Breaking the Devil

Chapter 181: Nether mias

As soon as they entered the black cloud forest, the group fell from the air together! Fortunately, everyone was a warrior, and their cultivation was not weak. In addition, the height of everyone was not very high. They all fell to the ground safely. No one was injured, but everyone's face was full of shock.

"What...what's going on? Why can't you fly in here? After the yin and poisonous life fell to the ground, I was shocked! The skeleton crutch in his hand quickly waved, and suddenly a thick green cloud firmly protected him and his two disciples.

The other four were also frightened and urged magic weapons to protect themselves and their disciples.

Then gathered in one place, with a solemn look and careful.

However, the ten disciples of all factions in the empty period were all blank and completely... unaware of what had happened.

"No wonder ten years ago, after entering the black cloud forest, the predecessors walked all the way out. It turned out that the black cloud forest could not fly at all!" Xuan Wentian's face was full of horror. The green dragon ruler was tightly held in his hand, and a green dragon shadow surrounded the three of them and protected the three of them.

Then I tried and found that it couldn't fly at all, as if it had been crushed by a huge stone.

The same is true of the old prince, and he is shocked!

The only ones who were more calm were the old man Xinjian and Mr. Xuanji, but at the moment they just fell to the ground, they were also scared and thought it was some kind of monster sneak attack.

Ten years ago, the five of them were all cultivated in the empty period. When they passed through the black cloud forest, they were protected by the predecessors in the sect. Just like the current ten people such as Princess Binger and Chen Tiance, they didn't understand what happened at all? Although they were also very curious at that time that the predecessors chose to walk instead of flying directly, their predecessors did not tell them the reason at that time.

However, now they all understand that there is no way to fly in the black cloud forest!

"Forbidden air array!"

Zhan Feng was slightly stunned, but he soon regained his composure and did not show much surprise. Although the forbidden air array is rare, it is not that he has not seen it. The two Yichen small arrays of the Shushan faction include the forbidden air array.

In the forbidden air array, it is just that you can't fly, and there are no other restrictions.

"Little friend, do you know what's going on?" The old man of Xinjian glanced at Zhan Feng, but found that Zhan Feng was very calm, as if he had expected such a situation, which made him feel a little strange.

Hearing the old man's question, others couldn't help looking at Zhan Feng doubtfully.

Zhan Feng just wanted to say that he didn't know, but when he thought about it, he nodded and said, "It's because the 'forbidden air array' has been laid in the black cloud forest, but you don't have to worry. It's just that you can't fly. There are no other restrictions. What's more, flying in the forest may not be any good thing."

The old man Xinjian was slightly stunned when he heard the words. He just asked so casually, but he didn't expect that Zhan Feng really knew the reason, and he couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Strange! Even the strong man in the door can't explain the strange situation of Hei Yunlin. How did he Zhan Feng know?

It's not just that the old man was puzzled, but the other four also looked at Zhan Feng with a surprised face, and they were also puzzled.

Seeing this, Zhan Feng smiled and explained, "I have seen this situation in an ancient book."

Hearing this explanation, although everyone didn't believe it very much, they finally felt a little better. Even the strange situation that they couldn't explain clearly was told by the younger generation, which really made them feel a little difficult to accept.

Although they all want to know where Zhan Feng got that ancient book?

However, they know very well that Zhan Feng didn't tell them exactly where the ancient books came from. Obviously, I just don't want to tell them.

Even if they ask, it's just boring.

"Okay, we don't have much time. Let's go!" After everyone meditated for a moment, Mr. Xuanji said lightly and then took two disciples, one horse first, to go to the depths of the black cloud forest.

The other four people saw the situation and quickly followed.

Zhan Feng smiled, comforted the restless kitten, and quickly followed.

When entering the black cloud forest, the black fog in the forest was still very light, and everyone could see the road ahead clearly with the help of light. However, as it gradually deepens, the black fog gradually thickens, especially the towering giant trees, the dark leaves cover the sky and the moon, and there is a black fog everywhere, and no light can shine in.

Looking around, it was so dark that even the trees nearby could not be seen clearly, but to avoid the trees by sensing.

In desperation, everyone had to slow down the pace of progress and move forward little by little with the help of the light from the magic weapon. But in this process, we must be very cautious to prevent being attacked by some mysterious things! Be careful, be careful again! Don't be careless at all!

However, the black fog is really too strong, and it keeps rolling, changing all kinds of strange faces, rushing up, gloomy and horrible!

The most terrible thing is that the deeper you go into the black cloud forest, the power of the black fog gradually appears. The light emitted from the magic weapon was swallowed and melted by the black fog in an instant, making a nourishing sound.

I don't know how long it took, everyone stopped and gasped. The sweat on their foreheads was like rain from a broken line, down their cheeks.

"Little friend, it's up to you to protect us. We must recover our cultivation to move forward!" Mr. Xuanji hit the last trace of yuan in his body, pale and gasped.

And the situation of the old emperor, the old man and the old man of Xinjian is similar to that of Mr. Xuan. The light in his body can only be barely maintained, and the light curtain to protect their lives and safety will not dissipate.

Zhan Feng nodded and said, "Don't worry, you just recover at ease and leave everything else to me."

At this time, it is not the time to hide your clumsiness. Only by working hand in hand can we overcome difficulties together!

After saying that, Zhan Feng's mind moved, put away the autumn water flying sword, and then sacrificed the Qingmu Wangding, pinched the formula, made it bigger, and hit a set of magic formulas again. Suddenly, the Qingmu Wang Ding hung a light curtain shining with lightning, covering all the group.

The black fog touched the light curtain and was rolled up by lightning and melted away, but the lightning curtain remained motionless!

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Zhan Feng, and immediately sat down cross-legged to adjust the energy, and seized the time to recover the consumed yuan.

Seeing that everyone was hurrying to recover Gangyuan, Zhan Feng did not dare to relax. It was really strange in the black cloud forest!

Along the way, Zhan Feng suddenly found that his consciousness was suppressed. When he was outside, any clues within thousands of miles could not escape the pursuit of his consciousness! However, in this black cloud forest, his consciousness was suppressed very much. At the beginning, he could still feel the situation within 500 miles.

However, by now, the range that his consciousness can sense is less than 100 miles!

Zhan Feng also learned something about the situation of Heiyunlin before coming here, and there are too many unexpected dangers.

However, it has been seven or eight days for them to enter the black cloud forest, right? Except for the endless black fog, there is no danger, which is really abnormal.

It's not that Zhan Feng wants to encounter any danger, but he vaguely felt an atmosphere, a quiet atmosphere before the storm!

"Brother Zhan, do you think we will be in danger?" Chen Tiance suddenly broke the silence and asked.

Princess Binger looked at Chen Tiance in surprise, as if she had seen him for the first time, and then looked at Zhan Feng again, but saw Zhan Feng's smile without any displeasure.

I can't help wondering when the two of them reconciled?

"Fexesone!" Zhan Feng nodded and said affirmatively.

Zhan Feng smiled at Princess Binger's doubts and didn't explain anything. She could think whatever she wanted.

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