Breaking the Devil

Chapter 184: The Secret of Reincarnation

Everyone followed the eyes of the old man and saw thousands of black tornadoes, big and small, not far from the north, roaring and swallowing the whole black cloud forest like a huge black tsunami. Everything that comes into contact with the black tornado, no matter what it is, no matter how big or small, will be swallowed up and submerged by the storm.

For a moment, the whole cloud forest was like an infernal hell, with continuous disasters, as if the end of the world was coming, and the black prison storm... was rapidly advancing in the direction of their group.

" hiss!"

When everyone saw this tragic situation, they couldn't help taking a cold breath and were frightened!

They looked at each other, quickly escaped into the big pit, and looked at Zhan Feng with a pruning look. If Zhan Feng hadn't stopped him and resolutely refused to leave, I'm afraid... They had been buried in the black prison storm at this moment.

Zhan Feng frowned. The black prison storm came too suddenly. He thought that there would be at least a little precursor before the storm came. But the black prison storm appeared silently, which was really sinister and vicious!

And along the way, the black prison storm, destroying decay, flying sand and stone, no matter how thick the trees are all swallowed, submerged and torn by the storm, becoming part of the storm, contributing to the power of the storm.

Looking at the approaching and powerful storm, people feel unsafe even if they hide in the ground three feet deep, and feel cold all over, as if they are going to freeze.

"Quick, everyone hits Gangyuan and seals the pit with Gangyuan. We must not let the black prison storm get into this pit! If you don't want to die, don't stop!" Zhan Feng shouted.

Everyone was stunned first, and then reacted quickly. They hit the yuan one after another, condensed into an air wall, sealed the pit, and used their strength to eat milk one by one. They all understand that now is a matter of life and death, and they must not hold on.

If a storm enters the big pit they hide, then... These people are all live targets. Just wait to be dismembered by the storm. There is only one way to die!

Therefore, in order to survive, everyone must do their best and may be able to escape the disaster.

However, at the moment when Zhan Feng finished speaking, the kitten, who was already very restless, suddenly surged a dazzling light on his body, which made everyone's eyes hurt. Then, the kitten roared, and its body quickly became bigger. In an instant, it rushed out of Zhan Feng's arms and rushed to the biggest black prison storm.

"Kitty, come back to me!"

Zhan Feng was shocked and roared repeatedly.

Among the thousands of black prison storms, the largest black prison storm is thousands of feet high and hundreds of feet in diameter. Once involved, it will definitely be a dead end!

However, the kitten, who has always listened to his words, now turned a deaf ear to his orders and shot straight to the biggest black prison storm. On its seven or eight feet long body, there were two kinds of light in black and white.

Never let the kitten have an accident!

Zhan Feng's eyes turned red in an instant. Although he didn't spend much time with the kitten, it was the kitten who helped him protect his family's safety when he was not at home! If he can't save the kitten, not to mention that Qin Qianxue and Lingmao Taigu will not let him go, even if he himself... will not let himself go.

Then, he didn't care about anything else, so he rushed out of the big pit and chased the kitten.

"Little friend, come back quickly, you can't go!"

"Brother Zhan..."

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help shouting worriedly.

Although everyone is worried about Zhan Feng's safety, they are more worried about their own safety. Without Zhan Feng, the most cultivated person among them, can the condensed air wall alone withstand the ravages of the black prison storm?

However, unfortunately, in Zhan Feng's heart, even if they are all together, they are not as good as the kitten. They turn a deaf ear to the shouts of the crowd and chase the kitten away.

However, in an instant, the kitten's huge body disappeared into the largest black prison storm and was swallowed up and submerged by the storm.


Zhan Feng roared, his face was ferocious, his eyes were red, and his hair stood upright.

"The secret of reincarnation - the reincarnation of mountains and rivers!"

The move at this time will definitely cause an incalculable disaster, but Zhan Feng can't control so much now. The silent flying sword appeared in his hand in an instant. A bright, thousands of feet long purple sword spirit, like the newborn morning sun, the sword spirit was awe-inst. In the huge sword light, mountains, rivers, flowers and plants, trees... and other real shadows loomed, with endless sword intentions to cut into the black prison storm.

The extremely fierce sword spirit and the black prison storm collided fiercely, and the sword spirit immediately tore an opening from the middle of the largest black tornado.

Taking this opportunity, Zhan Feng's speed soared, turning into a streamer and penetrated through the torn opening of the sword. At the moment when Zhan Feng entered, the torn opening closed again.

The old man with a shocked face muttered, "How is it possible? How could he tear up the prison storm?

The other four people are also shocked. For them, the black prison storm is definitely not something that manpower can compete with! In the face of the black prison storm, if you can't avoid it, there is only one way to die! However, Zhan Feng broke this myth today!

"Oh, what a pity!"

Mr. Xuanji shook his head slightly with a look of regret.

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, although Zhan Feng could tear a mouth on the black prison storm, he could not escape death in the face of the overwhelming and endless black prison storm!

"Well, you still have the leisure to feel sorry for him. He went to die by himself and deserved it! Now, let's worry about ourselves. The black prison storm is coming soon. The gloomy and poisonous face snorted coldly and once again increased the output of the yuan.

Other people no longer speak when they hear the words. Without Zhan Feng, they will be under greater pressure!

The angyuan in the human body seems to be free and keeps outputting. On one side, the angyuan gas wall, which is completely composed of qiangyuan, seals the pit, and the air wall shines with a slight light.


At the same time, Zhan Feng entered the largest black prison storm and suddenly found that the center of the storm was extremely calm, and the black airflow that kept rotating around was like an iron barrel.

And the kitten has also returned to its previous petite and lovely appearance at this moment. It climbed on a tree up to 100 feet high and about three feet in diameter, alternating black and white, shining slightly.

The kitten in front of him was fine, and Zhan Feng was slightly relieved and observed the big tree in the center of the storm.

Strangely, the trees in the black cloud forest are all black, but the tree in front of Zhanfeng is green and lush. And each leaf is surrounded by a faint green fog, making the whole tree look full of vitality and beauty.

The strangest thing is that there are a lot of bright red, bowl-sized fruits growing on this tree!

Zhan Feng frowned slightly: "What kind of tree is this? How can it appear in the center of the black prison storm?