan Feng must die today! He will never allow such a potential threat to make him sleep and eat.

Laren Lanxu walked to Zhanfeng step by step and extremely slowly. He wanted to completely destroy Zhan Feng from his heart and momentum to dispel his hatred and revenge on Zhan Feng's hatred.

Seeing this scene, the little fox stood in front of Zhan Feng with a resolute face. She thought: If these people want to kill Zhan Feng, they must kill her first!

"A little fox, how dare you stop me?! Looking for death!!!"

The old man's feet slowed down, and his eyes were as sharp as knives. He looked at the little fox like a dead man and shouted harshly.

At this moment, the little fox seems to have forgotten the cultivation of the old man in front of him, which is much higher than her. With a firm look, he did not retreat at all.

"If you want to hurt him, you have to step over my body!"

The little fox's crisp and powerful voice sounded, and there was a trace of determination in his tone, which made all the warriors present feel guilty.

The old man with blue beard stared at the little fox for a long time, smiled without anger, and said, "Okay, okay, okay!" Very good! Since you are going to die, don't blame me for being ruthless.

After saying that, he was ready to get rid of the little fox blocking the way.

At this moment, Zhan Feng recovered a little and immediately shouted, "Wait... you can't kill her."

The blue bearded old man's momentum slowed down, hesitated for a moment, and disappeared invisibly. He snorted coldly, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face was as gloomy as water. He said, "What else do you have to say? You can let the other juniors present convey it on their behalf, and... Tell me, why can't I kill her?"

Zhan Feng glanced at him and did not answer his question immediately.

Instead, he pulled the little fox and scolded, "It's okay. What are you doing? Still thinking that this is playing, stay at the same time. It's a lot of trouble.

The little fox never thought that his kindness, Zhan Feng not only did not appreciate it, but was regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and he broke away from Zhan Feng's hand. He turned his head to one side and muttered, "Dead Zhan Feng, stinky Zhan Feng... scolded others... I'm so angry."

Zhan Feng sighed slightly in his heart and couldn't bear it, but then shook his head again.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and say to the old man Lan Xu, "How about we discuss it?"

When the old man Lanxu heard the words, he was slightly surprised and looked at him; then, he looked quite interested and said curiously, "What are we discussing? Let's talk about it."

Zhan Feng sacrificed Wangding Aoki, pointed to the little fox and said, "This baby is for you, let her get out of here safely."

When the little fox heard this, she suddenly realized that she was so anxious that she didn't want to leave here.

He hugged Zhan Feng's arm and said firmly, "If I don't leave, I will die with you. Don't drive me away." With that, he took Zhan Feng's arm tightly.

Zhan Feng ignored the stubbornness of the little fox, but looked at the blue bearded old man and asked, "How's it going?"

The old man Lanxu showed a sinister smile on his face, looked at Zhan Feng playfully and joked, "It's not good. This deal is really not good... If I kill you, I can still get this treasure, including the other treasures on you."

After saying that, he pointed to the mini Aoki Wangding floating in the palm of Zhanfeng's hand, and his eyes were full of greed.

He has long seen that this Qingmu King Ding is extraordinary, and the grade is also very high, which is a rare treasure! In particular, this is a treasure used by refiners!

He thought to himself that if he could dedicate this treasure to the 'white refiner' in the door.

It will definitely please him. Maybe he will reward me with some elixir to increase his skills when he is happy...

White refiner, the only refiner in Lanhaimen, has a very high status in the door.

Even if the door owner sees him, he has to give three points of courtesy and respectfully call Master Bai.

If you can have a good relationship with him...

The old man with blue beard is thinking. In addition, several other treasures on Zhan Feng's body also made him particularly jealous.

Zhan Feng's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but he soon recovered and said slowly, "Can I get it by killing me? Humph, dream! I can detonate this baby, including all the treasures on me, the moment you kill me. At that time... I'm afraid you will get some injuries, right?!"

With that, he sneered.

"If you dare to threaten me, you are playing with fire, which will only make you die faster!" The old man with blue beard looked dark and shouted coldly.

Zhan Feng's disdainful 'sneer': "Playing with fire? You can understand it this way. Anyway, I have no way out, and it's not worth playing fire, not to mention that there are unexpected gains.

He decided that with the suspicious character of the old man, although he would not completely believe what he said, he would believe at least half of it.

With at least half of these concerns, the old man Blue Beard did not dare to take action.

In this way, it will win time for Jie, and it may also win them a chance to live.

Sure enough, he didn't expect to appear in the front. After listening to this, the old man looked really hesitant. Seeing Zhan Feng's confident expression, he couldn't help believing what Zhan Feng said.

For a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, I promise you that she will leave here safely."

Zhan Feng shook his head and said directly, "I don't believe you unless... you swear to your own demons, and so do your two disciples. After she leaves here, you will never bother her again!"

The old man Lanxu and his two disciples trembled all over, and their hearts vowed... They dared not make this oath randomly.

Once you make this oath, you can't break it, otherwise... your heart is haunted and you will never die.

"Don't take an inch! It angered me and didn't do you any good for her. The old man with blue beard was furious and shouted coldly.

Zhan Feng sneered in his heart. Since the old man Lan Xu said this, it means that there is still something to be talked about, so he will not back down.

"Since I have taken the initiative, how can you bargain?" He thought to himself.

Then, he snorted coldly and didn't say anything. He didn't look at the old man with blue beard and others again. The meaning was very obvious: whatever you are.

The old man Lanxu and his two disciples couldn't help but be angry. They wanted to kill Zhan Feng, but they were afraid that Zhan Feng would fight back to death.

If a martial artist in the Dharma phase is desperate, even a warrior in the ancient realm will feel very difficult. In particular, there are many attractions in this martial arts period, ** their treasures.

With regard to other factors, they can't bear to see the baby and Zhan Feng disappear together.

After thinking about it over and over again, the old man Lan Xu stared at Zhan Feng fiercely and gritted his teeth: "You are cruel!" Then, he and his two disciples made vows.

After the oath was made, the three people didn't look very good.

"Is that all right now?" The old man Lanxu couldn't wait to tear up Zhan Feng immediately to vent his hatred.

It was defeated by Zhan Feng one after another and was controlled by Zhan Feng everywhere. Even when he was sure to win, he was still subject to Zhan Feng... This anger and humiliation can't be described in words.

And, after making a magic vow, they no longer dare to do anything to the little fox.

This made the old man Lanxu and his two disciples extremely angry. If their eyes could kill people, Zhan Feng would not know how many times he had died.

At this stage, the warriors around him were also frightened and sighed.

Although they think that they are enough to value the front. However, it turns out that they still underestimated Zhan Feng's ability.

Although he was seriously injured, although he was in danger, he would definitely die... However, he restrained his opponent and won the greatest life protection for others.

This courage, this calm mind... is really amazing!

All the warriors are admiring in their hearts and secretly admired.

If this matter is encountered by them, if they are forced to the end, how can they think of so much? I'm afraid that I've been scared for a long time that the three souls will not return and the seven souls will not gather.

After the three vowed, Zhan Feng nodded and was relieved.

turned to the little fox, forcibly pushed away the little fox's arm, and said lightly, "You can go."

If the little fox has been kept in the dark, it may choose to leave. However, she has known the whole story and knows that Zhan Feng is going to save her. How can she go?

He laughed and said, "Hee hee... Don't pretend to be indifferent. I know you love me. But... I won't leave. No matter what you say, I won't leave!"

After saying that, his firm eyes looked directly at Zhan Feng, and did not give in at all and dodged.