Breaking the Devil

Chapter 161: Go Home

When Qin Qianxue heard the words, her whole body trembled uncontrollably and looked extremely excited: "Mr. Duan, is what you said true? Is it true that Feng'er is back?

Since their mother and son left the Zhan family and broke off their relationship with the Zhan family, the only thing Qin Qianxue couldn't rest assured was her son. Every time Zhan Feng left home, she always worried about her son's safety. Now I suddenly heard that my son may be back, and I can imagine the joy and excitement in my heart.

Looking at Qin Qianxue's excited eyes, Duan Tianya sighed slightly in his heart. Although he could not bear it, he did not dare to say anything too absolute. In case it was not Zhan Feng who came back, but the enemy, Qin Qianxue would be even more sad.

However, Duan Tianya analyzed it carefully and said, "It should be Zhan Feng who came back. A few days ago, Leng Ping, Lei Yun and others also said that Zhan Feng would come back in the near time. Coupled with the strange behavior of kittens, Zhan Feng came back."

After saying that, Duan Tianya said to the three Chenxiao, "However, if it is the enemy, we can't help but take precautions. Although we are not opponents who can make kittens take the initiative to attack, we still have to prepare everyone to prepare for the battle!"

The three Chenxiao nodded repeatedly. When Duan Tianya finished speaking, the three said, "Don't worry, we will arrange it." After saying that, the three hurried down to decorate.

"Madam, you go back to your room first." Duan Tianya said to Qin Qianxue again.

Although Qin Qianxue was anxious to see her son, she was not an unreasonable person. She understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded and turned back to her room.


Along the way, Zhan Feng looked here and there, observing the changes in the slums, and chatting with Wu Lianer. It was not bad, completely ignoring Qin Quan and other princes who followed them.

Qin Quan followed the two, with a gloomy face like water, staring at Zhan Feng viciously, and his heart was extremely angry! Suddenly, he saw Zhan Feng looking around, his eyes lit up, and a vicious scheme began to breed in his mind.

After a little thought, his heart was horizontal, three steps and two steps. One of them dodged in front of Zhan Feng and Wu Lianer, glared at Zhan Feng and scolded, "Who the hell are you? What on earth do you want to come here?"

Zhan Feng raised a smile at the corners of his mouth and said nothing.

Wu Lianer was chatting happily with Zhan Feng, but a person suddenly rushed out in front of him and blocked the way. She was suddenly unhappy. At first glance, it was Qin Quan, and she was even more unhappy. She stood in front of Zhan Feng and asked loudly, "Qin Quan, what on earth do you want to do? This gentleman's home is also here. Can't others go home?

Qin Quan was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that Wu Lianer would talk to him in such a tone for the sake of an outsider.

Suddenly, he was jealous and angry: "You... how could you talk to me like this for an outsider? What do I want to do? Why don't you ask him what he wants to do? If he says that his home is here, you will believe it. If he says that his home is your home, will you also believe it? Besides, go home and take a look here and there? I think he is clearly a spy sent by the enemy to investigate the terrain! Come on, who the hell are you?" After saying that, Qin Quan's eyes showed a trace of pride, and he said to himself, "How can I see how can you quibble?"

After listening to this, Wu Lianer was also shocked that this road really led to her home! In addition, Zhan Feng's demeanor, behavior, and various questions he asked just now are all questions about the changes in the slums.

Thinking of this, Wu Lianer couldn't help stepping back a few steps and asked doubtfully, "Who are you?"

Although she hates Qin Quan, she also knows in her heart that if the person she has a good impression in front of her is really the kind of person Qin Quan said, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although Wu Lianer had a good impression on Zhan Feng, she did not recognize Zhan Feng, so she could still distinguish between the safety of the slums and the safety of the slums.

When Qin Quan saw that Wu Lianer also had doubts about this person, he was suddenly overjoyed, and the pride in his eyes became stronger.

I'd like to see how you can quibble?

The series of questions he raised are not poisonous. Each question is straight to the point and points to the point. If he were a real spy, there must be no way to escape. But who is Zhan Feng? If you want to say the owner of this place, he is the real owner of this place!

Zhan Feng nodded secretly in his heart. Although Qin Quan did not give him a good impression, his mind was still quite delicate. If his temper was not so arrogant, he would not be a talent.

And Wu Lianer's reaction also made Zhan Feng feel very satisfied.

smiled and praised: "The questions you asked are very good! However, my home is really her home... You're right."

Hearing this, Qin Quan was immediately angry and said to Wu Lian'er, "Lian'er, you should understand now that this person's home is not here at all. He is a spy sent by the enemy! Don't be arrogant. You won't have a good end. Do you still think this slum is the same slum a few years ago, a place where anyone can come wild?!" The last sentence roared at Zhan Feng.

After listening to Zhan Feng's words, Wu Lianer also blushed with anger and stared at Zhan Feng fiercely: "How can you do this? Tell me honestly. Maybe I can help you plead in front of Grandpa at that time. If you continue to talk nonsense, I won't help you.

Zhan Feng was stunned and couldn't laugh or cry. These days, no one believes the truth.

Suddenly, Zhan Feng's eyes jumped and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, I'm telling the truth. Soon you will know."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a 'meow', and then a streamer rushed into his arms. It was the kitten.

Qin Quan just heard the kitten's cry, and he was still secretly proud, thinking, how can you escape now? However, the next scene he saw made his eyes wide open and his eyes were full of disbelief. is this possible?

It was not only Qin Quan, Wu Lianer and several other princes, but also had a dull face and were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

Zhan Feng hugged the kitten, gently combed its black and white hair, and asked with a smile, "I'm not here. Are you naughty?"

The kitten 'meow...' screamed a few times, and grinned and waved at him a few times to protest.

Zhan Feng laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I'm wrong about you. You're obedient..." Then, he turned around and smiled at Wu Lianer, who had come to her senses, "Why, Lian'er, you don't even remember the eldest brother?"

Wu Lianer had almost understood at this time, and she was a little embarrassed. Hearing Zhan Feng's question, her pretty face suddenly turned red and looked even more embarrassed. With a trace of joy and curiosity in his eyes, he asked, "Are you really Brother Zhan?"

Zhan Feng coughed dryly and replied very seriously, "If it's fake!"

After receiving Zhan Feng's affirmative answer, Wu Lianer almost jumped up with excitement and didn't care about the many reservedness. She jumped to Zhan Feng's side, took Zhan Feng's arm, and said with great joy, "Brother Zhan, you finally came back. I haven't seen you for several years, and I don't know you."

Zhan Feng smiled and said, "It's the same with Lian'er. I haven't seen her for a few years. She has grown into a big girl, and she's getting more and more beautiful and more likeable."

As soon as Wu Lianer heard this, she looked at Zhan Feng and immediately asked angrily, "Wasn't Lianer beautiful and unlikable before?"

Zhan Feng was stunned and really wanted to hit him to death in the corner. He really had nothing to do. What did I say about this...

hurriedly laughed and said, "Lian'er used to be beautiful and pleasant, but now she is more beautiful and more pleasing."

Wu Lianer was willing to give up when she heard this and then said, "Brother Zhan, you don't know how much your wife misses you. Since you left, she has been worried about you every day, and Sister Zhan Yun..."

Zhan Feng couldn't help but be gloomy and speechless when he heard the words. He was away all year round and rarely went home, which really worried his mother and Zhan Yun. However, in order not to sweep Wu Lian'er's interest, she joked and asked, "Well, I know. I don't know if Lian'er misses her eldest brother?"

As soon as she heard this, Wu Lianer's pretty face turned red with shame and delicate, and she answered in a low voice, "Of course, Lian'er wants to show her eldest brother, and... she doesn't have to think about it." After saying that, his head hung down to his chest.

Zhan Feng smiled and did not go on. He can't wait to see his mother. If there are still people in this world that he can't rest assured of, his mother Qin Qianxue is definitely the first.

"Let's go home." Zhan Feng took a deep breath and said.

After saying that, he walked home with Wu Lianer. The kitten snored in his arms and fell asleep. Leaving Qin Quan's sons and brothers standing there, you stared at me, and I stared at you at a loss.

They never thought that things would evolve to this point. They thought there was a person who could behave in front of their favorite woman.

But who would have thought that this person would be the real owner of this place!

It's really a stone to hit your own foot!

Looking at each other, Qin Quan and others were like defeated roosters. They were dejected and worried. They dragged their heavy steps to the house, thinking that they had offended Zhan Feng and didn't know how Zhan Feng would fix them?


In a short time, Zhan Feng and Wu Lianer walked to the door of a huge courtyard. There were two huge stone lions in front of the door, which were powerful. There were two red gates with two large red lanterns hanging on the door beam. Above the door beam, there was a plaque, and two golden characters of 'Wufu' were printed on it, which was quite imposing.

"Old man, don't be on guard, I'm back!"

As soon as Zhan Feng came to the door of this courtyard, he felt the breath of Duan Tianya, Chenxiao, Leng Ping and Lei Yun and others.

However, they are very nervous at this moment, as if they are facing a big enemy.

Zhan Feng knew in his heart that he was afraid of Duan Tianya and others. He was not sure whether he had come back. Just in case, he was so well prepared.

As soon as Zhan Feng said this, he swung... More than 20 figures gathered in front of the door from all directions. In the blink of an eye, everyone had gathered in front of the door.

"Kid, you're back." Seeing the people who came back, it was really Zhan Feng, and the end of the world was a little excited.


The rest of the people, including Chenxiao, shouted respectfully.

Zhan Feng nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you can break up first. I'll go to see my mother and then discuss specific matters."

Everyone was very clear about Zhan Feng's mood at this moment and nodded and dispersed.

Wu Lianer also let go of Zhan Feng's arm and reunited their family.

Entering the yard, Zhan Feng's consciousness moved slightly and knew that his mother was walking back and forth in the study at this moment. She was a little anxious and Zhan Yun was accompanying her mother.

Zhan Feng felt sad, but he quickly packed up his mood and walked up to open the door.

"Mother, I'm back."