broken clouds

Chapter 15 Cold

Breaking Cloud Cave.

The broken cloud leaned against a stone, and his eyes were full of excitement. Take a night off and look for it tomorrow! Finally, I can get out of the valley!" Breaking the clouds, he fantasizes that he can get out of the valley tomorrow.

Chen Yin Cave.

Chen Yin's eyes flashed and muttered in a low voice, "I hope the broken clouds can come out of the valley smoothly. I don't know if I can wait for the information brought by the broken cloud for the remaining three months.

The next day.

Breaking the cloud came to the crack mentioned by Chen Yin. He didn't say goodbye to Chen Yin. He knew that it was superfluous to say goodbye with Chen Yin's character. After removing the grass and removing the rocks, a crack more than two feet wide spread obliquely upward.

The cracks are very dry, and there is a breeze.

The bottom of the heart is wide, and the wind shows that the cracks are open. Holding the blade in his hand, he lit a torch made of branches, and slowly walked into the crack by the firelight.

The erratic firelight, narrow and curved cracks.

I don't know how long it took to break the clouds, but the cracks became wider and wider and there was a little light.

Breaking the clouds and rushing away. At the end of the crack is a vast open space, except for the stone, which is a towering mountain. Not far away, several pheasants and wild mice saw a huge thing and fled in shock.

The broken clouds circled around the four walls and couldn't help but feel bitter. There are dozens of large and small cracks on the surrounding mountain walls, so how to tell which is the exit and which is a dead end.

It's useless to think so much about it now. It's better to nourish your spirit and go on the road again. With a decision in his heart, he waved his hand and rolled vigorously to a pheasant. How did the pheasant escape such a strong internal force and was rolled up several meters and fell to the ground motionless.

"Hey. No matter how much it is, let's get the worm in your stomach first. Po Yun looked at the drooling of the pheasant in his hand.

The broken cloud half lay against a tree, surrounded by chicken bones. The chicken is still delicious. I'm tired of eating fish and wild fruits all day. He stretched lazily and couldn't help frowning at the cracks in the mountain wall.

Which way should I take? It's difficult to break the clouds.

"Follow the wild rat!" The broken cloud's eyes lit up.

There is a burst of smoke in the open space. Poyun caught a huge wild mouse and was laughing badly, "I don't have a rope, so I have to make you more eye-catching." The wild rat's tail was lit with fire, and the wild rat squeaked and ran desperately to a crack.

Breaking clouds quickly followed and kept nagging, "It can't be burned by the fire and can't find a way out, let alone hate me for deliberately leading me to dangerous places by touching its tail." The clouds have been naughty and active since childhood, and it is only because of sudden changes that they become dull. After ten years in the valley, I finally had a chance to get out of the valley, and I couldn't help cheering.

Following the firelight, the clouds chased fiercely. In the dark, I only know that the cracks are so curved that they wind up like a snake. Suddenly, the fire flashed. Po Yun came to him and took a picture with a torch and was dumbfounded, "Is this dead mouse really taking me to the dead end?" The mountain wall in front of him blocked the way, and the wild rat had already disappeared.

I looked at the mountain wall carefully and suddenly found a hole with a fist at the bottom. This dead mouse must have passed from here. It's over. What should I do? Po Yun angrily stabbed and slashed with Miao's blade, and really cut out a small hole of a foot.

Use a torch to look inside, and you can't see anything in the dark. Poyun thought that he had gone so far. Let's go, no matter whether there is a road ahead of him. I climbed through the hole, and there was a dark room inside. There is nothing in the room, and the dust is thick. The broken cloud torch shook around, and there was a tightly closed door on the wall opposite the hole. When Poyun came to the door, he saw that the thick wooden door was moldy, and the copper buckle on it was so rusty that he could not see the original appearance. Reaching out and pushing, a gust of wind blew, and the wooden door opened, which was particularly horrible and gloomy in the silent darkness.

Breaking the clouds and being on guard, he slowly walked out of the door with a blade and a torch in one hand. Outside the door is a winding passageway. Some murals can be faintly seen on the walls on both sides of the passage. There is a lamp every few feet. Unfortunately, the lamp oil has already burned out.

The passage in the dark seemed particularly long. I don't know how far I walked and finally saw a little light in front of me. Breaking the clouds, he took a breath and walked to the bright light. It turned out to be an upward ladder, which was already dilapidated and scattered on the ground. There is a square mouth a few feet up. Originally, there was a board covering the square mouth, but now only the scattered side of the board is still watching the square mouth alone.

Breaking the clouds, he raised his breath and jumped out of the square mouth. But my eyes felt a tingling pain, and I couldn't help closing my eyes and slowly opening them. I found that I was in a courtyard, surrounded by a dilapidated courtyard wall and a path leading to the house in front of me. Surrounded by mountains, the courtyard is built on a slightly lower mountain peak. A big river fell from a high mountain next to it.

The sky is clear and cloudless, and the cold wind blows through the broken clouds, but I feel that the sky is high and refreshing!

Breaking clouds has never felt that the sun is so cute and the sky is so beautiful. After being trapped for ten years, he finally saw the sun again and couldn't help roaring excitedly. A strong and melodious roar accompanied the autumn wind and went straight to the distance.

The misfortune of childhood, ten years of loneliness and hardship seem to come out with the roar!

Breaking the clouds and quickly came out of the front room with an excited look. This is a small village with only a dozen households, and it is the largest house of all the houses. Looking around, all the houses are dilapidated and desolate. I don't know how long this small village has been vacant. A cold autumn wind blew, and layers of yellow sand scattered with the wind.

Breaking clouds casually walked into a room, which was full of tables, chairs and benches. There were still three bowls on the table, which showed how busy he was at that time.

"Did you encounter something terrible to leave in such a hurry?" Breaking the cloud opened the wardrobe and found that there were several clothes in it. He took out his body and put it on his body. "Although it's a little more soily and a little short, it's still much better than mine." Po Yun looked at the so-called 'pants' on his body and smiled bitterly.

In a while, a young man in plain blue clothes walked out of the house.

"Go back and pick up Mr. Chen first, and then go down the mountain together." Breaking the clouds and thinking secretly.

Running back along the original road, I didn't forget to mark the crack in the open space. He rushed all the way into the original valley, listened to the roar of the waterfall, and went straight to Chen Yin Cave.

"Chen Lao! I found the way out of the valley!" Excited broken clouds came to Chen Yin Cave. Looking inside, Chen Yin, who couldn't help but look at it, fell to the wall of the mountain with his eyes closed.

"Lao Chen! What's wrong with you!" Po Yun hurried over and hugged Chen Yin in his arms and kept calling.

Chen Yin opened his eyes slightly and looked at the broken cloud with a smile, "Break the cloud. God is satisfied with letting me see you.

"Chen Lao! What the hell is going on! What's wrong with you!" Break the clouds.

"I suffered a heavy labor disease in my early years, and I'm already old, and I'm afraid I'll die soon." Chen Yin is indifferent.

"How could this happen! We can get out of the valley! I'll take you to see the doctor, and I will definitely save you!" The voice of the broken clouds was hoarse and his eyes were red.

"Breaking clouds. I know you are a good boy, but people are going to die, and you don't have to be sad. It's just that I thought I still had three months to live, and I didn't want to come so fast. Chen Yin seemed to be saying something that had nothing to do with him.

Chen Yin touched the head of the broken cloud with his hand, and his voice trembled and smiled, "Break the cloud, I can... meet... You are already... God's greatest gift to me. I... have... satisfied... I'm full..." A burst of breath, "Break... Cloud! Don't... forget... remember your... promise... me..." His hand slipped from the broken cloud, and Chen Yin's head tilted with a satisfied smile and remained motionless.

The broken clouds were stunned in place, and suddenly felt cold in my heart!